Fire on her Tongue – Part 2 (the spicier part) [MF] [Fantasy] [Demon] [Magic]

The incubus carried her through, ducking under the doorway to avoid catching his horns on it, and paused in front of the bed. Abigail swung her legs free and hopped down to the floor. Somehow his body had softened slightly, his skin and muscles had a more human give to them than when they had first kissed, and Abigail ran her hands over his stomach and abdominals taking in his shape.

‘Are you ready for this?’ She asked.

‘I will follow your lead , witch.’

Abigail turned and climbed onto her bed, turning and facing him on her knees, coming just up to the height of his mouth. Slowly she slipped off her shorts, feeling a cool tingling on the bare skin as the fabric fell away. Within moments she was naked on her bed, facing the demon with knees slightly apart, trembling with excitement. Did the incubus need to be aroused, did demons require foreplay? As if reading her mind, the incubus climbed onto the bed as well, and as he knelt tall in front of her his cock grew and hardened, almost as if on command. Abigail was stunned.

‘That’s a good trick.’ She said, staring down at his erection and feeling her heartbeat quicken.

‘It is based on human males, I hope it is to your liking.’

Moving forwards, Abigail embraced and kissed the demon again, reaching down to hold his shaft at the same time. ‘I’m sure I can do something with it.’ She whispered into his ear.

The incubus held her back, wrapping an infernal arm around her while his second reached down between her legs. When Abigail gasped at the touch the demon slid his tongue into her mouth, and the crackling energy of magic flooded her body again, pulsating from the two points of contact. She pushed into it, stroking him with one hand and willing her body into his, working her lips against the demon’s and stroking him with her hand. He responded with a powerful intensity, holding her close with an arm around her waist as he circled his fingers outside of her. The rhythm was slow, deliberate, and Abigail unconsciously ground her hips into his hand while she felt him grow and pulse in her hand. Somehow this otherworldly being knew how to please her, how her body worked and what to do to make her feel like this. There was a tingling growing now, human this time instead of magic, the same tingling she knew well and caused her to press her face hard into his and clench the hand holding his neck as she felt sexual energy rise inside her. The first orgasm pulsed through her and made her groan out loud. Delicious pleasure filled her mind and made her pull away from the kiss, instead pushing her forehead against his as he massaged out the last little jolts from her.

‘Fuck, where did you learn to do that?’ Abigail asked breathlessly. The speed at which she’d cum had surprised her, and now he was just holding her sensitive clit with his hand and making tiny movements that she never wanted to stop. 

‘I have pleasured mortals before, witch, you are not the first to summon me. None of you are as complex as you believe.’ She started stroking him again, not know if the demon needed it. ‘I can also sense your feelings and desires glowing around you like an aura, shifting with the patters of your thoughts.’ His eyes flashed and he drew a finger down her cheek. When it comes to pleasure, your mind is as open to me as you are.’

With those words he slipped a finger inside of her, gliding easily into her wet sex. Abigail gasped his surprise and nipped at his shoulder with a laugh. ‘Turns out you do have a sense of humour then.’ She said, struggling to maintain a steady voice. 

‘As I said, you humans are not as complex as you’d like to believe.’  He replied deadpan, but then surprised her with a smirk. Abigail smirked back and bit her lip. 

‘Show me then.’

In one fluid movement the creature pushed her back, moving on top of her as she rolled onto her back. Almost automatically Abigail’s legs parted, touching the back of her thighs to the top of his legs as he positioned his cock against her, teasing her with a delicious pressure at the entrance to her without quite slipping inside. His lips met hers again with flashing sparks, and the witch could feel the power pulsating inside her, ready to burn and grow. As he drew away the incubus pushed himself into her, gently but firmly, sliding his length until his pelvis met hers. Abigail gasped as a tingling pleasure flowed from her sex and reached out to grasp the demon’s buttocks as he began to thrust, seeming to revel at her pleasure as she moaned, moving with the rhythm of her as she pushed her body forwards to meet his. The demon was hard, not quite rough but fucking with an intensity that surprised and delighted her. The chemistry was incredible, the power of the strokes, the way he let her grind her clit into his body for just a second before he withdrew to thrust again. The heat built inside her again, and suddenly her vision flashed white as she came crashingly hard. Her mind almost blanked out for a moment as she was consumed with the overpowering waves of pleasure pounding through her, hot and tight and tingling and leaving her gasping for breath. The incubus slowed his movement but didn’t stop as she cummed, his cock moving unstoppably inside her, the feeling of her cunt gripping down on his hardness adding to the intensity. 

Almost mercilessly he began to move faster again, building the energy back up inside her before she had even finished. Deep this time, barely withdrawing but instead grinding his pelvis into hers, hitting a new area and sliding his body against her throbbing clit. He shifted and Abigail instinctively shifted with him, lifting her legs higher and opening them as far as she could to allow him access to the most intimate regions of herself. She had never felt like this with a partner, never wanted to give so much of herself to another creature in this way. There was no shame, no hesitation with this otherworldly presence, just a wonderful freedom and joy in the use of her body for herself and her desires. The heady mix of pleasure and power sent her over the edge again, and then again, and then she stopped even bothering to count as she lost herself in the moment.

She indulged herself as the night passed, trying the things that she wanted to do without fear of judgement or rebuke. The demon was patient and willing, able to sense her desires as they arose in her mind, matching her energy and drawing feelings out of her that she had kept contained or restrained. It was fiery, and passionate, and left her seeing stars. Her muscles burned and her heart hammered, but the Incubus was able to flush her back full of energy with a deep long kiss, and so it wasn’t long before they began again. Finally, Abigail flopped down on the bed, utterly spent, her chest heaving. Her head was level with the demon’s abdomen, so she began idly tracing the lines of his abdominal muscles while she caught her breath and he lay his head back on her pillow. 

‘You haven’t cummed yet.’ She said, looking up and catching his burning eyes. ‘…Do you cum actually? I don’t know how incubi work in that area.’

‘It is possible, but it is not something that humans are normally capable of.’ The demon said. His tone wasn’t accusatory, it simply seemed to be stating a fact. ‘Mating between demons can last many mortal days, and is typically more…energetic than your species could tolerate.’

Abigail got a gleam in her eye. ‘You can’t say something like that and not expect me to take it as a challenge.’ She said wickedly. As she spoke she reached out and took his cock, sliding her hand up and down its wet length. The demon let out a sound that was halfway between a laugh and a contented sigh.

‘I mean it.’ Abigail said, getting to her knees and looking straight at her demonic lover. As they had paused she had felt the energy and power grow in her body, the crackling magic generated by their lovemaking now making itself felt. Experimentally she sent a small surge down her arm to the hand that was stroking the demon’s shaft. Immediately the incubus jolted, arching his back and pressing his hips into her hands. A delighted laugh escaped her as he looked at her in shock, his calm collected facade cracking for the first time. Abigail let another wave of energy flow to her hands, crackling blue sparks playing over his cock which seemed to pulse and grow in her hands as she worked it.

‘Witch, this is…’

‘Has nobody done this for you before? Given you pleasure with the power you lend them?’
‘No, mortals do not typically-‘ His voice was cut off by another surge from her, stronger this time, and accompanied by longer faster strokes using the slick wetness he was covered in. The power thrilled her, both magical and sexual. Every nerve in her body was fizzing, her muscles humming with a latent strength that had not been there before, a sharpness to her mind that let her cut through the world. Deep in her chest she could feel a heat burning and it made her euphoric. Here she had the magic she had craved, and at her fingertips was a demon gripping her thigh with a helpless desperation.

‘Human women can be good too, demon. But don’t you dare burst yet.’

Flexing her newfound abilities she directed the power upwards, feeling flames lick the roof of her mouth as they danced on her tongue. Natural, effortless. Pushing the incubus gently back to the bed as he tried to sit up, she bent her head down and took him in her mouth, letting the otherworldly fire engulf the head of his shaft. He let out an inhuman growl and gripped her shoulder hard, but he was not able to bruise her by accident now. She played with him, enjoying the feeling of his swollen member sliding forwards and backwards in her mouth, letting her tongue caress the soft underside in a way that made him shudder. He was bigger than she was used to, but he was better too. She had pleased other men like this, but they had either been too rough or too submissive; holding her head and trying to thrust to their own pace, or lying back and expecting her to do all the work. The incubus though, he worked with her, his desire and passion finding a pace that they shared. Unable to stop herself she reached down between her own legs to touch her dripping sex. The tingles of pleasure that came from her throbbing clitoris made her gasp and moan, the incubus reacting in kind as her mouth vibrated. She toyed with the idea of sending pulses of power through her left hand, but her vagina was already so sensitive that she didn’t think she could take a full blast. Instead she started with a tiny buzz which lit her up like a supernova and sent her into an orgasm so crashing that she collapsed to the bed, feeling the demon’s penis pop out of her mouth. Pain and pleasure thundered through her in equal measure, sparks blasting uncontrollably for few moments before fading away.

‘Abigail! Witch, are you alright?’ The demon sounded legitimately concerned, and as the shuddering subsided she saw him kneeling over her, one hand on her shoulder and the other cradling her cheek. As she nodded and started to push herself onto elbow he visibly relaxed. ‘You must take care with these powers, they are new to you and are not to be played with.’

Abigail sat up and shook her head to clear the spots from her vision. Already she could feel the magic shifting itself inside her, repairing the damage and warming her core. There was a heaviness to her limbs now, but she didn’t want to stop yet.

‘Pass me that water, then we’re going again.’ She said mischievously. The demon passed her the bottle and she took a long drink. During their session she had been gulping down water whenever she needed it, but now she took the time to drink deeply. The incubus watched as she did, still with a look of mild concern on his face.

‘I do not wish for us to go again witch. You must rest, I am concerned for your safety. There is much power you have received tonight, you must take your time to attune yourself to it before I grant you more. In truth I gave you more than I intended, but at some point I lost some control of myself.’

Abigail had opened her mouth to argue, but at the moment she did the sound of birdsong came faintly from outside. A weak light was filtering under her curtains, and she realised that the night was almost entirely spent. The incubus’s last sentence had also mollified her somewhat, and she sighed in mock despair.

‘Have you ever heard the human saying “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”?’ She asked, a tired grin spreading across her face.

The demon chuckled, the first time he had made a sound like that. Abigail was taken aback, but smiled as he looked into her eyes and sat up.

‘You must summon me again mortal, once you are recovered.’ The incubus stood from the bed, towering back to his full height and brushing against her ceiling. His muscles glistened with the sweat that had rubbed off from her during their passionate sex, and the faint orange glow of his skin cast a warm light into room. Abigail felt her pulse quicken again just from looking over his perfect body, as well as his glistening cock that still stood at rock hard attention away from his body.

‘I definitely will.’ She said, forcing her gaze back up to his beautiful face and wonderful eyes. ‘You and I have unfinished business.’

‘If any human can finish it then I believe it will be you, witch.’ 

The demon took a step towards the bed, and Abigail knelt up to meet him. ‘I’ll see you soon, demon.’

The incubus tilted her chin with a finger and bent down. The kiss was deep, and long, but this time there was no crackling of magic, no exchange of power. This was not part of the deal. The demon’s lips moved against hers, and Abigail held his head and kissed him back with a mortal human passion. After a long time they broke apart, and the witch gasped in a breath while the demon took a slow step backwards.

‘Until next time, Abigail.’

The incubus turned and gestured in the air, and a burning black portal appeared in the air.

‘I’ll be waiting.’ Abigail said, winking as the demon turned back. In return he simply smiled and walked into the portal, slowly vanishing from sight. She watched the sway of his buttocks as the glowing darkness claimed him, and then he was gone. 

All at once it was like the strings had been cut from her, and she flopped to the bed totally exhausted. The  night caught up with her all at once, and aches from all over body began to announce themselves as the adrenaline washed out of her system. Even so, it wasn’t enough to wipe the smile from her face, or the pulse of magic that still lay humming beneath her skin. This had been something special.

The light was brighter now, the morning beginning in earnest, and Abigail knew she had to sleep. Slowly she arranged herself in her bed, doing her best to make the bombsite of twisted blankets and tossed pillows into a sleeping space, and letting out the longest and deepest sigh of her life. Images and memories of the night whirled delightfully in her head, and absentmindedly she found herself touching her aching pussy, surprised at the fresh wetness she found there.

‘What the hell.’ She though, I have time for one last one.’

Once she was done, Abigail slept very, very deeply.



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