My Straight Flatmate turned me into his Sissy Crossdressing Fuck Buddy (Part 1) [M] [24] [Bi]

*(Thanks for everyone who’s enjoyed the stories written so far! My mental health hasn’t been great at the moment but I’m happy to channel some positivity and helping people through these stories! More parts to come soon!)*

Weeks have passed. My first experience having gay sex still protrude my consciousness and I’m still aching for more cock, more experiences and being more submissive than ever before. It taught me that having sex with a man isn’t just something I like. I needed it. My flatmates had returned from the extended holiday period. I lived with 5 others, all studying a variety of courses with little overlap. We were all a little different, but we got on, and that’s the most important thing.

I’m still haunted by the thought of being caught having sex with another man. Did my flatmate hear it? Did he hear me? Did he hear me getting fucked? Moaning? Did he hear me wanting to suck cock, get fucked? Did he hear me acting slutty?

These questions ring around me head. His room was next door to mine. And I know the walls are thin. Like really thin. If he’s talking to someone in his room, I can here it. Which means only one thing. He could hear me…

The smirk he gave me on the day I had sex for the first time was ingrained into my vision. Did he know something? Did he enjoy it? Or was I just being paranoid?

*A little description on who he was. He studied sports science. Very athletic, toned, muscular. He had a girlfriend of roughly 4 months, serious enough that they were staying at each others houses. I heard them fuck a couple of times together through the wall at night. But that’s his business I always thought to myself, and would put my headphones on.*

But back to the present. I’m sat in my room writing an essay. I here movement outside – “Knock Knock Knock”. I stand up and walk over to the door and open it. Its him. “Just wanted to let you know I’m back.” He says. “How’ve you been?” “I’m good, been here over the holidays, enjoyed the quiet!” I replied and laughed. He laughed in response. “Sorry if I disturbed you when I left, didn’t wanna interrupt but I wouldn’t be back for a month!” He said. “Never knew you were into guys!” He uttered, almost embarrassed to say. He left to enter his room.

Fuck! He knew! But I wanted him to know. A part of me, submissive and slutty in nature enjoyed the buzz of being caught. I wanted him to hear me being slutty, getting fucked, being a total cumdump for another man. It thrilled me.

A week passes. We usually went out on a Friday for drinks out in town. I wasn’t particularly in the mood that Friday, but the other 5 flatmates began drinking. I joined in, couple of drinks each before they all headed out. Except him…

“Not really feeling it too” He says to me. Got a game on Sunday so can’t really drink more. A little weird I thought. Usually he’s the first to suggest going out. Thoughts and feeling race over me. Did he want me alone? Or was he telling the truth? My head is spinning with the possible potential scenarios at play here.

I head back to my room. I’m a little tipsy, but could hold a complex conversation if needed. That buzz when you’ve had a couple drinks. I was in control. Footsteps creep in front of my door “Knock Knock Knock”. It must be him. What could he want? I walk to the door and open it. “Fancy doing something, I’m bored!” He says. At the time the new Game of Thrones episode was out and I recommend watching it. He agrees and invites me into his room to watch it. He has a much bigger TV than me which is why I went. About 20 minutes into the episode, a sex scene occurs on screen. “Sounds like you!” He muttered and laughed. “Haha what do you mean?” I replied. I gulped at the thought of him hearing me moan when getting fucked. “Sorry, you just sounded like her when you were getting…busy.” He quickly countered.

It was on his mind. Constantly. I was sure of it. He kept mentioning it, albeit indirectly. My thoughts were racing. Did he like me in that way? Was he Bi? But he had a girlfriend? He starts touching his crotch, handling his male parts under his trousers. “Bet you’d suck my cock?” He said. FUCK! What am I supposed to say? Has he just initiated something? Did I want this? “Yeah, if you paid me!” I embarrassingly muttered. But I wanted to suck his cock, submit to him. I wanted cock inside me. I was craving it, missing it. “I don’t actually like guys…” he said “…But I don’t mind them when they’re convincing, you know, dress up as women.” He utters. Part of my knew his kinky side was slowly coming out of him. He was revealing his inner secrets and his inner desires. “Cool Cool” I say, trying to keep calm and composed. He pulls his hard erect cock out of his pants and waves it around jokingly. “Last chance, wanna suck it?” FUCK! Was he bluffing? I wanted to though. I wanted to suck his cock. Badly.

If I get up now, there’s no backing out if he’s bluffing. Should I even care? He exposed his cock to me, so surely he wants me to suck it. I stand up and move towards him. “Always knew you were a kinky fucker!” He says and laughs nervously. He doesn’t retract his penis. Instead he pulls his trousers further down to get comfortable. But he had a girlfriend? Surely he preferred that? I head towards his cock and lean over him. I lower myself down and bring my mouth towards his cock. Did he want this? I grab it in my hand, firmly taking control. He doesn’t back away. He wanted his cock sucking, and he wanted me to do it.

I thrust the cock into my mouth. He moans. He’s loving it. He wanted me to suck his cock all along. I knew I was on his mind. He heard me being slutty and it hasn’t left his mind. Its something he wanted badly. He placed his hands on my head. His eyes were closed, as I imagined he would want to see a man sucking his cock, instead imagining it was a woman. He groans and grabs my head, forcing me harder and harder onto his cock. “Fuck, you’re so good” He says. I knew I was. I’d been practicing. My cock sucking skills had gotten better. His cock grows bigger in my mouth, and for the first time, I taste his precum. Its salty, unique in taste. Hot, sticky. Just what I wanted. I wanted his cum in my mouth. My mouth, bopping up and down as he groans and moans with me sucking his cock. He slaps my face. “You’re loving this!” He says. “Fucking loving this!”. I continue sucking his cock and agree that I’m loving it, muttering a sound as my mouth and throat is full.

“Let me show you something.” He says. He gets up and moves to a drawer by his bedside. His cock, slapping his legs as he walks over and gestures me over. I head over, my mouth, covered in drool and precum. He opens a drawer and takes it out of the cabinet. He places it onto the bed. OMG! Its his girlfriends sex draw. Or at least the draw she uses when she’s here. There is everything here. Paddles, dildo’s, buttplugs handcuffs, gags, panties, stockings, lingerie. What was he showing me here? He grabbed some lingerie. “Would you put this on for me?” He says I drop to my knee’s in euphoric nervousness and instantly channel my inner slut. “Fuck yes!” I confidently reply. He leads me to a corner to get changed as he prepares himself on the bed…

(Part 2 Coming Soon!)


1 comment

  1. Can’t wait for the next part.
    Also hope you are feeling a little better. Mental health is very important and if you ever need to chat I’m open!

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