Hot Tub Neighbors pt. 1 [two couples]

“For your 10th anniversary, you two want to go hiking and sit in the woods”?
Adam could hardly wrap his head around why we would chose this for our trip.
“I am your business partner so I know you have enough money to go to a resort or something romantic.” Adam said with a tinge of sarcasm.

“Well it’s not like we are sleeping in a tent” I retorted.
“We have this amazing house on top of a mountain, totally secluded from the world. We have a hot tub, a pool and a view” I said with anticipation in my voice.

Truth be told we had planned a big beach trip in Mexico but travel restrictions messed that up and our little glass house in the woods was our back up plan. We loved to be out hiking and paddle boarding so it was perfect.

We had both been preparing for the beach trip. We both were in the best shape we had been in years. My wife Melissa, but I call her Mel, was looking as beautiful as ever. Although her body had changed due to being a mom she was still stunning. To give you an image, think Rachael Ray. She is 5’3 brown hair, green eyes, thick legs and beautiful C cups with perfect nipples that are a beautiful shade of dark pink.

I am a typical 35 year old man. 6′ tall, brown hair, brown eyes. Let’s face it most of you are here for the Mel description anyway so I’ll just say I work out, I am maybe a little softer than I would like and I have a seven inch cock that much like my waist is right now is thick.

The trip got off to a rocky start. You know that secluded glass house on a mountain top… Well, it wasn’t actually secluded. The photographer was worth his weight in gold because his pics were amazing. In reality every 50 feet sat an identical house to ours. Deciding not to let this ruin our fun, we decided to make the best of it.

For the first few hours we had no neighbors within 5 cabins of ours. Then around 6 pm, we heard a commotion and saw another couple unloading their car right beside ours. Yep next door neighbors. Frustrated we decided to cook dinner and have a few drinks. After dinner the drinks kept coming. Around 9:30 we decided it was time to take a dip in the hot tub.

This is where all the back story was getting us… Thanks for sticking around.

Mel, who is buzzed if not drunk begins looking in the suitcase for her little bikini she bought for this trip (trust me, she couldn’t wear it to the neighborhood pool). She had already stripped down revealing to me her completely waxed body that she had done for a surprise on this trip. Of course being in a glass house, anyone who happened to glance our way would see it to as all curtains were open.

Finally she gave up, grabbed a towel, threw it over her shoulder and walked out the door. I followed behind with my erection giving my swimming trunks all they could handle in the light of my naked wife. I happened to glance over 50 ft to see our neighbors also in the hot tub watching the whole thing.

So something funny happens when you mix alcohol in the body and really hot water outside the body. The alcohol becomes even more potent. As we sat in the hot tub I could feel my head start swimming a little as I hadn’t drank as much as Mel. I could see Mel was going to that special level of drunk where she gets super horny. After a minute she stood up and crossed the hot tub. I tried to make her aware of the neighbors. She simply turned and waved at them. This caused the woman to wave back revealing she was topless as well.

Mel sat on my lap and began rubbing her round ass on my hard cock. I noticed motion at the neighbors and I looked over to see her perched on the side of the tub. From my angle seeing only her side, I could not see him but based on her writhing and arching of her back he was obviously face down between her legs. She was a bit heavier than Mel, thick all over but very beautiful. Her big D cups hang lower than they did in her younger days but still were sexy. I am guessing they were in their early 50s.

At seeing this Mel began pulling at my trunks. She told me to sit up on the side of the tub. In an instance she had her lips wrapped around my engorged cock. She bobbed up and down with her eyes locked in on the woman and she turned and watched us. Mel was an animal, I had never seen her like this before. She was sucking my balls while jets sprayed across her clit which caused her already horny state to only become more horny. In this horniness, she was about to surprise me unlike she ever had before.

“Wanna come watch me fuck my husband?” Mel inquired rather loudly.
I was in shock. I was even more shocked when I saw the woman spin her legs around out of the tub and onto the porch. She walked across the porch to a shared driveway and down a few steps onto our porch. As she stepped on the porch she waved and said “Hi” as if we were just meeting people in a normal situation
“I am Pam” she said “and my husband is John”.

” I am Mel and this is Jason. It’s nice to meet you… ”

“What the fuck is happening here?” I thought to myself as Pam climbed in over me sticking her pussy and ass right in my face. I mean Mel and I fantasized plenty but Mel always ended the night with the disclaimer she would never do anything like threesomes, orgies or even voyeurism. Now here she is inviting this couple (pretty hot NAKED couple) into our hot tub.

John was the last in, he was a cowboy type with a moustache and salt and pepper hair, Barrel chested and large arms. Not body builder, show muscles large but you could tell this guy was strong.He had a thick six inch cock and judging my his face and his throbbing cock, he was surprised as well.

When all the pleasantries subsided, Mel reached down between my legs and stroked my cock as she kissed me. She stood up and sat on the edge of the tub and spread her legs. I went to lick her clit when she pushed me away with her foot. At this same time John was getting a hand job and they (well really all three of us) stared at Mel.

Mel locked eyes with John and began to lightly rub herself with her right hand as she rubbed her hard nipple with the other. Pam began to laugh and said “You should feel how hard he just got”. Mel still full of surprises and with a pouty look on her face said, “I would like to feel how hard”. Pam and John looked at me and I simply made gesture with my hand as if to say, be my guest. John swam across the tub and Mel slid back down in the water. She grabbed John’s Cock and began to stroke it.

At this point I was ready to go…I turned to Pam and motioned for her to sit on the side. She sat and spread her legs and I began to rub her clit with my tongue. She wrapped her legs around my head crossed her ankles and rested them on my back. While in the clutches of Pam’s thighs I could here John moaning and swearing in between Pam’s soft, sweet moans. After Pam orgasmed in my mouth I turned expecting to see the back of my beautiful wife’s head bobbing up and down on the cowboy but instead I found her stradling him. Bouncing up and down on his cock with her big tits rubbing him in the chest, throat and face.

Pam and I both stopped and watched while we played with each other. Seeing Mel fuck was a think of beauty. Finally Pam bent over and placed her hands on the side of the tub. I slid in her tight pink swollen snatch. We then as two couples watched everyone fuck the other one’s someone. Pam wanted me to cum in her mouth which I obliged. I shot a rope down her throat as she tried to swallow as fast as the thick load was at this point oozing out my red swollen shooter. As my cum ran out of Pam’s mouth, John became overwhelmed and pulled Mel violently into him as he filled her sweet hole up..Once he finished I decided to create my own little surprise when I sat Mel on the edge and licked all of John’s honey out of her clean hairless honeypot. This created a curiosity amongst the four of us on what else we could experience on this unexpected journey. This trip may go a little different than I expected. More adventures to come.



  1. That escalated quickly…

    Hot story. Looking forward to the next part!

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