[FMFFFMre and When to Shoot Your Sacred Jizz

[Welcome to the Meditation Centers of Roscoe Forthright](https://www.roscoeforthright.com/copy-of-welcome)

***Where and When to Shoot Your Jizz, a beginner’s guide***

***Because you have been stroking your cock for 20 years or more, you may mistakenly believe you already know the relevant facts about jacking your jizz.*** If you are a younger male human, you may be more humble and open-minded regarding the psychic and mystic working of your own, warm, friendly, pleasant, admirable, wholesome, alert, useful and often erect cock. Below are a few useful observations about the gushing and the withholding of semen.

Just cuz you are oh, oh, oh, oh soooo excited~ you do not need to lose all rational control over your orgasms. To splash that big wad of jizz all over everything. In fact, learning to hold your cock on the cusp of orgasm, keeping it fully hard, knowing ***one more little stroke willing send the cream flying***– holding yourself there is one of the best sexual joys you will ever experience. Such control is very useful, if the girl-friend or boyfriend is taking a bit longer than you are in getting all the jets fired-up, for that satisfying full head of steam. Also, you will learn things about your own mind, once you are able to hold yourself for several minutes, on the cusp, in full bliss, one stroke away from coming. ***“What exactly will I learn, Roscoe?”***

Well. Patience, for one thing. Why rush forward, boom, boom, boom like a stampeding knuckle-headed moron, when you can survey the situation calmly, like the lion in the grass on the hilltop? Waiting for exactly the right moment. Calmness is the immense and miraculous ability of our minds to set back from the situation, to enjoy, to observe. When you are fully aroused, ready to come, and you hold yourself there~ you will discover your mind becomes calm, even though your body is fully engaged. Long-distance runners and marathon swimmers experience this sort of thing. Inside this calmness, you will discover many things. You will notice there are several levels of joy.

a.) the immediate urgent physical joy of your cock

b.) the observant filmmaker, recording the events in your memory to enjoy later

c.) and, the tender lover, actually paying attention to what you are doing for and doing with the other person in the room If you love the other person in the room~ that makes the whole process much more valuable.

***Do not underestimate the value of shared orgasms***, even when you do not love the other person in the room. Both of you might discover you can hold an intelligent and pleasant conversation, even after you have shot your wad, or made those pussy lips puffy.

I say none to this to be preachy about what you should or should not do with your happy little, mid-size or large sexual organs. I am simply pointing out a few psychological and biological facts for you to consider. Practice this a few times~ Though I own a penis and not a vagina, I am certain female humans also experience the same process, when they are paying attention. Bring that warm pussy right up to the brink~~ and hold it their, hold it there as long as you can, and observe what happens in mind, how your mind becomes calm, and focused. The lioness in the tall grass. Just waiting. Fully alert.

Having practiced this kind of self-control for awhile, you may discover other surprising things: Like thinking about the hot girl at the drive-through coffee stand. A girl you have only seen three of four times, who you would like to get to know better, who is cheerful and friendly, and has a Moon Goddess tattoo on her flat belly (which you see when the weather is warm.) You may find yourself thinking about her, and jacking-off while you are thinking about her. And, this might make you courageous enough to ask her out. And turn your sweet fantasy into something worthwhile for both of you!

[Three Girls With Capt. Evil](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/069ddeb71e1ee0c08f/capt-evil-part-one-mp4)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ms54sm/fmfffmre_and_when_to_shoot_your_sacred_jizz