Only 1 Way To Celebrate Our Anal-versary

Ten years to the day. That’s how long Julie and I had been together and on the whole they had been ten good years. We are still best friends and the sex is better now than ever, I regularly laugh at my friends who complain how their partners systematically remove sexual acts from their repertoire as the relationship progresses, I had been in a couple of those in the past myself. The rot usually begins once you start to live together, blow jobs are the first to go and then the willingness to try out new things, until finally you get to the stage where she just asks you to pull her night shirt back down when you’re done. It had never been like that with Julie though, sex was still as fresh and exciting as it always was and it is showing no signs of flagging. There aren’t many things we haven’t tried over the last ten years although there are still a couple of things I would like to try that are taboo’s as far as Julie is concerned, but I don’t push things, after all I don’t think I would enjoy it if Julie wasn’t really into it.

We have always marked our anniversaries by doing something special together; each year we take turns with the planning and this year it’s Julie’s turn. She had planned for us to have a special meal at home this year and had taken the day off work to prepare and I had agreed to finish early. That’s where it all went wrong. I arrived at the office to find a total disaster; several of my co-workers had called in sick with food poisoning after eating out at the same restaurant the previous evening and the powers that be had promptly cancelled my early finish and asked me to work later. I cautiously picked up the telephone and called Julie at home and explained the situation and she freaked, I had to hold the telephone handset a good few inches from my ear while she launched a stream of expletives at me before she quite firmly planted the handset down. I had hardly ever seen her like that and part of me was extremely glad that I was a couple of miles away from her across town.

We hardly ever fight and when we do we usually make up pretty quickly afterwards so I felt pretty down after the phone call, It was very frustrating as there was nothing I could do, I hated hurting her but I was in a no win situation so I just got on with my work somberly but as quickly as I could to try and make the best of an impossible situation.

It was around three miserable hours later that I heard the little fanfare from my computer that announces new e-mail; I went to my inbox to see that a message had arrived from Julie. I cautiously opened it, it read –


*Sorry I got so mad at you but I was so looking forward to tonight.*
*I know it’s not your fault but please hurry home as soon as you can.*

*I love you,*
*J xxx.*

*Ps, I’ve been shopping ;).*

I took a few seconds to digest it and then sent her an e-mail back saying that I was sorry too and I was working as quickly as I could to get home to her. I returned to my work with a new vigour, knowing that Julie was no longer mad at me made me feel a lot better and I threw myself into my work, telling my assistant to cancel all the afternoon appointments that I could get away with. A few minutes later my e-mail alert sounded again and I went back to my inbox, I was mildly annoyed at the distraction until I saw that it was another message from Julie. This time there was very little text, just the subject line that read ‘Will this make you work any quicker?’ I scrolled down the message to find a picture that made my heart skip several beats…

