Himeros [MF MF] [Long]

By: BansheeMagee

It was a hot summer night, the moon was full, and my wife and I had invited her sister and her sister’s husband to our place for the evening. Allison and Michael are really the only two friends that my wife and I have. We live out in the country and spend the majority of our lives working and dreaming of the dreams that will never come true. The true American Dream is just that, a dream that will never come true.

Allison is my wife’s youngest sister. She’s blonde, blue eyed, and verily petite. Standing next to my wife, no one would ever guess that they were sisters and that their grandfather is full blood Hispanic. It’s easier to see the Mexican ancestry in my wife, because she has dark brown hair, deep dazzling brown eyes, and a tanner complexion in her skin that our own child seems to have inherited as well.

Their skin, hair, and eye colors may be different, but they’ve both got the finer details that men admire about Latina women. Smooth skin, firm breasts, and thick round asses. I love it when they both wear yoga pants at the same time, and about a year ago, I noticed that Michael seems to enjoy it too.

More than once, I’ve seen Michael’s dark eyes ripping the clothes off my wife. He comes from a long line of industrial workers and baseball players. His great grandfather was even on the Pittsburg Pirates with Honus Wagner. His family’s most prized heirloom is his great grandfather’s signed baseball card and dirt stained cap. That was back when dreams were actually achievable in America.

I’m happy to say that my wife also enjoys looking at Michael. He’s built like an East Texas lumberjack, and I love to see how blushed she gets anytime I tease her about us inviting him to bed with us.

When my wife and I first got together, a decade ago now, I never really felt anything towards Allison. She was a senior in high school at the time. She was cute, and I definitely didn’t mind going out to the beach and seeing her in a bikini, but I never was very attracted to her. I think it was because I knew how many times she had been passed around in the little town that they grew up in. Maybe it was because she was just young?

But after Allison and Michael got married, and now that she was in her mid-twenties, I’ve caught myself scanning her body’s features more and more. The fun part is though, ever since the four of us have started hanging out more, I believe that she has started returning the admirations.

After marriage, sex becomes like a falling piece of snow. It’s beautiful until it lands on the ground and disappears. When my wife and I started hanging out with Allison and Michael more, we suddenly found ourselves looking at falling snowflakes once again.

On the day that this story occurred, all four of us had just returned from the swimming pool in our subdivision. At several points during the afternoon, I had caught my wife admiring the way the sunlight glistened off of Michael’s heavy arms and bare chest. In her mind, she was practically yanking his shorts down, and giving him the best amount of oral pleasure that he had ever had! She wanted him, and wanted him madly.

Like her older sister, Allison had also shot a couple of admiring glances…but at me! I was proud of that. Even though I had dropped three pant sizes during the winter, I still saw myself as a slightly deflated bounce ball compared to Michael. I’ve never considered myself good looking, other than a nice set of blue eyes and naturally wavy hair.

When we all got back to our house, Allison grabbed her dry clothes and went into our guest bedroom to change. My wife headed into our bedroom to do the same.

I sent a text telling her to leave the bedroom door slightly ajar so that Michael could see her changing. She replied with a crazy eyed emoji, which I knew was her way of agreeing to do so.

When my wife got into our bedroom, I asked Michael if he could help me move our three year old’s dresser real quick while the girls got changed. Our son’s room is right across the hallway from our bedroom. I smiled seeing that my wife had left the door slightly ajar, and was standing sideways in line of the opening.

She was sliding the top part of her bathing suit off. Her thick tits were perfectly silhouetted in the sunlight that came in through the window. Her spigots of life were hardened and inviting.

I made sure to walk in front of Michael, so that he would think I hadn’t seen him turn his head towards our bedroom door. The reflection of him in my three year old’s TV screen was perfect, and I even saw him do a quick double take.

I grilled some burgers for us all that night. Allison was wearing a pair of cut denim shorts that sat nicely on her firm legs. Michael hadn’t said much after seeing my wife changing out of her bathing suit, but he became more flirtatious towards her as he drank his beer. Allison couldn’t tell, and I doubt that my wife could either.

Men are strange creatures. We’re all different, but we can all tell when the other is sexually stirred. Although he wasn’t saying much, I could tell that Michael wanted more than just the pleasant memory of my wife’s topless silhouette. So, I decided to help him out.

None of us really know about poker, but we all know about War. Two players flip their cards down, the one with the highest card value wins. If the same value is played by both sides, three cards are drawn from the decks, and the fourth card gets flipped. Whoever has the highest value, wins the whole pot.

It’s a simple card game that usually gets dull after a while. That’s unless the players make the rules more…exciting.

I had originally altered the methods of War in college before my wife and I met. The loser of each three card battle had the choice of either surrendering the whole pot, or losing an article of clothing.

After dark, all four of us sat at the kitchen table and talked until the kids went to bed. Finally, there was a lull in the conversation, and I brought up the idea of playing cards.

It was an agreeable idea for everyone. When they asked me what game I wanted to play, I smiled crookedly at Allison and said “Himeros”.

Naturally, all of them were extremely confused by the name, but it was the perfect title for such a game. Himeros was a Greek deity of sexual pleasures and lustful desires. In a way, it described our group magnificently.

As I dealt the cards out, sliding one after another from my fingers towards them, I went over the rules of the game. After seeing a brief hesitation in Allison’s sharp blue eyes, Michael shrugged his broad shoulders and told her that it sounded fun. Besides, we had all just spent the whole afternoon practically naked in the swimming pool…and it was just clothes, nothing else.

At first, the Fates were not favoring me at all. By the third battle, I was already bare chested while everyone else still had most of their clothes on. But, my luck changed dramatically shortly thereafter.

Somehow, all of us had drawn a three. It was an epic four person standoff, and the cards were piled high. On the count of four, all of us flipped our last card over.

Allison had a five. Michael had a two. Sarah had a Jack, and I stared into the longing eyes of a King!

All three of my competitors had lost the battle. Michael, much to my wife’s delight, chose to remove his shirt. Sarah, decided to take her shorts off. I saw Michael’s dark eyes sparkle admiringly at my wife as she did so.

Allison hesitantly tapped her card onto the table, all of us looking at her. She flashed her blue eyes around at us, and finally hollered out “Fuck it!”

As quick as a wave crashes onto the shoreline, Allison took a hard swig of her drink and pulled her shirt off. Her perky tits bounced delightfully in her white bra as we all cheered her on.

The game started passing rather quickly after that hand. Michael only had one piece of clothing left, while Sarah was down to her bra and panties. Allison and I still had our shorts and underwear on, but when Allison and Michael tossed down two Queens the final battle was on.

There couldn’t have been a brighter glare coming off the white backdrop of that red number six. Michael looked at his wife, and at the black seven that she held in her fingers.

“Well,” he said, “guess I know what that means.”

He stood up from the table, a heavy bulge protruding from his blue briefs. Before Allison could say anything, he hooked his thumbs just below the upper seam, and quickly pulled them off.

I’ve never been jealous of another man’s crotch. Mine is pretty good sized, but his was worthy of being memorized in marble…like the gods of old.

His balls were thick, the shaft of his penis was as solid as the branch of a live oak, and the erection that started pulsing forward seemed magical in a weird way. I’m not homosexual, and I’m not bi-curious, but damn…he didn’t just have a gun, he had a whole fuckin’ cannon down there!

“Okay, that’s enough.” Allison suddenly shouted. She threw back her chair, started grabbing her shirt from the floor.

“Allison, wait.” My wife said back to her as she too got up from her chair. Michael’s eyes flashed to Sarah’s partially exposed ass as she rushed to Allison’s side.

“No, that’s it! Michael, get dressed. We’re going to bed.”

“Babe, it’s just a game.” Michael said pleading.

“My sister just saw your cock! That’s for my eyes only, and privately. Now get your fucking clothes on!”

“Allison,” Sarah pleaded as she took her sister by the shoulders, “it’s just a game. We’re not doing anything else. It’s all for fun.”

“Fun?” Allison exclaimed, “You’re staring at my husband’s dick, Sarah! That’s not the definition of fun in my opinion.”

“Ally,” Sarah said smoothly, “they’re just body parts. We’re all adults here. Do you want Jacob to get naked? Will that make it any better?”

“This, is wrong Sarah! I shouldn’t see your husband naked, and you shouldn’t be seeing mine.”

“It’s just a game, Ally. Just a game!”

Allison flashed her eyes at me, then at Michael, but quickly looked away. “I just need to step outside real quick.”

“I’ll go with you.” Sarah replied.

“No,” Allison snapped, “I just wanta be alone for right now.”

She stormed past us all. Michael stood up and started to follow her, but Allison waved him back down. I couldn’t help but to admire his ass as well, not as firm as his front side, but still pleasantly nice.

“Just let her go for a little bit.” Sarah said. Michael turned back towards us, not knowing exactly what to do next.

“Babe,” Sarah said to me, “why don’t you make her some of that Ranch Water stuff. She likes tequila and Topo Chico.”

I nodded my head, knowing exactly where she was going with this. Her sparkling brown eyes were glistening with a freshly lit fire.

“Michael,” she said as she walked towards him with a sway in her steps, “why don’t you come with me.” She cuffed her gentle hands around his thick cock, eager to play with it.

Michael looked quickly at me, and I just smiled and lifted my glass of bourbon towards him. Sarah started leading him from the table, one hand holding like a leash onto his swelling dick. She was going to have a great time.

I stepped out into the warm summer night with two glasses in my hand. Allison was sitting on the back patio, and I could tell that she had been crying.

“Mind if I take a seat?” I asked her gently, handing her the cold glass of ice and tequila.

“What’s Sarah and Michael doing?” She asked me as I sat down.

“I think you know what they’re doing.”

I’ve never been one to skirt around the truth, unless it was about a Christmas present or something of that nature. I’ve always felt that, by acknowledging the truth, you won’t have to lie.

She took a drink, the dim glow of the overhead patio lights shining down on her fair skin very pleasantly.

“And you’re okay with all of this?” She said a bit harshly.

“Yeah, I’m fine with it.” I said.

“Your wife is having sex with another man, and you’re okay with it?”

I took a swig of my freshly poured bourbon. “Allison, Sarah and I have been together for over ten years now. We’ve done everything to each other that we can do, and had a lot of fun doing it. But when you’ve done all that can be done together, you start getting bored of it. The excitement just isn’t there anymore. Suddenly you find yourself thinking about other things you can do…things you can do with other people.”

Allison listened to me half hearted. “And if you start doing things with other people, then that’s when everything hits the fan. So, when you love someone as much as Sarah and I love each other, you don’t want the shit to hit the fan. Yet, if you don’t do anything, then everything doesn’t hit the fan…it hits the ground, and shatters like a vase.”

“So you have sex with other people?”

“We have sex with other people, because it rekindles that fire in our hearts…and suddenly reminds us of how passionately we love one another.”

“I don’t get it.”

“See, without love, sex is just sex. It’s the climax of attraction, the thrill of just being wild! But what it’s not…is love.” Allison looked down at her glass, tapped it with the ring on her finger.

“Tomorrow,” I told her, “I’m going to make love to my wife. She’s getting it all tonight. All the thrills of sex, all the excitement of being wildly fucked that I can no longer give her. But tomorrow, she’s going to feel the difference between sex and making love. That’s why I’m fine with it.”

Allison was silent for a moment, lost in a long gaze at her drink. I sat back in the metal rocking chair, looking across the backyard and feeling my dick thump anxiously in my shorts. I can’t wait to make love to my wife in the morning.

“So, what are you going to do for the rest of the night?” Allison asked me.

“Well,” I said to her and cast my menacing blue eyes into her slender face, “I’m hoping on getting to do you for the rest of the night.”

A smile spread across her young face. She ran her hand through her blonde hair, and put her glass onto the patio table.

“Well,” she said as she stood up and walked towards me, “I think I’m good with that.”

She dropped her bra with a single flick of her fingers. Her breasts were young and perky, nipples pink and healthy. Oddly, as I noticed as she started to straddle my crouch, her tits were as firm as her oldest sister’s.

Suddenly, as my hands begin tracing their way up her slender body, the thought hit me like a ton of bricks. My wife was probably already laying flat on her face, her luscious ass in the air, getting pounded by her brother-in-law’s thick cock. My wife’s sister was sitting across my lap, her bare tits poking delightfully in my face as she started to trace her way down towards my pants.

Maybe…just maybe, dreams do come true.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/moomwu/himeros_mf_mf_long