[MF] The Confessions of Eli Austin: Chapter 4.07 | The girl from the bus

*Author’s Note: As I intend to compile all of these stories into one eventual document, I’m not going to describe myself within the body of each story. Instead, I’ve decided to include a description of myself at the top of each story.*

__The Confessions of Eli Austin: Chapter 4.07__

My Age During This Chapter: ~21 years old

My Description: A 6’2, 220 lbs., white American male. At this age, I was participating in a collegiate sports program and was fairly muscular. I have broad shoulders, a light tan, large hands, blue eyes, and (at this time) dark brown hair that is styled in a crew cut.

Setting: An urban college campus in the early 2000’s.


__The Confessions of Eli Austin: Chapter 4.07__

The tail pipe of the old campus bus sputtered as the engine lunged the vehicle into motion. It was around 3:00 pm on a Wednesday, and I found myself thinking that the transport was oddly empty. *‘You’d think a lot more people would need a ride to [off-campus] lot at this hour,’* I internalized, my brain racing to solve a puzzle that nobody else cared about. For the others on the bus, the less-than-cramped conditions were a welcome reprieve from the crowding that normally occupied the transit system.

As I felt my forehead furrow with hypotheses (*‘maybe something’s going on somewhere else on campus?’; ‘did I catch the odd moment just after everyone who needed a ride between class schedules got on and off?’; ‘is it usually this empty on Wednesday afternoon and I’ve just never noticed?’*), I caught a mischievous smile out of the corner of my eye.

“What are you torturing yourself about over there?” the woman asked, grinning in that slight and sly way that college girls do best.

“Me? Oh… um…” I began, her giggle intensifying at my inability to escape my thoughts. “I was just trying to figure out why the bus is so empty.”

“Weird, right?” she said, her voice straining over the aging roar of the engine as we moved uphill. “Hey, aren’t you in my Spanish class?”

“Huh?” I asked, not recognizing her, and only half-paying attention as I tried to disable any further thinking about the bus’s occupancy. The windows rattled as the bus struggled again, determined to make it up the hill it ascended with increasing difficulty every day.

“I said…” the girl began again, grabbing a pole to steady herself as she stood and moved towards me. “Aren’t you in my Spanish class?”

As she moved towards me, my eyes were determined to examine her body in the way that all young and virile men tend to examine all young and virile women. Underneath her tight jeans she had fantastic, wide, child-bearing hips, which was the first thing I noticed. As my eyes gazed upwards, I could sense a prominence to her chest, but it was hidden in the way that some girls seemed keen experts at, and I couldn’t make heads or tails of her breasts underneath her pastel green halter top. I then gazed across at her face once more, my mind racing to identify her based on the inquiry at hand. Her cheeks had the light gaze of a fake tan to them, but her dimples proved oddly seductive, and she had a wide mouth with plump, full lips. Fortunately, her cheek bones compliment her eyes nicely, and she pulled off her features in an oddly sexy but perhaps unconventionally attractive sort of manner. Her deep brunette hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail, exposing large and thinly hooped earrings hanging about halfway to her exposed shoulders. She probably didn’t turn heads too regularly, but she also had a je ne sais quoi to her that radiated a calming sensuality.

As she finished her move and sat down next to me, she giggled – either convinced I was still focused on the vehicle’s emptiness or granting me mercy at the obvious effort to check her out as she moved.

“Uh… yeah. 9:30 on Tuesday/Thursday with a language lab on Friday, right?” I asked, plainly stating my Spanish schedule without having made the connection that we shared the class or not.

“Yeah!” she exclaimed, with a small chuckle. Her enthusiasm and easy identification put me at ease regarding my obvious attempt to check her out, as she had obviously done the same to me at some point.

“You’re really good at pronouncing all the words,” she continued, with a wide, easygoing smile.

“Yeah, I guess,” I fumbled in response. “It probably helps that I’m from the Southwest.”

“Oh, that makes sense,” she replied. “There’s not a lot of Spanish speakers around here.”

“No, there’s not… Honestly, I’m a little embarrassed I don’t already speak it though, given where I’m from,” I said, with a self-deprecating laugh.

“No, you’re really good,” she said, bumping her shoulder into mine for a boost. It reminded me of the awkward way girls flirted when I was younger, but I enjoyed the brief contact of her bare arm colliding into mine. Her skin was soft to the touch, and I felt a slight nudge in my pants from the arousal.

“Thanks, I guess,” I chuckled in reply. “I’m Eli, by the way,” I said, offering out my hand.

“Danielle-” she began to offer in reply, her hand rising up to meet mine.

Suddenly, as the bus fought its way up the final hill before the parking lot, it sprang forward and back violently, the vintage transmission struggling to change gears. Danielle’s body hastily crashed into mine, and my friendly hand found itself now crashing into her chest as her hands worked to re-stabilize herself against my leg.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” I offered, withdrawing my palm backwards, trying to indicate horror at the outcome but not at what I’d touched.

“Don’t worry about it,” she calmly answered as she steadied herself back upright. “This bus is on its last legs.”

*‘Legs,’* I thought to myself, noting that her hand remained on my thigh well after she had recomposed herself. I felt another growth along my leg while I examined the situation, and desperately hoped my swelling manhood wouldn’t awkwardly reach the outer touches of her fingers in this moment.

As the bus turned into the parking lot and towards the drop-off shelter, many of the riders began to stand and reassure themselves their cars were still where they parked them. Danielle had yet to make a move, however. In contrast, her hand seemed to be gliding back and forth a few inches at a time, her legs still stationary to the seat. Or maybe that was just my imagination as the bus made its final maneuvers. My bulge was now considerable, but it remained elusive to her touch.

A final lurch of our bodies occurred as the bus finally came to a stop, my eyes drawn to the slight heaving of her well-hidden chest. As the other riders began to exit through the side doors, Danielle had yet to stand. Coyly, she turned to me, her hand still implanted on my thigh.

“Do you think you could help me with Spanish?” she asked, the driver now glaring back at us in the rearview of the otherwise-empty bus.

“Uh, yeah… I could help you out some time,” I said, somewhat eager to get off the bus but also enjoying the unexpected attention.

“Could some time be today?” she retorted, still making no effort to move.

“Yeah… I guess so,” I responded, my eyes meeting those of the driver in the mirror. I could feel his contempt for our college-aged shenanigans, our lack of movement potentially affecting his route.

“I told my neighbor I’d drop something off by 3:30 though,” I continued, with a tone indicating that we needed to start moving.

“No problem!” Danielle replied, popping up quickly and waving a sympathetic hand towards the driver. With her bouncing breasts at eye level, however, I took two extra seconds to make my own move. The driver shook his head accordingly, and I eventually followed Danielle as she stepped off the bus.

“So… should I just follow you, or…?” she said, turning to me with a cheery grin.

“Yeah, that works,” I said. “I’m in that black and red Blazer parked just over there,” I motioned, pointing behind her shoulders and towards the back fence.

“Cool… I’m in a blue Civic. I’ll meet you by the gate,” Danielle returned.

“Cool.” I said, beginning my walk to my car.

As Danielle walked off in the opposite direction to her vehicle, I turned my hips to gaze at her as I walked backwards towards mine. Her ass was unexpectedly phenomenal, bubbling outward from her jeans in an apple-shaped manner.

After getting in my Blazer and driving towards the exit, I was quick to spot Danielle’s Civic and she followed me back to my apartment without any issue. I subsequently directed her where to park and waited for her at the base of the outdoor stairs that led up to my third-floor unit.

“Didn’t you have to drop something off for your neighbor….?” Danielle asked, walking up to me in a way that clearly showcased her hips.

“Yeah… it’s inside my place though, and I didn’t want to leave you hanging out here,” I said.

“Oh… cool,” she replied. “So… this way?”

“Yep… just up here,” I said, as I began to climb the stairs. Danielle followed me with an eager bounce in each step, her Spanish book prominently tucked under her arm.

As we reached the threshold of my apartment, I turned the knob before colliding into the door.

“Whoops…” I said, laughing. “I guess my roommate isn’t home.”

Danielle laughed too, having moved in close to me with the expectation the door was about to open. As I reached down into my pockets to get my keys, she grinned her wide smile and just paused herself in the moment – the air holding the tension that usually accompanies a first kiss.

Chuckling, I refrained from seizing the opportunity, and gave her a smile as if to say ‘I’m so dumb’ for crashing into the door… but also maybe ‘I’m so dumb’ for not kissing her.

With a quick turn of the key, we were both suddenly hit with a rush of cool air from inside.

“Damnit, I guess Greg left the A/C running,” I said, casting stones at my roommate’s name.

“Haha, don’t worry about it,” Danielle said, briskly shrugging her shoulders and trying to run her hands up her arms. Her Spanish book struck her other shoulder as she shook, breaking her ability to get an effective rub in.

“Ah, here you go,” I said, now rubbing her bare arms for her and smiling. The tension of the room lingered once more, but I stepped back before anything could happen.

“Sorry, I have to grab my neighbor’s cooler really quick. I guess she’s going down to the pool with her friends,” I then noted, quickly dashing towards my balcony.

“Okay,” Danielle noted, moving herself towards the couch in my living room.

“Yeah… feel free to make yourself at home or whatever. This should only take a minute,” I said, rushing past her with the cooler in my hand. “Seriously.”

As I slid past the door, I could see Danielle’s face scrunch in a quizzical look, her full lips puckered in contemplative thought. I smiled and quickly pulled the door with me as I raced back down to the second floor.

Rounding the corner from the stairs, I could see my neighbor Lisa already in her doorway awaiting my arrival.

“Sorry I’m cutting it so close,” I said handing over the cooler.

“No problem,” Lisa said, with an impish smirk. “…who’s the girl?”

“Oh… Danielle?” I asked. “She’s from my Spanish class. She wanted to know if I could help her.”

“…I bet,” Lisa said, a Cheshire grin washing over her. “I bet she wants… your help.”

“Oh, stop!” I said, laughing – just now realizing how quickly my situation was escalating.

“Have a good day, Eli,” Lisa said, shooting me a disapproving look and closing her door.

*‘Huh,’* I wondered to myself. *‘…is something about to happen?’* The mere thought of it shot another expansion racing through my crotch, which hadn’t fully committed to believing previously.

Excitedly, I raced back up the stairs and bounded back into my apartment, where Danielle was no longer on my couch.

“Uh… hello?” I said, my eyes darting around the room.

“Sorry, over here,” Danielle said, her voice carrying from my kitchen. “I thought I’d try to make us some margaritas to go with the Spanish, but I can’t find any mixer.”

Impressed by her bold move, I stepped towards the kitchen to assist. “Mixer… mixer…” I muttered, trying to think where it would be. “… we might be… out?… of mixer,” I said, with puzzlement.

“Oooooo….” Danielle acknowledged, “well… I already poured the tequila over the ice.” As she said this, she pointed at the shaker and the bottle of rare, sipping añejo I kept in the cupboard.

I grimaced at the sight of my expensive liquor being used instead of the cheaper stuff I kept for mixed drinks, but I tried to not let it show. Thankfully, Danielle seemed to think the grimace was about her starting the drinks without all of the ingredients.

Not to ruin the mood, however, my brain raced to action. “Tell you what…” I began. “Let’s just make our own mixer with the limes and lemons we have. No big deal.” I had just bought a bunch of fruit in anticipation of making a punch for the weekend, and I could always go back for more if necessary.

“Awesome!” Danielle exclaimed, with a light and seemingly unnecessary bounce. My eyes were once again drawn to the heaving of her chest, and her smile told me the sight had been my reward for positivity.

“Alright… so…” I said, reaching close to her and grabbing the drawer pull. “Let’s get a knife from here…” I said, my arm grazing her. “…and the block from back here…” I continued, intentionally reaching around and grazing the other side of her to get the block directly in front of her.

“If I show you how we should cut these, can you finish them while I head to the restroom?” I asked, receiving a quick nod in response. “Great!”

After making quick work of the first lemon and lime, I moved the remaining fruit pile in front of her and once again left her to her own devices. Unfortunately, my bathroom was located inside of my bedroom, and I had to go across the apartment since my roommate didn’t like me or guests using his hallway-adjacent bathroom.

“I’ll be right back” I called over to Danielle, walking briskly to my bedroom and turning the corner for the toilet. As I shut the door behind me, I took a moment to do some assessment of the situation. The apartment was overall in great shape, even if my room was a little messy. I had showered just before class, so everything was good there – although I re-added some deodorant and a quick spritz of cologne just to be safe. There wasn’t much I could do about the obvious erection hiding in my pants, but I was hoping the moment away from Danielle would give me time to calm it back down. As such, I took my time in the bathroom, double-checked my shave job, and reshuffled my hair to appear more relaxed. *‘Hopefully I didn’t take too much time,’* I thought to myself, proud that my erection was at least halfway at-bay now. I swung open the bathroom door and prepared to race back to the kitchen only to see Danielle now awkwardly standing before me, her lip somewhat pouting.

“Uh…” I began, before she playfully cut me off.

“So…” Danielle explained, “…I followed your directions but got lime juice all over my top somehow.”

My eyes fixated on the pastel green fabric hugging her chest once more, noticing the amount of liquid that had somehow spread across her top.

“Oh, well… do you need a t-shirt or something?” I asked, quickly flicking the light on in my closet.

“That’d be great! Thanks!” she said.

“Okay… give me one second…” I replied, as I grabbed a handful of options for her, including two t-shirts and an old lacrosse hoodie.

As I shut the closet door and turned back around, I was greeted with sight of Danielle stripped down to just her bra and jeans, her halter top now resting in her hands.

“Wow,” I gasped. At this point, I abandoned any hope of hiding my physiological reaction to her and felt the pang of my pants tightening around my uncontainable growth. I held up the three shirt options and stepped towards her, taking in as much of her as I could.

Despite its otherwise simple black appearance, it was obvious at first sight that Danielle’s bra was working overtime to hold back what appeared to be breasts twice as large as I’d previously thought. She had also been hiding a well-toned stomach that was well complemented by her fading fake tan.

“…I was sort of hoping for the ‘or something’?” Danielle asked, a playful grin occupying much of her face and accentuating her youthful dimples.

In that moment we both took another step towards each other, and now only stood a few inches apart.

“Yeah?” I asked, the tension returned to the air as Danielle tiled her head up towards me and leaned in.

“Yeah…” she replied, planting her luscious lips up against mine.

I had little time to fully appreciate the fullness of her thick lips before her tongue darted hungrily to greet mine, entangling each other in a forceful embrace as I felt her mouth widening and enveloping mine. Her tongue was warm and ambitiously slippery, wrestling against my own excited tongue as my hands moved to grasp her bare sides.

Pulling her in closer to me, I could feel her energy for the moment. Danielle’s hands raced up my back and enfolded our bodies tighter, and her ample breasts pressed tightly up against me. I smiled in delight at the weight of her chest smashing into mine, and she giggled as her tongue covetously exerted itself with even more passion.

As our hips began to swivel in rhythm to our kissing, my right hand slowly made its way up to the clasps of her bra before I paused and beamed a flirtatious question, my eyes and smile hungry for approval. Danielle gently nodded and smiled in return, her lips ardently caressing the edges my own.

In a single, fortunate compressing of my fingers, I unfastened the powerful hooks of her bra and let the fabric between us slide down our stomachs while her arms weaved their way out of the straps. In that moment, I planted a spirited kiss upon her lips and then stepped back to see Danielle’s breasts in all their glory.

The sound of Danielle’s bra hitting the floor was accompanied by the near-unhinging of my jaw as I took in the sight of Danielle’s explosively large breasts. On the bus I would have assumed they were more akin to B- or C-cup breasts, but it was obvious now she had been expertly hiding a bosom that was pushing the full capacity of a DD bra.

“Holy shit,” I gasped, to Danielle’s delightful amusement. She tried to lean back in for a kiss, but I only allowed a quick peck before pushing her hips back off of me to admire her chest once more. Her breasts had the same fake-tan hue as the rest of her, and they exquisitely hung in a symmetrical, bell-shaped pattern. Surprisingly, her areolas were large and dark – the largest areolas I’d ever seen – and they occupied nearly a quarter of the surface area. It had never occurred to me that areolas could even be that large, but I found myself unbothered by the unexpected sight of them dominating her divine tits.

Danielle awkwardly shifted as I continued staring at her in amazement, almost as if she couldn’t believe I’d be so taken by her. “…they’re okay?” she meekly asked, clearly self-conscious about her areola size.

“They’re fucking phenomenal,” I gasped, lunging my face towards her nipples and scooping her onto my half-made bed. Landing with a gentle plunge, my body weight shifted on top of her as I eagerly raced my hands over her and took her tits into my mouth. After a few moments, I could feel her back arch in pleasure, and she began to sigh and moan while clutching at the edges of my shirt to remove it.

Heeding my cue, I saw up and slipped my shirt off in one movement, staring down again at her delightful chest from above.

“Absolutely beautiful,” I beamed, her self-consciousness slowly melting away. She leaned up for a quick kiss and my lips met hers, before I took a second to begin instinctively removing my pants.

“Whoa there, cowboy,” Danielle remarked, the globes on her chest bouncing with her sudden laugh.

“I’m not going to fuck you today” she stated, smiling and rubbing her hand up my now-exposed thigh. “…but we can have fun a lot of other ways, okay?”

My cock sprung at the tender touch of her fingertips sliding along the bottom of my balls, as she smiled and looked up at me for agreement. “…okay?”

“I’m okay with whatever,” I grinned in response. “I’m already very happy with this.”

“Good,” Danielle replied, sitting up to lean on her shoulders. “Now lay down.”

Following her request, I climbed atop my mattress and positioned my head towards the top of the bed. Looking back down at her, I grinned in anticipation of what was to come.

“I want to make you feel good,” Danielle cooed, her right hand caressing the muscles of my thigh while her left rushed to trace my exposed abdomen. As her mouth leaned closer to my eager cock, I felt the heavy pressing of her marvelous college breasts pressing against the tender insides of my thigh.

“Fuck, you’re hot,” I muttered, glancing at the precum racing down my shaft as her tongue swirled along its base. Her eyes looked up at me one last time and she smiled a sweet, gentle smile before guiding her plush, wet lips up along the side of my shaft. As she reached the tip, she unexpectedly plunged two-thirds of the way down my cock, her lips massaging my sensitive skin as she warmly pulled back up and caressed the tip of my manhood with her tongue and lips. I was so used to girls beginning more playfully at the top that I moaned in unexpected pleasure.

“Ungh…” I muttered, unable to make a more sensible noise. The guttural sound of my excitement still lingering, I then felt her hand glide up along my balls and grasp at my stiff member. “Unghghghgh….” I moaned once more, her tongue tracing along my vein quickly before working with her mouth again to slide down my cock. Her mouth pushed deep until it hit her hand, at which point she opened her hand to allow for deeper penetration and used her fingers to play with my testicles.

“Fuck… oh my God,” I gasped, as she began to quick her pace, constantly alternating between a playful massaging of my head before plunging deeply and to take me down her throat. My knuckles were turning white from my tight grip of the sheets and my legs begin to writhe in pleasure – which had the added bonus of feeling her considerable chest rub against me.

Sensing what I was accomplishing, Danielle looked up at me and smiled once more. “Do you like the way my tits feel against you?” she asked, cheerfully and intentionally grinding her bosom along my thighs.

“Fuck yes, baby,” I whimpered, my cock throbbing in the cool air as I yearned for her touch once more.

“…then what about… this?” she asked, using her hands to create extraordinary cleavage and wrapping her boobs around my restless manhood.

“Holy fuck,” I gasped, instantly satisfied by the deep cleavage of her breasts sliding over me.

“Mm” she mischievously moaned, a large simper washing over her face.

After several efforts to smother my cock with the massaging touch of her breasts, she leaned down and suckled on the tip of my head again, my cock pulsing at the warmth of her mouth and leaking precum everywhere. I could then feel her spit my precum back out to keep my shaft moist for the titfucking to follow, and my hips began to impulsively thrust into her with each memorable touch of her breasts around my cock.

“Oh my God,” I moaned again, the frenetic buckling of my hips convulsing into the best titfuck of my life. I wasn’t going to last much longer.

“Not yet,” Danielle giggled, clearly amused by how much I enjoyed the embrace of her breasts around my member.

“Ungh…” I moaned, trying to buckle my hips into her again, but feeling the canyon of her tits dissipating around me. I had been so close.

Danielle laughed while wiping the spit off of her chest, her free hand massaging my balls while my cock danced about for closure.

“I know a lot of guys don’t eat pussy…” she began, my face contorting into a confused state. “…but how do you feel about 69?” she asked.

“Are you kidding me?” I asked, in astonishment, before ravenously grabbing at her legs.

Danielle seemed surprised by my appetite but quickly slid her powerful thighs up across my chest and muzzled my face near her inviting womanhood. The vibrant scent of her pussy was intoxicating, and I could sense the rich moisture that had accumulated between her legs.

Delicately, I slipped my yearning tongue up towards the lips of her vagina and savored the delicious and distinct taste that I was rewarded with.

“Oooo…” Danielle gasped, her hips adjusting down to better position herself atop my face. Pleased with this decision, my arms folded back to her hips and grasped her shapely ass, pulling my mouth even more tightly against her. My mouth savored the contact as it could now trace her folds and envelop her clit without over-stretching my tongue. Feeling the warmth of her pussy against me, I moaned in delight at the taste and feel of her pressed up against me.

Grinding her hips into my face now, Danielle instinctively began lowering herself to take my cock back into her mouth, but I used my right arm to momentarily stop her.

“Not yet,” I muffled out, still aching for more of pussy to be tightly against my face.

Without protest, Danielle shifted more of her weight back and sat on my face near-completely, my lips suckling on her delectable clit between bouts of my tongue exploring and massaging her. Satisfied that she would remain upright for the moment, I then brought my right arm up under her thigh, lifting her off me slightly so that my hand could accompany the work being done by my mouth. I then leaned my cheek into her left thigh to regain my close access while I slid one finger, and then quickly two, past her soaked slit.

“Oooo….” Danielle cooed again, as I sensed she was beginning to play with her nipples. “Just like that.”

I continued on my pace for several minutes more before I could feel her breathing begin to intensify, and I attempted to match her with increased intensity from my tongue. I knew she wasn’t long now, and my cock was springing about in excited anticipation – highly aroused by the thought of her cumming from this position.

Now just minutes away, Danielle lunged down to take my aching cock back into her mouth, which she now feverishly deep-throated with reckless abandon. I wasn’t going to last much longer this way either, as our hands began to roam each other’s bodies while our hips furiously thrusted into each others’ mouths. As we entered the home stretch, I took the opportunity to lift my thumb and trace it around the rim of her asshole, eliciting a jump and hip buckle from Danielle as she continued to ride me. I didn’t attempt to penetrate her but continued gently encircling her asshole, which elicited her loudest and most intense moans of the evening.

“Fuck fuck,” she suddenly gasped, struggling to speak around the thick shaft filling her mouth. I could feel her hips tense up and her thighs clutch my face as she suddenly buckled in wave after wave of pleasure. A warm wave of her juices rushed over my lips, which my tongue eagerly lapped up while her lower back clamped her hips against me tightly. After what felt like 5 minutes of her convulsing against me, she collapsed and gasped out, her breasts smashing back into me with the weight of her body.

“Oh my god…” she muttered. “…wow.”

As I felt her breathing attempt to regulate, her eyes opened to the sight of my aching cock mere inches from her face.

“Oh fuck, I’m so sorry,” she said, trying to muster the energy to stroke my shaft with her tired hands. I hadn’t cum yet, as she had taken her mouth off of me during the intense energy of her orgasm(s).

“…are we done?” I asked, with a mild sense of desperation and disappointment in my question.

“No, I just need a minute,” she cooed, nuzzling her face against me and doing a few final adjustments of her hips. “How do you want to finish?”

“…between your tits” I stated, remembering the wonderful sensations of the day’s earlier titfucking session.

“Okay…” she said, still gasping for breath. “How about this?” she asked rolling off of me and pushing her breasts together once more.

Smiling, I rolled on top of her and slid my shaft between the sensational valley of her cleavage. Her breasts felt amazing pressed against me, but I needed lubrication to finish off. Without hesitation, I quickly withdrew my cock and slid it back into her mouth. She clearly hadn’t expected it but was eager to please and let me skullfuck her for lube while she still struggled to catch her breath.

“Oh my God,” I moaned, as her plump lips began massaging my shaft between strokes, while her energetic tongue ran itself along me.

“Wow,” I muttered again, my cock now sufficiently wet while I contemplated finishing in her mouth instead.

Her tits proved irresistible, however, and I quickly found myself sliding back between them as my climax neared itself further.

“Cum for me,” Danielle cooed. “I want your cum so bad.”

“Oh, fuck,” I moaned between thrusts. “The dirty talk… gets me every time.”

“Cum for me, baby,” Danielle whined, now using her hands to massage her tits against me even more.

I could feel the explosion readying itself as my cock continued to slide between her immaculate tits, and I found myself really enjoying the sight once more of her large areolas. I knew in that moment that the sight of them was going to be the thing I always remembered, and how wonderful they looked bouncing with her breasts as I readied to burst.

“I want you to cum wherever you want,” Danielle muttered, giving me dirty encouragement for the final time. I had already felt the explosion working its way from my base when I heard this, and the first load was blasting through her cleavage and onto her neck.

“Unghghgh…” I moaned, shooting a second shot, and then a third, deep into her cleavage and all over her breasts. I felt her loosen her grip as the fourth shot sailed out, anticipating my conclusion and underestimating the amount she had worked out of me. As I felt her tits fall from the sides of my shaft, the fifth shot lunged and hit her cheek, which she reacted to with surprise and… enjoyment? Sensing the opportunity, I lunged my hips forward and finished the last remaining shots across her face, as she leaned back in pleasure, her mouth moaning in excitement. I must have unleashed at least 10 bursts before my cock slowed to a dribble, and she eagerly milked all of the remaining stream out of me when I thought I was done.

“Whoa…” I mustered, seeing the abstract canvas that had become her face and tits.

Danielle simply smiled and used her fingers to scrape up the remaining cum before licking it off her hand.

“I… sort of have a cum fetish,” she explained, trying to figure out if I was judging her.

“No kidding,” I laughed, before leaning in for a peckish kiss. “Don’t worry – I think it’s hot.”

“Thanks?” she giggled. “That… was a lot of cum.”

“Yeah, sorry, you really had me worked up there,” I replied.

“Hmm… I guess we’ll have to do that again some time,” she followed, still lightly rubbing the lingering cum from her breasts as I collapsed down beside her.

“Yeah… and maybe even more?” I asked, my hand now delightfully caressing her beautifully calm breasts.

“Um… only my boyfriend gets more,” Danielle then said, nonchalantly.

“Wait… your what?” I gasped, quickly pulling my hand off her breast.

“…my boyfriend,” Danielle said, scrunching her lips. She then grabbed my hand and put it back on her breast before continuing.

“He’s never made me cum like that though… so let’s see how it goes,” she then said.

“I, uh…” I began, trying to pull back from her again, before she placed her hand atop mine to stop me.

Danielle then leaned in to give me a passionate kiss, wherein I could taste the salty faintness of my own cum from moments earlier.

“Don’t worry about it. I like you, and he’s not your problem,” she said. Danielle then ran her hands along my cock one final time as she stood up to gather her clothes.

A sense of guilt and regret washed over me, but I knew it wasn’t going to be enough to stop me from seeing her again.

And it wasn’t.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mn275u/mf_the_confessions_of_eli_austin_chapter_407_the