first business trip. pt1

“Your first business trip. This is very exciting honey, I’m so proud of you.”

“I know, I am very excited”, Chrissy replied as she was getting out her clothes to pack the suitcase.

“So, this is just a training seminar for the company?”

“Yes, basically” Chrissy replied, “that and networking with all of the other offices. There will be people there from all over. It will be nice to put a face to the people I have been talking to for the last 6 months”.

“Are you going to pack something sexy?”

“Sexy?”, she said giving him a funny look. “I mean, I am packing a few nice outfits for dinners out, but no reason to take anything *sexy.”*

Well, I was just thinking is all.

“Oh, you were? That’s a nice change” She said with a laugh.

“I am almost afraid to ask, but what exactly were you thinking?”

“Well, we have fantasized and talked about you being my little slut wife, and I was thinking that this may present an opportunity”

She stared at her husband for a long minute, her expression somewhere between amused and surprised.

“I thought you said you wanted to be there, to watch and join in…….IF that were to ever happen, and that is a very big if”

“Well, I have been thinking about it, quite a lot actually, and I think it would be seriously hot for you to play while on a trip, and tell me all about it. Maybe send a few pics of the fun, set the phone down for me to listen, tell me every little detail after while I take care of myself”

“You have been thinking about this” Chrissy replied.

“Are you saying it hasn’t crossed your mind”

“Honestly?” Chrissy asked.


“No, it hasn’t. I have been so busy planning all the materials I need and making arrangements it has not crossed my mind at all”

“Well, now that I mentioned it, and how much it turns me on, what do you think?”

Chrissy thought for a moment, looking at her husbands’ growing crotch.

“My first thought is that this is a work thing, and I don’t want to be known as the company whore, who cheats on her husband.”

“I agree, you would have to be selective. Maybe someone who is also married?”

“HMMM”, Chrissy said as she cocked her head in thought.

“They would have to be as discrete as I do then, and chances are they would be a lot safer as far as diseases go”

“There are already a few guys that you say flirt with you on the phone all the time from the other offices”

“True” Chrissy replied.

“I will think about it, but you really shouldn’t get your hopes up. I seriously doubt that anything will happen beyond some harmless flirting.”

“That is all I am asking for” replied her husband. “Just think about it.”

While Chrissy went into the bathroom to collect items from there her husband slipped a few of their “play” outfits in the bottom of the suitcase. Items she would wear while pretending to be his slutty wife during their role play adventures.

Her husband answered the phone after seeing Chrissy’s name on the caller ID.

“How was the flight?”

“It was as good as flights get I suppose” Answered Chrissy.

“The hotel here is amazing” She continued. “The pool is huge, and there are 3 hot tubs, and a swim up bar even”

“Wow”, I’m a bit jealous. I wish I was there with you”

“Me too”

“So, what’s the itinerary for the evening?”

“Well,” answered Chrissy, “There is a get to know everyone dinner and drinks here at the hotel from 6:30 until whenever”

“That sounds fun” Her husband answered.

“Yeah, it should be” Chrissy replied. “I guess it generally starts out with various getting to know you games, and by the end of the night everyone is trashed. They even have a delayed start tomorrow morning to give everyone a chance to recover”

“Well, I put a couple extra outfits in your suitcase, in case you want to wear something more appropriate to having drinks than what you brought.”

“I saw that” Chrissy replied, laughing. “From what a few of the people were saying on the van from the airport I get the impression that hooking up is not unheard of at these things.”

“I am shocked” her husband said sarcastically.

“Hush” Chrissy laughed.

“I Have to finish getting around and am going to rest up a bit before dinner. I will talk to you tonight when I get back to the room”

“Have fun” her husband replied. “As much fun as you like”

Chrissy laid down in the king size bed and stretched out to relax for a bit.

She couldn’t get what her husband had said out of her mind. I mean, would it really be so bad to get a little something new while on this trip? She asked herself. Well hopefully not a *Little* something she chuckled to herself.

As she thought about it her hands gently rubbed down her body to her sacks, undoing them, sliding a hand into her panties.

Her finger found its way to her slit, sliding down, feeling how wet she was, sliding it back up to tough her clit. Mmmmm she moaned quietly, her other hand reaching for her pert breast, squeezing her nipple.

She could feel her orgasm already starting to build. Closer, closer. RING!

It took her a moment to figure out what the noise was. The room phone was ringing.

She took her hand from her slacks and answered the phone, her orgasm now completely ruined.


“Hi, Chrissy?”

“Yes” she said. A smile spreading across her lips as she recognized the voice.


“Yes. So you do recognize my voice”

“Of course I do” Chrissy answered, her hand sliding back down into her slacks and she closed her eyes and listened to his sexy voice.

Truth be told, she had fantasized about David many times. They had never met, but she talked with him extensively for work, and their flirting had definitely turned up a bit lately.

“Well, I wanted to see if I could snag the seat next to your at dinner tonight” David said. “I am sure there will be a lot of men trying to be close to you.

“Right” Chrissy said.

“For all you know, I could be a 60-year-old fat lady with whiskers”

As she heard David’s deep laugh at that, her pussy pulsed, and she nearly came as her finger pushed harder on her clit.

“I am betting you are more likely a mid-twenties blonde, with a very cute, thin figure. Curves in all the right places, and a smile to die for” David said

“Oh, and why would you guess that” Chrissy asked.

“I also bet you know damn well how great those grey slacks make your ass look”

“How do you know what I was wearing?” Chrissy asked

“I saw you checking in sexy lady” “Wait, did you say WAS wearing?”

“Well doesn’t everyone get comfortable when they get to their room?’ Chrissy asked.

“And how comfortable are you?” David asked. With a flirty edge to his voice.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Chrissy laughed back to him. Her fingers absently rubbing her very wet pussy, keeping her on the edge of cumming.

“Is that why your voice is husky? And you are breathing a bit hard?” David asked her. “Getting comfortable?”

“I’m taking a nap for an hour or so before dinner. See you then. Will be nice to finally put a face to your sexy voice” Chrissy told him.

“I can’t wait” he said.

As Chrissy was hanging up the phone, she finally let herself finish, moaning as she came, hoping David didn’t hear as she fumbled putting the phone on the hook.

Feeling nervous and excited Chrissy was drying her hair and getting ready for dinner. As she finished her hair and makeup, she dropped the towel that had been wrapped around her.

Checking out her nude body in the mirror, she liked what she saw. Her husband was right, she was a sexy lady. Amazing tits, even if she did say so herself. Not big, but not tiny. Very perky.

As she spun, she checked out her ass. Again, very pleased with what she saw. All that exercise definitely kept her looking good.

She picked a nice dress for dinner. Nothing too sexy. Just a little black dress, like every woman had as part of their wardrobe. It fit her nicely, and she looked sexy, without being over the top.

She took a selfie in the full-length mirror and sent it to her husband.

“Ready for my dinner. How do I look?”

“Wow!!” was his reply. “You look stunning! I am sure every guy there is going to want to hit on you, my sexy naughty wife”

“LOL. Don’t get ahead of yourself big guy. I’m just your wife, not sure about the naughty part”.

“Well, you will certainly have plenty of opportunities looking like that”

“Is it too much? Should I change?”

“I would only suggest one difference to that outfit” her husband replied.

“What’s that” she asked, regretting it even as she hit send.

“Remember the weekend we went to the coast? How you wore that dress on our date night?”

“OMG!!!! I can’t do that!”

“Who would know? I mean if anyone checks to see if you are wearing panties, then that is obviously someone you want to have access”

“Seriously? Do you remember how my tits kept falling out all night? Everyone got a great view that night. I can not do that at a company event!”

“You are right” he texted back.

“Keep the bra. No panties. Please??”

There was no response for several minutes. He worried he pushed too hard.

Finally, his phone beeped. He looked at it and nearly dropped it in shock. It was a picture of his sweet wife in front of the mirror with the dress held up in front showing her lack of panties.

“WOW!!! That’s my girl!” “I am so turned on knowing you are going to be out at a dinner, drinking, with all those men hitting on you, in that dress with no panties.”

“You’re crazy” she replied.

“Are you telling me that you still haven’t given it any thought?”


“Always love” he replied.

She hesitated before sending the next text. She wanted to be sure this was a road she wanted to explore.

“Yes. I have definitely given it some thought. I even got myself off thinking about it this afternoon”

“Seriously????? OMG! I love it!!”

“It gets better…”

“What? How” he texted back

“Well, while I was almost ready to cum, my phone rand in the room. It was a guy I talk with a lot from the Atlanta office. David. I have mentioned him to you”

“Yes, you said he was a major flirt. You always smile when you talk about him.” He texted back.

“So, there I was, finger on my clit, talking to him. He mentioned that he set it up to sit next to me tonight”

“As I hung up the phone I came. Hard. I hope he didn’t hear me moan as I was hanging up the phone”

“Nice! I am so hard right now thinking of you being naughty. Do you think he would be discrete?”
“Yes” She texted back. “I have given it some thought, and I think I could trust him.”

“So, you have been giving this some thought” he texted back. “Do you want to play with him?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I mean, the thought of it really turns me on. A lot. But I am not sure I want to be that kind of wife.”

“Even if I really want you to be naughty?”

“I mean, I feel like it is cheating on you.” Chrissy texted him.

“It’s not cheating. I want this. A lot. You are fulfilling my fantasy.”

“Plus, I don’t know what David even looks like.” Chrissy texted. “He could be disgusting. LOL”

“Well, if he is, there will be a lot of opportunities for you.’

“OK, I have to run. Love you. Never know, maybe I will end up being your naughty wife”

“Love you too sexy lady” he replied. “Have fun, pretend you’re single.”
