[MF] Going to Far to Fast.

Circa 2002

I was seeing a women a little more mature than myself for a few months coming off a divorce. We’d met in the gym exchanging glances. I had a thing for petite fair skin woman around the 130 mark at that time.

Probably had something to do with my ex. Big borderline Disney character size brown eyes and waist length straight strawberry blonde hair pretty much sealed my physical attraction.

We begin to chit-chat and within a week she asked me to run with her on the boardwalk. During what was a great afternoon she asked me to dinner that weekend.

She was laid back almost a little to direct but it was charming. I did sense quite a bit of reservation when we started taking about sex, which was cute but indicated a little vanilla.

Things progressed slowly, which is fine I was in mo hurry. At around the 6 week mark we began sleeping together. The first time a couple flags went up for me.

The inception of our physical relationship felt very rushed on her part. It began with a request for the lights to be turned way down. As in nearly pitch dark.

Soon as it was dark I was kinda hurried to the bed where she hastily began giving me oral,which wasn’t bad. In fact I tapped out pretty quickly.

She then without a word quickly jumped on top of me not letting me move much. Then proceeded to grind and press down pretty hard while riding for.. Idk it seemed like a long time.

She finally came, exhausted and a little sweaty lol. Then finished me off with more if that respectable head. That was it and it was nice enough. I’d expected a little more varied from what she’d been texting me.

Over the next few days I mafe it clear we slow down, relax and enjoy foreplay. I promised it would be fun. She somewhat nervously agreed.

Few days later we had another opportunity. This time we began with me giving her a massage, which did relax her or so I thought. When I got to her labia and clit everything seemed fine.

While slowly exploring I found her clit was slightly smaller that I’d ever seen and difficult to keep in a position in which it was possible to even touch.

She also seemed to be super hypersensitive. Like post orgasm sensitive, which I’d not encountered.

I do however understand anatomy and the number of nerve receptors in such a concentrated area needed to be dealt with lightly. However there seemed to be no degree of pressure or friction she was able to tolerate.

Naturally oral was the next option. She was a little reluctant but was eager to “try?” As she put it. It was hard for me too believe she’s not experienced oral ny her mid 30s.

I also remember getting the vibe that no one had ever made an effort to genuinely pleasure this women in her life.

Gently I proceeded. Lightly kissing her labia starts this chain reaction of twitching legs and abdominal shudding. Spreading her opinion my tongue barely grazing her clit.. She immediately cums very hard squirting/urinating (whatever your belief) just slightly.

Not even taking the time to soak up the orgasm. Her pussy still throbbing she bagan profusely apologizing.

The next hour was me reassuring her what had happened was completely normal, very sexy and even a complement to my efforts. After calming down and a couple glasses of wine we repeated what she’d done the first time, which I was cool with.

I was a little surprised to hear from her the next day. She indicated the evening previous was great but asked for a do over if I was free that night.

She arrived and obviously went the extra mile. Looking stunning and wasting no time coming right in for a deep kiss. Took my had and lead me down my hallway.

Much to my surprise she suggested I try what we did last time. It was all she thought about and couldn’t wait to feel it again.

In a world.. Disaster ensued.

Quickly stripping down an taking the position.. In her eagerness to please she spread her pussy open with both hands looks down with, suck me again baby. Very uncharacteristic of the timid little women I’d come to know fhe last few months.

For me.. I’d finally had excellent access to that tiny sensitive clit. I was elated she was coming out of her shell and wanted her to experience new sensations.

Gently sucking and kissing for nearly a minute she was just a quivering twitching mess. You okay I asked? She barely muttered feels so good. With that reassurance I go all in. Pressing and sucking a little more firmly. A deep primal moan fills the room.

Then it happens..

Much to both our surprise her pussy spontaneously pulsates to life with a stream of fluid. Rythmic contractions so intense she slightly passes gas. Nothing I’ve haven’t experienced before. When orgasms are very intensive.. It happens. The stream of fluid in my face was a first and not ideal but nothing I can’t handle.

Unable to process the intensity of the sensations assaulting her body she lay there twitching, throbbing gasping for air a good 5 minutes before the clarity envelops her.

For her it was deviating. She immediately began to once again profusely apologize. There was no amount of reassuring or consolation that slowed her exit. Leaving she said I just need a little time. I’ll call you soon. We both knew it was not gonna happen.

I called her once a week for 2 more weeks before leaving a final goodbye message.

Sucks because she was really great person. She had so much potential and deserved the chance to learn how to enjoy her body. Not be embarrassed by it.

For me it’s my only failure to help someone explore her potential.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mpk6qt/mf_going_to_far_to_fast

1 comment

  1. Damn dude that sucks. Squirters can be extremely self conscious about it. Nothing you could have done.

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