[FM] Walk/Ride of Shame After Fucking Client Twice My Age to Further My Career

*Previous post got deleted somehow. Reposting because people wanted to read this. No need to upvote*


Two years ago, everyone at my law firm was panicking. The man responsible for assigning panel defense firms for one of the largest insurance companies in our region, by far our largest and most profitable client, had retired, and his replacement announced that he was reconsidering the panel. If our firm was not included on the panel, it would mean losing probably about 1/3 of the firm’s revenue, and practically all of my work.

Within a few weeks, Mark—the new guy in charge—contacted one of the partners at my firm, Adam, to set up a dinner meeting to discuss the panel and legal fees and services to determine whether our firm would be included in the new panel. He requested that Adam be at the dinner with his spouse and that he invite an associate and their plus one as well.

A week before the dinner, Adam knocked on my office door. “You up for coming to this dinner with Diane (his wife) and I next week?” Adam asked.

“Of course!”

Adam explained what it was about and asked that I find someone to tag along as a plus one.

I was single at the time and decided to invite a guy named Kyle as my plus one. Kyle was a good friend from college, and to be completely forthcoming, we had had sex several times previously. I didn’t really have any romantic feelings for Kyle (nor him for me as far I knew), but the sex was pretty good so we kept things casual.

The night of the dinner, I was picking something to wear. I opened my closet and eyed the dresses hanging inside. We would be having dinner at the Four Seasons (not the landscaping company). Think fancy-schmancy, so it was dress to impress night for me. I decided on a little red dress that was flattering to my frame and showed off just enough leg and chest to make a guy curious. Definitely not work attire, but far from a provocative bandage dress. It was one of my favorites and I knew I looked good in it. I pulled it off the hanger and shimmied into it and tied the sash to accentuate the girls a little bit. I thought of putting some stockings on underneath, but decided against it. I had shaved my legs that morning, and it was the middle of summer, so I didn’t really feel the need.

I considered the possibility of sex with Kyle that night after dinner. It had been several weeks since I last did the no pants dance with something other than my hands and toys.

“No harm in being prepared.” I thought to myself.

I pulled off my dress and changed my boring bra and panties into a lacy/strappy blue bralette and matching crotchless panties. I put my dress back on and ordered a Lyft to take me to the restaurant at the Four Seasons and texted Kyle to let him know that my ride would be there soon. I was actually pretty excited for the dinner. The Four Seasons restaurant (let alone the hotel) was way to ritzy a place for me to be able to afford a dinner there while I paid off my student loans, so it’s not a place I would frequent, but dinner was on the firm! Plus, it’s always fun when I get to dress up a little.

I did some final touch-ups to my makeup and applied my “Red Rose” Lipsense (stays on great for *most* activities), which went quite well with my dress and the red peep-toe pump heels I picked to go with my outfit.

The Lyft pulled up to the hotel, and Kyle was waiting for me out front looking quite strapping in a sharp fitting dark grey suit. He opened my door and eyed me up just enough to make me blush. I was pretty damn sure Kyle and I were going to fuck again that night, and felt a bit of warmth under my dress when I thought about it. I took Kyle’s arm and he escorted me inside. Adam and Diane were already at the table.

We sat down, and since the firm was paying, I ordered some (way too expensive) wine to start things off. Kyle ordered a scotch. I introduced Kyle to my boss and his wife and we made small talk while I sipped on my wine. I was already starting to feel a bit of a buzz—it doesn’t take much for me.

I was talking with Diane about what a hard ass her husband is at work, when I saw Adam cock his head. I followed his gaze and saw Mark for the first time.

Mark was bald with a full red beard, stocky with broad shoulders. Not really my type, plus I was about half his age. I couldn’t really tell if he was muscular or fluffy under his suit, but it fit him well.

Adam stood up and shook Mark’s hand.

“Mark, this is my wife Diane, one of my associate attorney’s, Jenni, and her date, Kyle.” Adam said introducing us all. I stood up and shook Mark’s hand. It was strong and yet gentle. Our eyes met and I caught him taking a glance at my chest. Again, I wasn’t super attracted to Mark’s physical features from the outset (probably wouldn’t have swiped right), but something about him exuded confidence and charm.

“Pleasure,” he beamed before taking a seat.

We all started to get to know each other, which was great for me because I had NEVER gotten that king of facetime with a senior exec client before. We talked about the industry and legal horror stories. We laughed together almost to the point of tears on one of my stories that involved the founder of a certain popular food franchise.

Mark leaned over to Adam indicating in my direction. “I like this one, Adam! She deserves a HUGE raise!” More laughter (though it was true—I did deserve a huge raise for dealing with that client).

The food arrived before long and it was as lavish, expensive, and delicious as I had imagined.

Eventually, the conversation turned to the panel and our fees, which thankfully Adam handled.

“Look,” Mark started, “Firms are lowering their fees in an attempt to get on this panel. We’ve used your firm for years, and we are impressed with your product, but the company is seriously considering these other firms bids.”

I could see Adam’s wheels turning. He told Mark that he would make a proposal regarding our fees and services and send it to him that night.

When we finished our meals, Adam paid the bill and gave me his card to pay for anything else, and then he and Diane excused themselves to relieve their babysitter, while Kyle and I moved to the bar with Mark.

We kept chatting and drinking, talking about everything from politics to dating. It turns out that Mark was recently divorced and had been getting back into the dating pool. I even gave him some tips for online dating, something I have plenty of experience with.

Eventually, Kyle got up to go to the restroom. Which is when Mark made his move. He leaned into my shoulder, a faint hint of whiskey on his breath.

“I have a proposal, and apologies if it’s a little direct….I want you.”

I semi-choked on my wine. “I-I’m — what do you mean?”

Mark leaned in even closer. “Tonight. Tonight only. You join me in my room upstairs for some fun. Maybe something happens, maybe it doesn’t. If something does happen, it stays in that room. There will be no talk of it happening again.”

My mouth dropped open and I could feel my heart practically bursting through my chest.

“Uhhuummm” I looked down, “what kind of fun are we talking about here?”

Mark smiled. “You come up to my suite–your boyfriend can come up too.”

I interrupted, “he’s not my boyfriend.”

Mark continued, “you can bring whoever he is up with you, or you can send him home. We have some more drinks. Some music. Something to help us relax. Then we see what happens. In exchange, I keep your firm on the panel at whatever new rates Adam sends me and have my adjustors send you a bunch of new work personally to impress your partners.” He finished with a chuckle. “Think about it.”

Kyle returned from his journey to the whiz palace, “think about what?” He asked.

“Nothing.” I responded, probably too quickly. Awkward silence.

“Hey, could I talk to you for a sec?” I took Kyle to a table nearby. “Hey, I think you should take off.”

“Huh, why?”

“Oh, I want to try to schmooze this guy a little more on my own to try to seal the deal for our firm. I’ll be the hero at the office. Is that ok?”

Kyle paused. “Yeah, I mean, that makes sense I guess. I’ll take off. Text me so I know you get home safe, yeah?”


“Cool.” Kyle got up and pecked me on the cheek. “Go get ‘em, tiger.” And disappeared out of the entrance.

I moved back to where Mark was sitting. Yes, I knew that Mark wanted to have sex with me. And yes, I know the ethical implications of getting involved with a client. But this seemed more transactional than anything. And the deal Mark proposed could actually change my career trajectory if he kept his word. The legal field is still very much a man’s world.

“So where’s this suite?”

Mark grinned. “Just upstairs. Follow me!”

We took the elevator to the 19th floor and got off. Mark waived his key in front of the door, and opened it.

“After you, Jenni.”

I stepped inside, pretty sure that Mark was looking at my ass as I stepped in front of him. It was by far the nicest suite I had ever been in (not too difficult to beat the Fairfield Inn & Suites). We walked in the foyer where Mark hung up his jacket and walked into the lounge, which featured a panoramic view of the city skyline, a large sectional and two lounge chairs facing the skyline. To my left was a full kitchen and dining room. To my right was a fitting room that connected to the master bedroom and a luxurious master bathroom with jetted tub and walk-in marble shower. The bedroom featured a king size four poster bed with another breathtaking view of the skyline and a smaller lounge area and desk in front of the bed.

I turned to Mark, “I assumed that they paid you well, but I didn’t know it was this good to work in insurance!”

Mark laughed, “Well, the company originally had me in a one bedroom at the Marriott, but I decided to use my personal funds for an upgrade.”

“Some upgrade!”

“Make yourself at home,” Mark gestured to the couch, and I sat. Mark planted himself next to me, and put his hand on my knee.

“You’re beautiful, you know that?”

I felt a little flutter of nervousness. The man was my Dad’s age, for God’s sake. But the nervousness wasn’t like a scared feeling, but more of an anxious-to-see-what-happens-next feeling. I was fairly certain Mark wasn’t going to murder me.

“What can I get you to drink?” Mark asked. “Wine? Vodka? Whisky?”

“Wine is good.” I responded.

Mark called down, and ordered a $1200 bordeaux. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I couldn’t really taste the difference between good and bad wine and that his purchase was wasted on my simpleton pallet. I was in it more for the alcohol content than anything else.

The wine arrived, and we opened it and started to drink.

“How is it?” Mark asked.

“It’s good.” I said taking another sip. I was already pretty buzzed from the drinks I had earlier.

Mark put his wine down. “I’ll be right back,” and disappeared into his bedroom.

“This is the last chance to run away,” I thought, “before he comes back with some 50 shades level shit.”

I stayed and continued sipping on the Bordeaux, which I was starting to build an appreciation for.

Mark reappeared. He brought out two hand rolled joints, and gave one to me, expecting me to know what to do with it. In truth, I had never tried marijuana before.

“Very high quality, and pairs well with your wine.” Mark said as he lit up his joint and put it in between his lips while lighting mine with a smile.

“What the heck,” I thought. I took a drag, and coughed. Then took another. Before long I was starting to feel a warmth spread through me and I could feel my inhibitions sort of melting away.

We talked some more and laughed.

“I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Jenni. You are stunning.”

I’m not gonna lie, I was starting to like all of the attention and compliments. Almost like I was the only woman in the world to him. When Mark’s hand started rubbing my thigh, I just smiled at my client.

———————————————-Sexy Times—————————————

Mark leaned forward and kissed me. The warmth inside me continued to permeate. I kissed him back and sighed into his mouth as I felt his hands move further up my thigh under my dress. My lips parted and I welcomed the light flicking of his tongue with my own. His hands traced my thighs to my hips where he felt the lace of my panties. Mark’s fingers traced my panties further down until–to his surprise–he felt flesh between my legs.

“Crotchless panties!?” He asked with surprise.

“I thought I was getting lucky with Kyle tonight.” I giggled. I think I would have been more embarrassed to tell him that if not for the alcohol and marijuana.

He smiled again while rubbing my unprotected pussy with his fingers. “Oh, you’re going to get lucky tonight. Just not with Kyle.” I gasped as he inserted a finger. I was more than wet enough to take it, but the surprise was nice.

Mark worked a second finger inside of me, and I moaned in response with my head on the back of the sectional. I started slightly wiggling my hips against the fingers inside of me. And the sound of my own lubrication seemed almost deafening.

With one hand still working on me, Mark used his free hand to grab mine and guided it to the bulge in his pants. I started stroking the outline of his penis through his pants. I could tell it was big. Like, really big. In truth, I kind of doubted whether he would be able to get it up, given his age (he was 55). Regardless, I wanted to see it outside of his pants.

“I want you to suck my cock, Jenni.” Mark blurted, moving his fingers further inside of me before withdrawing and sucking my juices off of them.

I nodded. Mark kissed me once more before standing up and removing his shirt and undershirt. He was actually a bit more toned than I expected, though the “dad bod” was apparent. He moved to a chair facing the skyline. “I think this will be a nice view. A beautiful city, and a beautiful girl on my cock.”

I pulled a pillow from the sofa and put it under my knees as I knelt in front of him and slid off his pants and briefs. Mark’s cock sprang free, already fully hard. It was white, long, and thick. Bigger than anything I had had for some time.

I took Mark’s cock in my hand and pressed it against his hips while I started licking his balls, which was met with his deep moans. I moved back up and kissed the head of Mark’s dick, making sure he got a good show, and then licked all around it before putting the tip in my mouth and slowly started pushing down his shaft with my lips. “Fuckk,” he groaned.

His taste actually surprised me. It tasted like vanilla for some reason! I don’t know if he put flavoring on it or what, but I wasn’t going to be filing a complaint. One hand gently cupping and scratched his balls while the other was firmly planted around the base of his cock. I moved my head further down his shaft until I felt his cock hit the back of my throat.

I started to gag, but caught myself and relaxed enough to the point where I fit the last two inches
down my throat before pulling all the way off to catch a deep breath, wetness drooling from my lips and coating Mark’s cock.

“Holy fuck!” He moaned “You deepthroated me!”

“I’m a little surprised myself!” I retorted.

I looked up at Mark and giggled. “I haven’t had one stretch my throat like that in a long time. It’s *really* big.”

I plunged my mouth back down Mark’s spear and started bobbing my head more vigorously, every so often taking him into my throat again. Mark put one hand on my head and with the other leaned over and reached down to grope my breasts under my dress. His fingers teased my nipples through my bralette. I was soaking wet.

“Wait!” Mark said.

“Is he going to cum already?” I thought. I took my mouth off of him.

“Stand up and take that dress off. Leave the heels.”

I stood up and shimmied out of my dress, letting it fall to the floor in the middle of the room. I stood in front of Mark in the blue crotchless lingerie that was originally meant for Kyle and my red heels. Mark stood up and kissed me again, not seeming to mind that I just had his penis in my mouth. He took off my bralette then led me to his bedroom and laid me down so my ass was at the edge of the bed.

Mark stood at the edge of the bed and traced his fingers on my thighs and moved them torturously slower toward my crotchless underwear. His fingers met my slit and he lightly traced them up and down, making sure I was still slick. He grabbed me by the thighs and pushed them back towards my head while rubbed his cock against my pussy lips with his hips, giving himself a nice little pussyjob. I moaned. Mark continued rubbing and leaned forward to take one of my nipples in his mouth. I was on fire. I tried to move my hips so that I could get Mark inside of me, but I couldn’t move enough under his grip on my thighs.

He knew I wanted it. “Beg for my cock, Jenni.”

“Please. I want it inside of me.”

Mark moaned and continued his motions. “Tell me what you want inside of you, Jenni.”

“Your cock! I want your cock inside of me.” Telling him what he wanted to hear. “I need you to fuck me with your big dick.”

As soon as I finished my sentence, Mark lined his head up and pushed. We gasped in unison as I felt his dick start to spread me more than I had felt in a very long time.

“Oh my Gooood. It’s so *biiiig*.”

He pushed in deeper. Then deeper. Mark’s cock was touching places I never felt with Kyle, or the majority of my hookups, and I couldn’t believe a man my father’s age was the one touching them. I looked down, and he still wasn’t even all the way inside of me. He flexed his cock, which immediately made me arch, and he pushed in even deeper.

I relaxed back into the sheets and met Mark’s gaze.

“Now fuck me.”

Needing no further encouragement, Mark plunged his final length inside of me and started ploughing. Long slow strokes at first, to make sure I could take it, and gradually picking up speed. I moved my hands to my nipples and started caressing them as Mark held my legs over my head and kept thrusting with focused intent.

“Oh fuck, Mark. I’m gonna cum. You’re gonna make me cuu–,” My voice faded into a silent scream as my body trembled and actually started to thrash. I had never cum that hard. Ever. Mark withdrew his cock after my first orgasm subsided. The emptiness was not a welcome feeling.

“Take off your panties.” Mark commanded. “Leave the heels on, I like them.” I did as he said, and removed my last article of clothing except for my red pumps.

“Now get on all fours.” I raised and positioned myself as commanded, arching my back and sticking my ass in the air toward Mark’s face. I was hoping he would eat me. But I guess that wasn’t what the night was about. It was primarily about Mark’s pleasure. Mark swiftly entered from behind. He pounded my pussy ruthlessly from behind, hands grasping my hips. Harder and faster, Mark hammered into me. I could feel myself start to climax again, and felt my own juices rolling down my thighs.

“Aaaahhhhhh!” I cried, taking in my second orgasm of the night, this time not so silently. I shook violently as I collapsed onto the bed after feeling the sweet pressure of Mark’s member slip out. Facedown in the covers, I felt Mark kneel behind me and spread my legs sideways before pushing himself back inside of me prone-bone.

“Oh Godddd!” I cried out again as his thickness spread me from the inside. Mark fucked me hard again. I couldn’t control my body or my words. I was incoherent as I felt my body start to return to another climax. Before it could, Mark slowed his thrusts and reached his hand under my hips to rub my clitoris.

My toes curled and my body was sent into another dimension. “Oh fuckkk. Oh Godd. Yessss!”

“Cum, Jenni. Cum for me!” Mark groaned. He was buried inside of me. I was doing everything I could to make him cum, but the Kegels just weren’t doing the trick. His fingers didn’t ease up off my clit, and I kept spasming, around his girth. It became too sensitive.

“Oh my God, Mark.” I called back. “You have to stop, my clit can’t take anymore.” He stopped, and my body finally started rest, albeit with Mark’s engorged meat still inside of me. He pulled out again and disappeared into the bathroom.

I was exhausted, and I don’t know how a man almost twice my age didn’t seem to be. I had already had three great orgasms. I closed my eyes and breathed.

“I want to fuck you in the ass now, Jenni.” I sat up and saw that Mark had returned with a bottle of lube. I normally wouldn’t be incredibly keen on the idea. I had anal sex previously, and never really enjoyed it. For some reason, though, I wanted it with Mark. Or maybe I convinced myself that it would seal the deal for our firm. I don’t know.

I gave Mark a smile and got back on my hands and knees, offering my ass to him. This time, I felt his tongue wriggle its way around my rim and then inside. My eyes rolled into the back of my skull. While anal wasn’t my favorite at the time, I’ve always enjoyed a some tongue action. Thank God, I had showered and cleaned myself down there before dinner. Mark took his tongue out of my backdoor and squeezed the lube all over my butt and his cock. He spread my cheeks and positioned himself against my ass hole.

“Oh fuucckkk!” I muttered with my teeth clenched.

Mark applied increasing pressure against me. I relaxed my sphincter muscles until he popped inside. God, that was easily the biggest thing that had ever been inside my ass. I silently prayed for an extremely elastic butthole (or, in the alternative, no tears) as Mark slowly pushed further inside me. It was painful at first, as it always is, and I was biting the covers to get through it while trying to relax with every new inch of him. Slowly, slowly, he kept pushing until he stopped. I felt his hips against my ass.

“Fuck yes, Jenni. I’m all the way inside your ass.”

“Oh my God. Stay still please.” We stayed like that for a few minutes as I got used to the pressure caused by his cock.

“OK” I said more relaxed now, “you can start, but can you put more lube in?”

Mark squeezed a lot more lube between my cheeks before reaching around again to rub my clit with his cock slowly fucking my ass. It started to feel good. Maybe it was the marijuana combined with the wine combined with the clitoral stimulation—anal had actually never felt this good for me. I actually started to enjoy the pressure that came with each new thrust and started to moan loudly while he pistoned in and out of my ass. It was starting to feel *really* good.

My face buried in the bed, I felt another climax building. And honestly I remember thinking “what the fuck.” I hadn’t ever cum during anal sex before, but here it was. Mark let go of my clit and stiffened, pulling my ass all the way into him and grunting loudly. I felt Mark’s first load of cum pumping into my ass with every spasm and flex of his cock. I reached under and rubbed my clit, which sent me over the edge once again as Mark’s own orgasm subsided. I dug my nails into covers. “Ooooohhh, fuckkkk!”

I couldn’t think clearly.

Mark slipped out of my ass and collapsed on the bed. I collapsed next to him and we fell asleep. At about 2 a.m., I woke up to Mark taking a shower and became aware that much of the results of our fun had leaked out of my ass onto the covers. I was so fucking sore, but instead of getting up to clean up, I just fell asleep again after climbing under the covers.

I woke up again at 4 a.m. on Friday morning to Mark’s hands rubbing my naked body and his hardened member pressing against my ass. He turned my head and kissed me gently before climbing above me on his knees, his cock pointing straight into the air. I was on my side and he lifted my leg to expose my pussy as he straddled my other leg and held the first leg against his chest. He entered me with gradual and long slow thrusts just like the night before, finding my lubrication with his dick and helping it to spread deeper inside. Soon he was all the way inside of me again.

“Fuck, you’re tight.” He muttered before spanking my ass cheek and started picking up speed. I was fully awake now. And so sore from the night before. He pounded my sore pussy harder, I think, than it has ever been pounded.

“Rub your clit while I fuck this tight little pussy.”

I did as he said and came again. So. Fucking. Hard. My fifth orgasm (I think) in probably as many hours.

Mark pulled out of me and straddled my face pinning my arms under his knees.

“Time to put that mouth back to good use.”

Mark grabbed my face with his hands, raising my head and put his dick against my lips. My lips parted and received him as he started to fuck my face. He tried to put himself all the way in my throat again, but it wasn’t happening in that position. So I just did my best while trying not to choke.

“Ahhh fuckk…gonna cum!” Mark said under his breath. Then dropped my head on my pillow and sprayed my face with a second load of spunk as I cooed beneath him. It was everywhere, and I can’t believe how much there was after he came only a few hours earlier. He got off of me and I wiped the cum out of my eyes and onto the sheets.

Now with an even sorer pussy and jaw. I fell back asleep, not even bothering to wash my face. As I drifted off, I heard Mark sit down at a desk, open his laptop, and begin to type.

—————————–End Sex Stuff and Queue Walk/Ride of Shame/Awkwardness————-

I woke up again at 9 a.m. in a panic, realizing I was late to work and still in Mark’s hotel room. I looked over and caught Mark’s eye. I’m not sure that he ever went back to sleep.

“That was some night, huh?” Mark said, handing me a cup of his hotel coffee with a smile. “How are you doing?”

I smiled sheepishly, remembering the events of the night before. “A little sore…well… everywhere, I guess.”

Mark chuckled. “Adam sent me the numbers last night, and I finished the paperwork for the new panel this morning.” He turned his laptop so I could see. Mark kept his word, and not only did he keep our firm on as defense counsel, but he listed the partners and myself (as the sole associate attorney) specifically on the panel.

Mark smiled at my elation. “Go get cleaned up. I have to run to a meeting and I suspect you do too.” I jumped up from the bed, pecked Mark on the cheek and ran to the restroom. I looked in the mirror and I was a wreck. My makeup was smudged due to Mark’s cum, my Red Rose Lipsense was smeared and faded, and I had a bad case of sex hair. I really had to get to the office, but there was no way in hell I could be seen like that.

Resigned to getting into work late, I took a well-deserved shower in the nicest bathroom I have ever been in. By the time I came out, Mark was gone. He left a note saying he had some other business to attend to but that I could split whenever. I found my underwear and put it on, then my dress from the night before and ordered another Lyft back to my place to change, hoping that no one would notice me in my clearly-not-work-appropriate dress.

Luckily, in 2018, our society had mostly evolved from walks of shame to Uber/Lyft rides of shame (or of glory?). Unlucky for me, I got both that morning. I paid for a private Lyft to pick me up, but accidentally placed my pin 2 blocks from the hotel and didn’t realize it until the ride had arrived. “Fuck.”

I briefly contemplated cancelling it and ordering a new one, but needed to get back to my place and then the office asap.

So I hoofed it through downtown in my heels and evening wear the two blocks to my ride with as much confidence as I could muster while trying not to look like a lady of the night or that I had just had some of the best sex of my life with my client who was almost twice my age. Despite my façade, I was convinced that people knew when the looked at me. I tried to ignore my driver’s knowing stare in the rear-view mirror while I checked my phone for the first time. 5 text messages, 3 phone calls, and 2 voicemails from Kyle checking to make sure I got home alright. “Fuck.”

“Poor Kyle,” I thought. “I’ll check in with him later.” I arrived back at my place and headed upstairs. As the elevator opened, Kyle was there.

“Oh my gosh, Jenni. Where have you been, I thought something had happened to you. When I didn’t hear back this morning I called your office, but they said you hadn’t come in, so I came to—” Kyle stopped talking as he noticed that I was wearing the same outfit from the night before. “Oh…uhh…sorry. I didn’t realize that you…” Awkward.

I tried to think of something to say (and since then I have thought of a million things to say), but nothing came to mind in the moment, and I just kind of laughed and said, “well I have to get changed, sooo.”

“Right. Right. Sorry again, I’ll go now. Bye.”

It was a bit stalker-ish for me, but I think he was genuinely worried about me, and I realized that Kyle had feelings for me. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t really face him after and lost touch since then except for the occasional text. It’s one of those things you think about when you are lying in your bed thinking about all of your life’s fuck-ups.

On the bright side, I am well on my way to making Partner soon. Adam was so proud that his proposal was accepted. If only they knew what really sealed the deal.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mnzqei/fm_walkride_of_shame_after_fucking_client_twice


  1. Please tell us you have more slutty lawer stories that was fucking hot as hell.


    I would highly suggest writing a novel like 50 shades. With your writing style I can see it being a hit.

    I’m definitely a fan of your story art, can’t wait to read more.

    I’m glad your career is doing well. Keep up the good work, best of luck.

  3. good story but i always feel bad when it has consequences like Kyle. he cared :/

  4. Kyle definitely cared. I will say that, he left you drinking at a bar with someone you just met. He asked you to check in and after you didn’t he followed up, that is definitely an honorable trait, not stalkerish. You should be happy someone cared enough to make sure you were okay.

  5. One of the best written stories I’ve seen here in a while. Great buildup and detail.

  6. By FAR best written story EVER!!
    Then to go see a pic of that ?that Mark drilled!!! ? ?

  7. This is the best story I’ve ever read. I was mesmerized every second of this read by how well you painted the events out. So incredibly sexy. I can’t wait to read every story you post

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