My [M] first mother in law [F]

This is from WAY back and was a period when I was only beginning to realize that women like sex just as much as men do, they just prefer no one else knows about it.

I was dating this gal named Sharon, a tiny little thing, 93 pounds and barely 4′ 8″ tall.

A bit of petting was OK, bare breasts was her limit, and she would rub my dick as long as her panties stayed on.

The one problem was, she lived a bit over 100 miles away from the ranch I lived on with my folks.

One night about midnight, I dropped her off, her Mother told me I could stay in their spare bedroom, since she didn’t want me driving all the way home in the dark, so I accepted. That became a regular thing, every Friday night I slept there, then went home the next day.

Her Dad was a small on the nerdy side guy, very quiet, her Mom was a bit on the big side, not bad and good looking in a way, with a dominant personality.

One night I woke up when she came into the room, she asked me if I was comfortable, then next thing I knew she reached under the covers and began to fondle me, just like that. “Relax, I just want to make you feel better, it will help you sleep.” Not really knowing what to do, I just let her.

She told me as she was leaving the there was no need to tell Sharon, she just wanted to help, and she did it for her husband Charley all the time. I lay there for a long time thinking about what just happened, but it sure felt good.

The next week, same thing, except this time her robe was not well fastened and one of her tits was hanging out, she made no move to cover it. Again, a glorious hand job and she left. It was obvious that she was way better at that than her daughter was, by then Sharon had jacked me off half a dozen times.

Hell, I was really beginning to look forward to staying the night. Then one night she asked me if Sharon and I were having intercourse, I told her the truth, we still had not even though we had been dating for months. So she told me we would soon, and she wanted to be sure I knew how to please a woman. I thought I sort of already knew, but now here was her Mom, completely naked and telling me where and how to touch, then she wanted me to lick her. She tasted a bit like soap mixed with a musty smell, but I did what she asked.

Then she slid on top of me and I was fucking only the 2nd time in my life, the first was a fumbling attempt with a neighbor girl a couple of years earlier. That one lasted maybe 3 seconds is all.

That became a weekly thing, it was not really teaching but a full blown affair. Then Sharon and I got married, our first time, honest to God, was in a hotel on our wedding night. Our marriage lasted 8 years, and every once in awhile her Mom and I got an opportunity. We never did get caught, the only reason we broke up is her Daughter was bossy like her Mother was and I didn’t like that, so we fought a lot.

So that is my confession, I fucked my wife’s Mother many times before I ever fucked my wife.

To be honest, I felt sort of guilty but did it anyway. I saw her Mother one last time before she passed away, in a grocery store. I nearly didn’t recognize here, she became a very thin gray haired little old lady. And Sharon? She gave me one son, who takes more like his Grandpa than me.

He lives in Arizona now, he has two daughters, I sometimes wonder what things were like for them growing up.
