[MF] renaissance Festival fun

A few years back I used to hang out with a group of friends that love going to the Renaissance Festival here in Michigan. I’m not gonna lie I like going out and doing random crap as well. So I like to go to. When I was 25 I decided to go wearing my kilt and I wore it the right way. Because balls like these don’t fit in pants.

Surprisingly I was one of the very few guys there that actually wore a kilt and they serve alcohol. I got pretty buzzed up (plus I snuck some in) and we started running around just basically causing shit.

We met another group of people consisting about half guys and half girls ranging from probably 17-ish all the way up.

My friend asked me in front of all of them if I wore my kilt properly. (The proper way to wear a kilt is, nothing underneath.) I said absolutely, some of the girls instantly started giggling and some of the guys started laughing.

Little did one of the guys who laughed at me know, within an hour his girlfriend had her head up underneath my “skirt“. I’m not gonna lie guys, raw dogging a nerdy young girl dressed like a slutty elf in public is pretty fucking hot.

I go every year, sometimes I go to her three times. But I wear that killed every single time and it pays off quite frequently.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mm8b31/mf_renaissance_festival_fun

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