A first attempt to write something. Hope you enjoy [mf]

As he looked across the bar, he caught sight of her. He was breathless simply at the
sight of her. There she was, just sitting and sipping on a cocktail that was
red as blood, and all of his was pumping and he was having to concentrate just
to stay calm knowing she was there.  Oh
this man was well aware that she was holding the attention of every person here
and he was going to have be on his game if he had any chance of taking her
home. Watching as man and woman approached this goddess, offering drinks and
numbers as she politely refused. Clearly, she was not entertaining any kind of
pickup tonight. It was a shame because there was no way he would be able to get
her out of his mind.

He approached the bar, this bartender was cute, white button up shirt, black vest
and tattoos running up her neck. She asked him what he wanted and he started to
flirt in his usual way, generally self deprecating humour and a lot of
compliments. There was no way she was oblivious to this and she was certainly
reciprocating. This was working and he was feeling relaxed and having fun.
Nothing could go wrong now, then she came. It had been hours and he had finally
just gotten this woman out of his mind, then here she comes strolling to the
bar. Never before was there a woman that could hold his attention like this.
From the long red hair running down the back of her strapless green dress that
hugged her curves in a way that could break a man in two. If there was a god,
even their jaw would drop at a woman like this. She said hi with a smile that
could only be interpreted as devastating. This was a woman that knew what she
wanted, he was just hoping that was him.

With a kind smile, he said hello. Just stay calm he thought to himself. “What are you
drinking, I had noticed it was red?” he asked. “Ohhh, that was a blood red
daiquiri but I’ve moved on to something.. stiffer now. Whiskey, neat, 2
fingers. Dealer’s choice.” He grinned, “Now that’s a strong drink. Seems like a
woman in charge here.” He gestured to the bartender “make that two”. “So… you
noticed me then?” Shit. How did he walk into that one? He hadn’t realized what
he’d said. “and, what, pray tell, did you notice?” Shit, shit, shit. This was
either going to be the greatest night of his life, or he was royally screwed.

At first, he didn’t know whether to tell the truth or come up with something a little less lewd. A slight feeling that “the best cleavage i’ve ever seen” may not go over so well. He was ambling up to say something about how he noticed how beautiful she was or just how peaceful she looked as she sat there when she stopped him. “Look, it’s clear you’re trying to be nice and tell me something about how cute i looked or how i’m the most beautiful woman here tonight. Forget about that, tell me what you noticed first about me. I’ll let you in on a little secret,” she lowered her voice and leaned in closer, “there’s a reason women wear dresses like this, we want to be noticed.” A little taken aback he was starting to feel flustered. “So, i do remember asking you a question, right? What.. did you notice?”

Here it goes, he thought. Just have at it, what’s the worst that can happen? she rejects him and moves on? Fuck it, he thought to himself. “Well, if you must know, My first thought was how jaw droppingly sexy you are. I was trying to pull my eyes away from your tits to check out your legs but i must admit, it was a fruitless endeavour, i might have managed it for a second or so but that’s about all i can cop to.” She laughed. This strong, sexy woman just sat there and laughed at him. Confused, he prompted her with a gentle cough. “Well, you’re honest. I’ll give you that. I did tell you, they’re there to be noticed. I do have a great rack, don’t you think?” before he even had a chance to agree she continued, “If you think this is good, wait until i walk away.”

For the love of all that is holy, this woman, this god of a woman, knows far too well what she is doing. She leaned in, “I know you’re going to imagine what kind of lace panties or thong that may be under here when i get up so i’ll just reassure you so it’s accurate.” She pressed her cheek against his, Her skin was soft and he could feel the blood very quickly leaving his brain. Gently, very gently biting his earlobe she whispered, “I’m not wearing anything under this” How he managed to contain himself and not just let go right there was a miracle. This woman was chaos and he was ready to embrace a little disaster in his evening.

Taking his hand, leading him… somewhere, he was sure it was somewhere. Thoughts weren’t coming him very coherently right now. He thought he noticed them going through doors but honestly all he could really concentrate on was her body that she was graciously allowing him to check out as she walked ahead of him. All of a sudden, he was pressed against a wall and her lips were locked onto his. She tasted like strawberries and as he finally got to feel his hands on her he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to let go. He attempted to reach up for the zip of her dress so he could see exactly how perfect she was she slapped his hand away. She took a step back and folded her arms. “This i my body, you will look when and where i tell you. You will touch exactly as i command and you will not even think about talking back to me. Follow these rules and i guarantee this will be the best night of your life.” Unsure on the best way to agree with those terms, he simply nodded. Apparently this was not enough as she pushed him back, “The correct response is Yes, Ma’am.”

Down the rabbit hole he thought to himself. With barely more than a whimper, “Yes, Ma’am” managed to escape his lips. As she pressed him onto his pack on the floor he could feel her weight on top of him. He could feel himself getting there, It was moments before he was finished. There was no way he could withstand this much longer. She gently kissed him and said “time to earn your reward”. She stood up, turned around and hiked her dress up. To say she was teasing him would be an understatement as she jiggled her perfectly round ass in his face. He could lie there all night enjoying this view but he really wanted to feel how wet she was as she allowed him to press into her. Obviously, it was not time for that as before he could tell her how incredible she looked she had sat down, Her tight wet pussy was pressed against his lips in an instant and if he thought she had tasted good when they kissed then this was a whole new level of pleasure. There was no control for him here, he was there to be whatever she needed him to be. Never was this more clear as she was grinding on his chin and moaning in pleasure. her thighs were tightening around his head and he knew she was about to cum. He grabbed onto her ass and pulled her lower onto him and pressed his tongue as deep into her as he could and at that moment her body tightened, jerking as she was breathing heavy and moaning “fuck me, if you ever want to call me again, you’ll make yourself useful and fuck me!”

Well, not one to complain at such an offer, it was time to oblige. She undid his belt buckle and loosened his pants. Pulling his now thick, throbbing and desparate cock out of his underwear, she gasped a little. “Well, look who’s clearly been rewarded” as she teased him and rubbed her clit up and down him, he knew this was going to be over before it started but right then she reached back and pressed her hand over his lips. “If you finish before i say you can, there will be hell to pay, understood?” Knowing he was struggling to keep it in now and there was hardly a case for him to say he was in control of this. However, he agreed, good thing too as at that moment she lowered her dripping pussy onto him and as he pressed inside her he moaned. Holy good fuck! This, this is what sex was meant to be. That perfect moment of sheer elation but before he could enjoy it anymore she was grinding on him and bouncing. Deeper and deeper with every thrust. He was about to explode inside her. He simply couldn’t go on any longer. Somehow, someway she must have sensed this because at that very moment she climbed off, demanded “give it to me now” and wrapped her lips around his head. He unleashed inside her as she pressed him into her throat. Once more she sat on him and just rubbed her soaking pussy up and down his cock. he practically died in that moment.

When he opened his eyes moments later, she was on her feet and closing the door behind her. Lying there on the floor, he wondered what the hell just happened? This crazy goddess had just picked him up at the bar. It was clear now why she had rejected every attempt on her this evening. This woman was no prey, she was very clearly, the hunter. She had her way with him and just up and left without so much as a goodbye. If he had any blood left in his brain at that point he would have attempted to stop her from leaving, even just to get her number. There was nothing left to do but get dressed and carry on. He continued out to the bar to pay his bill and leave. He had nothing left to give this evening. Rest was sorely needed. The bartender gave him his card back with a note. “Maybe next time, there’ll be room for 3 in that closet, xxx” At that moment, his phone buzzed, as he looked he noticed it was a photo of the mystery woman, topless. She was in a cab on her way home. This was dangerous woman. She may break him. “Until next time” the text read. Next time… he thought, how the hell do you wait for a next time? He simply replied with a “when and where?” praying to god it wouldn’t be long. He may have to accept a broken body as those three dots disappeared and a message came through simply saying “Now!”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mowjwl/a_first_attempt_to_write_something_hope_you_enjoy