New Record Set: 48 Hrs No Cumming! (Part 2) [M/F, Gentle Femdom, Orgasm Control]

*A lot of you asked me for updates on my previous post, so here I am with part 2, aka the Fun Bit! Enjoy!*

As I was saying, Saturday night faded away in a high, tipsy stupor, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I felt a wave of exhaustion overcome me.
I turned my head to observe Iris’ body once more before drifting away, appreciating every bump and curve, their perfect roundness telling me all there’s to know about the most primal of Earthly forces.

“Akrow? Akrow?? Hey, wake– wake up!!”
My girlfriend’s voice reached me through the realm of darkness, and pulled me to the light.
“Mmmhh, hm?… Ah… uh…” This was all I could say, in my half asleep Sunday mood.
As soon as I started getting my bearings, though, I could feel something was off.
My heart was thumping like a madman, and I was covered in tiny beads of sweat.
Then, it hit me.
A scalding wave of need, shooting through the entire lower section of my abdomen.
I looked down at myself, and a groan escaped my chest. I was laying face down, dick ballooning between my body and the sheets, throbbing and riddled with spasms, it’s desperation so burning it had taken over my unconscious self.
I snapped awake, and instantly rolled over.

My underwear felt like a cage for my enlarged groin, and I couldn’t keep from moaning under my breath, lost in that delicious constriction.
“Man, you alright?”
I exhaled a “Yes.”
“You sure?”
I opened my eyes, and saw Iris staring at my crotch with an inquisitive look.
I followed her gaze, and “Oh.”
I was drenched.
There was precum everywhere: on my boxers, on my shirt, and all the way down my thighs, where it had pooled in fat dollops.
“Shiiiiit,” I moaned, covering my face in embarrassment.
Immediately, Iris was beside me, caressing my hair.
“Baby, is everything ok? You seem bothered.”
“No… no, sweetheart, I’m fine, it’s just that…” I couldn’t quite find the words I was looking for, but I tried. “Shit, it’s like…” I felt a chuckle bubbling in my chest, “it’s like I’m 15 again!”
I sat up, careful not to overstimulate myself, and pointed down at my crotch.
“And I thought your metabolism slowed down once you reached 30…”
We both laughed, dissipating the tension our eventful awakening had brought.
“So, you sure you alright? You still feel like keeping on with the challenge?”
I smiled.

*Absolutely not, I need to explode, and I need to do it NOW, cause it’s Springtime and my balls are literally the size of coconuts, and it seems someone has opened a hose in my butt overnight and forgot to turn it off, cause it feels like I’m harboring approximately 167 gallons of cum inside me,* I thought.
“Sure,” I said, knowing full well from now on I’d have to fight against my deepest urges and instincts if I were to really make it to midnight.
I could see she was beyond delighted, and her cheeks became very pink.
“This means I can enjoy myself a bit, yes?”
I didn’t even have the time to whisper “ruh roh!!” that Iris’ fingers trailed up the leg of my boxers and dipped into my precum before bringing it to her lips.
My vision went black for a second, and when I came back, a rope of precum was flowing from the tip of my penis and down my balls.
“Adequate reaction, I’d say.” She winked at me, before flicking my inner thigh with such a force it made me yelp like a dog, dissipating my incoming overflow.
“Now hurry up. It’s time for breakfast!”
I managed to recollect enough to reply.
“No no no, I… I need, ah, to take a shower first. I can’t walk out in this state.”
I was in the process of undressing myself, when Iris stopped me.
“Negative, soldier. Now you’re putting on your pants and a hoodie and you’re following me. I’m the captain now, understood?”
I glared at her in defiance, but her aroused, piercing gaze turned my brain into goo, and the goo into a pulsating twitch in my dick.
There was something in the way Iris was slowly testing the waters in order to take on a dominant role that made my body tingle.
I had no choice but to comply.
I stuffed my boner into a pair of black sweatpants and behind an oversized hoodie and really tried to ignore the wet sensation of tiny droples of pre constantly leaking down my legs as I walked.
When I reached the kitchen, Iris was already sitting at the table, reading the new on her tablet.
“Be a dear and make us coffee, yes?”
“I… *I* have to make coffee?” I blinked, pointing at my evidently bothered state.
Now, you should now where I come from, coffee is a really big deal.
We still make it the traditional way, which requires 10 good minutes in between preparing the powder, remembering to put water in the machine, pressing the powder, and brewing your cup.
“Why, yes. I’m really comfortable at the moment.”
I resisted the urge to sigh and got to work.
I had just opened the cupboard to grab the coffee box when I felt Iris’ presence behind me, and her hands on my buttcheeks.
I froze, knowing full well what was to come.
And it surely wasn’t me.
“Why so tense already? Go on, keep doing your thing!”
I exhaled, trying to keep my throbs in check and my hands steady while her fingers dug into my rear, sending tiny shivers across my perineum.
“There’s a good boy,” she whispered in my ear, before licking my lobe and taking the wise decision to cover my mouth and nose before I could howl.
“Don’t make me regret saying that, Krow. Now, focus.”
I struggled to catch my breath, my cock now pressed tightly against the kitchen counter as Iris dragged her fingers up my back and all the way down, to my thighs.

Ok, whew. Gotta catch a breather irl too as this is getting my juices running a tad too fast (spoiler alert: I’m going through another 24 full hours of restraint, so I’m very sensitive.)

As I was saying, I found myself in a very complicated predicament, that involved me juggling to make coffee while trying to resist my woman’s teasing and doing keels to avoid pre and cum from flooding my clothes.
When I finally turned the stove on, my face was quite hot, and my breathing very elaborate. Iris had now switched to rubbing her pelvis against my butt, and I was booking it to my limit.
My cock felt like a clogged, ready to burst garden hose, even more so now that it was squished against a hard surface, struggling to gain its full erection.
My legs had started shaking when, to my horror, I heard my flatmate’s door creaking open.
“Hmm… hmff!!” I grunted behind her palm, panic mounting as I now had to
1) resist the teasing
2) hold my impending orgasm and abundant precum in
3) compose myself before Derek walked in the room
4) somehow not go insane.

Iris didn’t do as much as blink, instead doubling her rhythm.
She waited until Derek’s footsteps were too close to be ignored. Then, like the cat she is, she slipped back to her place, resuming her read with mind numbing quickness.
I, on the other hand, was still feeling, wrestling with my hoodie to try and cover my now visible excitement, body radiating heat as I prayed not to bust.
When Derek walked in the room, I felt I was about to pass out.
“G’morning ladies… hey Krow, you ok? You look… off.”
Shit, shit, shit.
“Oh yeah, I, uh..”
My eyes darted towards Iris, but all she did was smile silently as she got up and poured coffee.
“… I’m drunk. I mean, I was drunk *yesterday.* Which means, today I’m…”
“Hungover. He is really, really hung… over.” she stretched the syllables of the last word so that the innuendo was less than subtle.
“Ah, sucks. Gotta drink that coffee, eh mate? Sex helps too,” he purred, winking at Iris and elbowing me.
Now, I was already in a testosterone-fueled state, and for some reason, I began having very strong, albeit mixed feelings about this.
Part of those feelings were related to the unconscious male rivalry when it comes to mating. The sole presence of another man in the room was making me irrationally irritated.
The other feelings, on the other hand, were still coming from the same source, but had a more positive connotation.

As you should know, Derek is your stereotypical twink. 26 years of age, thin and slender, hair dyed blonde and piercings everywhere. He’s got a nice body, and as a pansexual dude, I can affirm I’m not totally indifferent to him. It’s just his personality I find repulsive.

Still, right now I was so horny that even that guy’s body brushing against mine in the most indirect of ways was filling my head with… interesting thoughts.
Iris chuckled politely, and handed me a cup of coffee. “Come on, big guy. Take a deep breath and relax. Come, take a seat.”
I obeyed, and began focussing on my coffee.
Luckily for me, this time, Iris decided to preserve my dignity and not do anything while another person was in the room.
As minutes went by, though, I could feel my horniness not subsiding.
I was starting to buzz, and it was getting bothersome.

I remembered how weed had helped me the prior day, so I helped myself to a huge glass of icy water and a fat joint to try and regain my mojo.
A few puffs in, and I could feel my body unwind, and the jitter in my legs subside.
Too bad I couldn’t say the same about my emissions.
As my cock relaxed, expanding its girth, it began drooling out a constant dribble of precum, making my eyes widen in fear.
Iris immediately caught on, and grabbed my sleeve. “Come, Krow. Let’s go take a shower.”
I nodded and waddled bathing her as she strode towards the bathroom.
As soon as we got there, I immediately undressed myself and went to pee.
The pressure of my stream was formidable, and I could feel a wave of relief swelling through me.
“I’m gonna bring us some new clothes. Wait for me.”
“Not moving, I replied, carefully squeezing out the last drops of pee.”
I was about to hop in the shower when my girlfriend walked in. “Negative, soldier. No entering the shower naked.”
“Ex-cuuse me??”
“You heard me.” She wiggled a pair of swimming trunks in front of my pelvis.
“Your package is leaking. We need to contain it. And don’t even think about washing, or touching, or playinyeoth it. That will be my job and my job only.”
But *hot.*
So hot Iris and I had to struggle for a few seconds before we were able to stuff me in there, with her teasing me for how big I’d gotten. Once again, instead of hard and stuff, my cock had relaxed and fattened up, becoming engorged and leaky and extremely sensitive. As I stepped in the shower, I could feel it bob and throb against the fabric, too heavy to stand in place.
Iris joined me right as I was massaging my scalp, steam and soap allover me.
I opened my eyes to her full magnificence as she approached me, wet and naked, her body the emblem of perfection. Her plumpy breasts, and wide hips, and brown eyes looking at me with such hunger… it took all I got not to fuck her against the shower wall.
I caressed her, gently soaping her up, savouring every inch of her body underneath my fingertips.
“Here, let me help you. Turn around.”
I grabbed the showerhead and began rinsing the shampoo off her body.
I started from her hair, slowly massaging my way down her neck and back, reaching forward to circle her breasts.
I kissed her shoulders, trailing the warm water flow down her stomach and to her pussy.
My fingers followed, caressing her labia in slow motions.
She moaned softly, and I could feel her puff up as I gently slid inside her.
My thumb began circling her clit, while my fingers maintained a steady pumping motion. Then, I directed the water stream towards her hood, and couldn’t resist grazing her ass with my cock while her moaning intensified.
“Oh god Krow, yes… yes, yes!!” She was struggling to keep her voice down, legs faltering with quickly mounting pleasure.
When her orgasm exploded, it was violent, and wet, and sexy as hell.
She grabbed my hand and began humping and pressing it against her clit, pumping every last drop of ecstasy out of her shivering body.

It took me a while to realize how loud I was moaning, completely absorbed by this marvelous display of sexual liberation.

Immediately, I tried to control myself, and retreated, panting, my back against the wall.
Without doing as much as talk, Iris took the shower head from me, before rewarding me with a soft, long kiss that made my breath shake.
“You’ve been good, Krow. Very good. My turn, now.”
She smiled impishly, caressing the front of my trunks, the slight pressure mixed with the fabric’s friction turning my brain into pudding.
Then, she pulled on my waistband, and began pouring water on my member.
I was now enlarged to my limit, my shaft bulging in the middle and ballooning against my thigh, my glans swollen and leaking like a broken faucet.
I kept gasping and yelping, writhing in lustful torment as the weak shower spray stimulated me, bringing to the strongest, slowest building and most powerful urgency I’d ever felt. Yet.
I could hear myself unleashing a stream of profanities and soft yelps, while I was caught in the throes of an uncrossable edge, my breathing growing more and more elaborate, and my moans higher and higher by the second.
Water was engulfing every fiber of my groin, slowly moving my cock and weighing down on my too swollen balls.
I’m not sure for how long I was in this state, driven to complete uselessness by the woman I find to be the sexiest on Earth, but it felt like hours.
By the time I was clean, I’d lost so much precum I was probably dehydrated. And what’s worse, my high was fading fast, making my body stiffen, and my dick contract with rage.
“Hm.. Iris… wait, wait, wait!! ”
That was it. I was winding up, and blind to explode in 10… 9… 8…
My balls tensed up against my body, spurting all their pent-up cum into my system.
7… 5… 4…
“Babe… babe, oh god, I’m gonna… I’m gonna…”
She had a lightbulb-over-head kind of moment.
3… 2… 1…
Iris turned the water on cold and immediately sprayed my underbelly with it, causing my body to spasm in bewildered retreat.
In the bat of an eye, my entire being was freezing, and my member executed it’s emergency protocol by aborting the sexiness and returning to home base.
“T-thank you!!” I managed to mutter while she turned off the water, allowing me to tremble my way out of the shower and into a warm towel.
The rest of the Sunday was spent in the stereotypical way Sundays always go.
We cooked together, had a little post-lunch drink, and gathered on our room’s sofa, watching cartoons. There was little to no teasing though, since Derek was feeling lonely and decided to stick with us during every single one of these processes.
So yeah, the afternoon went by as we smoked weed, drank light beer and watched tv, lost in a lazy haze.
I was lying on my side, resting my head in Iris’ lap.
I’d been unable to remain soft for some time now, with my penis repeating its swelling-up routine under weed’s influence, being a semi one moment, and a ballooning mess the next.
Iris of course noticed it, but didn’t do anything until way past our sixth beer, when she took hold of the remote.
“Yo, let’s watch some porn stuff and comment it!”
It was tradition in hour household.
Whenever we are drunk, high, and bored, we scan the net in search of porn videos of various categories, normally getting a good belly laugh out of it all.
Right now, the only thing I was feeling in my belly, though, was the sinking feeling I’d be roped into a hard, sweaty, torturous time.
I rolled myself another couple joints and downed my beer, in order to prepare my body to chill and stretch as much as it would need in the next hour or so and braced myself.
They started browsing the gay category of a random website, and went on from there to chastity, femdom, and denial videos.
At first, I managed to join Derek and others in telling jokes and commenting on the evidently exaggerated acting and comical reactions only professional porn can bring.
After a while, though, as they kept jumping from website to website, I began to feel a familiar discomfort growing, and bringing along a wave of heat that made my abdomen tingle.
Soon, my boxers started getting tighter, and the pressure of my cock straining against them was worsening the situation.
I still kept going though, laughing and pretending not to be fazed by the amount of spurting cocks and latex-clad boobs I was seeing.
When they got to tease and denial videos, I started losing my focus. Seeing all those helpless, hyperstimulated cocks and clits throb with immense need taxed me to my limit as I forced myself to stay nice and calm.
I closed my eyes and prayed my companions were too high to notice I’d stopped talking.
Judging from the swiftness Iris placed a hand on my chest and began casually stroking my left nipple, she had noticed.
I opened my eyelids to multiple waves of horniness, as her thumb kept titillating one of my meanest erogenous zones.
At this point, it was an open battle against myself.
My member was now a bulging, comically enlarged, tube of meat, passively pulsating against the couch’s soft surface.
I wanted to moan and yelp, but couldn’t. Instead, I raised my gaze to meet that of Iris, the silent plea in my bloodshot eyes going totally ignored.
I shivered in lust while horny, sex fueled people danced on the tv screen, and let myself slip in a luscious trance.
This went on for the best part of two bowers, my torment put to a halt only by the doorbell announcing our burgers were being delivered.

I can’t remember exactly how dinner played out, given how high on both weed and arousal I was.
I just know I kept wishing for it to be over, so I could go back to being touched, and my throbs to being soothed.
When Iris and I finally retired in our room, I was drunk with arousal. And Iris, I was soon to discover, was even drunker.
Without doing as much as speak, she tore her clothes off and lay on the bed, spreading her legs.
Immediately, I flung myself between them, tongue flicking like a ravenous predator’s.
“Mmh… yeah… just like this…”
I moaned as she placed a hand on my scalp, pushing me deeper into her delightfully wet and puffy groins.
I obeyed, lapping every droplet of fluid escaping from her, her clitoris stiffening against my lips.
“Oh yeah. That’s a good boy. Now, keep going, don’t stop…”
Her whimper sent my heart doing somersaults, while I struggled with every fiber of my being not to roll and rub my hips against the mattress.
“Oh goooood, don’t stop… don’t stop… harder, harder, harder!!”
My groans were muffled by Iris’ savage humping, my face now simply a tool for her pleasure. Her orgasm left us both sweaty, moaning and drenched in fluids.
I rested my head on her belly, waiting for her to get her bearings.
A few seconds later, she grabbed my hair again.
She kept humping, and humping, hips rotating against my mouth; and I kept sucking and licking, and sinking my nails in the sheets when her climax threatened to make me pass out with horniness.
Again. And again. And again. And again.
By the time she got her fill, I was reduced to a wheezing puddle of submission, wanting nothing more than to obey and satisfy every single one of my woman’s sexual needs.
“Oh, won’t you look at the time.”
I brushed the mix of sweat, saliva and vaginal fluids off my face so I could see more clearly.
The clock on the wall was marking 10pm.
“Only two more hours to go, boy.”
She winked at me, licking her lips like a hungry cat.
“Your turn, now. Get naked.”
I practically tore my clothes off, finally freeing my straining erection.
“Very well. Now, I want you to lay face down on the bed.”
And so I did, carefully tucking my dick underneath me.
“Now, I want you to hump the mattress, just like you did this morning. Ready, set, go!”
I was too hypnotized by my own arousal to refuse, and I could feel my member squirm as delight filled my stomach.
“Oh yeah, just like this…”
With the corner of my eye, I noticed she was touching herself, and couldn’t refrain from morning loudly.
She was approaching her climax, and so was I.
“Aaand stop!!”
I groaned to a halt, wrestling against my very biology to stop myself.
A sudden throb caused me to spurt out a fat goop of precum, and it took all of my strength not to howl like an animal in heat.
I have no idea how many times we repeated this little game.
I was simply stuck in a loop of mind numbing arousal, my body now converted to a tool of sexual sensation.
After a while, the number of pumps it took me to reach the edge began decreasing faster and faster, while Iris’ orgasms echoed in my ears and made my groin tingle and burn with need.

When midnight struck, I wasn’t even aware it had.
Iris had told me to roll on my back, exposing my overinflated member.
Then, she leaned forward to kiss the sweat on the forehead, and silently took me in.
The sensation of her vagina sucking me in filled my vision with white spots, and I caught myself gasping for air, back arched and jaw locked.
I grabbed the pillow behind me, trying not to lose control as she slowly humped and pumped me, her ecstasy visible in her closed eyelids and parted lips.
“Mmmhh, you’re so big… oh yeah… I feel like a virgin all over again…”
I started at her, eyes wide in my overwhelmed stupor, and my awareness began slipping away, in sync with the roiling, urgent, scorching pressure in my balls.
My hips escaped my will, twitching and rotating uncontrollably, desperate for some release.
“Good boy, yeah, good boy… faster… oh god, faster!!”
Iris’ orders were now perfectly aligned with my deepest desires, and we found ourselves locked in a primal dance, pleasure flowing into us, crushing us with its unstoppable force.
I could feel my cock stiffen and harden to its extreme, ready to spit out all of that tormentous pent up cum.
“Oh lord help me… help me…”
I realized my mouth was moving, but I didn’t control it.
Then, it happened.
As Iris’ umpteenth orgasm was brewing, I felt mine swell and hiccup, and swell again.
I braced myself, ready to experience my total annihilation.
Instead, I felt a shiver trail down my groin, followed by a single, disappointing squirt of semen.
“Uh? This all you’ve got?”
But my girlfriend’s voiced seemed to come from underwater as I could just sit up and wrap my arms around her, holding on for dear life.
“I’m gonna explode,” I croaked as my body started to tremble, hard, harder, and I could feel the immense pressure in my brothers reaching a boiling point.
Immediately, Iris knew what she had to do, and began moving her hips in wide, steady strokes.
I whimpered wildly, unable to bear the gargantuan orgasm that was rapidly mounting, until I could do nothing but gasp and moan and yell, as my cock pulsated feverishly, pumping out rope after rope of thick, scalding ejaculate.
I kept coming and coming, unable to stop, my groans and moans mirrored by those of my girlfriend, until every single drop was squeezed out of my deflating balls.

When I regained consciousness, there was cum everywhere.
Pooling around my groin, dripping from Iris’ pussy, on my stomach, and on her boobs.
“God… goooood…”
I couldn’t stop groaning, my veins still throbbing with immense pleasure.
Once I could unwind a tad, I immediately felt the weight of pure exhaustion dragging my consciousness into oblivion, and fell into the deepest night sleep in my recorded history, knowing full well this had just been the first of many more incredible sex sessions.
