Me [m] and my best friend [M] saw his sister topless

I’ve got a good friend let’s call him Sam who I’ve known for pretty much my whole life who has this sister who is just stunning. Tall, blonde, big tits, she’s just crazy hot and I have no idea how he ended up with a sister so hot because he’s a chubby, nerdy loser (I love the guy but he is and I am too tbh). As you can imagine growing up and going through puberty I thought about her a lot, especially when I stayed over his and caught a glimpse of her in pjs with no bra on. Even Sam has admitted once or twice its hard not to look at her with her beautiful long let’s or big tits.

Anyway, Sam and his family decided to go on holiday and kindly invited me too join which I of course graciously accepted. She of course looked amazing the whole time but the most memorable moment was when we decided to go to a waterpark. The whole day I had to do everything in my power to not get an erection seeing her in her little bikini, her top must have been a size too small because her breasts were spilling out of them, her bikini spent most of the day being eaten by her ass. The moment from the day that will always stick in my mind is when we decided to go down a long slide they have there, first went me, then her dad, then Sam. We were waiting at the bottom when she splashed down landing heavily in the water, when she stood up we all realised her bikini top had flown off and for a second she hadn’t realised and we all stood there mouths wide open as we looked and her beautiful bare breasts, tan line from where she’d been sunbathing and beautiful pink puffy nipples, exactly as id imagined. Of course as everyone snapped to their senses she tried to cover up but her huge tits get spilling out of her arms and he dad jumped in to help her get her bikini but it’s something that I’ll never forget



  1. Any boy would glare! It’s ine of those moments one wished for having a camera at the ready. Nice experience.

  2. My 1st wife’s sister had a habit of running around their house wearing nothing but a set of simple white panties. I saw her boobs before I saw my wife’s boobs, her Dad and Mom were so used to it they didn’t even react when I was there. Nice “B” cups, nice and firm.

    Kind of gave me the urge to see if I couldn’t get those panties off but no opportunity to try.

    One day I was over there, her Dad had a couple of contractors bidding a porch repair, out she came bare tits. That was one strange woman.

    Weird that my wife was always conservatively dressed, until later on when we did some swapping. But I always wanted to do her sister, even mentioned it once but my wife threw a fit at the idea.

  3. That was the most blessed slide ever. I wanna go down that shit too ?

  4. It appears you’re new and this is your first post. Needless to say I think you’ve earned your first award.

  5. What happened afterwards? Did you talk about it with your friend?

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