Step Sister Corruption Part 107 – Day 71 The Wicked Witch Pt 2: The Bitch Gets It (fiction, M/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I watched closely as Sabrina took her first drink of the drugged tea.

I was lightly thankful that Lilith’s Elixir was sweet to the taste but not overly powerful in it’s taste and closely resembled a honey taste so mixing the honey in with the tea masked it significantly. The Veritas I had no idea and prayed it was flavorless.

Sabrina hummed as she lightly sipped at the tea before she put down the cup still keeping her purse pressed against her. She lightly smacked her lips together before taking a longer drink of the tea nearly downing half of it. She looked at me and lightly smirked, “It’s good though the peppermint is a little strong but still good.”

I smiled, “Well I wanted something to help keep us relaxed and maybe be cordial towards each other.”

Sabrina nodded, a faint smile on her face, “I would like that.”

I looked at her, “How about this you treat me like an actual person without calling me derogatory slurs and I’ll treat you as a person.”

Sabrina lightly tipped her head to me, “As you wish.”

I nodded, “Good so you came to apologize?”

Sabrina tensed up a little bit making her sit more upright, if that was even possible. Did someone shove a broom handle up this girl’s rectum? She nodded and remained straight faced, “I may have been a little crass with my demeanor that day. And you were right I had no idea as to your character. But you’ll have to forgive me in my assumption that all that cater to that particular subject would be bowing to their hind brain. So for that, I’m sorry.“

I raised my eyebrow at her, “Hindbrain?”

Sabrina nodded, “Yes where most people’s libido resides.”

I lightly chuckled, “I’m not sure that’s exactly where everyone’s libido is actually residing. There’s probably a more accurate term.”

Sabrina lightly smiled as she took another sip of the tea not realizing she was slowly slouching and no longer sitting so upright.

It was working!!!!

Sabrina looked around, “So where’s your partner’s?”

I looked at her, “Kelly is at the gym. And Gabe is out and about.”

I lied about Gabe’s whereabouts as I was concerned that something bad was going to happen but the more she sipped at the tea the less I worried about anything BAD happening. Maybe something GOOD happening but not bad.

Sabrina spoke flatly, “And you’re fucking both of them?”

I spoke just as flatly, “I’m fucking Gabe but helping Kelly with her issues.”

Sabrina looked at me like she was secretly judging me but not showing it in her voice, “But still fucking her. Yes?”

I smiled, “Yes not at the same time mind you.”

I was kind of ready for this.

Sabrina blinked, “And they’re ok with this?”

I nodded, “Sure.”

She looked around, “Weird you would think brother’s and sister’s would share their lover. Much less any person sharing their lover with anyone.”

I sipped on my tea, “It’s not the Stone Age Sabrina. Siblings are coming out of the woodwork declaring their relationship’s and actually getting married.”

Sabrina sighed, “Still finding not one but two. Siblings at that.”

I looked at her, “You do realize they’re not blood related just marriage bound siblings. Right?”

Sabrina lightly chuckled, “I gathered that with their different last names and the lack of resemblance’s.”

I nodded.

She looked at me, “How’d you accomplish that?”

I smiled sounding chipper, “What can I say I’m a special girl.”

Sabrina sighed as she looked at me, “You’re lucky Summer.”

I raised my eyebrow at her, “Oh! How so?”

She realized something and straightened back up like what she just did wasn’t part of her. Still she spoke, “You are living with people who obviously love you.”

Was that her problem? That no one loves her?

I decided in order to get to Sabrina’s rough exterior if I opened up just a little bit maybe it will help.

I smirked, “Yeah it helps that they do.” I lightly chuckled, “Sure as fuck is better than living with my parents.”

Sabrina slightly smiled, “You moved too?”

I nodded my head, “Kind of had to. My mom was a psycho controlling bitch and my dad was too focused on his bottle over us.”

Sabrina nodded, “Gotcha.”

She looked around as she sipped the tea again and realized she had finished her cup. I quickly spoke, “Need a top off?”

She smiled, “That’s very kind. Thank you.”

I grabbed the cup and walked over to the put. This time I put in two drops of my concoction but kept the rest of the same.

I returned to find Sabrina was slouching so much that she finally looked like a normal person.

She straightened as she accepted her ‘refill’ before sipping at the tea she hummed as she took a bigger pull.

I spoke now that I saw she was getting relaxed enough she was fighting her normal demeanor, “So Sabrina can I ask you a question?”

She looked at me waiting for my question. I spoke, “Why are you so bitchy?”

Sabrina quickly defended herself, “I’m not bitchy!”

I looked at her, “Uh huh.”

She saw my look at her and she caught on that she was indeed bitchy as she sighed, “Fine but there’s nothing wrong with being opinionated.”

She looked at her, “Sabrina no offense there’s opinionated and being flat out rude and crass.”

Sabrina huffed, “It’s not my fault people can’t take my truth.”

I scoffed obviously irritated with her smug attitude, “Honey no one can handle your truth.”

Maybe I should feed her more Veritas but was afraid if I over do the mixture it would be bad.

Suddenly Sabrina admitted, “Is it just me or is it hot?”

FINALLY!!! Lilith’s Elixir was beginning to hit her.

The question is should I wait to test when Veritas will hit her?

I smirked, “Yeah we keep it a balmy 78 degrees in here.”

Sabrina raised her eyebrow, “Really? Even with a male here he agreed to that temperature.”

I shrugged, “He may keep his window open to freeze his room but the rest of the house is kept at that temperature.”

That made her actually laugh as she spoke, “Yeah my older brother always loved having his room like a freezer. Always pissed off our dad.”

She lightly thought about it, “Maybe that’s why he left for colder weather.”

I looked at her kind of surprised she actually spoke about her family. I spoke, “So you have a brother?”

Sabrina nodded.

I spoke, “Does he know how you are now?”

Sabrina actually slumped and sighed, “Not really.”

I blinked and thought I was getting somewhere. I had to test the waters or I was going to get nowhere before I had to be at work. But I had to be careful. Don’t want to force it too hard.

I smiled, “So you were different before now?”

She nodded and sighed before she spoke, “I’m sorry it’s really warm. Do you mind if I remove some clothes?”

I waved my hand, “Feel free.”

Before she moved she looked at me, “I don’t want you to see this, excuse my term, as a whore move but it’s so warm here.”

I tried to restrain myself but I still ground my teeth, “It’s fine.”

She nodded and finally put down her purse on the ground and proceeded to remove her bland top to reveal a beige cushioned bra.

What’s with this bitch and bland colors?

And to be boring on top of it. If I wasn’t wearing just a tank top I would be wearing one of my more comfortable frilly bras. You know something to tease Gabe when I come home as I take off my sweat drenched work clothes off.

After she removed her top and laid it across the back of the chair she was sitting in she picked up the cup and drank more of the tea.

She looked at me, “I’m sorry where were we……oh right my brother.” She looked at her nearly empty cup and held it out, “I’m sorry could I bother you for some more?”

I looked at her nearly empty cup and nodded.

I walked back into the open kitchen where the stuff was to find that the pot was empty.

Great, I need to make more.

I looked at Sabrina, “I’m sorry but I’ll have to make some more. Plus I need to excuse myself for a moment.”

Sabrina nodded.

I quickly threw in a couple bags of Peppermint tea leaves bags into the pot. Added cold water and put the pot onto the stove as I turned on the stove.

I bolted to Kelly’s room grabbing my mixture to quickly switch out the mixture for straight Lilith’s. Then with the switch done I quickly sprinted to the bathroom to relieve myself.

Once the call of nature was answered and my switch completed. I walked back into the kitchen with Sabrina waiting patiently.

I stood in the kitchen and waited for the pot to start whistling with the tea bags in there.

I know I know. Most people prefer getting the water hot before adding the tea. But I prefer it the other way around plus it’s just faster in my mind.

I looked at Sabrina, “If you want you can tell me what you were going to tell me before I left.”

Sabrina sighed, “Right. My brother. To answer you honestly no I don’t think he would like the person I’ve become.”

I looked at her, “Then why do it?”

She looked at me, “Because men are pigs.”

I looked at her in defiance, “And all females are whores….except for you that is.”

Sabrina blushed for the first time since I’ve met her, “No I don’t think all females are whores.” She looked up at me, “But don’t you think Dr. Braxter is turning all her students into lust crazed lunatics?”

I looked at Sabrina as she looked at me like I was going to confirm her suspicions. I shook my head as I spoke, “No I don’t think Dr. Braxter’s intended purpose with her course is to turn us all into raving lust crazed maniacs,” though Dr. Braxter was kind of turning Gabe, Kelly, and myself into heightened versions of ourselves where we might be more focused on our libido. I continued, “I think her purpose is as she stated is to help make us more comfortable with that particular part of ourselves.”

Sabrina looked at me weird.

I decided to use evidence to help me. I spoke, “I don’t know about you but before the class I never took any products to help with my feminine activities mainly relying on my IUD to protect me.”

I was lying. I had used some products but I wasn’t a frequent user of nearly half the products I was taking now. Mainly I used the occasional product here and there with select partners. Now with Gabe it seems like I was mainlining multiple products to help keep up with his ass. And it was fun finding new ways to challenge myself.

Sabrina mulled over my statement.

I quickly spoke, “Can you tell me you haven’t used any of the products that Dr. Braxter has introduced us to?”

Sabrina sighed and shook her head.

I pointed to her, “That’s my point exactly before this class. I might have tried a product here or there but I felt like I was shaming myself that I needed the product to help my activities behind closed doors. Now with the class I don’t feel so ashamed when I decide to take any product and feel confident when I go purchase any of Muschi’s products or any sexual wellness product or toy, though Muschi is the main supplier over everything these days. I think that’s what Dr. Braxter is trying to get across. It helps us with that hidden shame we have been instilled with to naturally hide our desires from the world. And also help protect us from the atrocities and health factors out there.”

Sabrina looked at me and thought about it before she finally sighed, “Well when you put it like that it’s hard to argue against it.”

FINALLY?!?!?!? I was getting through to this bitch.




  1. You are a very talented writer!! Even with no real erotic stuff it’s still awesome to read?

  2. Man I love being able to read these right when they come out but boy do I want more

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