[M]y honest appraisal of a [F]’s vaginal odor

After graduating college I had an FWB relationship with a college gal when she was home on breaks. It was totally casual. She knew I was intimate with other women; I knew she was intimate with men she was meeting at her college. Of course, part of the fun was that we would openly share our respective hook-up stories.

We started out hooking up on her Thanksgiving break 1999, then continued it over that Christmas break. Both times I went down on her for at least half an hour, and both times she returned the favor and blew me. Both over Thanksgiving break and Christmas, her vagina had the same odor. Nothing utterly terrible, just the kind of vaginal odor where as a guy, you’re like, ‘Okay, this happens to be a stinky pussy. I can deal.’

In our conversations after New Year’s 2000, she happened to mention that none of these guys in college seemed to go back for a second hook-up. I was the only guy in her previous semester to hook up with her multiple times.

Because we had such an open relationship (and I wasn’t in a position to be her steady boyfriend) I wanted to help her as best I could, so I actually told her, “I have a feeling I’m more mature than the college guys you’re meeting, but it might be how your vagina smells.” I went on to say that I had no problem with it as was evidenced by the fact that I had gone down on her for at least 30 minutes, but that I could see a lot of ignorant/inexperienced guys thinking she had a “stinky pussy.” Again, I had encountered that odor enough times in college to have gotten used to it, and it never got in the way of my enjoyment. I said, “I don’t know why I’m helping these guys out – the more they flake out the more I’ll get to hook up with you, but there you have it.”

She actually took it surprisingly well. She said, “Whatever. Their loss. It’s a vagina. It’s not going to smell like flowers. As long as I know there’s at least one guy out there – you – who enjoys it enough to come back for seconds, I’m not gonna change a thing.”

I said, “You’re right. And I guarantee I’m not the only one. You’ve just been hooking up with the wrong guys at school.”

Eventually she did meet a guy who became her boyfriend, so our FWB relationship came to a close, but we had a great time with one another while it lasted.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mp8d24/my_honest_appraisal_of_a_fs_vaginal_odor

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