Part 4: True Story Of a Loney Dad and Soccer Mom (FINAL ENCOUNTER)

Part 3 is here: [](

So for those of you who have read my other posts – THANK YOU – and since some of you reached out and wanted more, I’ll go ahead and share this one.

Keep in mind these happened years ago, are as true as I can recall, and yes, I’m using this forum as a way to help me cope with all the sexual energy I have pent up from a long term dead bedroom. It helps me a great deal knowing that others are enjoying what I share – so the thanks goes to you.

And for those of you who have kept up, you know that Kim and I have pretty well established that we’re both in desperate need to cut loose and have some fun. She leans towards the submissive side, getting turned on by being told what to do. I lean towards the dominate side, but affectionately so – I like telling her what to do, but make sure she gets as much pleasure as she wants, whenever she wants it.

So here we are – to the best of my memory.

Kim had told me that her husband was taking the kids to his parents over night, about 5 hours away, and she was going to stay home. Of course I knew that I had to plan something special. I took the day off of work, made some preparations and about 45 minutes after he left, she texted me that he had gone. Time to put my plan into action.

I sent a message back to her. “Do not change, do not shower, do not do anything. Go to 123 main street and park your car. You have 15 minutes.”

“Ok she said, leaving now”

I was parked down the street and saw her pull in and sent her another message “Go into the store across the street, there is a woman with a blue dress behind the counter. Tell her your name is Kathy and she will give you a package. Do not open it.”

I watched as Kim went into the store, then walk back out a few moments later.

She texted back “what is this? i want to see you.”

I replied back to her “you will, but now you need to go to the hotel across from the mall. Park in back. Room 17. The door is being held open by the lock. Go now. There is a note on the table in the room for you.”

She did exactly as she was told.

I drove to the parking lot and watched her enter the room. This was crazy fun for me.

The note I left her instructed her to disrobe, and open the bag. In it was the same kind of shampoo and conditioner she had in her bathroom at home (which I noticed when we were ‘fixing the leaking toilet’ on that first day). I put some shave butter and a new razor as well.

When she texted me that she was in the room, I told her she had 20 minutes, and was not to get dressed again. At the 20 minute mark, I sent one more message.

“In the dresser next to the bed is a blindfold. Put it on…I will be there shortly.”

I entered the room a few moments later, and there she was. Naked. Blindfolded. Freshly showered and shaved. Her hair wet from the hot shower. Totally ready, totally vulnerable, totally compliant. The room was fairly dark, but not totally, and smelled like fresh fruit from her shampoo. She faced the wall away from me. Silently. Waiting.

I approached her from behind and guided her to the wall, without a word. I turned her to face me, then put one hand on her throat, pushing her back against the wall, firmly. I stood at arms length, staring for a moment at the forbidden fruit before me. I put my right foot on the inside of her left and pushed it to the side a bit, spreading her legs apart, slightly. I reached down and very gently ran my index finger from her belly button to her hip bone. The goosebumps rose across her entire body. From her hip bone up her ribs to the side of her chest, but never touching her nipples where were swollen hard with her blood.

I held onto her throat so she couldn’t lean in or move at all… tracing that finger down the center of her chest, over her breastbone to her belly button, lower to the inside of her groin being careful not to touch her pussy yet. I could feel the warmth radiating and couldn’t wait to get inside her again. I teased her like this because I wanted her to feel how I felt – like I could throw her around that room and rip into her like an animal. Her lips parted as if she was going to say something, but she didn’t. She didn’t want to ruin the incredible tension that had built up.

When I finally touched her clit, it was as softly as I could possibly do it. I slid my finger down vertically along her slit, just barely parting her lips and getting my finger tip damp.

Then I let go of her throat and stepped back a bit. I walked a few steps to the side and sat in the recliner next to the window. I told her to come to me, and she blindly took a few steps forward. “Put your pussy in my mouth” I instructed.

She felt around on the chair to get a feel for it, then climbed up, one knee on each arm. I slid down as far as I could, reached around to the small of her back and pulled her forward to my face. I flicked at her clit with my tongue for a little while, supporting her and helping her balance on the arms of the chair. I stopped when she was nice and wet, panting and red faced. I told her to get down. She did.

I pulled off the tie I was wearing and stood behind her. I tied her hands together behind her back. I loved her back. I don’t know what it was, but I couldn’t look at it and not kiss it and lick it a little. I knelt behind her with hands tied and traced my tongue down the small of her back, then stood back up and turned her around. Without me saying a word, she turned towards me, knelt down, and said a single word…”please”

Holy. Fucking.Shit.

I unzipped my pants and took my cock out, then guided it into her mouth. She sucked on me with her hands bound, using only her mouth and tongue. It was GLORIOUS. But I can’t come first. That’s not how I operate.

So I stopped her, stood her up and led her over to the desk in the room, and bent her over. I dropped to my knees again, lifted one of her legs up onto the desk and started eating her pussy from behind… then her ass. She went through the roof…I could finger her so deep like this… while I was licking her asshole and really pounding her pussy with my fingers… she was making more noise now than she had in the van. I loved it. I pushed my tongue into her ass and she was so wet her juices were starting to drip down the inside of her leg. She moaned and called my name several times. I pulled away for a moment and spoke to her firmly “you remember when you said I could do anything I want?”

In a very shaky, breathy voice she said “yessss daddy”

“Well I’m about to” I said back.

I stood up grabbed her by the hips, and guided the tip of my cock into her ass. She let out an elongated “oooohhhh godddd soooo goood”

I went deeper and she moaned even more, then started to push herself backwards against it to drive me deeper. I fucked her like this for a minute but when she said “fuck my ass, fuck it harder” I almost immediately came inside of her – and feeling me pulsating and pumping into her made her cum the hardest she had yet. Then we both collapsed on the floor. I got a warm washcloth from the bathroom and cleaned her up…still blindfolded, still with her hands bound behind her back.

“Fuck” she said “why didn’t we do this like a year ago?”

I helped her to her feet, guided her to the bed, and laid her down on her stomach, fluffing a pillow and putting it under her head. “I don’t know” I said “but we have some ground to make up.”

I straddled her thighs, leaned forward, and slid my dick inside her pussy from behind, fucking her again until, well, you know the rest.

I don’t know what happened, I don’t know why – but that was our last encounter. We flirted and sent sexy messages for a while, but never quite recaptured the ravenousness we had during those few times we let loose. Maybe she felt guilty? Maybe she got what she wanted from me and that was that? No idea, but these are a few of the best times of my adult life. All these years later, she still lives nearby, we’re both still married to the same spouses, but we never run into each other.
I wonder if she remembers this as fondly as I do?

Luckily for me, I have the memories of the truly submissive woman who worked for me that I can recall when I get sad about Kim. <wink>



  1. As a soccer mom of twins, I need to find this connection with a dad too! ?

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