Clementina, Part XII [extreme, erotic horror, body horror, monster, tentacle, anal, lactation, MFFFF, incest(m/s)(s/s)]


As with the previous installments, if this sort of thing is not your cup of tea, please do not read any further. I want readers to have fun – not be disturbed. Please heed all warnings!

This story assumes you have read all previous eleven parts. If you haven’t you will probably find some of this bewildering.

I appreciate all your comments and feedback in the comments section and read every one of them.

Thank you!

This begins immediately after Part XI ends. This is the end of chapter 2. The story will continue in chapter 3.

Clementina, Part XII

Chapter 2: Symbiosis (chapter 2 finale)

The succubus imitating my mother did nothing overtly hostile, just stood there.

Behind her, Ona stood uncertainly in the archway to the entry tunnel, a pleading look in her eyes, as if to say “I tried.”

I turned to Clementina.

“What do we do now?” I whispered.

“I don’t know,” she replied softly. “But I bet it’s something similar to what you had to do to me and my sister to purge the dark phallites.”

Not sure of what to do next, I took the bull by the horns, running full speed at the urn, launching myself over it, and flying straight into the succubus. My shoulder caught her square in the midsection and I felt a satisfying exhalation of air from her lungs as I drove her hard into the stone floor. She rolled onto her side, gasping for air. I wasn’t as skilled as my mother in hog-tying, but I still had her tied up in a minute or two.

“Damn, Russel,” Clementina said. “You don’t take any prisoners.”

“She’s taken me prisoner, she’s taken my mom prisoner, fuck her,” I said as Clementina climbed over the urn to take her place by my side.

“I guess I should go get a light phallite,” I said.

“Get two,” Clementina said.


“Yeah, two. One for this bitch here,” she said, kicking the rib cage of the succubus. “And one for your mom. Just in case.”

I scooted down to the nexus and returned with two light phallites perched on my shoulder.

“Where do we begin?” I asked.

“My guess is we do a purge on the succubus, then if that doesn’t wake up your mother, we do the same to her.”

“Is the succubus even human?” I asked. “Will a purge work? I mean, what the fuck is it?”

“I don’t know,” Clementina said. “But having been around the phallites for so long, I think there is some kind of phallite creature driving the succubus inside. I bet if we do a purge, it will come out and we can see what it is and figure out how to deal with it.”

“I guess,” I said. I looked down at the creature that looked just like my mother but wasn’t her. She looked back at me. The look in her eyes wasn’t malevolence, it wasn’t compassion, the only word I could come up with to describe it was “alien”.

I shook my head and looked at the cream phallites perched on my shoulders.

“What the hell are these things?” I asked. “Where do they come from? And what nightmares are in the other chambers of this place?”

“I don’t know,” said Clementina. “We would need someone with a scientific background to help us sort that out. But for now, the most important thing is getting your mom back.”

“Agreed,” I sighed. “Let’s get this over with before this creature takes what little energy I have left.” I felt like crap, I didn’t want to do this, I wanted to just lay down and sleep.

Clementina approached me and picked the phallites off my shoulder, then hugged me.

“Hang in there Russel,” she said. “It’s almost over.”

“It’s almost over…until my phallite dies, then it’s all over,” I said, sinking my head onto her shoulder.

“We can’t give up hope,” she crooned into my ear. “We have time before your phallite dies. We have time to figure out a solution. You mean too much to me for me to let you go now.”

I closed my eyes and cleared my head, taking whatever energy I could muster from her presence.

After a moment I loosed my hold and we leaned back.

“Better?” Clementina asked. I nodded.

“But I have no energy left,” I added. “I have nothing in the tank. I don’t know if I have the energy to purge this thing.”

“I can help with that,” she said. She unhooked the off the top of her swimsuit and pushed it down below her waist, bringing her breasts free. She pulled my head down to her chest, pushing my lips to her nipple and squirting her sweet phallite milk into my mouth. I swallowed, then latched my lips onto the long, wide brown nipple and sucked. The sweet milk poured down my throat, and I suckled greedily, demanding more. I could feel the sense of mild intoxication that phallite milk brought with it. I relaxed as some of my energy came back courtesy of her breast milk.

I sucked until flow from her breast slowed, so I switched to the other, which was still full and laden with milk, sucking hungrily, needily. Slowly energy crept back into me. I didn’t feel 100%, but I felt I was getting what I needed to do what had to be done.

Ona joined her sister and I switched to her breasts, sucking even more milk from her.

As I suckled at her sister’s breasts, Clementina pushed my trunks down and pulled out my meat, which was slowly coming to attention. She spit slime down on it and stroked it, licking the head. She knelt in front of me, sucking my rising erection, teasing slime from the tip, then taking the entire hard 15 inches into her mouth in a long, deep swallow. She pulled it out, long tendrils of slime dribbling from her mouth to the tip, then breaking and trickling across her breasts which were still dribbling milk from their long, hard nipples.

Clementina stood up, bent over the urn as she had the day before, and pointed her perfect ass at me, as Ona reached down and stroked my cock, spitting slime and milk across it.

“Come on, lover, get started in me,” Clementina said. “Then you can switch over to that thing when you’re ready.” I didn’t argue. Her sweet, pink sphincter hovered in front of me. Ona slipped two fingers from each hand inside her sister’s puckered asshole then pulled them apart, gaping her sphincter, revealing the pink flesh inside. Slime poured out and trickled across her thick labia as her slimy ass flesh pouted from its hole. Ona licked and sucked her sister’s mound of pink flesh and I gave my cock a hard stroke then slid the tip into Clementina’s stretched asshole. She squeezed down on my cock, making me feel every millimeter as it slid up inside her ass, her slime mixing with the slime from my cock, then squeezing out of her ass as I pushed deeper and deeper inside. Finally my balls landed against her cunt and the entire length of my cock was inside of her.

She squeezed, pulsating her ass muscles around my meat. I slid out, then pushed back in slowly, savoring the sensation, feeling the depths of Clementina’s asshole, feeling every inch of muscle that was wringing slime from my cock. I moaned, pushing in and out again and again, feeling my cock get even harder, feeling slime pouring from my cock and now from my ass, while more of it accumulated in the back of my mouth. Ona and I kissed, our tongue’s intertwined.

“Are you ready to take on the succubus?” asked Clementina.

I nodded, spitting slime on her ass as I slid slowly from her. She squeezed tight, her pink ass flesh pulling on my cock as I slipped, sliding out of her asshole and extending around my meat like a slimy foreskin several inches before retracting. My cock popped free with a sucking sound, her asshole gaping as I pulled out. Her pink crumpled flesh slid back inside her and her sphincter slipped closed, slime squeezing out as it did so and tricking across her thick labia below.

Slime and pre-come dripped from my cock as I approached the tied and bound thing that looked like my mother but was really something else – some kind of a succubus or sexual energy vampire. Honestly, I didn’t know what she was, and I didn’t care. I just knew I needed to take my energy back from her before I had none left.

Clementina brought one of the light phallites to the creature. I snatched the succubus’ head back, forcing the mouth open, and the phallite leapt inside.

I forced the creature over, onto her knees, her ass in the air. I spread her cheeks, inspecting her asshole and slit, deciding where I wanted to put my cock. The copying of my mother was perfect, down to the details of her body. How the thing managed to create such a perfect reproduction in just the two or three seconds between when it pulled my mother under and when the false version appeared before us left me amazed.

I shrugged and stroked my cock. Every other phallite purge I had done, something had been in the recipient’s vagina, either me or in the case of Ona, Clementina’s strap-on. I figured it was best to play it safe, so I put my hands on her thighs and used my thumbs to spread her long, thick, meaty labia apart, exposing the pink beyond. Slime trickled from her slit and from my cock. Her asshole gaped, sliding out more slime.

My cock head hovered inches in front of her pussy. I took a deep breath and pushed the purple, gaping tip of my cock forward.

As my meat penetrated the succubus cunt, chaos erupted.

The succubus’ head began turning around, slowly, rotating completely 360 degrees and continuing, making two, then three, then four rotations. It went round and round, doing the impossible. I instinctively pulled my cock free and scrambled backwards, Clementina and Ona did the same. Ona made for the door but paused and turned at the archway. Clementina hovered by my side near the succubus as we both stared in mute horror.

The succubus screamed and thrashed, her arms and legs shaking free of the rope and flailing around like a rag doll. Her head, which had continue to rotate, increased its momentum, finally ripping free of the body with a sickening crunch and rolling across the floor of the chamber. Blood spouted from the open neck sending streamers of spray across Clementina and I, then an immense pink stalk or tentacle shot out, rocketing across the floor and into the urn with the reddish fluid at the base of the statue.

What, exactly, happened inside the well under the urn I am not sure, but suddenly six tentacles shot from the urn – apparently the creature wasn’t dead after all. The pink stalk on which the succubus body was still impaled lifted into the air, shooting blood and slime across the chamber. The arms and legs flailed randomly as the stalk lifted the body up and it hung upside down above the tentacles.

A motion within the secret chamber where my mother lay in a coma caught my eye. I turned and saw my mother climbing out of the sarcophagus. I tried to move to help her, but the random flailing of the tentacles about the room prevented me. I stood helplessly by and watched my mother walk calmly towards the tentacle beast. She pulled off her bikini top and thong, casting them to the floor, then approached the body of the impaled succubus.

As I stared at her, I felt someone brush my my shoulder and turned. It was Ona. I grabbed her shoulder and tried to pull her back but she ducked away and continued towards the tentacles.

“I wanted some of that tentacle action the first time we met this thing,” she said. “I wonder if it’s game this time.”

Before I could stop her, she had moved within striking range of the long, slimy, sucker-covered tentacles. I waited, expecting her to be knocked to the side or thrown across the room, but instead the thing seemed to know she was there and the flailing limbs avoided her somehow.

Meanwhile, my mother had emerged from the sarcophagus chamber and was now standing in front of the upside-down body of the succubus that still stood atop the pink stalk, hovering over the well. The succubus arms and legs had stopped flailing and now simply hung limply. As with Ona, the creature seemed to know where my mother was and avoided hitting her as the tentacles slowly calmed their motions.

My mother stood beside and slightly below the inanimate body of the succubus. She reached up and grabbed the creature’s ribcage. With a strength I didn’t know she possessed, she pulled the succubus’ ribs apart, ripping the skin and causing a fountain of blood and gore to cascade down across her naked, curvy body. The thick soup of blood and tissue covered her breasts, trickled off her nipples and mixed with milk as it ran in a stream down her stomach and past her slime-soaked slit. Bits of tissue stuck in her hair. My mother reached inside the corpse which now had its internal organs suspended underneath it, and pulled out a phallite. I recognized it as the phallite she had taken on originally. The creature was the same except it now had red streaks across its body. My mother opened her mouth and the creature crawled down her throat.

My mother again reached into the gore of the succubus corpse and pulled out another white phallite – the one I had just brought from the nexus. This one she set on the floor and the creature quickly scurried back towards the nexus. Finally, my mother reached into the bloody corpse of the succubus one last time. This time she pulled out a small, red, glowing phallite that was only about half the size of a normal phallite.

She looked in my direction and smiled, then opened her mouth and let the glowing red phallite inside. Immediately, her pupils turned a glowing red and I felt a warmth emanate from her, even at a distance.

Meanwhile, Ona had moved to the very edge of the urn and looked down. For a moment I thought she was going to jump in, but before she could, one of the tentacles slipped down by her feet and slithered around her ankles. She looked down and smiled. The appendage slowly moved up her leg, adding its slime to the cascade of ooze that was already pouring from Ona’s pussy and ass. A second tentacle slipped beside it and slithered up her other leg.

Ona spread her legs, bent down and rested her elbows on the side of the urn, her heavy, milky pendulous breasts hanging down against the edge of the urn, and her long, hard, brown nipples trickling milk. She reached down and stroked her slime-covered labia and emerging clitoris, sending even more slime cascading down her thighs. Her asshole gaped widely, showing pink inside. The tentacles hovered around her thighs for a moment, then the first slid upwards, probing her lobes, tickling them, making Ona shiver, arch her back, and close her eyes. It slid up, inside her waiting slit. The second tentacle pushed into her slimy asshole.

Both appendages probed further and further inside as Ona moaned and begged for more, for them to go deeper.

A few feet away, my mother still stood next to the urn as well, still coated head to toe in grue, gore and blood from the succubus, who had been slowly dissolving into a pinkish froth that ran down the stalk and disappeared into the pool. My mother climbed up and stood on the edge of urn. She raised her arms outwards at her sides, tilted her head back, and screamed.

“Come to me, guardian!” she called. “Come to me now!”

Clementina and I looked at each other as we watched.

“What the fuck,” I whispered.

Suddenly the reddish water in the urn erupted and something emerged.

Below the waist it was a mass of slimy tentacles – the same tentacles that were squirming all over the room. But above the waist it was a green-skinned woman. She had large phallite breasts that trickled milk, and blindingly white hair. Her high-set, long, wide, erect nipples were cream-colored. Had she been a human woman and had legs I guessed she probably would have stood seven feet or more, but instead from the waist down she was nothing but writhing, curling tentacles.

My mother reached out the tentacled creature and the two embraced. My mother kissed her on the lips and the two hugged closely, their bodies pressing together, milk pouring from between their breasts that slipped slickly against each other.

My mother wrapped her legs around the green woman’s waist just above the tentacles and they continued to embrace and kiss as the creature rose on it’s tentacles and lifted up into the air high above us in the chamber. With her legs wrapped wide around the tentacle creature, I could see my mother’s slit and asshole gaping, but not for long.

Two tentacles slipped upwards. One found my mother’s ass one found her slit. They began pistoning in and out of her as she continued to cling to the tentacle creature causing her orifices to gape even wider and showing pink around the slimy appendages. Her moans of pleasure echoed through the chamber, mixing with Ona’s cries of pleasure.

Speaking of Ona, Clementina’s sister was now on all fours on the floor of the chamber. Two huge tentacles were sliding frantically in and out of her asshole and a third was pushing inside, stretching her pink sphincter even wider as slime gushed and frothed out around the huge appendages. A fourth tentacle, thicker than any other and pulsating in a strange fashion, was stationed in her pussy, working in a slower, more rhythmic fashion. Ona moaned.

The appendage in her slit pulled out for a moment, and it grew even wider. Suddenly an opening appeared in the tip and a greenish slime began slipping out. The tentacle grew even bigger, almost seven or eight inches wide, as it pumped and poured the slime out. Finally, it forced its way back into Ona’s stretched, gaping slit. She screamed – I wasn’t sure if it was pleasure or pain – as the appendage pressed inside of her. It throbbed and pulsed as load after load of green slime poured out into Ona’s waiting body. Green goo mixed with Ona’s own clear slime, poured from her pussy lips around the tentacle, then began trickling from her asshole.

Ona rolled over onto her back, her large pendulous milky tits splaying out to the side and squirting milk, her thick hips spread wide, as the three tentacles in her ass pushed in and out, stretching her asshole wide and pulling clinging pink meat in and out with each stroke. The three limbs in her ass paused their ministrations and each pulled her asshole in a different direction, tugging the pink sphincter even wider and eliciting another groan from Ona.

The massive, pulsating appendage in her cunt kept pumping. Globs and globs of green slime were visible pumping up the huge tentacle and pouring into her snatch. Her stomach began to distend like she was pregnant as she filled up with more and more of the green slime. She coughed, retched, and the green slime gushed from her mouth and nose, covering her face. Another gag and retch and slime shot across her tits.

“Oh, God,” she moaned, running her hands along her distended stomach, feeling sloshing liquid inside. “Oh fuck yeah.” She reached back, slid three fingers into her asshole and stretched it even wider.

Nearby, overhead, my mother – still clinging to the tentacled woman – orgasmed for the third or fourth time, slime pouring from her ass and slit as the green creature worked her over. Finally, the thing lowered herself onto the floor, standing about seven feet tall with long tendrils of appendages splayed out around her in all directions. My mother let go, slipping off of her, then approaching me and Clementina.

Her eyes were faintly glowing red, but the warm smile that radiated from her face let me know that she was still my mother, whatever had happened to her.

She took my face in her hands and I stared into her deep red eyes.

“Russel,” she said. “Have your energy back.”

I suddenly felt a surge of strength. The feeling of exhaustion receded and I could sense my energy returning. It was surprising, shocking.

“You and I,” my mother said. “I think we are now symbiotes. I can give you my energy, or I can take yours. That little red phallite links us now forever.”

I shook my head.

“That can’t be,” I said. “We can’t let that be. What will happen when my phallite dies and I die too? I will take all your energy and you will die as well.”

“When that time comes, we will deal with it then,” she responded. “Until then, we will be closer than we ever have been.”

She kissed me on the lips and pushed me back onto the stone floor, kissing me again, pressing her chest against mine, straddling me. The energy that she returned to me surged and my cock slipped to attention, pressing against her meaty lobes between her thighs. Her heavy breasts, milky and laden, pressed against my chest, her wide brown, erect nipples poked against me and dribbled milk across my skin and hers. Our tongues intertwined.

“I am so happy to have you back,” I said.

“I am so happy to be back,” she replied. She leaned up, still straddling me, and stroked my cock in front of her, squeezing it between her breasts and trickling milk and slime from her mouth down along the shaft. She ran her hands down to the base, then stopped.

“Hey, you shaved down there?” she asked.

“No,” I said. “It all fell out. All my body hair.”

“Wow, that’s kind of hot,” she shot back, then pointed at the statue behind us. “See her tongue?” she asked.

“Uh-huh,” I said.

“Watch this.” She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. It slowly slipped out from between her lips, extending past her chin, down between her breasts, past her navel, and finally stopped about an inch above her clit. She leaned her head forward and was able to wrap the tip around her long, thick clitoris, then she slowly pulled the fleshy appendage back into her mouth.

“Is that fucking hot or what?” she said.

For a moment the only thing I could see were the nightmares I had about that tongue, then I was able to push them away and see just my mom, not a monster.

“Yeah,” I said. “It’s fucking hot. Any tentacle labia?”

She laughed. “Oh my god, I wish. Wouldn’t that be the hottest?”

I thought about arguing that point, but as my energy flowed back into me, I wanted my mother again. I was happy she was back and wanted to be inside of her. And who knew, maybe tentacle labia would be hot?

My mother reached out her new, long tongue, wrapping it around my cock and sliding it up and down, pushing thick globs of slime up to the tip and then rubbing them up and down the shaft. Then she slipped her lips down the shaft, sucking several inches in and out.

I pulled her forward, pressing my cock against her stomach and pulling her breasts to my mouth. Her nipples were stiff and erect, milk trickling from the tip in a steady stream, the aureoles wide and pebbly and flecked with milk. I licked the milk-engorged mounds up and down, flicking my tongue across the tip of the nipples, then finally taking them into my mouth and sucking. The swallow after swallow of sweet milk poured down my throat as I drank greedily from one nipple, then the other.

I reached down and lifted her up, moving her body so that her thick, fleshy labia hung directly over my mouth. I sucked her meat flaps into my mouth, gently nipping and tugging. My mom moaned as I ran my tongue up and down the lobes, then pushed the hood back from her clitoris and sucked it like I was sucking a cock, teasing the underside with my tongue. She moaned again and leaned forward on all fours as I ate her out.

She rolled off of me and stood up, walking to the urn and bending over beside it, propping herself on the side.

“Fuck my ass,” she said.

I have already documented well my overwhelming fascination with phallite ass, so I was happy to slip in behind her. I stretched her asshole with my thumbs on either side, opening the pink tunnel inside, revealing the crumply flesh beyond. I slipped my head inside, pressing my cock deeper and deeper into her slimed asshole. I could feel slime slipping from my cock, and the slime accumulating in my throat, and pouring down my legs from my own asshole as I pushed all the way into my mother’s waiting, willing, gaping ass. The amount of slime from my ass was more than I had ever experienced.

I slipped out a few inches, then slid back in, beginning to pump my cock in and out of her sphincter. On the fifth or sixth stroke I felt Clementina coming up behind me. She ran her hands down my back, pressing her chest and her body against me, moving in time with my motions. She slipped her hands down my stomach, placing them against my body next to my cock as I stroked in and out of my mother, then ran them around behind me, near my ass.

“Wow, you’re sliming,” she said. “A lot.” She ran her tongue down my spine and into the crack in my ass. I stopped pumping my mother as Clementina spread my cheeks and ran her tongue around my asshole, licking my slime off. Then she put her lips against my ass and sucked. I felt a huge surge of slime gush out of my ass into her waiting mouth.

Clementina came around and kissed me, passing the slime back and forth between us. I swallowed some, some dribbled down our chests and across my mother’s back. The rest Clementina passed to my mother in a deep kiss.

I had never felt anything like that sensation of the slime gushing from my ass before in my life. I was at risk of coming too soon and I tried to re-focus as I again began my motion driving my cock in and out of my mother’s ass. The slime pouring from my ass was only exceeded by the slime from my cock, and even that was topped my the globs my mother was pouring into her ass. I sluiced in and out of her asshole, making slick sucking sounds each stroke. My mom groaned.

Clementina spread her legs and lay down in front of my mother, reached up and put a couple of fingers into my mother’s mouth, gently pulling out my mother’s new tongue and directing it between her legs. My mom ran her tongue up and down Clementina’s thick meaty lobes, then curled it around her hard, long clitoris, pushing the hood back and wrapping the tongue around it several times like a coiled snake.

Clementina lay back and closed her eyes, squeezing her tits, sending milk squirting into the air, moaning. My mother lowered her head and pressed her lips between Clementina’s labia, forcing her long, slick tongue deep inside her. Clementina’s mouth opened, her face a momentary mask of surprise, but no sound came out except her labored breathing as my mother explored the inside of her in ways neither had experienced before.

My mother gave a moan and pulled her tongue out, looking around at me. She tilted her head backwards and slipped her tongue back over her shoulder, slithering it down her spine until it hovered above her asshole that I was diligently reaming. I thought she had reached the end of her tongue’s length, but I was wrong, because she flicked it down and gathered up a load of the slime pouring from her asshole and brought it to her mouth, dribbling globs across her back as she withdrew.

She turned her attention back to Clementina, who turned around and pointed her puckered pink asshole at my mother. My mom slipped her tongue back out and slid it inside Clementina, going deeper and deeper. Fresh rounds of slime poured from Clementina’s ass and slit as she arched her back in another round of orgasms.

My mother withdrew her tongue and looked back at me.

“Are you going to make mommy come or not?” she asked.

I felt a fresh round of energy surge from my mother to me – energy that the succubus had stolen from me over the day she was stealing my lifeforce. My cock surged, I felt like I added another inch or two just from that energy hit. I picked up the pace. My mother tightened her asshole muscles, and my own balls tightened. A second later thick ropy strands of my seed poured deep into her ass. She moaned, Clementina moaned, and I moaned.

Load after load poured from my cock into my mother’s waiting, willing, wanton ass. It was as if all the energy stolen from me by the succubus had been converted into come and it was gushing out of my cock all at once. I came so hard I almost had trouble breathing. Semen and slime backed up and poured out of my mom’s deep cavernous asshole around my cock, even as she tried to squeeze her asshole and keep it all in.

I slid my cock out and Clementina pushed me to the side, stretching my mom’s asshole apart. She planted her lips against my mother’s ass and sucked, pulling out all the slime and semen that I had just unloaded into her. It was more than her mouth could hold, and the milky combination ran down Clementina’s chin and dribbled across her tits. She brought the mixture around to my mother and the two kissed, passing the slime and semen back and forth between them before swallowing it.

While Clementina and my mother swapped slime and come, I pressed my own lips to my mom’s asshole, pulling out the rest of the come and slime from her, swallowing that, and then sucking more. Her asshole puckered and gaped into my mouth.

Finally, the three of us lay on the cold stone floor, enjoying how cool it was after our overheated exertions.

Nearby, Ona lay on the stone floor as well. The tentacles had withdrawn. Her stomach was still distended but green goo was trickling from her ass, her slit, her nose, and her mouth, and the bump was slowly subsiding.

The tentacle woman was still standing in front of the urn, watching, smiling. My mother, Clementina, and I turned to her.

“Who is she?” I asked my mother.

“You can address me, not your mother,” the woman said. “I can hear you, I can talk to you, and as you have seen, I can satisfy you. I am the guardian of the six. My name is Alura.”

“The six?” I asked.

“The six. I am the guardian of the six.”

Behind us, Ona moaned and climbed to her feet. Her stomach was almost back to normal but she was covered from head to toe in green slime.

“You sure know how to show a girl a good time,” she said, smiling.

Alura smiled. “Come back anytime you want, sexy.” She winked. “Just stand at the edge of the urn and call me. I think you and I will become good friends.”

“Do you live here?” I asked.

“I live in the water tunnels under the caves. This is not my only form. I have a form I can use to walk among humans, but until the lock has been opened, I am trapped.”

“The lock?” Clementina asked.

“I can’t say more, I am bound to silence by forces I can’t control. When you find the lock and you find the key then I, and others, shall be free to speak and help you.”

“Others? Help us? How?”

“Until you find the lock and key, I can say no more.”

It was my mother’s turn to speak up.

“While I was in a coma, I had dreams,” she said. “Dreams that told me things. I know that I am the six, but I don’t know what that means or where the lock and key are. We need to figure that out. But I do know that I am the six. And I know that Russel is the one and that together we are the seven. We are symbiotes. The rest we have to figure out.”

“The six? The one? The seven?” I said. “This is confusing.”

“I wish I could tell you more,” said Alura. “But when you have unlocked the lock, anything you want I will tell you.”

“Why did you send a soul-sucking succubus to attack me?” I asked.

“You are the one, and the one must be tied to the six so they become the seven. That is how it is done. I did not make the rules. I am sorry. You solved the puzzle of the six and defeated the succubus so I am sure you will find the key and unlock the lock.”

She smiled and added, “Anyone up for more fucking or are you all tired out? I have enough tentacles to go around.”

Clementina, my mother, and I were all exhausted and declined. But Ona was up for more. As the three of us made our way out of the chamber, Ona had her head deep under Alura’s tentacles and the green woman’s head was tossed back in pleasure. Several tentacles were sliding in and out of Ona’s ass and pussy, gushing their green slime into her expanding abdomen as they stretched her lobes and pink asshole.

I glanced back at the statue one more time. My mother now had a tongue like the statue. I let my eyes wander down to the six grasping tentacles that ringed where the statue’s labia should be. Maybe it would be hot if my mom had tentacle labia – as long as she wasn’t a soul-sucking energy vampire. She had called herself the six, and there were six tentacles. Coincidence?

After our adventures that day, we took the next day easy, recuperating. The next evening, Clementina, my mom, Ona, and I all sat around the pool as the sun set. We had been skinny dipping – which was quickly becoming the norm – and were still nude in the red light of the fading day.

My mother and I were seated on a porch-swing together, arms around each other. The sensation of sharing energy, of being able to give or take it, of being in a symbiotic relationship with another creature was intoxicating and we were still getting used to it. We wanted to touch each other as much as possible.

“When do we open any more chambers in the nexus?” my mother asked. “We need to unlock the lock, as Alura said.”

“How can we dare?” said Ona. “After what just happened, and after the nightmare with the dark phallites. We can’t take any more risks. Alura is a great fuck, but nothing more. Let’s cut our losses.”

I swallowed a tart response to her about risk taking. After all, she seemed willing to throw risk to the wind when she hatched the dark phallite egg. But some of the anger and sting from the death of my father, while it wasn’t gone, it was at least a little less sharp.

“I think the greater risk is in not investigating them,” Clementina said. “We need to know what’s in there. They’ve been sealed since my forebears investigated them years ago. We need to find out what horrors are there and develop countermeasures or containment strategies.”

“I agree,” I said. “There are a lot of secrets still lurking in there, and possibly including one that could save my life once my phallite dies.”

“I concur,” my mother said.

“Something you said yesterday is sticking with me,” I said to Clementina.

“What was that?” she asked.

“You said we needed someone scientific to help us out,” I said. “We really do, I just don’t know how we find that someone. We need someone who can be trusted, who can keep their mouth shut, and is not risk averse.”

“And is female,” Clementina added. “We don’t want to add the additional risk of a male phallite carrier.”

“Any ideas anyone?” I said.

Silence reined, suddenly broken by the beep of my mother’s cell phone. She picked it up and looked at it.

“Well, at least we have some good news,” she said, her deep red pupils looking at her phone. “We have an offer on our house. The realtor just sent me the docs to my email.”

“Excellent!” I said. I went in and got her laptop for her and we looked at the documents from the offerer.

“That’s a solid offer,” I said. “We need to accept that pronto before they change their mind.”

“I agree, let’s get signing,” my mom said.

“Who’s the buyer?” Clementina asked.

My mom peered at the screen.

“Olympia Greco.”

“Dr. Greco?” I said, looking over at the screen. “Yeah, Ph.D. That’s her.”

“You know her?” Clementina asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “She taught my freshman bio lecture. She is a molecular biologist. She’s kind of odd, but really nice. I got to know her a little, and she offered to help me if I ever had trouble in any of my future science classes. I’m a computer guy, I wasn’t a science nerd.”

“Really…” Clementina trailed off.

“Yeah, and she’s got a pair of twin daughters, their a few years older than me, and are working on their own doctorates. Athena’s working on a paleontology Ph.D. and the Demeter is getting ready to defend her astrophysics thesis.”

“Wow,” Clementina said. “You said she was kind of odd. How so?”

“She’s really nice, so none of this really matters. But besides her decision to name her daughters after Greek goddesses, she likes dressing really severe in almost masculine clothes. It’s not that she isn’t attractive – she’s beautiful, and she wears her clothes very flatteringly, but if you see her walking down the street, if she wasn’t wearing something form-fitting that showed her bust or her hips, you might think she was a man. And her daughters are goth, heavy eye liner, black lace, the whole thing. So they are an odd crew, but really nice people underneath it.”

“Interesting…” Clementina said. “Molecular Biologist, Paleontologist, Astrophysicist. Nice combination. All female and seemingly open-minded if they are as odd as you describe. Can they keep a secret?”

I looked up at her, then realized what she was thinking.

“I believe they can. But we would be asking them to take a big risk,” I said.

“We would make sure they understand the risk before we let them see even a single phallite,” she said.

I nodded.

“I still have her number from when she was helping me out in her class. I can call her.”

