**So uh a little bit of a disclaimer before you read this, it’s entirely fiction and I don’t approve of incest happening in rea life.**
The house was quiet. It was empty, in fact, except for the guests downstairs and my eighteen-year-old twin daughters, Kira and Leila. I walked into the attic where my sex toy lived, but before I could put my hands on my toy, she jumped up and held me in place. Man, did I underestimate her strength. She unbuttoned my shirt from behind me, and I just let her do it. She’d get her punishment later, after all.
“So all that hard work you told me I could never achieve, to strengthen myself like this, to seize the moment to dominate you in bed? What do you have to say about your statements that I could not do it?” She said in her deep, dominating voice. I was in so much shock that I let her continue running one hand through my long hair and stroking my chest with the other.
I didn’t know what to say. “Oh, pretty little thing. You know you’ll get your punishment later for this, but you can do what you like. I quite enjoy your hands on me.”
She smiled at me, knowing she had beat the game. “Oh, I’m not done with you yet. Let me make it clear to you that before you come tonight, you are going to watch Kira eat my pussy and Leila suck on my titties. If you’re good for me, I might let you join.”
She continued to warm my chest using both hands, laughing like the naughty thing she was. Taking off her dress, she suddenly tied it around my neck and started leading me downstairs.
“What are we doing, cunt?” I asked with a mix of anger and anxiety.
She pulled me down the stairs, and I had no choice but to follow her lead. “First of all, pet, from now on you will only call me Mistress. Understood?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Second of all, if I hear one more word come out of your mouth that isn’t ‘yes Mistress’ when I don’t explicitly ask you to talk, you’re going to be left wanting, and you will not come inside me. So I suggest you follow orders before it’s too late.”
“Yes, Mistress,” My voice was full of concern.
She led me downstairs, stopping every once in a while to make sure I wasn’t trying to free myself, but once we got to the basement, she tied me to the pole near the stairs, right in front of Leila and Kira.
“Girls!” She called, and they turned to face her with worried looks towards me. “Your daddy has been tied up, and he will only be released if he is a good boy and doesn’t jack off to his own daughters fucking his Mistress. If you don’t behave, I’ll punish you too.”
My daughters seemed to know their places right away, and I couldn’t help but be turned on.
“Anything for you, Miss,” Kira purred.
Mistress replied, “You are going to be eating my pussy in just a minute, sweet one. And what about Leila? She *will* be sucking my titties, but it would be much easier for us both if she cooperated.”
Leila was defensive and her voice was very masculine. I desperately wanted to fuck her, my own daughter. “I won’t be fucking you without a fight, Missy.”
“Your choice, but a bad one,” Mistress turned around with a look of both anger and arousal on her face. Although I sat watching from the opposite side of the room, I could tell that this night was going to be fun for us all.
She moved towards Leila and picked her up with ease, placing her down on the couch with a hand over her clothed ass. Mistress slipped Leila out of her panties and spanked her once, causing Leila to cry out in pain before being spanked again.
Mistress laid down on the couch with both girls facing her from the side. “I hope that little unplanned demonstration convinced you to do your jobs.”
Kira started first, laying on the couch at Mistress’ feet where her head was in between Mistress’ thick thighs. I couldn’t see exactly what Kira did then, just that Mistress was enjoying it. Leila came second, probably from the fear of being spanked again. The only reason why I hadn’t made myself come by then was because of Mistress’ threats. I desperately wanted to join, to be in the middle, to have my ex-toy use me as I used her.
I had always known that there was, deep down inside, a switch in me.
Mistress suddenly cried out and told the girls to stop. She stood up and talked to me while walking over to and untying me. “Now, you get a turn with each one of us. Any order you like, but you will stick your cock into one hole for each of us, any way I like. Who do you choose first?
I knew exactly who I wanted that night, and it was the little brat who was born from my come. “Leila,” I said.
Leila walked up to me, her hands ready for a fight, but her face ready for kissing. So I did it. I kissed my own daughter, not just out of family love, but because I was sexually attracted to her.
As soon as she put her legs around my waist and held onto my back, my cock naturally slid into her presumably wet hole. Leila was kissing my face like crazy, trying to take in as much of my taste as possible. She moaned loudly into my ears, and I didn’t want this to stop. I was about to come, but as soon as she felt I was close, she hopped off me and into Mistress’ arms.
Mistress praised Leila, but also directed her words at me. “Such a good girl, knowing to stop as to not make your daddy come. Your daddy’s been naughty today. Next up, let’s let Kira have a turn. She’s been waiting patiently for her own pussy to be filled.”
Kira, the soft, sweet girl I had raised, was about to dominate me.
She decided to take a softer approach, leading me to the couch before getting on top of me. She stood up, her pussy right there for me to see, and she lowered herself onto my erect cock. She sat there for a few seconds as she got used to it, then she started rocking back and forth on my poor little cock like nothing else mattered. It hurt, yes, but also wanted to come really badly and would take any chance I got. However, again, just as I was about to spill my seed into something created from it, she got off me.
“Such a good girl,” Mistress praised Kira this time. “And your daddy’s been such a good boy. I think he deserves me, alone, in private, with him on top. I hope to see you again, girls.”
And she let me lead her upstairs, back to the attic. We didn’t even bother putting our clothes on, and I was instantly on top of her in bed. She kissed me back as I rocked her body back and forth, letting her become horny enough before I fuck her. And she let me, not caring about what had happened just earlier tonight.
My still erect cock slid into my beautiful toy’s cunt, and I moved it around inside her, letting her feel exactly what I was doing to her. She didn’t even say anything, which was unusual for my little bitch, but I couldn’t complain. She was moaning like crazy in my ear.
Despite what she had done to me, I let her cum on my cock, and I came at the same time. I held her as I pulled out. I had to stay with her in her room tonight.
Just one night.
But it would turn into so much more.
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mslgq7/switchedgingvoyeurismincestmfffdubconpraise