The Blowjob that Really Sucked [MF]

I was in the middle of a year of abstaining from sex — not masturbation, making out, or trading oral — just abstaining from sex. In truth, I think if the right person had shown up during that year I would have caved for sure. Fortunately, or unfortunately, for me all the people I dated that year either understood my solemn vow or just cut me off and walked away knowing that I wasn’t going to be as much fun as they wanted.

Interestingly, the first 3 – 6 months were the hardest because in that early stage of the game I was still meeting a lot of new people and they seemed very interested in me. As my lack of sex-life became evident to others my confidence — and their interest — began to wane. By the latter-half of that year I went on zero dates and had no obvious prospects.

Then, one day, about eight months into my year of abstaining, I met a girl online. She was cute, petite, had a fun personality, and wanted to meet me. We went out one weekend afternoon and drove around town to get to know each other. She was feisty and fun and I enjoyed her company. She was in the US Marine Corp, had just gotten home from boot camp, and was only around for a short while before shipping off to train in her MOS.

She was young, 18, and I didn’t know where we could go or what to do. She told me there were a few parties she was invited to go to later in the evening, but she wasn’t sure which one to choose. So, instead of doing anything, we did as any young kids with a car would do and we drove around.

I told her about my abstinence and explained that it had been a challenge. She asked me a hundred questions about it, why, what led to that decision, and if I was still allowed to cum.

“Of course I can still cum. It would be impossible to do if I didn’t masturbate all the time.”

“How often do you do it?”

I laughed, “I dunno, two or three times a day?”

“Me too, sometimes I masturbate even more.”

“Oh yeah?” Hearing a woman tell you she masturbates — even when you know deep down that everyone does it — is still a huge turn on.

“Oh, yeah. I get so horny all the time. Boot camp was horrible.”

We talked about her experiences, how she liked to masturbate, the types of sex we both liked and more. It was shocking to me how quickly talking about not having sex led to talking about sex. I guess all that most conversations need to get to sex is the tiniest introduction.

“I haven’t had sex in so long.” She complained.

“Me either.” I joked, starting to hope that maybe that would end.

“I haven’t even sucked anyone’s dick in so long.”

“I never have.” We both laughed.

“Would it be okay,” she asked shyly, “if I could suck you off?”

I nodded my head exuberantly and pulled the car over. I pulled out my cock — it had been hard as a rock for the last 10 minutes at the sheer thought of having sex again. She gasped and complimented how big it was. I was overjoyed — I had forgotten what it felt like to hear it. She tried to put it in her mouth, but I was far too big. That was more a disappointment than a turn on, but you can’t win ‘em all.

She started to suck my cock. Literally. She began to suck on the head of my cock like it was a straw. She was treating me like a boba straw and I was not a fan. I didn’t stop her at first, thinking it was going to go somewhere worthwhile, but it never did. She was enthusiastic as hell and kept trying to get her tiny little mouth around my penis, but it wasn’t ever going to happen. I could feel her teeth biting into me as she sucked and sucked. It was a nightmare. I was being punished for considering breaking my vow of abstinence.

I stopped her, I had do. That was the worst sexual encounter of my life and remains that way to this day. The next day, I remember being at working and needing to hit the head. I went to piss, looked down, and saw the biggest — purplest — ugliest — hickey on the head of my dick that anyone had ever had. That damn leech stain hurt like hell and lasted for a few weeks. Terrible. Terrible. Terrible.

Needless to say, I remained abstinent for the remainder of my year and, by proxy of not having any game anymore, had to wait an additional month and a week before I finally jumped back in to the sinful life. All-in-all, it was completely worth it. I learned that I didn’t need sex — I just enjoyed it. I learned that I was capable of surmounting seemingly impossible challenges. I learned that life is better with a healthy sex life — in every possible way (fitness, passion, goal setting, etc.) it is better. Lastly, I learned not to let anyone go down on you if they say “suck you off” because they clearly have no idea what they are doing.


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