Quaaludes, B&E, and a visitor part 1 [MF][NonFiction]

You might be getting tired of me yapping about sexy times with the wife, so I thought I would tell you a true story from my younger past. This happened in 1984 just before a certain (and greatest) drug was removed form the market. I was 18 for all intents and purposes.

I was the oldest member in a group of teens that lived in and around this apartment complex. It was a super fucked up time in my life and I honestly don’t remember much about that period. I do remember a few bright points both good and bad, this is one of them. I don’t remember her name even, we’ll call her Casey for this exercise.

It was the middle of summer, and being in the south means that you were in the pool if you had access to one. Luckily for me the apartment complex that my mother and step-father moved us into had a pool. It was always crowded with families and teens. I ran the teenage crew pretty much, I was loud, brash, and testing the new found waters of masculinity. When we weren’t in the pool or running the streets, we usually ended up hanging out at Casey’s apartment. Casey was 27 and a single mom, she was also the aunt of one of the guys in the crew, Mike. Mike and his parents lived in another apartment in the same complex; it was a few buildings over.

One night a few of us were hanging out in Casey’s apartment, just shooting the shit, drinking weak-ass beers, and trying to act older. Casey and I had been very flirty and this night was no different…at least not yet. Casey had once convinced me to teach her how to swim. She swore up and down that she did not know how. Imagine having a lithe sexy body in your arms at a public pool surrounded by families and people of all ages. I did my best to teach her to swim while concentrating on NOT having a full-on boner in the pool. She did learn how to swim under my tutelage. Or, maybe she already knew how to swim and this was her way of rubbing up on a freshly minted male body. Casey was about 5’7″, she had perky B-cups; she was also pretty skinny with curves in all the right places. Woman curves! Not something I was really used to at the time.

This night Casey seemed to be in rare form. She was way more flirty and playful. At one point she pulled me up off of the couch and made me dance with her to whatever music that happened to be on. There was about 5-6 of us hanging out and i was buzzed enough to not complain. During our dance she leaned in to me a whispered in my ear.

“Let’s find somewhere more private. Know a place?”

“There’s an empty apartment that I can get into.” I replied. These apartments had sliding glass doors in the back and I knew how to lift and jimmy one open. Quite the rapscallion I was!

So off into the night we went, leaving a group of ne’er-do-wells in her apartment. I was expecting for a nice make-out session with her as I busted into the empty apartment. But, I was also hoping for more. The empty apartment did not have curtain or blinds so it was risky, which added to the excitement. We picked out the front bedroom and start kissing. I was rubbing hands all over her small frame. She was returning the favor. Being the suave adventurer I pulled her shirt over her head and pinned her up against the wall. Casey was not wearing a bra and I was already shirtless just from living that way. I was always in a pair of shorts and Chucky Taylor’s. Nothing else. What a cocky little bastard I was.

I licked and bit her neck enough to mark her with a hickey. I wanted everyone to know.

I worked my way down to her boobs while she moaned and held my head against her.

“Fuck me.” She moaned under heavy breaths.

That was enough consent for me to take charge. I eased her to the floor.

Casey only had bikini bottoms on at this point; she lifted her butt off of the carpeted floor as I slid them off. I took a second to look at her form in the pale moonlight. She was beautiful to me. She had still perky tits and a full 80’s bush. I was buzzed but in control, but she seemed way more buzzed than I. She was as high as a kite, actually. I found out later that she had popped some Quaaludes*. This must have made her bold enough to hunt for a younger guy and I was not going to complain. I wiggled my ass out of my shorts and fell onto her. I was between her legs and sucking on her neck again, giving her another hickey. I really wanted everyone to know when we got back from this quickie.

Casey held on to my hips watching my actions as I lined my dick up with her pussy. I made no fuss and pushed straight into her in one long stroke. She gasped and winced a little. She was not fully wet, I didn’t really care/know back then. Casey’s head was lolling back and forth as I pumped into her with long strokes. My legs were frogged out and I was getting carpet burns on the inside of my knees. It was worth it.

We were both sweating heavily, there was no AC in the apartment. There wasn’t even any electricity. The air was stale and still as we fucked. Sweat dripped from my forehead onto her already sweaty body as I rammed into her. I had no technique, I was just pumping steadily into her. Casey was surprisingly tight and I was getting close. “I’m about to come.” I panted.

“Pill.” was all she mustered as she started to come. That was all it took. My pride and my dick swelled at the same time. In my mind she was experienced and I was a novice, even though this was not my first time. I grunted and came inside of her with a million little spermies! I half hoped that she was lying about the pill. Nothing can make you a “man” faster than knocking someone up. Yeah, teenagers are stupid.

I collapsed on top of her panting body and we lay there for a while enjoying the afterglow of sex. I was the king of my own little fiefdom, I basked in that glory as much as I basked in the post-sex feelings. We finally got our clothes on with 0 cleanup and snuck back out of the empty apartment. I was not worried about getting caught as much as she was, I suppose. I was able to reverse-jimmy the sliding glass door into it’s original locked state. We went back to her apartment and let everyone know that we had gone for a walk and a smoke. The raised eyebrows let us know that no one believed our bullshit. It may have been from the smell of sex, the time that we were gone, the giant-ass grin on my face that i could not contain, or the hickies on her neck and visible chest. Who could really know? ;) The party broke up later on that night and I spent the night in her bed for round 2 in Part 2 of this tale.

* – Quaaludes were barbiturates that were super strong and one of the most abused prescribed drugs of that time. They were discontinued because of the abuse problems. It was the most mellow-low high you could get.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mkkpjw/quaaludes_be_and_a_visitor_part_1_mfnonfiction