Her Forever Virgin Ch7 Confused Vibrations

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Margo only had to touch Yennessa’s door knob to be transported back home. Upon her return it was back to spots in her eyes from the transport light.

“Amy!” Margo called out in blind desperation. She heard what she assumed was the creaking of Amy’s door.

“Oh, hey! You’re back. So, how was it?”

“Mind helping me out first,” Margo waved a hand in front of her eyes to remind Amy of her temporary handicap.

“I can try,” out of the purview of Margo’s recovering vision Amy began making the same hand gestures Yennessa had made hours earlier only it took her several more seconds. By the time Margo’s vision recovered from Amy’s help she’d already regained half her sight.

“Much appreciated,” since childhood Margo had developed a habit of thanking Amy for any magical assist at the request of Amy’s mom, it was meant to help reassure Amy of her own staggered abilities. From Margo’s perspective it was well earned considering she couldn’t cast her own spells.

“No problem.”

The girls each took a seat on their living room couch, “Anyways, we mostly just talked about stuff that you probably don’t want to hear about,” it suddenly occurred to Margo that Amy would definitely not want to hear about this. “So, what did you end up doing?”

“I met up with Jake,” Amy looked to the side, “I thought it would get my mind off the whole stupid Cyrus date but Jake reminded me of something,” Amy’s face shifted to slack disappointment, “Also apparently he knew about the date,” Amy place a hand be hind her head, “I don’t think he knew about how it ended though. I mean this morning.”

“Well that’s not really surprising. Cyrus probably just mentioned it to him in a text, I mean for a long time I use to think of the two of them as the version of us with dicks.”

Amy couldn’t help but give a laugh at the simple crudeness of Margo’s comment, “What do you mean?”

“That’s just kind of always how I thought about those two since we met them in high school. They’re a pair of childhood best friends that met because of their parents and they were even roommates during college. That’s all though,” Margo shrugged.

“Well, anyways everything was going lovely up until the point that Jake brought up Cyrus and he mentioned something that I realized I can’t ignore,” Amy let out a sigh that told Margo how exhausted she was of things to come.

“And what’s that?”

“That he is Jake’s best friend and apparently,” Amy paused, “still your side guy,” Margo took note of how Amy stumbled those last two words with just a hint of what could be jealousy, “And I guess I still consider him a friend which means I can’t avoid him for the rest of my life,” Amy placed the tips of her fingers on her temple, “or even for very long I suspect.”

“That really never occurred to you?”

“It did to you?”

“Well duh! I thought it should be someone I at least trust. That said it’s not like I know another candidate,” Margo chuckled almost with villainess intent, “I guess no matter what you’re going to have to deal with the fall out of,” she paused and shrugged, “whatever you choose to do. Which I say you should still ask him.”

Amy rubbed the bridge of her nose, “Why’d I ever let you talk me into this?”

“You’re making a big deal out of nothing I bet. Just say you’re sorry. Oh! And then ask him about putting on the cage.”

“Margo,” Amy looked at her roommate with a straight stare, “I can’t even right now. I just want to stop thinking about all this.” Amy got up and started walking back to her bedroom. “Night!”

“Stop worrying about it,” she lifted from the couch, stretching limbs that have rested on couches more than enough for one day, “I’ll just tell you how hurt he was after my date with him tomorrow.”

Amy stopped dead in her tracks, “That’s right. So, I guess he’s getting two dates in one weekend. Good for him.”

“Do you have a problem with that,” Margo was beginning to suspect there may have been more to their date but if Amy really cared about Cyrus that much, she figured she’d say something given the chance.

“I mean, it’s his life,” Amy couldn’t look back at her roommate. *What the hell kind of emotional situation is this? “*He can do what makes him happy,” as soon has those words left her mouth she wondered if she sounded petty.

“Alright then. He texted me about it while I was hanging with Yennessa. We’re catching a matinée tomorrow morning.”

“Have fun,” Amy knew it came out sounding awkward. She closed the door and decided if Margo didn’t have anything to add then the universe consisted only of her room, herself and the little bitch sleeping in the dead center of her bed. “It’s cute that you think you need all that space,” Amy lifted Terry and put her in her arms like an infant, the wee dog grunted displeasure at having been evicted from the mattress to a dog bed which was made for a canine many times larger than herself. She went right back to sleep once she was placed there.

Lying in bed looking up at the ceiling Amy still couldn’t seem to get her mind off of what she was going to do about talking to Cyrus again. She didn’t want to think about it at that moment. She wanted to go to bed and think about it tomorrow or maybe the next day or maybe the day after that. *I wish I never had to deal with it.* Amy got things done because they would bother her until they were done. That motivation drove her to figure out how to produce your favorite flavor cups and now she is about to start selling your favorite flavor mugs. The ideas just ate away at her until she saw them through to the end. Sure the process was slow and it took awhile before she was able to get the cups right, let alone all the time and effort it took to put the same magic into each item but magic she understood. She was able to revel in the process of figuring out how to get the magic just right with trial and error. Relationships are something else.

She didn’t really get what made relationship stick or fall apart. It wasn’t just in romance either, if whatever she had with Cyrus could be considered romance. She didn’t really understand what made friendships strong, mild, weak or even unhealthy. Maybe that’s why she’s never made another confidant.

She decided that she was right to have her reservations about Cyrus. It’s not that he was untrustworthy but getting to know him so much at Friday night’s dinner highlighted just how little she actually knew the guy in spite of considering him a friend for so long. That still didn’t really explain why she hadn’t made Jake a confidant. If Amy was the main character in the sitcom of her life, Margo would very obviously be the costar and Jake the show’s most reoccurring side character. Since entering the proud independent drudgery of adulthood all her other friends both old and new just kind of popped in and out but she couldn’t imagine a world where she wasn’t seeing Jake weekly. *Why haven’t I made Jake a confidant then?*

The plain answer is that she was just afraid. Relationships are hard no matter what the context is but this is especially true for witches. Confidants were expected to be trustworthy and clever enough to maintain the secrecy of magic. It’s worth noting that cleverness is not something that’s been required since the Secrecy Seal of 1777, a spell which prevents confidants from unconsciously spilling the magic beans. The Secrecy Seal was even the first spell Amy ever cast only moments after making Margo her first confidant when they were just kids.

Amy began to wonder if she’d even have a friend and confidant as close as Margo if they’d never been introduced by their parents as kids. She realized that she never really had a choice in trusting Margo and the more she thought about it the more she suspected she probably never would have come to that decision on her own if she’d met Margo today. Amy also had to admit that she loved her best friend’s negative attributes has much as her positive ones, that’s what made her whole after all. She wondered if it was a flaw or a positive that Margo was unapologetically going out with a guy that she was maybe still trying to put in permanent chastity or maybe go on a few more dates with him. *Can I have both?*

For as much as Amy plans ahead, she hadn’t put enough thought into her virgin sacrifice but Margo was right in that she figured she’d have some sort of friendship with whoever wore it, if only to get them in it. For her own pleasure, Amy just assumed she’d have to stick to dating other women. Still, it seems like a lot to ask a guy to give up his orgasms, seeing as until last night every sexual encounter she had with a dude ended when he shot off. *Cyrus was the first guy that ever…* and then she shut down that line of thinking but it did give her a new idea that if nothing else would help her sleep.

The young witch walked over to her dresser and pulled out a body massager she kept hidden in her pantie drawer. Looking at the toy as she got back into bed, she thought about how it was a gift from Margo She received two Christmases ago. While Amy did use it for its intended purpose, she always thought of it as a gag gift. Little did she know there was no gag. When it came to sexual pleasure Margo only approved of one kind of gagging.

She thought about how even if this whole chastity thing didn’t work out then, Margo at least knew what got her off. As she turned on the vibrator, gently pressed against her clitoris, she smirked at the thought of comparing Cyrus to a sex toy.

“Cyrus,” moaned Amy as vibes of pleasure began to stimulate her. With her free hand she covered her mouth in shock and embarrassment. It wasn’t as if the nearest living creature to her knew or cared nor could the nearest person have possibly heard that through the layer of buzzing and walls. It didn’t matter though because Amy heard it. She also yelled it out deep in her subconscious but if it had only been there, then she could have gone on living in total denial but now there was a crack in her delusional dam.

While Amy’s mind may have been in conflict her body was not. It very much wanted her to keep on going. Nerve signals speed frantically to the brain like reckless drivers to demand more, not caring which thoughts they collided with along the way. The pleasure senses don’t even notice the added strain they put on the delusional damn. Along the pleasure nerves they’d continue there instantaneous back and forth between the pelvis and brain.

*Maybe it would help to think of somebody else?* Amy searched her mind for someone else that could take over her thoughts. At first, she tried thinking of celebrities she found attractive but the pleasure seem to be blocking her ability to dig into her memory, no one she could recall was doing it for her. Then she thought about her past sexual experiences, an ex would get her mind on the right track. *That should do it.*

Amy slid the head of the massager to focus on her lower area while she began playing with her clit with her other hand. She tried thinking about one of her past encounters, she brought up in her mind a grey amalgamation of all her past sexual experiences but none of them were as appealing to think about as last night. She had to think about someone else though. *Why is that so hard? Objectively speaking he had to be the worst lover I’ve ever had, right?* *Sexually, he’s is the total opposite of every thing a girl is supposed to want in a guy.* Patching up the delusional dam with memories only delays the inevitable.

He’s not built like her ex, Gunner. Amy wasn’t really sure if she’d ever been with a guy that could be considered big below the belt but Gunner was the biggest she’d been with and because of his delayed ejaculation there sessions went long until he just couldn’t stay hard anymore. It did always make her a little disappointed that he couldn’t cum for her sometimes. Intellectually, she knew it wasn’t her fault anymore than she’d set off Cyrus but it still felt slightly unfulfilling especially since he never finished her off. She started thinking about how attractive Cyrus must find her to climax before even entering her plus there was something cute about the face he made when he came like a kid who thinks he’s in big trouble for a minor offense. *Shit! Think of Gunner you idiot.* The delusional dam leaks more, Amy tries her best to keep it from leaking.

She allowed the vibrator to work her clit again while her fingers slid in and out. That’s right, Gunner had the biggest dick she’d ever been with, not that it really mattered all that much to her. She got that maybe it mattered to some girls, especially given the shear number of spells designed to help in that area but to her the experience was just as fun no matter what the size to Amy. *Although at Cyrus’ size it might matter.* She laughed thinking about what it would be like to tell him that herself. She wouldn’t, but it was fun to think about his possibly blush tinted reaction. The delusional dam continued to leak, left in a state of disrepair.

Amy’s feminine fluids allowed for the rounded toy and her fingers to better focus on her pleasure center. *I guess it doesn’t matter if he wants to eat me out like that again.* Gunner Was pretty good about it but he was always clearly in a rush, he wanted to make sure that Amy was ready to take him. In contrast Cyrus didn’t have any such goal, he was only down there for her. Sure, he was very grabby but that also felt good like a reverberation of sensual joy. Amy wasn’t even trying to keep the dam together any more.

Amy bit her lower lip as a soaked hand fondled her breasts. The toy continued radiating wonder through her body. Even though she still felt a strange guilt about it and yet she also found it empowering. She never thought to ask any of her previous lovers to do what she wanted, *I didn’t exactly ask Cyrus either,* but he just seemed so willing to help. She briefly thought about how she should apologize for grabbing his hair the way she did. Although, she never realized how much she needed that control during sex. She’s always known what she wanted, she’s just been to afraid to ask. The delusional dam was about to burst.

Amy had not nor would she notice she had subconsciously casted a spell which caused the body massager to levitate through telekinesis. On rare occasions witches might subconsciously cast spells if their desires and thought patterns happened to line up with a particular enchantment. The hand which once held the pleasure toy now caressed her interior, her other hand continued with her breasts, meanwhile the toy moved in subtle ways too give her the ideal stimulation. Amy would probably be proud of herself for pulling off such a masterful spell if she weren’t so lost in her tangled mass of guilt, pleasure and confusion. A number of vague concepts came to her mind but they were all about Cyrus and they weren’t all sexual. She thought how his lips make their journey down to her cooch as much as she thought of the cute way he nervously shakes his leg at dinner but it was also so much more; grabbing the door for her, cuddling to sleep, his laugh, his fingers exploring or wet kitten, her fingers running through his hair, the way he kissed her clit. For a flash an image of Cyrus wearing her cage appeared in her mind and the delusional damn busted open.

“Oh fuck yes!” Amy came but only gave herself a few seconds to enjoy it before realizing she vocalized her joy loud enough for the whole world to hear. Nervously, she turned to Terry to convince her it couldn’t have been that loud but has Margo was soon to remind her, that dog could sleep through the apocalypse. Amy hid away the toy and sanitized her hands before getting back in bed.

Looking up at the darkness Amy thought about how she felt tired now but that did absolutely nothing too get her mind off her troubles. If anything, it only brought them to the forefront and it only confused her more. She’s known the guy for years but never really thought of him like that until yesterday and she only did it because she needs a virgin to wear a cage that will make her a better witch. *And then there’s that stupid cage.*

For as guilty as Amy has always felt about the prospect of taking away a guy’s ability to cum she couldn’t bring herself to give up on the idea entirely. Even now, she felt like she was so closed That she couldn’t just throw away the plan entirely. *Maybe he’ll understand if I explain it to him.* She figured that was always inevitable but she didn’t know how much she would have to play that up. Would he or any other guy for that matter even understand why it was so important to her.

The worst part is that she didn’t even know if Cyrus wanted to date her. Sure, she knows now that he had a crush on her back in high school and he certainly seemed to enjoy her company well enough when they were together but that didn’t mean he still felt that way especially after she exited this morning without so much as a goodbye. Plus, if she asks him to wear the cage and he says no what then? She could Erases memory and very likely would have to in that situation. She’d still have to remember though.

*How do you expect somebody to accept you after asking them to be in chastity for the rest of their life?* *You don’t. He’ll just think I’m some weird evil pervert witch that wants to steal his orgasms and I’ll wipe his memory and then I’ll just go on the rest of my life knowing what he actually thinks of me while he can’t remember why he rightfully hates me.* And that dear perverts is why you should not live in your head.

It was also strange to her that this guy was going on a date with her roommate and somehow that didn’t seem like THE problem. *But then what is the problem? There is a problem, right?* It didn’t seem right on paper, her being comfortable with the two of them going out. If she wanted to be with Cyrus then she should want Margo to not go out with him tomorrow. Yet, it didn’t feel right to intrude on their relationship even though she knew it was only casual in nature.

This confusing mess of thoughts rattled around in Amy’s head for a few minutes before receiving a text alert. The text, sent from her friend in the room over, read, “*Personally I don’t mind but aren’t you a little worried about waking up the neighbors?”* And with that humiliation Amy decided to leave these quandaries for another day and she drifted to sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mnjy3y/her_forever_virgin_ch7_confused_vibrations