Critical Fail (or Success) pt 2

The walk to the nearby village was long. My widened hips swayed with each step, and my desires grew to unbearable levels. I kept looking down at my transformed body, getting more aroused at the sight of my own nakedness. The ornate crystals decorating my body sparkled in the sun, my darkened pink skin shimmering as though it were covered in millions of tiny diamonds. I found that keeping my hands off myself was difficult, not that I was exactly trying. While not looking at my beautiful hands, they took turns groping my melon sized breasts, or exploring the rest of my chiseled form. My fingers kept glancing across my needy clit, juices slick on my inner thighs as it leaked from me.

I came across a small farmhouse outside of town. A young man was tending to some cows, the first sign of life I’d registered in the endless walk. He looked up at me as I neared, his eyes bulging in surprise. “Gods, _what are you_?” he exclaimed. The fear in his voice was intoxicating, almost as much as the scent of his virility. I took a deep breath, relishing the scent of his sex before exhaling with a quick moan.

“_Delicious_,” the only word I bothered forming before lunging at the man. He was pinned on the ground under me, eyes merely flicking to his cattle as they scurried away. I could feel strong muscles beneath my hands, his hips trying to wriggle out from between my legs. His efforts were futile, this new form of mine enchanted with strength far beyond anything he would have encountered before. With little more than a flick of my wrist, his chest was bared to me. Tattered remains still provided some comfort between him and the rough ground. I leaned in, my lips pressing against his neck in a delicate kiss before opening my mouth wider. His struggles halted when my teeth nibbled at him, tongue savoring his flavor. He actually put his hands on me, succumbing to my will.

I felt something between my legs, a sensation that would likely become quite familiar in the days to come. My attention shifted from his neck, down to our conjoined legs. His trousers rose up, something firm pushing them into me. I reached down and shredded the frustrating fabric, removing the final barrier between our bodies. His erect manhood throbbed in the open air. My breath caught in my chest as I gazed longingly at it, desire igniting within me like an unquenchable inferno. One hand remained on his chest while the other slipped between us, fingers circling around it’s base. The first cock I’ve ever held – apart from the one I ripped away from that idiot mage, at least. I marveled at it, the warmth, the stiffness, the way it pulsated in my hand. 

Something shot from its tip, eliciting a slight _yelp_ from me. He groaned on the ground, hips jerking almost in rhythm to the fluids gushing from his cock. Something inside me led my head down. With supernatural flexibility I bent toward his erupting member, the smell of his fluids flooding my mind in desperate need. My lips wrapped around his throbbing cock, and I moaned as my mouth filled with warm, thick, honey-like milk. I suckled him, draining his erection hungrily while he spasmed under me. And when I swallowed…

An orgasm struck. My vision went blank, and I fell into a bottomless pit of pleasure. It was like being cocooned within the crystals again, but there was no fear or pain. Only absolute ecstasy. I moaned and shrieked as my invisible body trembled with delight for what seemed like hours. I never wanted it to end, but, as all good things do.

The world came falling back over me. I jolted on the ground like I had really just fallen, my ass coming back down on the man under me. I was sitting on him, him flat on his back, my hands on his knees. His engorged phallus was still inside me, and I had absolutely no recollection of putting it into my pussy. I made a mental note to try that first next time, really wanted to be cognizant of first penetration. A delighted giggle slipped from my lips, satisfied smile spread across my face. I could still feel him pulsing inside me, felt his warm seed in and around my belly. My arms stretched behind me and I leaned back. I used my legs to ride his hardness once my hands touched the dirt.

A few thrusts in, I noticed something odd. The dried ground felt more like caked mud? Perhaps it rained a bit while I was out, or maybe the flood of our passion had dampened the soil beneath us. I dismissed any worry that could have been building, and kept fucking. The wet sound from between my legs of my still quivering pussy slurping at the thick cock spearing it urged me on. Another orgasm was surely on the horizon, I could feel it’s familiar grasp closing around me, but it kept slipping further away. A frustrated moan flew from me, and I made the decision to get a better angle.

I twisted around atop my prey, legs dancing over him as I turned. My pelvis thudded into his, and remained there. The farm boy was evidently dead. Blood seeped into the dirt around him, his shriveling body warped under me. A perpetual look of intense pleasure distorted his face. I stayed where I was, straddling him and felt his still hard cock continue to pulse inside me. _He’s giving me everything_, I thought. _His seed, his blood, his life._ I’d never felt so powerful, so excited, or _so turned on_, this feeling was incredible! My first worshiper actually died for me!! I hammered down on him a few more times, but pulled off when I realized another orgasm wouldn’t be taking me.

His dedicated manhood was a mess when I rose from his corpse. Blood congealed to his flesh, and his erection shriveled to match the rest of him. The pink that had decorated my body had taken on a more crimson hue. It was darker around my legs, probably due to his fresh blood still coating my thighs. The rest of my body seemed clear of his sticky blood, but the deep red spread throughout me in a sleek gradient. My skin soaked up the blood splattered across me, and I smiled at my power. I’d never felt so alive! The feeling was fleeting, however, and I knew I’d have to get it back soon. In any way possible. The town is just another mile ahead, I’ll be there before nightfall. Should be plenty of eligible worshipers for me.

It continued like that in the town. People seemed surprised to see me, but made little to no effort at escape. Most men willingly approached, happy to let me have my way with them. They all died with wide smiles across their faces.

My encounters with women went a little different. There wasn’t any blacking out on my part, possibly due to lack of intense orgasm. Each woman feeling my touch ended up a slumped, quivering mess on the ground, moaning for hours after as their parted legs continued to tremble.

I tasted every man and woman in the town throughout the night, leaving before the sunrise. Despite the vigorous activities I had no discomfort. Juices covered my shimmering skin from head to toe, and I relished the feeling of liquid leaking down my thighs as it slowly drained from my pussy. My stomach had developed a slight bulge, and I felt something like cramping above my pelvis, but it did not dampen my spirits. I hummed some gleeful tune as I wandered along the trail to the next village. Nothing but more fun and worshipers to convert before me.

A couple of paladins ambushed me outside of the next town, one male and a female by the smell of it. The bulky armor made it difficult to tell, but the man’s musk and woman’s pheromones were enough to make me salivate. I was knocked to the ground by the man, his shield seemingly coming out of nowhere before slamming into me. Dirt clung to my bare flesh, and I sat on the ground smiling up at them. I put my hands on my knees, spreading my legs invitingly. The man paused, but the female warrior kicked dirt at me, her motion accentuated with a shout.

My movement was quick, so much so that even I wasn’t able to keep up. The darkened nails at the ends of my fingers elongated as I rose, and they cut through the man’s platemail like a hot knife sliding through butter. They sliced up from his groin, leaving a deep gash all the way up to his cheek. He fell to the ground, his armor peeling away as his life blood drenched the soil below. Disappointment flares inside as I watch him die, only remembering the woman when she lashes out with her sword. 

Her attack is haphazard at best, but the holy weapon still burns when it smacks against my arm. I groan at the pain, turning with the “hurt” arm extended. My wrist connects with the side of her head, sending her helm flying into the brush as she falls to my feet. I lift her with ease, look her in the eyes, then throw her against a nearby tree. It’s over in a matter of seconds, any advantage these paladins may have had now long gone.. She’s barely able to stand. Her sword trembles in her hand, shield scrapes along the ground as she tries to prepare another feeble attack. I smirk at her, the stark contrast between her thick, modest armor and my pure nakedness inspiring my wicked smile. _She’s probably just as sexually starved as I once was,_ I think. _Idiot stiffs never let us have any fun._ I deflect her next strike with ease, actually becoming bored with our little game. She falls, her shield slams to the ground beneath her. Her sword clatters away, skidding across the dirt. It takes some effort, her heavy armor weighing her down, but she manages to rise to her knees, but her arm is still strapped to the shield. Her upper body is pinned to it against the ground, arranged so her ass rises toward me. My grin turns wicked as an idea blossoms.

I’m on her in a blink, fully done with the foreplay. My hands grasp at the iron circling her waist, quickly ripping it apart. Her fleshy, peach shaped ass is bared to me before she’s had time to react. She whimpers and tries to free herself, but her efforts are panicked and uncoordinated. I moan in delight as her ass wiggles before me, and put my legs on either side of hers as I kneel down. My hands grip her firm cheeks, thumbs spreading them to reveal her already wet slit. I extend my tongue, dragging it across the smooth skin of her ass. My next lick nearly reaches her pussy, but she snaps around and lands a hard blow on my face! I fell back in surprise, unsure how she managed to escape. 

Her shield remains on the ground as she sprints to her sword. Her armored greaves fall apart, leaving a trail of metals in her wake, and fall away completely when she makes a dive toward the weapon. She turns on the ground, pointing the sharpened steel my way, but I send it sailing through the air with a kick. The sword digs into the trunk of a nearby tree, and she’s left laying defenseless at my feet. Her knees push together, a weak attempt to keep me from my prize. I lift her by her neck, tearing the rest of her armor away before letting her fall back down with a thud. She looks up at me with a defeated expression on her face as I close in. 

The mild cramping suddenly intensifies, and I double over, arms crossing my abs. My prey wisely uses this opportunity to scurry away. A strange sensation, one of a mixture of pain and pleasure emanates from within, then extends down and out through my drooling pussy. I take a breath, regaining my composure before looking down. I find the paladin, wicked smile on my face as I snag her by the ankle. She’s back in the open after one strong tug, and she kneels before me. Her eyes widen in what could only be terror as my new appendage throbs inches from her face.

A thick, long, deep pink cock has sprouted from within me, crystals and veins protruding along the surface. The crystaled bumps look to be rounded, and a soft glow highlights the veins. The whole thing is about as long as my victim’s arm, and I just can’t wait to try it out on her. Pink precum oozes from the thick head, and I practically giggle as I push her to the ground with my foot.

She falls to her back, lashing out in futility with her legs as I drop to my knees. I grasp her thighs, pulling them up and around my waist. My new cock slaps against her, the mushroom-like head resting above her navel. _I’m gonna make her take every inch_, I think, eagerly dragging the length of it back down her body. Her head swings from side to side and she murmurs a prayer to some false god, but I line up and thrust into her. 

Her new god sinks halfway into her tightness, inspiring a shriek of worship from its new subject before tunneling deeper. My nails had returned to a more usual length by now, which I consider fortunate for her as I dig my fingers into the firm flesh of her hips. I push harder, burying the phallus god deeper into her. Tears stream from her eyes, but she makes no sound as our pelvises inch close together. I watch a bump form in her stomach as the gap between our legs closes. Something within her splits around my buried member, spreading down and around the thick head. I realize with ever growing pleasure that I just felt her cervix wrap around me, accepting this gift fully into her womb. She looks to be paralyzed in ecstasy, _or is that agony? They’re basically the same,_ I rationalize before starting to pull back out. The only noise escaping her slack lips is a low groan as the inches slide out of her, then slam back home as I fill her completely once again.

The squeezing warmth of her inner embrace drives me closer to orgasm. My hips settle into a slow, steady rhythm, long thrust in, slow pull out. Over and over I fall into her, the girthy deity reforming her insides to better suit itself. I begin thrusting faster, harder, with more purpose as the climax nears. A low, steady moan drains from the vacant face of my new worshiper, her belly distorting every time the god is fully within her. Her body tenses, the tightness around me becoming nearly unbearable as she succumbs to my majesty. A faint smile begins to spread across her face, and I slam into her with enough force to lift her from the ground moments before the first rope of divine cum graces her womb. 

My orgasm erupted into the defenseless girl. My vision went blank again, and I welcomed yet another fall into the all too familiar bottomless pit of pleasure. I fell ever deeper, the sheer ecstasy coursing through me exploding to new heights. I screamed in delight as the infinite pleasure consumed me, happily surrendering my mind, body, and soul to this sense of absolute bliss.

The end was sudden and frustrating, not a gradual awakening as it had been dozens of times before. Upon my return to the physical plane, I was pleased to feel my worshiper’s tightness still engulfing her new god. A final few throbs of my cock emptied the last of my orgasm into her, and I allowed a satisfied sigh. I looked down at her, a combination of lust and surprise on my face. The now shriveling member was all the way down her throat, making her neck bulge around it’s thickness. I pulled my hand from her breast, running my fingers up her neck, tracing their way along her straining veins. My other hand was at the back of her head, fingers buried in her wet hair. I don’t know how many times this apostle made me come, but the efforts she went through were apparent on her sweat glistened body. My spent cock slid up her well used throat, and fell from her mouth. There didn’t appear to be any crystal bumps along the shaft, but I didn’t think much of it.

A thick strand of pinkish cum and saliva stretched from her lips to the tip of my meat. I smiled when the sticky bridge broke, sending the goopy strand down across her chest. Her body wasn’t just glistening in sweat, I realized. Her flesh was almost entirely coated in patches of off-pink semen. The dirt beneath her was soaked in the stuff, clinging wetly to her knees. More continued to drain from between her legs, however many orgasms pumped into her still oozing out. I was instantly aroused again, but the mighty cock continued to shrivel as it retracted back through my slick folds. 

The fallen paladin looks up at me, my hands still on her head. She licks her lips, then raises her hand between my thighs. I smile softly at her as I straddle her shoulders. Her tongue plunges into me as if searching out the thick god, but she slurps at my plentiful nectar like a dehydrated beast. I hold her head steady, anchoring myself to her face while allowing this eager worshiper to pray at my altar. I will be a great god, the world will bow before me. 
