The disciplinary pt 1. Dom/ Mmf

Hey everyone! I’ve read a few stories on here and enjoyed them thoroughly. If thought I would have a go myself :)

We both stood there in the office, Luke and I.We were sure to be fired this time. Our productivity levels had slipped massively due to procrastinating too much and fooling around in the workshop. We side eyed eachother, awaiting for Beth to come in and decide our fates. My heart was racing, I can’t lose this job. It was the best paid job I’d had in years and now I’ve taken it for granted and fucked it all up. Luke looked in phased, of he lost this job he would be okay, he’s had years of experience compared to me. He’d walk straight into a job the second he left the building for the last time

The door to the office swung open and a short figure strided in with authority.

“Sit” Ordered Beth, with a short sharp tone.

We both took a seat on the chairs behind us. Beth walked over behind the desk and gazed out the window.

“I’m sick to the back teeth of the amount of complaints I’m getting from your co workers about your lack of productivity these last few weeks. We don’t pay you to fuck around, we pay you to get the orders done and out the door”

Beth turned around and placed her hands on the desk and bent forward and shot an intense look our way.

“I should fire the pair of you, you’re proving to be rather useless.”

“We can work some overtime…” I began to plea


I recoiled back and went back to being anxiously silent. Beth opened a draw in the desk and pulled out a ruler and walked over behind Luke placing her hands on his shoulders and she whispered something in his ear, a small grin appeared on his face and with that there was a loud crack, Beth had slapped the ruler down hard on his shoulder.

“Why are you smiling?” She asked.

The smile disappeared from his face.

“Now, we’re going to settle this my way. You two have been very bad and that means I’m going to have to punish both of you, and to do that. You are both going to have to do as I say, and If you don’t… we’ll I guess there will be more punishments handed out”

She walked around to me and kissed me tenderly on the cheek and then slapped me across the other side of my face, it left a faint sting.

Beth walked to the front of the desk and sat facing both of us, she crossed one leg over the other making sure that we were given a small peak between her legs as she did.

“Both of you stand up” she ordered.

We both stood up as instructed, I felt confused. What’s about to happen. My heart was racing I could feel a mild excitement in my stomach. I started to feel dizzy. This was already intense.

“Now both of you, pull down your trousers”

We both unbelted our trousers and dropped them down to our ankles.

“And your boxers” she added

We both sighed deeply and reluctantly dropped our underwear to meet our trousers. We were both stood there, bare arsed and exposed infront of our boss, my heart was thundering inside my chest.

“Well well Luke, looks like you have a slightly meatier cock than your coworker over here” She looked down at my crotch

“Both rather impressive though I must say”

“Now Luke because you won that round, it means that Jake here has to put that delicious looking thing in his mouth”

“No way!” Luke rebelled

“SHH” Beth silenced him.

She uncrossed her legs, stood up and reached up under her skirt and removed her underwear. She balled up the red thong in her hands and approached Luke.

“Open wide” she ordered Luke

He obeyed and before I he knew it, Beth had shoved her underwear into his mouth.

“There, that should take care of that”
