In too deep [MF, fantasy, magic, dub con]

It was pretty obvious why she was there. The bar, the way her long strawberry blonde hair was pinned up (primly, but in such a way as to immediately give rise to thoughts as to what it would look like when it tumbled down), her electric blue cocktail dress (just about the sophisticated side of the slutty-sophisticated dividing line, but not by much), her femme fatale dark red lipstick (a hint of brown) … she was here to harvest and was perfectly happy to accept the risk of being harvested to do so.

The dress showed a lot of leg and just the merest suggestion of cleavage (it was enough) so she perched louchely at a bar stool to best showcase her figure. It wasn’t exactly her real figure. Her natural body was beautiful enough, she was confident enough to know she looked spectacular naked, but she also knew that at this stage in the evening she had brain capacity to spare, and it was scarcely any effort to maintain a little glamour: magically swelling her perky b/c’s to c/d’s and refining a few little imperfections that only she saw in herself. Nothing too obvious, nothing that would look awry later, but a little bit of magical enhancement right now could help a wizard think with his smaller brain and make a mistake when he should be thinking more strategically about his potential partners.

Magicians were humans after all, albeit humans who have absorbed enough life force to become magically adept, and while this bar and this scene was mostly about harvesting, nothing sexual was ever just about power and there was no magician alive who, all other things being equal, would not rather harvest the essence of someone they found attractive. Even if the process of harvesting required one to maintain control it was nice to have those memories, if only to be enjoyed in safe solitude later.

And that could lead to the sort of strategic errors she specialised in. She tended to go for older, more experienced, wizards who would rightly think they were more powerfully magical than her but would wrongly think that meant that she wasn’t a threat. They’d underestimate her magical powers, and overestimate their own abilities to use magic to temper their own arousal. Then at a given moment, with this beautiful young woman writhing beneath them, she would hit them straight in the brainstem with the full force of her magical abilities, and they would find themselves unable to prevent themselves from losing control.

The first orgasm was always the most potent and it was invariably decisive. With its life force absorbed by the person it was pointed at, the magical balance of power was shifted emphatically, and from then on she was ascendant enough to completely control the rest of the encounter. Although it was an ethical grey area, it was broadly accepted (certainly within the scene) that after such a sexual conquest there would be a certain degree of “milking” (magically enforced submission, refractory negation, and repeated forced orgasms to transfer additional magical abilities from conquered to conqueror) but it was considered bad form to take too much – one was not supposed to leave one’s partner entirely magically bereft. But she had to admit she did take it quite far, and didn’t leave her conquests with much. If they’d been particularly supercilious to her when they thought they were seducing her she might make a point of really humiliating them: taking control of their limbs and making them sit astride her, often tears in their eyes, as they unwillingly masturbated themselves, years or decades of harvested magical energy spilling out to be gleefully absorbed by the young succubus beneath them until they barely had enough remaining lifeforce to do party tricks for children.

Right now she was actually casting three spells: none of them all that powerful. In addition to the glamour she was releasing a slight aphrodisiac, nothing too strong (she scarcely needed it and wanted to ensure her magical abilities continued to be underestimated) but enough to waft around the bar and cause heads to turn her way. And finally she was running a sort of passive magical sonar, taking note of what spells others were casting and at what strength. Others took a more active approach, probing into the minds of targets to see what abilities lay within, but if you got caught doing that it immediately marked you out as a serious player, and she found she could do a pretty good job of eyeballing someone’s magical ability like a poker player. It was higher risk but it kept your own hand hidden.

She felt a firm prod in her subconscious. Someone was hitting on her and not very subtly. It was an almost adolescent move: firm and eager but unsophisticated; a grab bag of connotations: inner thigh caresses, licks of breast flanks and clitoral tingling condensed into a concentrated package of magical suggestion. There was a raw power there but little control, *probably a newbie who doesn’t know how to handle their abilities* she thought as she scanned the bar to see who had fired the salvo.

Her senses found him over in a booth behind her left shoulder. She didn’t want to do anything as obvious as turn around so she opened a third eye and gave him the once over. He was … well her first thought was that he was pretty hot. He was young, early twenties, probably about her age, he was tall and had a boxer’s physique: broad brawny shoulders on a considerably more wiry frame. Light brown skin, a lighter brown coat and dark brown eyes, he looked a little too good to be true. Was he casting a glamour? Was he frying her brain with magical aphrodisiacs? If he was then he was good and she was in way over her head, so she thought it was worth risking a little probe. If she found anything at all she’d move on swiftly in search of easier prey. But pushing as deep into his brain as she dared she didn’t detect any additional spells. Nothing clever, nothing concealed.

More by force of habit than as part of any clear plan she sent a little seduction package over at the same time as her probe: tiny flashes into his subconscious: images of her naked body, her back arched, her nipples hardened, breathless moans… usual stuff. She’s recently started experimenting with changing superficial details of the image, the areola for instance, so that the images would appear merely as his own fantasies, and so that he would still have a feeling of novelty when he saw the real thing. It clearly got his attention because her third eye saw him stand up and walk over towards her.

She realised she now had some thinking to do. This wasn’t her usual prey at all. He was sexy, and that made things much more even than she usually liked, and she had no real sense of how powerful he was. She sensed he wasn’t very magically adept, or at very least if he was he had no real sophistication in how he used it, but what if, for once, she was the one underestimating her partner and making a mistake? It was high risk and low reward. But then again he was really hot, and it looked like sex with him could be a lot of fun. If he was really weak magically, or if she could make him so, it might even be safe to let herself cum, and take what that lost her back afterwards. It had been ages since she’d felt safe to cum with another person – sex had been about harvesting for far too long. Maybe she deserved a night off, a night of passion that was for once mutual, and if he really was just some newbie kid she’d still be able to safely suck his lifeforce dry come morning. If he really was harmless maybe they could even date or he could become her for-fun fuckbuddy. Maybe he was just a magical groupie? Maybe he wanted to be a witches’ thrall? Plenty of men did. She’d quite like to have a thrall as long as he didn’t get in the way of her magical career; it would beat masturbating to memories or conjuring an avatar when she wanted to get her rocks off.

He sat down beside her, introduced himself, and ordered them both drinks in a way that seemed almost absurdly smooth, like something that only happens in movies. A small part of her subconscious yelped that something was wrong, that this all seemed too good to be true, but she dismissed it as the nerves that came with actually being into the guy. For the first time in years she was going to have sex for sex’s sake and there was nothing wrong with that.

They conversed at length on two levels. She asked him lots of searching questions, trying to get clues as to his background and abilities. He answered graciously but almost without content, he was witty and clever but the actual substantive answers to her questions were all fairly banal; he seemed like a conventional man with conventional interests and a conventional background. In the meantime she was prodding as deep into his subconscious as she dared. Here she wasn’t finding very much. He definitely did have some magical abilities but they all only seemed to be pointed at seduction: basic and very obvious “hey subconscious, sex with me would be great” stuff. It was almost like he didn’t know, or had never attempted, to use his power for control of arousal, whether one’s own or another’s. His fantasies were interesting too: he imagined them fucking – well d’uh – but he also imagined her sucking him off. That’s not something you do when harvesting; that suggests he’d be happy to lose lifeforce to her if he got a decent bj out of it. Also he imagined tying her up: any even half way powerful wizard would have no need to use actual rope for restraints.

In the meantime she had to admit she was getting a bit hot under the collar herself. Talking to this suave sexy sweet smelling guy, the thought of actually being fucked for fun, and the slight sense of danger of not being quite sure what it was she was dealing with was causing her to come up with fantasies of her own. She momentarily started to worry that he might not be in to her, and dialled up her aphrodisiac a bit and sent a few more fantasies into his subconscious.

“Are you using magic to seduce me?” he said.

She burst out laughing. It was such a naïve question. First of all it was so clumsily phrased; no serious magician would use the word “magic” in that way; it was such a blunt term. It was frankly childish, like if he’d said “are you using your boobs to seduce me?” Secondly, of course everyone in this bar was using magic to seduce everyone else; it was a magician’s bar for crying out loud. And thirdly if you feel magic inside your brain at all you know what it is, you’re never unsure. She relaxed, clearly this was just some dumb hot kid, and she was going to let him fuck her brains out then fuck his brains back into hers.

She apologised for the intrusion (as if magicians ever cared about intrusion), held her hands up in a mock “you got me” and gave the spiel about how she’d been having a great night and wanted him to like her and to see where things went. His eyes lit up, he really did just seem to be a horny kid, and he adorably clumsily stumbled over himself inviting her back to his for a nightcap.

They kissed outside the bar and she was delighted to find that while he clearly had no idea what to do with his powers he did with his lips and hands. She practically swooned into his arms as he pulled her into a deep embrace.

She decided that she’d put any remaining doubts about what she was dealing with to bed by getting him off ASAP and she set to work in the cabride. On the physical level it was all innocent enough: hands on knees, whispered words, the odd smooch, but on the magical level she was already working his cock hard, which she’d noted had been semi erect since the bar and she was pleased to find she could command to pulsing full mast with only the slightest of spells. She no longer doubted that she was considerably more adept than him and to be honest she found that power intoxicating and arousing.

By the time they arrived at his apartment they were both so overwhelmed with desire that they practically dragged each other into his bedroom, tearing clothes off on the way. She let her hair down magically, which she knew had a fairly spectacular effect, and threw him onto the bed. He tried to remove her dress and bra with his clumsy magic and she helped out with her own, unfurling herself like a blossoming flower in front of his slack jawed awe. She flicked a finger and his fly flew open, another and his underpants disappeared, revealing his throbbing member. She leapt upon it with her mouth, placing her lips firmly around his shaft. He let out a whimper, and diverted all his magical energies to preventing himself from cumming on the spot. It was a bit more than she knew he had in him but it was nothing she couldn’t handle, and she easily overpowered his spell with her own. He suddenly felt all tension leave his body in release. She had won.

*Nice try*

The voice immediately chilled her both because of how calm and in control it sounded and because it didn’t come from his mouth, but straight from his brain. And it was so strong. Not loud exactly but emphatic; when it entered her mind she could hear or think nothing but the voice.

Suddenly she found she was no longer in command of her body, her muscles had been completely taken over by the voice. Then she realised she was flying. He had lifted her up, not just off his cock, but entirely off of everything. Before she could even fully comprehend what had happened she realised she was pinned to the ceiling above his bed, naked and entirely powerless.

*You don’t know me but you obviously know what I am and why I’m here*

He was right. He had to be guild. No one could get that powerful without a hareem of guild acolytes to draw power from and years of guild training to learn how to use it. To use magic which wasn’t traceable, while at the same time putting up a charade of blunt magic … there were probably only a handful of people in the world with that amount of magical power, and they were all guild. And he’d clearly been sent after her to punish her. Clearly she’d milked some old professor with connections a little too hard and a complaint had been made and now she was to be taught a lesson. She flushed with anger.

*You’re right about what but not about why. Yes we’ve received dozens of complaints about you, but we had no intent of acting on any of them. That was until we read Laura’s letter*

The name stabbed her like a knife. She hadn’t thought about Laura in months, because she knew if she did she would feel guilty, and she didn’t like feeling guilty. Laura was a young witch that she’d been mentoring for a while. Together they’d taken down a very powerful wizard in a threesome … and then she’d turned her attention to Laura. It started out because when the wizard had shot his first load Laura was in the firing line while she was having her tits sucked, and so she gave Laura a couple of orgasms to even out the amount they’d both absorbed … but then yes she’d got a bit carried away and she’d made both Laura and the wizard cum like trains until she had taken all but a newbie amount of both their powers. Laura had been first furious and then devastated, and not liking to feel like the baddie she’d cut herself out of Laura’s life so that she wouldn’t have to confront the consequences of her actions. Laura’s messages had gone unanswered. And so she’d turned to the guild for justice. She realised two things as she looked down at the gorgeous guildmaster lying cockily on the bed beneath her, still fully clothed apart from his undone fly: she was going to be completely powerless to resist what came next, and she would entirely deserve it.

*On the orders of the guild I have been tasked with enacting the standard sentence. You shall be stimulated until all magical abilities have left your body and been absorbed by an accredited member of the guild. You will then be given the standard choice: to leave my bedroom and re-enter the world as a magical impotent, or to make a full apology, perform a ritual act of fellatio upon your punisher in contrition, and thus to receive back a controlled dose of one hundredth of your current magical abilities. But before I carry out the sentence I want to have some fun. How do you feel about edging and what size would you like my dick? Don’t bother to answer I’ll look in your brain and find out.*



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