The time I 22 [M] shot jizz like Old Faithful with my best friend’s ex girlfriend 23 [F]

All of this happened all the way back in 2008. Looking back, I wouldn’t have done what I am about to tell you about. At the time, I couldn’t help but go for it with this girl, and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t jerked off for years thinking about this encounter. I hope you won’t judge me too harshly. I was one horny fucking college student. Here goes (names are changed for privacy).

I heard about Becca the first day of rush in our freshman year. Everybody knew about her. She was talked about by every girl and every guy anywhere near the Greek system. The girls wanted to be her, and every guy wanted to be with her. I even overheard a gay couple I was friends with say, “we might both be totally gay, but we would at least try pussy out if she wanted to let us.”

I want to emphasize that I don’t say this lightly, but, if Becca had shown up randomly at the Playboy Mansion, she would have been let right in and put on the front page of the next month’s issue. She was that gorgeous. She was 5’5” with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. She had the most perfect olive skin that I have ever seen. It was the ideal shade. She also had this body. How shall I phrase this? I still am not convinced that her body wasn’t genetically engineered by some rogue scientist on a quest to create the most ideal female human body. Her boobs were 34 D’s, but they were as perky as any boobs I’ve ever seen. Her butt was round and voluptuous, but also still very much in shape. It walked the perfect line of being big but not sloppy at all. Even her legs and arms were such perfect examples of apex feminine beauty.

Shortly after the semester started, rumors started to abound about her: she had been double teamed by two Sigma Chi’s, she had an older guy she hooked up with and would clean his house in the nude for him, she had turned a preacher’s daughter bisexual. Many of these wild rumors sprang from the complete and total green jealousy of the other girls on campus. They thought that sluttiness would make their boyfriends not want here anymore, but it had the opposite effect. Every man on campus wanted her more than anybody else. I still have not been able to confirm all of them. When I became friends with her later, I didn’t want to get into a bunch of gossip I had heard about her. She did freely offer that the older guy was completely true. “He was a divorced lawyer with a fancy house and good dick. How could I not make him my sugar daddy?”

And that’s how she was. She could have had anybody. I’m firmly convinced of that. She developed this almost unbelievable persona for me. She was almost like a celebrity who existed in some other realm to me. I honestly wasn’t completely sure she was a real person.

Just how Becca became the girlfriend of my best friend, Cory, remains a mystery to me. I didn’t believe him at first. He said they got drunk together in the student section of a basketball game and ended up making out in the back of our favorite dive bar. He said she wanted him to take her on dates. I told him I knew he was full of shit. Cory had a decent track record with the ladies very similar to mine. We definitely got girls, but none of them were like Becca. They were really pretty girls, and we were thrilled that we had love lives, but this was different. He was courting a fucking goddess in the flesh.

Sure enough, he proved he was being truthful. He brought her out with our main group of friends one night to a Mexican restaurant. And they took off from there.

Cory and Becca became a full-blown couple over the next few months and stayed together for three years. It was shocking to see. She loved him. She flaunted being his girl everywhere they went. I told him he was luckier to have her than if he’d hit the fucking powerball. She moved into his house with him. She became friends with his friends. Which meant I became friends with her.

To my shock, she was actually a real person. And, despite literally every human she met trying to get in her pants, she was remarkably chill. She was funny and had an edgy sense of humor. She loved to fart in front of strangers in public to see how they reacted. She was hot enough that is somehow only made it hotter to know that her farts didn’t make her any less attractive to anyone. She enjoyed good music, and she loved to party. In time, I learned to respect my bro’s role in her life, and I was able to keep myself in check. I was still incredibly appreciative of her looks, but I wouldn’t have dared try anything with her.

Still, there were nights that I would get drunk and high at their house and pass out on the couch. Several times I would wake up to the sounds of him fucking her. She said things like, “Cum in me, I wanna feel that warm cum inside my pussy.” And “don’t stop giving me that dick.” And she had the sexiest moans. It would make me hard. I’ll admit, there was one night I jerked off stoned out of my mind to the sounds of their coitus. It wasn’t a proud moment, but she was just such a fucking fireball.

And then there was the time that he told me she was into pornos. He confided that she wanted a night of watching porn with him and imitating what they saw on screen. He spent over $100 that night ordering PPV pornos you used to be able to get on your cable box.

I was browsing titles with him when she got there. “Southernwriter1 can watch if he wants to.” My cock throbbed suddenly and my heart skipped a beat. Cory stepped right in, “He doesn’t want to see his best friend’s dick. That would be so weird. Gosh.” I would’ve loved to watch her do anything, but I went home on my own and left them to their fun.

In year three, things started to get rocky for them. I should probably mention that, while Cory was and is my best friend, he’s a totally spoiled only child from rich parents. His dad started a crazy successful firm as a young man, married Cory’s (trophy wife) mom, and settled down. They gave him everything he ever wanted without question. He is definitely an entitled person. Essentially, I felt he was starting to take what he had for granted. He started to avoid spending time with her. I even saw him hitting on some other chicks in a bar one night.

Becca got really upset with him one weekend, and they had this huge fight. He told me, “Crazy ass Becca is doing crazy ass Becca shit again. I’m about tired of this shit.” I was pretty shocked. I figured he’d realize what a colossal mistake it would be to let her go.

The weekend after that, they left to visit her family in Arkansas. I didn’t hear from them until Monday when Cory called me to tell me that they had then ultimate fight driving on the road. He broke up with her. He called his dad and made him come pick him up in Tennessee. He left her with his car to drive to her family. He said he knew she’d bring it back, but the relationship was over.

“She’s not even hot to me anymore. I look at her, and all I see is crazy. That bitch is so crazy, she looks like a dude to me. I can’t take her back. She’s way too crazy.”

I told him he was full of shit. I told him he would regret it. “Cory, you’ll never date anyone this hot again. This is once in a generation pussy you’re getting rid of here. I think you’re fucking up.”

“I’m not, dude. I want her out of my life for good. I can’t handle her shit anymore.”

He went on to tell me that she was totally fake in front of everyone but him. He told me she knew how to be all the things people like in public, but, behind closed doors, she was unstable and psychotic. “I promise, dude. Becca and me are through for good.”

I decided to test him.

“So, would you mind if I tried to get with her?” I asked.

“Fuck no, bro. You wanna try to stick your dick in that level of crazy, go for it. I don’t care one bit. That wouldn’t bother me at all.”

So, I started texting her and talking on the phone. She opened up for me. She wanted him back desperately. I felt bad for her. Then it all came out one drunken night on the phone.

“I just wanna go downtown and try to get murdered. I can’t hurt myself, but I can still go to heaven if I’m murdered. I just wanna get killed so I can watch Cory from heaven.”

“Okay,” I thought, “maybe she is crazy.” She told me other things, and I finally understood that she needed some help. And I was able to connect her to a campus outreach program that offered really cheap mental healthcare. Thankfully, she went and started to seem much better off without him, but she still wanted him back. I told her that I wanted a shot with her, and she rejected me by saying that she thought he’d never touch her again if she hooked up with any of his friends. She confessed she’d been seeing sugar daddy again, but Cory would never know about that.

Around this time, another one of my friends and I found a really good weed connect. We were always rolling in the really dank buds. We stayed pretty blitzed, and Becca loved to smoke. She said it calmed her down like nothing besides a good fuck could do.

Dear reader, if you have stayed with me thus far, I thank you. This is where things get SEXY.

She called me one day and asked if I wanted to come over and smoke her out. She knew I wouldn’t hesitate. I told her I’d be over in fifteen. She had moved in with her older sister at her apartment since the breakup with Cory, but her sister was always at her new boyfriend’s house, so she always had the place to herself.

I got there and she was wearing this fucking killer black tank top and these grey, super-tight booty hugging type shorts. She was obviously bra-less and her nipples were hard. I was immediately a little flustered.

“Do you want me to roll us a doobie (yes, we talked like that), or do you wanna use that bowl you’ve got?” I asked while trying to maintain my composure.

“As a matter of fact, I already got us a blunt.” She opened the drawer under their coffee table. “Roll us one up. I wanna get really baked today.”

I proceeded to go about the process of rolling the blunt while trying not to stare at the goddamn astounding cleavage beside me. We made small talk. Cory still wouldn’t answer her calls. Sugar daddy was much better at fucking her, but she didn’t feel the emotional connection she had with Cory, she stayed with Sugar Daddy the night before and he gave her the morning sex she’d been craving, etc. etc. etc.

I lit up the blunt and took two long, deep tokes in and passed it to her. She started really chiefing the thing. I couldn’t help but imagine her lifting my cock, hell any cock, to her mouth to suck it. We blazed through the whole thing pretty quickly with Family Guy playing in the background. The weed hit us pretty hard. I was stoned out of my gourd, and her eyes said she was, too.

“You know, Becca, you got something all wrong about Cory.”

“What’s that?”

“If you wanted to get him to possibly take you back, the best thing you could do would be to do something with one of us, his friends. He’s the type that would get super jealous, but would quickly want to get you back for himself. He couldn’t stand for somebody like me to be with you in any way.”

“Bull fucking shit. You really think so?”

“I know so.”

I was fudging a little bit here. I talked to Cory all the time. The magic was over for him. He didn’t care what she did. He wasn’t coming back. I still feel a little bad about this deception.

“I’m scared of what he would do if I fucked you,” she said.

“Well, who says we have to fuck? I’ll be totally honest with you. I’ve gotten my fair share of girls, but none of them can hold a candle to you. You’re on a different level of beauty than any girl I’ve ever met. Shit, it would be the dream of a lifetime just to masturbate with you!” I chuckled.

“Like you jerk yourself off and I play with myself? We don’t touch?”

“I would practically kill to do that.”

Her eyes scanned the room and she went to a meditative place of consideration.

“If we do this, will you tell Cory?” She asked.

“Do you want me to?”

“Fuck yes. I think this will be fun to do while we’re this high, and I want him to feel some hurt for dumping me.” She grinned devilishly. “I think I know just the thing we need.”

She got up and walked down the hallway to her room, my eyes were all over her ass. She had a wedgie but she didn’t touch it. Her ass and hips swayed so gently and erotically. My cock started to swell to life. She came back with a DVD case in her hands. It didn’t take long to realize it was a porno.

“Teens Like it Big” I read aloud. “Looks interesting.”

“Yeah,” she said, “I just got this one from the dirty movie store. I like this one scene a bunch. Wanna check it out?”

I couldn’t speak. I think my dry ass mouth was just hanging open as I nodded. I tried to verbalize a response.

“Uhh huhhhhhh,” was all I could muster.

I watched as she got back up off the couch and walked over to the DVD player (this is 2008, remember?). She bent over and her wedgie fell out and I stared unflinchingly at her cheeks as they spread underneath those shorts. I was almost fully hard already. She put the DVD in and came back to the couch.

The menu was super cheesy, but she went right to the scene selection and picked one.

“I don’t know what it is about this scene, but I think it’s so hot. Don’t judge me, okay?” She said.

“I promise I won’t.” I smiled at her.

The scene came on and it had a whole setup where this blonde chick was having a birthday party thrown by her friends. Out of a box jumped the big dicked stud they had gotten her as a present. In the scene, she proceeded to suck and fuck his huge cock in front of them as they cheered her on and played with themselves. We were both silent and baked as fuck for almost all of the beginning of the scene until around the time she started sucking his pole.

“Do you wanna get naked now?” She asked.

“I’d love to. Do you?”

“I’ve always preferred naked masturbation. I don’t know why.”

*holy fist fucking Jesus Christ. Is this really fucking happening to me right now?* My cannabis fueled brain was almost overloaded.

“You go first,” she said.

I stood up and took off my t-shirt and quickly undid my belt. I slid off my shorts and boxers in one motion, and my cock sprang out standing straight out and hard as a fucking brick made out of graphene. I sat back down quickly but my cock was unwavering.

“Oh, wow, that’s kinda impressive, Southernwriter1. You’re actually a little bigger than Cory. I didn’t know that about you.” She said warmly and smiled at me. I was leaking pre-cum like a broken fucking faucet.

“Your turn,” I said meekly, half believing she wouldn’t actually do it.

“You’re not gonna try to take any pictures of me or anything are you?”

“Hell no! This view is all for me,” I laughed.

She got up and took her shirt off. Her tits hardly moved at all. And there they were. These glorious fucking melons of delight staring back at me with perfectly sized bright pink nipples against her beautiful bronze skin. My cock jerked.

Next, she reached to her waist and off came the shorts. She stood back up to reveal a totally hairless mound. When she sat back down, she spread her legs revealing the bald pink bubble gum of perfect pussy she housed between her supple legs. I was shocked.

“Do you like the movie?”

“What movie?” I said, and she laughed heartily.

I couldn’t contain my amazement. She was about 50 times hotter in her actual nudity than I had ever pictured, and trust me, that’s saying a lot.

“Look, Becca, I know I’m asking a lot, but I’d love, like, a tour of your body. I want to see it all. I’ve never seen anyone as unearthly hot as you. I know that’s kinda weird, but I am super stoned and very horny. I’d really like to see your butthole.”

“Ohhhhh, is that what you tell all the girls?” She asked with a huge grin of teasing me.

“Look, I told you I’m really high, okay. I just thought I’d ask.”

“You know what, fuck it. We’ve been friends for years, and we’ve gone this far. I don’t care what you see.”

The mood shifted a little here as the weed and porn and nakedness took over the mood. She moved her hand to her pussy and rubbed her clit, then up her stomach to her left boob, where she pinched her nipple.

“My nipples get really sensitive when I get turned on.” She said sheepishly.

She spread her legs and let me get a glimpse of her pussy as it opened up along with her legs. It was truly immaculate. Just the right amount of lips, with a slight butterfly shape of her outer labia. She was visibly wet. She started to rub her clit again. I instinctively went for my dick and started to slowly stroke myself and fondle my balls to the insanely gorgeous scene in front of me.

“You wanna see more?” She asked noticeably checking out my stroke.

“If you wanna show me more,” I said innocently.

Just like that, she stood up and turned around. She put her knees on the cushion beside me then turned and bent over the arm of the sofa. She reached back and spread her cheeks and revealed the most perfect butthole. Again, there was no hair in sight and it was so small and the very lightest shade of brown. She winked it twice as I stared. It was truly a picture perfect anus. Her ass in general was a masterpiece. She tanned regularly so there were no tan lines in sight, and the round, voluptuous, yet firm shape was hauntingly amazing to see.

“I get it waxed and bleached regularly. Tom (Sugar Daddy) likes it this way and he pays for it.”

In my stoned state, I was overcome with wonder at everything Becca had to offer me. I glanced up at the porn on the screen, and the girl in the movie had nothing on Becca.

“This is actually pretty kinky and not showing off for you like this,” she softly uttered.

I just kept slowly stroking my meat in disbelief and awe at her. She got up from the couch. “Be right back,” she said.

She returned with a rather large dildo from her room. She told me it was called “big Bertha” and could make her cum harder than any toy she’d had so far.

“Cory used to get pretty jealous of this thing,” she joked. I was thrilled that I would get to see her fuck her perfect pussy with it. She sat back down and turned and spread her legs facing me and started rubbing Bertha on her slit.

“Southernwriter1, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, go right ahead.”

“Are you uncircumcised?”

She had noticed that I was rocking a cock that still had its foreskin.

“Yeah, I am. My folks didn’t believe in cutting baby dicks.” I joked.

“Do… uh… I’ve only seen those in the movies… Do you mind showing me how it works?”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah, why not? I’m curious, and maybe I’ll encounter one again some day.” She smiled at me.

Emboldened by her enthusiasm, I stood up proudly with my cock at full erect mast. I grabbed my cock and pulled my skin up covering the head.

“So, this is how it normally is. The skin protects my head. But when I get hard…” I pulled my skin back and revealed my swollen head, “It slides back like a cut one. And when I do this…” I started sliding my skin up and down my head. “It feels fucking amazing.”

She sat silently and stared. The whole time she had been running Bertha all over the opening of her bubble gum pussy. Suddenly, she pushed it in and I got to see her open up and take that dildo effortlessly. Her pussy looked even more incredible with a dildo sliding in it. A drop of pre-cum poured out of the tip of my meat.

We were both silent for a minute as we played with ourselves.

“That’s actually pretty cool. It’s like you’ve got a cock ring built into, well, your cock.” She laughed. “I know I said no touching, but can I feel it?” She asked.

There was no way in hell I was saying no.

“Oh, of course, Becc. If you’re curious, go for it. I don’t mind at all.”

“Okay,” she said, “but I still don’t want you to touch me. I don’t want this getting out of control.”

I angled my hips toward her and she reached out and wrapped her perfect hands around my stiff rod. She mimicked my movements. She pulled my skin up over my head, and said, “Neat.” Next, she slid it down and caressed all over my head and the underside.

“That’s a pretty nice cock, Southernwriter1. Your next girlfriend will be lucky.” She smiled.

I sat back down and we got really into the masturbation. She worked up a steady rhythm with Bertha. She would slide it in and out of her twat with one hand and knead her clit with the other. She would watch the movie some, but I mostly looked at her and stroked my cock.

Before I knew it, she said, “He’s about to cum on her face. It always gets me off. Are you ready?”

I was more than fucking ready.

When it cut to the money shot, we both hit a rhythm that was different and guaranteed to get us off. The first wave of orgasm hit her first, then mine hit me. It was pure euphoria. I was so turned on. I looked from her pussy to my cock and POW. A giant fountain came flying out of my cock with the first orgasm contraction followed by a second, third, fourth, fifth and onward. I had never shot cum like that up to that point. My jizz went everywhere, including on her tits and stomach. Some of it even got on Big Bertha. Becca’s eyes rolled back from her orgasm as he whole body tensed with the release. She pulled it out and a tiny bit of squirt from her pussy came with it and splashed my leg.

“Hooooooly fuck,” Becca said, “that was good. My second orgasm of the day is always a little harder,” she mused.

“Jesus fuck, Becca, I can’t believe I just shot like that!” I was giggling mightily.

To my shock, she scooped a little of my cum up on her finger, lifted it to her mouth, and tasted me.

“I’ve always loved cum. I don’t know what it is, but I love the flavor. And you taste better than Cory.” She smiled brightly at me.

“Wow, that’s a huge compliment.” I replied.

After that, we got dressed, and she warmed up some pizza for us to munch on. I was actually surprised at how normal the conversation returned to being. It didn’t feel awkward at all.

“Make sure you tell Cory,” was all she added about what had just happened.

The only other sexual talk that day was my confession to listening to her getting fucked and jerking off that time before. She just laughed.

“You’re a kinky mother fucker, aren’t you?” She asked.

“Sometimes, I guess. You’re just, like, a total sex goddess. I couldn’t help it.”

Eventually, I went home and passed out.

The next day she messaged me asking if I had told Cory. I hadn’t, but I knew I couldn’t do that over the phone. I invited him out to lunch and told him as much as he needed to know.

“Are you pissed?” I asked. “I’m really sorry, dude. She’s just so hot. I couldn’t help but go for it.”

He replied, “Nah, man, I’m not even a little bit pissed. Fuck her. She’s way to fucking crazy for me to ever take her back. I don’t care if you fuck her. I’m done with her.”

He laughed and I could tell he actually meant it. Our friendship wasn’t affected at all.

“There’s nothing like that first time seeing what she looks like naked is there? Nothing can prepare you for what a smoke show she can be.”

As for me and Becca, I never got to do anything with her again. She finally realized that Cory wasn’t coming back. I talked with her several times and hung out a couple of times casually, but our day of masturbation together never got discussed again. I think she was mad that the plan didn’t result in Cory running back to win her over again.

In time, she moved on and started dating this super-douche Pike guy. She blocked me on all social media. I saw her at the bars one night, and she acted like she had never seen me before, which was fine. I think she was embarrassed by all the things she had told me about herself when she first broke up with Cory. We haven’t spoken in years , and I have no idea what her life looks like now that we’re in our 30’s.

But I’ll always have that fucking memory. And I’ll always cherish that experience. I got to get off with a real life goddess for the first time that day, and it changed my life forever in ways. A man (who likes women at least) is different after he interacts sexually with a female like Becca. It definitely gave me confidence with other girls, and I think it prepared me for meeting the great goddess in my life, my wife. I knew how to be cool and not lose my shit just because a woman is other-worldly hot. For all of that, I’ll always be nothing but grateful to ol’ Becca. What a damn woman.




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