[M]y best friend’s Wi[F]e gave me an unforgettable experience (long)

A few years ago, I was lucky enough to experience something beyond my wildest dreams. I have spared no detail in the account below and I hope to do this moment justice. Apologies in advance if I have been overly long winded with certain descriptions but I am writing down as much as I remember and don’t plan to edit any of it out.

Liam and I had always been friends since high school. I have always been a bang average student in school, certainly not in the most popular or cool kids group but definitely not the lowest on the social totem pole either. Just to give you a better idea, if our entire senior year took a poll today, I would probably rank near the bottom for memorability.

After high school, Liam and I both wound up in the same city and ended up going to the same university. While we ultimately ended up taking different courses, we still met up regularly and became part of the same extended social group.

It was around this time that Liam met Ally. Ally had shoulder length brunette hair and was built on a smaller frame with perfectly sized B-cups. There was nothing extraordinary about her looks but I recall my first impression was that she had a sweet innocent face.

Ally immediately became a more permanent part of our friend group. Although she was shy at the beginning; never really contributing much in terms of conversation unless specifically spoken to, she soon became more confident with our tight knit group of friends and opened up more. While she was not afraid to join the guys during our brash moments, there was definitely still an element of shyness in her. She almost never joined the extended group for gatherings unless Liam was present.

Liam and Ally eventually ended up tying the knot four years later. Our group had slowly dwindled after graduation and once again, I found myself staying on with Liam and Ally in the same city. By then, I managed to land a pretty well-paying job in my field and was slowly settling into the grind. My rostered work schedule at the time was such that I worked twelve hour shifts for two weeks at a time without a break and then had a week off which worked our pretty well for me. I would usually chill out for a couple of days at the start and end of my break week and go back to visit my family in between. As such, I had little to no time to broaden my social circle. I would say it was during this period that Liam and I became best friends.

Hanging out at Liam’s place became a common occurrence and as a result, I personally got to know Ally better as well. While I never used to take much notice of her when she first got together with Liam, I did start to notice her more as our group got smaller. She was never the type of girl who would immediately turn heads when she entered a bar but it is that particular type of trait that was more endearing to my taste. Perhaps it was just age starting to catch up with me. I subconsciously caught myself admiring her maturing features and on more than a few occasions found my fantasies drifting. Beneath it all, she had a cute face that only grew on me the more I saw it. Couple that with a mild and easy-going personality and I could definitely see myself ending up with someone just like that. I couldn’t help but slightly envy Liam for landing such a great catch.

It was during one of these hang out sessions at their house that things got interesting. I should preface by saying that at the time, I was as single as you could get and was nowhere close to being on the dating scene. While I did have a few casual girlfriends earlier in my university days, they were all doomed relationships. In all, I probably had sex less than 10 times before and only with a single girl. Time was now slowly creeping up to my 25th birthday.

It began like any other invitation for dinner at Liam and Ally’s place one weekend just before I was due back into my two-week work roster. It was a particularly warm night in August as I recall we were relaxing on the balcony after dinner, a couple of beers in. Ally had just returned from her grandmother’s that afternoon and had excused herself for an early night which was not uncommon.

As most of our hang out sessions went, the standard topics of conversation were covered. It typically went from work, sports, video games, reminiscing about old classmates and teachers to more philosophical debates about news, culture, and the like. After the topics had been exhausted, Liam casually steered the conversation to my private life. Something not very commonly discussed but well within the limits of our friendship.

**L: So, you seeing anyone lately?**

**Me: Nah, can’t find the right one**

**L: Well, you would if you… you know… tried**

I laughed. Moments like this felt like we were seated at the university cafeteria during lunch break where I was completely at ease. I thought the discussion about my private life would end there and we would move on to talking about something else. Briefly, I caught a glimpse of Liam’s face and he looked a little bit nervous almost like he was at a loss for words.

**Me: What’s up?**

**L: Well, I’m just going to say it… I’ve been talking with Ally lately**

**Me: Oh boy**

**L: No it’s not that, everything’s fine… I mean, with us at least**

**Me: What’s on your mind then?**

Liam sighed, took a deep breath and said

**L: Well it’s about our sex life, we were thinking of… how shall I say it… experimenting…**

At this point, a million things were going through my mind. While there was no clear line where our conversational boundaries ended, there were clear topics where we both knew the line was crossed. This was one of those times. I carried on the conversation as if we were still talking about the last week’s football game but my mind was racing.

**Me: That’s great… I mean for you guys you know… with your age and all…**

**L: No, I mean we were thinking of expanding and exploring more with other people… you know… if you were interested**

I could feel my heart beating through my chest now. It was my turn to look nervous, not knowing what to say.

**L: We were planning to take it really slow… I mean this was actually Ally’s idea but once we discussed it further, we decided it was something we were both comfortable with… naturally, you were the first choice for us**

Liam relaxed a little and his shoulders slumped to a more casual position. I could tell it was a weight off his chest and it was now my turn to voice my thoughts. Somewhere at the back of my mind, I pictured Liam and Ally discussing how this exact conversation would play out and wondered if her turning in early tonight had been planned. If this was a no strings attached type of deal, I would have jumped at the chance in a heartbeat. However, I really valued what I had with Liam and Ally and did not want things to get awkward between us. Just the thought of getting it on with Ally though was impossible to resist.

**Me: Well, I wouldn’t want things to get awkward between us… you know… if anything should happen**

**L: Neither do we… which is why we were thinking of starting slow… you know**

**Me: Slow how?**

At this point, I was basically fantasizing about slowly and sensually making love with Ally. I felt my pulse quicken and a stir in my groin area. Casually, I shifted in my seat to hide the inevitable.

**L: Ally and I did agree that the first step should be hands only… in fact, the idea came from her that she would like to experiment her hand skills on another man**

**Me: You mean like a handjob?**

**L: Yes, but without myself being present**

**Me: And you would be alright with that?**

I glanced at Liam in what I realized was the first time we made eye contact since the conversation turned. He looked back coyly and said

**L: Well uhm yes… in fact it turns me on knowing it is happening without me**

I didn’t know how to respond so I merely sat there not knowing where to put my eyes. Inside, my stomach was doing somersaults and found myself repeating in my head that this was really happening. The rest of the conversation basically ended with Liam saying that Ally will text me privately to discuss further arrangements. He assured me not to hold back in these private conversations as he will be reading them as well, encouraging me not to be intimidated by her.

I went home that night and couldn’t fully concentrate on anything the next day. I was supposed to be doing my laundry and preparing myself for the upcoming two weeks at work. I kept replaying the conversation in my head trying to remember the exact words Liam used. Until today, that conversation will forever be ingrained in my memory down to the details of his facial expressions as he spoke and his nervous and slightly timid demeanor as the conversation slowly unfolded.

I received a text from Ally the following day while I was at work. This was the first private message we had ever exchanged in our four years of knowing each other. It was somewhat comforting that we already knew each other so well by that point and it ended up being a lot more casual than my initial expectations. It felt like two friends having a discussion over when to catch up for a coffee. This together with the two weeks of work really helped calm my anxiety, allowing me to fully immerse and enjoy myself in what I assumed was not privileged to most people.

As it turns out, Ally would have a day off the next time I had the week off. Liam worked in corporate so he would be at work during business hours. This would mean I wouldn’t get to visit my family on but I would be lying if I said I cared. I would go to their house in the morning after Liam left for work and we would both have the rest of the day free for events to unfold.

The following two weeks of work was by far the longest I have ever experienced. By the second day, I was so filled with pent up energy that I felt sure my co-workers felt something was up. I tried my best to not outwardly display any of the turmoil I was trying to suppress.

Throughout the week, Ally and I texted constantly. We both agreed that I would hold off from masturbating for the week leading up to the day. The first couple of days, I was ever so slightly disappointed that it was just going to be a handjob and nothing more. However, as the week progressed, I was starting to grow on the idea of laying back and relaxing while Ally worked her small hands on my cock. It had been agreed that she would be the only one doing the touching and I was merely there to receive.

Ally encouraged me to share any specific preferences and I was more than happy to bring up my recent discovery of edging which I had been incorporating into my masturbation routine. I was overjoyed to hear that she too had heard of edging which is when the cock is stimulated near the point of ejaculation and then stopping completely, allowing the build-up to subside before repeating the process over and over again until ejaculation is desired. For me, it had always led to a more powerful orgasm and almost always produced more cum.

After what felt like an eternity, the promised day finally arrived. I made sure to make myself more presentable down under the night before as it had been a couple of years since I saw any action. I texted Ally when I arrived and she greeted me at the door. We hugged our greetings and made our way into the dining room. I immediately noticed Ally had her nails manicured beautifully and it was painted in a bright teal color. My heart started beating faster.

**A: Would you like anything to drink?**

**Me: Just a glass of water would be fine**

Ally brought me a glass and we chatted for a bit. Part of me was worried that the reality would turn out rather awkwardly. I had made the decision not to make any advances to the day’s events and simply follow Ally’s lead. I was after all a guest to both the house and proceedings. To my relief, she brought it up not long after

**A: So are you sure you are 100% comfortable with this?**

**Me: Well seeing as Liam and yourself are perfectly happy, I am just feeling so lucky that you asked me first**

**A: Don’t be silly, it was always you and no one else… the fact that you’re also cute is a bonus**

**Me: Err… thanks, you’re not too bad looking yourself**

My pea brain had turned to mush at this point and I no longer thought about any of the words coming out of my mouth. The conversation line between Ally and myself had definitely been crossed. It was the first time she ever complemented me on my looks. That was a huge turn on for me and somehow made me feel much more at ease. I sensed her nervousness as well as if she was trying to suppress a deep seated, carnal crush from bubbling to the surface.

She suggested we move to the lounge area. Their lounge area consisted of a sofa set with a chaise at one end forming an L-shape. Ally guided me to have a seat on the chaise where I sat upright but with my legs fully extended along the length of the chaise. Ally took a seat on the sofa to my right. I could sense her bursting with energy and it reminded me of how I felt throughout the week. Inexplicably, I was feeling extremely relaxed now and was not even hard yet. Ally said suddenly

**A: I think if we dove right into it, that would be good… the ice-breaking is usually the most stressful part**

**Me: Sure**

Only too happy to oblige, I stood up and unbuckled my pants. Ally gestured for me to remove my shirt as well saying coquettishly

**A: We wouldn’t want it to get dirty**

Before sitting back down, she produced a towel and laid it on for me to sit. There I was in my boxers, a thin fabric away from full glory. At this point, I was already getting semi-hard. Ally playfully massaged my thighs down to my calves and back up. I let up an involuntary sigh.

**A: Easy there big guy, we’ve got all day**

**Me: I’m afraid I may not be able to last that long… your hands feel amazing and it’s been a while since I… umm… saw any action**

**A: You’ll last**

Ally said simply. And with that, the ice was broken and we both melted into each other’s company. She continued to massage around my groin and up to my pelvic region and chest deliberately avoiding my penis. The teasing went on for a few more minutes. I sighed again and felt my penis getting hard, straining against the fabric. Ally whispered

**A: I think it’s time to say hello**

Carefully, she unbuttoned my boxers and I lifted my ass for a second to allow the boxers to come off completely. Now, I would say I’m probably just above the average line in terms of size somewhere north of six inches at full erection. Right now, it was about 90% there fully exposed in all its uncircumcised glory despite having yet to experience any direct skin to skin contact.

Ally touched it for the first time and I jumped slightly at the electric sensation. With both hands, she carefully massaged along the shaft length with her fingertips starting from the base slowly moving upwards. She took her time and went excruciatingly slowly stopping just short of the very top of my foreskin where the tip of my pink glans was visible. This sensation was new to me as I never used it during masturbation. She was not moving the foreskin up or down at all but rather just kneading it with her fingertips in a pulsing manner.

I found my brain having to constantly tell the rest of my body to relax and enjoy the experience. The pulsing technique felt amazing. My penis slowly grew to full erection after a few more rounds of pulsing up and down the shaft. As it grew, my foreskin started to peel back slowly exposing more and more of my glans. The feeling of my warm blood engorged cockhead being exposed to the cool ambient air produced a wonderful tingling sensation.

Almost imperceptibly, Ally’s pulsing fingers slowly evolved into a massage. Her dancing fingertips soon found rhythm drawing miniature circles along my shaft. Her bright teal colored nails on full display willing my foreskin down further and further. My glans was now almost fully exposed with my foreskin retraction nearing the maximum where the end of the foreskin blends seamlessly into the shaft becoming much like a circumcised penis. I had never seen my penis get this erect before and the handjob had barely even begun.

**A: How are you doing?**

I could barely squeak out the words

**Me: Your fingers… are so soft… I have never been this hard before**

**A: We’ve barely even started… just relax and enjoy the experience… I’ll be right here with you**

A smiled shyly, it was clear that she was enjoying herself as much as I was. She reached under the sofa and produced a jar of coconut oil. She opened it and reached in with two fingers. Gently, she melted the coconut oil by rubbing it along my shaft all the way up, carefully and deliberately circling around my corona ridge. This was the first time her fingers made contact with the base of my sensitive glans. I winced in delight yearning for a firmer, more consistent pressure.

She seemed to sense this as well and went back momentarily to continue massaging the shaft. I exhaled slowly, torn between closing my eyes and fully embracing the moment or keeping them open in order to burn as much mental imagery into my brain. I finally settled on keeping them open, no doubt this was going to be lifelong spank bank material.

Ally seemed to have a sixth sense on the timing. Not long after returning to teasing the shaft, she slowly went back to my head just as I was starting to yearn more contact there. With her left hand, she held the base of my shaft not too tightly, but enough to keep the foreskin from sliding up over the glans. She formed an “O” with her right thumb and index finger and started at the base slowly going up. Ally’s grip was so gentle that it was just barely grazing the now taut skin around my shaft. Ever so slowly, the “O” crept higher up my shaft, her fingers expertly expanding and contracting around each vein until it hit the ridge seemingly “blocked” from going any higher by my now engorged helmet. She would then return back down to the base and back up again but each time the “O” got “blocked”, she would overshoot the mark ever so slightly. It wasn’t until the ninth or tenth time did the “O” finally close all the way and I experienced a full stroke from base to tip for the first time.

I was floating on clouds at this stage savoring every touch of her soft hands, occasionally moaning when she hit a particularly sensitive spot. Ally asked innocently

**A: How’s the pressure?**

**Me: Mmmm… it’s so light… I’m not sure two fingers is going to be enough to make me cum**

**A: You did say edging was something you enjoy…**

**Me: Well, I’ve never been edged like this before**

**A: Are you saying you aren’t enjoying this?**

Ally chuckled knowing full well that I was. Despite the teasing, I could tell by her mannerisms that she would eventually use more than two fingers and she had no intention of ending with me frustrated or having a ruined orgasm. I knew I was in for a wild ride but the destination was known, it was the journey that Ally was intending to make memorable.

As if reading my mind again, she now found the tip of my cock with all five fingers at the same time. With her left hand still maintaining the same grip at the base, she slid all five fingers down my crown and shaft simultaneously until her palm came in contact with the head. On the upstroke, she would gently twist her fingers up and around similar to juicing an orange. Occasionally, her nails would lightly scratch my glans on the way down driving me mad with lust. Her teal colored nails forming a nice contrast with my cockhead which was slowly turning purple. She continued this a few more times until my leg twitched involuntarily despite my continual inner monologue telling myself to relax.

**A: Woah, easy there**

**Me: Sorry, it’s sensitive at the head**

**A: I know… maybe it’s time to dial it down for a bit**

She moved both hands now to my balls and began caressing them. Cupping them with one hand, she gently tugged my sack down while her fingers massaged the balls. She would then repeat with the other hand. Because my upper body was upright on the chaise, I had a great view down her top. She was wearing a loosely fitted T-shirt with no bra. How I wished I could get her to remove her top to complete the fantasy but I held my end of the bargain. Patience, I thought. That would have to wait till next time.

At this stage, I had completely lost track of time. It felt like 20 minutes had gone by but it could honestly have been 45 minutes and I wouldn’t be surprised. Thankfully, there was no clock in sight as I would be worrying about her hands getting tired. Well she could just finish me off anytime if that was the case, I thought. By this time, we both knew when and how I came was completely in Ally’s control.

Again, she sensed my mind beginning to drift. Ally got off the sofa and told me to spread my legs so she could kneel in between them. She resumed by massaging with all ten fingers up along the shaft again similar to how she began when my boxers first came off. This time however, she stopped on the frenulum, a small triangular shaped band of tissue behind the glans connecting it to the shaft. Holding my shaft with both hands almost in a prayer-like position, her thumbs began massaging in opposite circles pinching and releasing my frenulum. This was an entirely new sensation for me only achievable through a handjob. Sure, I’ve had handjobs before but never like what Ally was doing now. The constant pressure on my frenulum was glorious and it was no surprise this new intense feeling was inching me closer and closer.

**Me: I’m getting close**

I managed to blurt out as my breathing got shallower. Ally then switched it up again. Instead of massaging the frenulum with both thumbs, she deftly switched the pinching to the other direction now using both her thumb and index fingers. Her thumbs would begin on either side of my frenulum while both index fingers would begin on the opposite side. Simultaneously, she would bring them together in a pinching motion along the ridge of my cockhead meeting in the middle before reversing directions. She took extra care ensuring both her thumbs stopped just short of pinching my frenulum again.

This turned out to be agonizingly frustrating as the steady build-up to orgasm was halted. I was already so worked up that neither was it coming back down. My arousal plateaued despite Ally keeping up the stimulation. Due to my position on the chaise, my entire upper body was in an upright position the entire time. The sensitivity of her fingers stimulating the corona ridge without any up and down motion caused me to rock my neck back and forth. I could neither be comfortable leaning my head back entirely on the headrest nor have it fully unsupported. Ally giggled in amusement at my lack of control

**A: What’s the matter? Is it sensitive when I do this?**

**Me: Ye… ahh**

**A: How about now?**

Slowly, she added more fingers until all ten were dancing on the flared rim of my cockhead. She edged all ten fingers upwards by mere millimeters until her fingertips cleared the base of the ridge before bringing them back down below. I moaned with pleasure as I felt a heat radiating from my groin area. I could feel my impending orgasm slowly building up again willing her fingers to go higher with each stroke. As usual, Ally sensed this and did not oblige, merely continuing with the micro-movements just under the head.

**A: I think you’re ready now**

She had stopped all stimulation and was reaching for more coconut oil. At this stage, I only managed to nod my head. She placed her hand over my chest and felt my heartbeat.

**A: You should relax now… your pelvic muscles will clench to trigger orgasm… as much as possible, try to resist manually clenching and just relax… let it happen on its own**

I took long, deep breaths now to help me relax. With one hand, she held the base of my shaft this time pulling down slightly to ensure the foreskin was taut. She repeated this move a few times, squeezing and releasing her grip never going any higher than halfway up my shaft. I didn’t know this at the time, but this was increasing the blood flow and sensitivity to my glans turning it an even darker shade of purple. I had honestly never seen my cockhead look this color before.

After a few minutes, Ally stopped pulsing. Her left hand squeezing the base now holding it steady for the grand finale. She carefully wrapped her other hand engulfing my entire head, her touch still agonizingly gentle. Still with minimal pressure, she began stroking up and down, her fingers expertly closing over the crown to ensure no part of my glans went untouched. My sensitivity peaked, my body bucked uncontrollably as the build-up began its inevitable rise to climax.

Ally’s gentle massaging of my glans continued, her hands travelling up and down taking four to five seconds to complete each stroke despite travelling not more than an inch in each direction. I closed my eyes slowly relaxing my entire body focusing specifically on my pelvic muscles. What followed was the most deliciously slow build-up to orgasm that I have experienced to date. Normally when I cum during sex or masturbation, the feeling of my impending orgasm will last not more than thirty seconds to a minute from the moment I feel close. Here, I must have lasted well over five minutes surfing the peak of near-orgasm.

In that moment, I distinctly remember coming to an extremely clear realization. The taboo nature of me being there right now, this being Ally’s idea, me being a spectator to proceedings. Combine that with the feeling of Ally’s soft hands delicately handling my manhood. For a second, all these thoughts came crashing into my mind and it was finally too much for my week long pent up load to handle. I felt my pulse quicken as my breath became shorter, more labored.

**Me: I’m gonna cum**

Ally smiled kindly and nodded her head reassuringly. She kept the same gentle touch and slow pace of massaging my glans, never speeding up nor tightening her grip. Every bump of her fingers grazing my ridge was sending waves of pleasure all over my relaxed body. Ally whispered

**A: Keep relaxing and let the orgasm consume you**

That was it, I reached the point of no return. Without warning, my muscles clenched as my whole body writhed with pleasure. Wave after wave coming deep from my pelvic region and spreading outward from head to toe. I opened my eyes not wanting to miss the explosion. My head rocked back and forth as my toes curled involuntarily. Time seemed to freeze as my pelvic muscles must have remained clenched for what seemed like ten seconds. Clear fluid started emanating from my tip flowing down my shaft in a steady stream. My muscles unclenched and the fireworks began. What followed next was something I have not replicated to date. Within the space of a few seconds, I lost all control and my pelvic muscles must have clenched and unclenched at least a dozen times in quick succession each pumping rope after rope of hot white semen. The first two shots were a sprinkler style of clear droplets that flew everywhere quickly followed by five or six shots that flew over my shoulder and landed behind the couch and all over the headrest while the rest painted my chest before eventually dribbling slowly all over Ally’s hands and nails.

In total, I must have experienced over twenty orgasmic contractions with the last few no longer producing any more semen. The entire orgasm from the point of no return lasted well over a minute and throughout it all, Ally kept the same grip and pace massaging my head. I was spent. My heart was pounding, my vision blurred.

**A: Wow, that must have felt good… I’ve never seen that much cum before**

She had a triumphant look on her face, I remember thinking how hot she looked in that moment. I laughed and slumped back, breathing deeply. Ally wiped her hands on the towel and came to join me by my side. I knew I wasn’t supposed to touch her but after an experience like that, it felt wrong not to hold the only other person who experienced it with you. I put my arms around her as she rested her head on my shoulders. She understood the vulnerability I felt in a moment like this. We laid together in silence for the next few minutes.

**Me: That was the best handjob I have ever received… I don’t think anything can ever top that**

**A: Did you like the edging part?**

**Me: It was different… but in a good way…**

**A: How so?**

**Me: I’m used to backing off from stimulation completely to calm back down… your constant slow, deliberate touches never really did back me down but made the build-up excruciatingly slow**

Ally just smiled, apparently happy with the complement. I stroked her wrist absent-mindedly but she didn’t seem to mind. In a soft voice, she whispered

**A: Thank you**

She kissed me on the cheek.

Sadly, this did turn out to be a one-time thing. Later, I found out the whole handjob lasted close to an hour. I did speak about it with Liam shortly after and while he was all positive about the whole situation, neither he nor Ally said anything to indicate a next time. I too did not press the issue as we are still close friends though time and distance has drifted us apart somewhat. Not long after that, circumstances required me to return to my family. I managed to find another job closer to home despite not paying as well as the bigger cities.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for sticking around till the end. I felt I needed to immortalize this moment by sharing it here and I spared no detail. Every so often, I still find myself daydreaming back to that two-week period in August and what a lucky man I was.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mp9vl8/my_best_friends_wife_gave_me_an_unforgettable


  1. I had a somewhat similar experience many years ago. Really enjoyed your story, and I’m hoping to hear more from you. Very well written.

  2. Looks like that towel was the less useful to avoid the wall painting in the human being hystory…

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