Imaginary Fuckbuddy, Part 2 (MF)

{Part 2 of a series, check out my profile for part 1 if you’re interested. Also, feel free to leave feedback, I’d greatly appreciate it. Hope you enjoy!}

James took a deep breath, trying to calm his still racing heart. Just minutes before, he had had the best sex of his life, and was still trying to recover. However, there was one problem: the woman he had just fucked wasn’t real.

Instead, she was made up, a figment of his incredibly bored, lonely, and horny mind created to try and alleviate his stress and general negative outlook on his life as it was. He had initially been terrified when she showed up, thinking at first that she was a person trying to rob him, and then a hallucination from some bad food.

However, she had convinced him (or rather, he had convinced himself) that she was just a product of his idle and lustful mind, made to fill the void in his life until he could find some friends or a girlfriend to fill it more permanently. She was simply a stop-gap measure, in a way. However, he couldn’t wait for her to return.

Shortly after they had fucked passionately, and he had named here Sophie, she had vanished with the promise to come back when his subconscious decided he needed her. He had no idea when (or if) that would be, so he went about his day as normal.

Of course, he cleaned up his mess first, wiping his semen off of his stomach with a tissue and discarding it. There was nothing he could do about his drool on the carpet where he had used his tongue on an imaginary pussy, so he left it alone and hoped the spot would disappear eventually.

Once he was relatively clean and dressed again, he made his way to his desk and sat down. As a programmer, his work hours and locations were pretty flexible, so it wasn’t the end of the world that he had lost almost half an hour to amazing sex and the resulting cleanup.

However, his boss did ask that employees send him an email at 9:00 every morning to confirm that they weren’t too sick to work, we’re traveling, or were otherwise unable to do any programming that day. Now it was almost 9:30, and he was just now opening up his desktop.

He quickly went to his emails and fired one off to his supervisor, apologizing for being late and fibbing by saying that he just slept in. He was more truthful when he wrote that he still fully intended on working that day. Letting a sigh of relief, he got to work on his latest project.

Like always, he lost himself in his work, his entire existence reduced to numbers, variables, and code. When he next glanced at the lower right corner of the screen where the clock was, it was already 11:45.

“Jesus, I really zoned out,” James said to himself, checking his phone to make sure the world hadn’t ended while he was entranced by his work. When the internet and a glance out the window assured him that the world wasn’t burning down around him, he prepared to get back to work.

“You really *do* zone out,” a voice said, making James nearly fall out of his chair in fright. Beneath his desk, with a huge smile plastered on her face, knelt a hunched over Sophie. She almost looked like a meerkat, he thought, poking up from its hole to look at him.

“Sophie, *please* don’t scare me like that,” he scolded once he had managed to slow his racing heart. Taking another look at the woman kneeling between his legs, he saw that she was wearing a dress similar to the one she wore the first time she manifested herself.

But, this one was a bit more risque. It had only one strap, the left side of the dress instead exposing her shoulder, and the line continuing to fall as it went around to her back. This one was also a different color, a fiery red that contrasted with her green eyes, compared to the more muted orange of the previous dress.

Similar to the last one, the neckline was low, but not obscenely so, giving him a generous amount of cleavage from her 34DDs as he looked down at them, but remaining somewhat modest. He could see from her kneeling position that the hem of this one was about the same, going down to mid-thigh and making him wish it was a bit higher. Knowing that she likely knows what he wants, he assumes the hemline is just supposed to tease him.

“Hey, it’s been forever since you’ve gotten an adrenaline rush. The first time your heart rate got higher than “ran to the bathroom” levels in the last month was this morning with me.” She again smirks at him, knowing that what she says is completely true, making it quite difficult to argue with.

Seeing this as well, James frowns and retorts, “Doesn’t mean you have to appear between my legs like some sort of demon spawning from under my desk.”

“C’mon, you knew who I was. You really think a demon would want to bother you?” Sophie countered, giving him a look thst says, “Really?”

“Whatever, just don’t scare me like that again,” James eventually said, conceding the point for now. Despite his heart still beating a bit fast because of her, he *was* happy to see her. After all, just over two hours ago they had wonderful sex with the promise of more in the future.

“Has my subconscious decided I’m too horny to continue like as usual again?” He asked jokingly, scooting his rolling chair away from the desk so she can crawl out from under it. However, she made no effort to move, and even pulled on his chair to move it right back to where it was. She couldn’t move it herself of course, but James obliged his subconscious and wheeled himself forward again.

“No,” she explained, “You’re too focused on your work. You dump hours into that computer trying to be an overachiever when you could be out living life to the fullest. Hang out with friends! See a movie! Find yourself a real woman! There are infinite better things you could be doing than zoning out at a computer for hours.”

“Hey, I have to work you know,” James argued. “Money doesn’t grow on trees. And you don’t think I haven’t been trying to get myself a girlfriend? Surely my subconscious knows I’ve tried on that front!”

Rolling her eyes, Sophie replied, “Yes, I’m aware you’ve *tried*. But we both know that dating apps aren’t exactly the best for that. Especially when you have such a lame description of yourself on them.”

James opened his mouth to argue about his supposedly lame descriptions of herself, but a withering look from the woman under his desk made him close it.

“Alright fine,” he muttered, “Maybe I’m a bit lame, but that’s kind of why you’re here in the first place, isn’t it? Because I’m too nerdy and lame to go have a good time out in the world?”

“No, I’m here to convince you that you’re *not* too nerdy and lame to have fun, idiot,” Sophie teased. “You can’t just expect me to fill your void of human interaction forever. Pretty sure that would count as a masturbation addiction, given the circumstances.”

Despite himself, James couldn’t help but laugh at her last joke. Wanting to both push the conversation away from his failings, and see if he could turn it towards something he wanted a bit more, he asked, “And about that, just why are you under my desk? Surely my mind could conjure you wherever, right? Seems a little *suggestive*, don’t you think?”

Looking offended, Sophie exclaimed, “Oh, so I’m just a stereotype then? The horny girlfriend sucking you off from under the desk? I’m not just going to give you a blowjob for no reason!”

Taken aback, James began to apologize by saying, “I’m sorry- I didn’t mean- You don’t have to-” He looked genuinely concerned that he had hurt her feelings, despite her feelings also technically being his feelings. If he had thought about that fact, he probably would’ve seen Sophie’s next words coming.

Completely switching from taken aback and offended, Sophie quickly changed her tune to one of eager anticipation and sensuality. Reaching her hands up, she began to gently rub James through his shorts as she repeated, “I’m not just going to give you a blowjob for no reason, I’m going to give the *best* damn blowjob of your life, because you need to remember to not be so focused on work all the time. You have to promise yourself that you won’t be a slave to your computer, and my mouth is all yours.”

James was floored by his imaginary fuckbuddy’s shift from outraged to seductive, so when she told him to say some words in order to get the best head of his life, he quickly stammered, “Y-yeah, I promise!”

Frowning, Sophie continued rubbing his growing erection and said, “Like you mean it, James. Promise me, and therefore yourself, that you’re going to get a life.”

Slowing down to process her words a bit more, James realized that if his own mind had to bribe him with a blowjob to get him to go outside and enjoy life, he must really need to do it. He didn’t *want* to be lonely and bored, but lately he’d been so absorbed in his work (and a bit of laziness) that he hadn’t found time to go fix his life problems.

Much more seriously, he promised, “I’ll go *get a life*, if that’s what you want to call it. And I’m not just saying that because I want my first blowjob in God knows how long.”

Satisfied, Sophie grinned and replied cheekily, “I know you mean it. And while you may not know how long, you brain knows it’s been eight months, eleven days, and around twelve hours. Although to be fair, it *was* pretty good.”

“Let’s see you do better then,” he taunted, loving the way her eyes flashed with competitive spirit. Sophie quickly began unbuttoning and unzipping his shorts, looking up into his eyes with an expression of determination. She had no doubt that she could easily outperform the last woman to ever grace James with her mouth, but she still knew that blowing out her competition, pun intended, would leave an impact that would make it more likely for him to follow through on his promise.

Meanwhile, James sat back and prepared himself to enjoy what his subconscious promised to be the best blowjob ever. Knowing how good she felt last time, he had no doubt that she’d soon have him throbbing in her mouth as he came down her throat.

Pulling his shorts down to his ankles, Sophie teased his cock through his boxers, feeling the bulge twitch whenever her fingers rubbed it just right. Figuring he would appreciate a little visual stimulation as well, she tugged down on her dress and let her perky breasts pop out and hang freely.

James gawked at the sight, making Sophie smirk as she continued teasing him until he was as hard as diamond for her. Once he was about to say that he couldn’t bear it any longer, she hooked her fingers in the waist of his underwear and yanked them down.

His erection sprung free, standing at attention as her warm breath on it made him gasp slightly. “Slow or fast?” She asked, already knowing the answer before she asked the question.

“Fast,” he replied softly, watching her every move intently. Even after their passionate fuck session earlier, he still was in the mood to cum as fast as possible. He could enjoy taking things slow with his imaginary fuckbuddy later, assuming she continued to show up.

Nodding, Sophie sensually licked his cock all over, getting it nice and wet. As he watched, he couldn’t but think of her as a predator, getting its claws ready so it can pounce on it’s prey.

Indeed, once his cock was sufficiently lubricated, she pounced. Without warning, she took half his length into her mouth and started sucking eagerly. James groaned and bucked in his seat, a primal instinct to push himself deeper into her throat.

Rather than obliging this urge, Sophie began vigorously bobbing her head along his length, rolling her tongue all over as she went over halfway down his shaft with each stroke. James gripped his armrests like they were the only things anchoring him to the Earth as he let his head fall back. When he felt her hand gently massage his balls as well, he let loose a string of profanity that would’ve made a sailor blush.

“Hey, watch your mouth,” Sophie teased, taking her mouth off of him just a moment to give a brief respite.

With great effort, James brought his head back forward and argued breathlessly, “Well that’s really fucking good.” He couldn’t help but smile at the saucy wink Sophie have him in return.

“Of course it’s good, I know everything you want, even if *you* don’t know you want it. I’m your subconscious, remember?”

“Yeah yeah, don’t remind me, just keep going please,” James asked breathlessly. Sophie tut-tutted and wagged her finger in the air like a mother might do to her child when they were impatient.

“Ah-ah, so rushed. You know you’d rather draw it out at least a little bit. And be glad that I know you aren’t so pushy with real women. Just ’cause I’m in your head doesn’t give you an excuse to be a jerk.”

Rather than argue or apologize, James simply nodded, secretly (but I’m reality not-so-secretly) hoping she’d just get on with it. Already he found himself craving her mouth, aching to feel her lips wrapped around his shaft.

Knowing that she wasn’t to get much more out of him, Sophie returned her mouth to his cock and began bobbing again. The fact that she can’t physically move his manhood means that she had to raise herself up at an awkward angle to fit him into her mouth in the proper direction.

Seeing this, James scooted back in his seat and sat up a bit straighter so his cock was pointing more out. Sophie nodded her thanks, then further showed her gratitude by wrapping her right hand around the base of his phallus. Twisting her hand in addition to stroking it up and down to match her mouth, she sucked him like she needed him to live, which is technically true if you splice definitions.

It wasn’t long before James felt ready to blow. Her hand stroking the base of his cock, the sight of her breasts bouncing, her intense eye contact, and of course her heavenly mouth all combined to drive him to the edge.

“Shit Sophie, I’m gonna cum…” he groaned, and she could tell by his throbbing member that he was telling the truth.

She of course already knew his answer, but still pulled off of him to quickly ask, “Where do you want to cum?”

In a strained voice, he quickly answered, “Back in your mouth, *please*. Even just the few seconds spent outside of her, wet, inviting mouth felt like an eternity to him. He groaned loudly when she returned her mouth to him and he was once again enveloped by her warmth.

His groan turned to a gasp when he felt her lips slide further along his shaft until he felt her nose against his stomach. She deepthroated him effortlessly, not gagging in the slightest as she stuffed his entire length down her throat. His hands shot out and latched themselves in her hair, but he refrained from trying to pull her even deeper.

When he could bear to open his eyes again and saw her staring up at him with those beautiful green eyes, he immediately lost it. With a final grunt, he blew load down her throat, shooting a hearty amount of cum in thick ropes as Sophie nodded and urges him on. It was quite possibly the sexiest thing he had experienced in his life; it was a shame that it wasn’t real.

Real or not, he knew he’d remember this for the rest of his life as his cock finally stilled, and his shots of cum turned to oozing drops. Despite not having moved from his chair, he was very winded and felt exhausted, as if she had sucked all his energy out of him along with all his semen.

“Fuck, thank you,” he whispered after a while, still trying to collect his thoughts and catch his breath.

“You’re most welcome,” Sophie replied with a giggle, gently stroking his softening cock to make his afterglow all the more enjoyable. “But you better hold up your end of the deal. It would be for the best if this was the last time we met.”

“I don’t know, I could get used to this,” James joked, still a bit out of breath. However, rather than smile and laugh like he had been expecting, Sophie frowned.

“That’s not the point, James. I’m here to try to remind you what real human contact is like, not just provide it for you. I know I said me existing isn’t the end of the world for your sanity, but it isn’t normal. You really need to go out and have fun with *real* people. Okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right,” James agreed, knowing that he really did need to get out more. He can’t just rely on an Imaginary fuckbuddy to satiate his lust and loneliness forever. Sophie was great, sure, but she wasn’t real, and never would be. “I really will try to go and have fun more, I promise,” he continued.

Nodding, Sophie replied, “Good. You won’t regret it. You’ll know you’re happier when I don’t show up anymore.” Putting her tits back into her dress, she continued on a more light-hearted note, “And did I not deliver on that best blowjob ever I promised?”

“Delivered and then some,” James confirmed, glad that she was being playful again. “Even though I know I’ll be better off without you, I’m going to miss that.”

Grinning, Sophie replied, “I know you will, just don’t get too attached. It’s tough work being this amazing, you’ll have to work to help your eventual partner get there.”

“Well I’ll be more than happy to help them practice,” James said with a smirk of his own. Sophie rolled her eyes good-naturedly, but declined to comment. James glanced up at the clock on his computer that had gone dim from not having input, and saw that it was now 12:07.

“Hey, how long are you planning to-” he began looking back down and pausing when he saw that Sophie was gone, and with her all the wetness he had felt on his cock. He still felt a bit tingly from the afterglow of his orgasm, so at least *that* had been real.

Sighing to himself, he pulled his shorts and underwear back up and went to go get himself some lunch. As he microwaved himself some leftover pizza, he wondered just how often Sophie would show up until he fixed his emotional problems. She hadn’t even been gone for two and half hours this last time, so hopefully she’d show up again before the end of the day.

“No, I shouldn’t be wanting her to show up again,” he chided himself. “If she shows up, it means I’m still lonely and depressed, which isn’t good. I should probably be seeing a therapist already, but what the hell? If she really does go away once I get my life back in track, I can just forget she ever showed up.”

Despite this reasoning, he couldn’t help but wonder, so deep down that he was hardly even aware of it, when she’d be back. Like it or not, he was already becoming hooked on her.

And he wasn’t sure whether to be terrified, or absolutely thrilled.
