Crossing Boundaries: Part Two [M/F, anthro x human, virgin, first time, love/romance, erotica] (AmethystMare)

Kael’s relationship with Giselle grows, the body guard who is an anthro canine servant to humans, though the nature of their relationship is particularly taboo…

They don’t care. Sometimes, passion overcomes all else.

An ongoing series for a client – enjoy!

Time passed but there could only be one thing that they were led to, ultimately. They had to push the limits of what should and should not have been permitted between them. She slept in Kael’s bed every night, Kael losing his shirt quickly, for the warmth of her against him was too much for anyone to sleep through the night with. His parents, of course, knew nothing, giving him his privacy in his quarters after he had retired there for the evening, considering that he was an adult that did not need them leaning over his shoulder constantly.


“You know it’s Kael.”

He felt her smile. He didn’t know how that could even be possible.

But she knew that there was something more there, as he pushed his hips away from her, the heat rising from his cheeks even warmer than the natural warmth of her body. Giselle licked her lips.

“You seem to be in need…”

She did not tail that with either the honorific or his name. Neither seemed appropriate, their heartbeats filling the air, the candlelight on his desk flickering and dancing, though the candlesticks had burned low. There was something in Giselle that liked that too, lapping at her muzzle, half sitting up and stretching her arms back over her head, tensing her abs to keep herself with her torso slightly elevated.

It was a foul move to play but one that had his eyes dropping instantly to the rise of her breasts, how they shuddered as she yawned widely. Yet Kael did not have eyes for her teeth, what could be a weapon to her as much as what she had been trained with, only the light outline that her nipples made in her vest top, showing off her body without her even, most likely, thinking about it. But Giselle thought about everything she did, stretching back on the bed as she chuckled softly, her heart in her mouth.

“Kael… Kael, I can help you out with that.”

He stiffened, in more ways than one. As much as he willed what was rising between his legs to soften, he didn’t want to move, breath caught, his throat thick with emotion. Nothing eased the moment, sweating profusely as damp hair curled and clung to the back of his neck.

“I… No…” He had to have gotten it wrong. “Giselle, maybe it’s better if you leave.”

She, however, was not about to leave when she could smell the need in him, her nostrils twitching and fluttering ever so faintly, the moistness there allowing her to better sift through the scents of the room. Yet all that Giselle had a nose for in that moment was Kael, how his need throbbed so readily, a tangible force that she could practically feel in the air between them. There was something there, something that could neither be felt nor smelt nor seen with the naked dog eye, but the bond there… Oh, it was certain, even if it could not be snatched up and taken in a breath of a moment. She’d never, in fact, been more certain of anything in her whole life.

Kael shivered as her fingers trailed a path over him, the curves of her body highlighted as the shadows flickered and danced. Though the candle was burning low, there was still enough light there for him to see what was coming of her, how she arched up and drew her top up and over her head, the cloth bundled up, dropped aside. He didn’t see where it fell.

Giselle nuzzled into his neck, her long tongue lapping and teasing. They had kissed again since that first time, each time becoming a little more comfortable. Maybe he had been silly to not realise that it was leading to something more, experimenting and pushing the limits of what he had thought that he was comfortable with, how good her tongue had felt curling into his mouth and sweeping up against his. She seemed more experienced in a way but maybe that was simply because she had been taught to be bolder with an urge to please, even if things were not quite that restricted anymore. The loving, loyal nature of her was second to the bond between them, her eyes shining as she showed him her bare breasts for the first time. Despite everyone bathing at the training facility, he had not had the luxury of that, as she had been out and dressed before everyone else, a low groan rising from the back of his throat as if it had no choice but to escape.


“It’s okay, sir,” she said, her eyes glittering, tail wagging. “I can please you, I can help you… This is just another way in which I can service you. But…I am not experienced here, Kael.”

That was okay: it was not as if he was anything more than a virgin either, but maybe them both being virgins was exactly how it was meant to be. They didn’t have experience with others but they knew the basics of what went there, how to experiment, how to take it slowly and see simply what felt good.

The power differential between them should have lain in Kael’s favour and yet he found himself with his breath catching, lying back while his bare chest pressed to hers. Giselle took his hands and let them squeeze her chest, though her bust was large and there was far more than a handful on each side.

“Don’t you think I saw you looking?” She panted, tongue lolling out happily. “It was…ah. It was obvious.”

Kael blushed but there was no different in the heat of his cheeks to the warmth spreading through the rest of his body, moaning and grunting as his shaft achingly pressed up through his night trousers. They were a soft, thin fabric, something that he had changed to after Giselle had spent night after night in his bed, stuttering and stammering, yet simply unable to bring himself to stop her. She was too hot, the curves of her body too sexy, no longer thinking with his “upstairs” brain at all but undoubtedly the one that was “downstairs”, blood rushing to all the wrong-right places and sending his head spinning over and over again.

His hands were not enough to stop her but combing through her short head of hair was not “stopping her” at all, more encouraging her on as she nuzzled down his neck, her cold nose tickling its way down his chest to his midriff and lower.

“Let me serve you… I can do this too. Everything, anything, that you want me to do, sir, I can do. Kael…”

Her want and need was wrapped up in her tone of desperation too, no obligation at all there, though he could not fault her loyalty to him. And just where was the problem in that?

Kael would have been hard-pressed to find any reason at all to deny her as she tugged his nightclothes down all the way, leaving his hard erection to spring forth without anything to hinder its spring. It throbbed up for her attention as the canine whimpered softly, her tail wagging harder and faster than ever before, Kael sending up a silent prayer to any gods that happened to be listening to thank them for his parents never entering his private quarters. That they had always respected his privacy, at the very least, was paying off for him then.

But everything was swept from his mind, any resistance or uncertainty that may have lingered there, as her tongue wrapped around the tip of his shaft. The skin moved under her wide, flexible tongue, so soft and yet so strong at the same time, a gasp bursting from Kael’s lips before he could even begin to consider calling it back. Such things were never meant to be held in, not when they were so passionate, running his fingers through her growing hair, though it was just fur, really, that grew more thickly on top of her head. There was nothing about her, besides her being a biped, that could be likened to human, not even in her long, strong muzzle, delicate in its presentation with a light brushing of sensitive whiskers.

She was better than any woman ever could have been for him, leaving him wanting more, so much more, as her long muzzle delved down over his shaft. The length throbbed on her tongue so deliciously, the flexible appendage wrapping around him, stroking down, bringing a moan and a rise to his lips like nothing else could. His own hand simply could not compare to how she lapped, her lips gently closing around his length.


He cried out, reaching back over his head to grip the headboard. Had she taken the entire length of his dick into her muzzle? Kael’s head swam but Giselle only swallowed around him, his shaft modest for a human and yet perfectly sized. No one wanted a rod that was going to hurt anyone, or at least that was what had been told, though the canines she knew had different anatomy to humans. It was all the same to her with the emotion behind it, which, somehow, she knew was far more important than any size or thickness. She’d read, after all, under the covers at night, about all the things that a good dog was supposed to do, everything that had felt right to her, even going so far as to please a master sexually.

That had been where she’d gotten the idea but Kael had been the one that she’d wanted to do it for.

Her tail wagged, suckling gently on his cock, growling just a little so that her lips rippled around his length. There was no way, not truly, for her to suck as she was aware humans could, hollowing their cheeks, though her tongue more than readily made up for that, swirling around him, drawing him deeper. Giselle pulled back, bobbing her head slowly, his hands on the back of her head, gripping her fur but not her ears, guiding her, just as she needed him to do. All she needed to do was to serve him with all her heart and soul and everything would be well, her tail wagging even more urgently, eyes half-closed.


Kael leaned back, Giselle’s moan washing over him. There was something, clearly, there that had her liking it too but he didn’t have time to think about that, his heels digging into the mattress and hips rising more and more desperately. Of course, his thrusts were shallow, hardly able to still believe that it was all happening to him, gasping out loud as every sensation struck the other, a cacophony of madness that defined light through the chaos of it. There was too much, so very much, all going on at once from the prickle of sweat on his skin to the dancing shadows cast by the candle, the feel of the sheets against his bare feet, how good her tongue felt sweeping around his cock again and again.

Yet he could not escape from the pleasure, as much as he would have wanted to hold off from it for just a little longer. He gripped her fur, his other hand digging into the bed, bunching up the sheets as muscles tensed, an ache in the back of his neck. He could not hold off from it, not even by clenching his jaw and twisting his head back and forth, stifling his vocalised lust only the best he could as he spurted into her muzzle with a thrust and a jab of his hips that even he had not been expecting.


Her tail kept right on wagging as she drank down his load, slurping and whuffling softly around him, her wet nose pressing down to the light curl of dark hair at his crotch, though it was not thick enough at all to get in the way. Her heart brimmed over with pride that she had been able to please him so easily, at least then, though she had not been as ready as she would have liked to be for his load, how his cream slid down her throat too quickly, spurting onto her tongue while Giselle rushed to do good.

She could not stop herself, eyes watering, pulling back at the very last moment on realising that she had forgotten to breathe, though a cough and a hacking gulp was the worst of it, thankfully. Kael reached for her, fingers trembling, a drop of his seed dripping from her muzzle. Neither of them cared about something as inconsequential as that, however, how it stained her fur, something to remember the moment by as he drew her into his arms.


His breath came unevenly in great, big, shuddering gasps: not allowing his chest at all to be a steady place for her to rest her head. And yet that was right where she stayed, growling and whimpering softly, the two of them coming back from the high of the moment, though they had both experienced it in different ways.

“Ah…mmph… Was that pleasing?”

Her eyes twinkled. There may have been loyalty and an eagerness to serve in her but there was more personality too, more so than Kael could have ever thought he would be fortunate to glean from a companion. Of course, it had been more “pleasing” than he thought he had any right to take from her, though there was a sense that she was the one leading, controlling it, despite where her focus was.

There was only one thing that could follow, Giselle taking a drink of water that she lapped out of a shallow bowl on his writing desk before returning to his arms. Although his fingers trembled, she encouraged him to undress her, his lips questing down her neck as she moaned, shivering for him, allowing her to explore her body for the very first time.

“Mmm… Sir, that’s sensitive.”

“Sir” had become something of a joke between them and he responded by tickling her ribs, though her shriek was perhaps not the most conducive to keeping the quiet between them, the secrecy that had to come with their tryst. Maybe he should have taken a human partner to satisfy his needs (he was sure there were some ladies that would have liked such an arrangement, even if he was not sure about whether he would have wanted to marry one) but it was too late to forget what the body had shown him, his shaft resting lightly against his thigh. It would harden again soon, he was sure, for he was young and youthful and, thankfully, not a young man who partook in alcoholic beverages all that often anymore.

Her fur-tight trousers slid from her with some difficulty, designed to fit close to her body and allow full flexibility, even while she was serving him at home. Kael’s lips breathed out a moan as her underwear was revealed, soaked through in the middle where her pussy laid, the edges of her sex leaving an outline that showed off her folds. Giselle squirmed, the trousers catching on her ankles as he fought to get them off, but his hands in no time were back between her legs, kissing a line softly up her thighs, relishing in the plush nature of her fur.

“You’re so beautiful…”

“And you’re handsome, sir…” She whimpered, turning her muzzle to the side. “I… Oh…”

What she had been going to say was lost in another moan as his lips brushed the fabric covering her pussy. It would not stay there for long as his tongue wriggled against it, testing the resistance, what he could do, the mild flavour of her seeping through. Alas, it was swiftly overruled by the natural saliva within his mouth and he tugged her underwear down, Giselle obligingly lifting her hips for him.

She guided him, showing him what she liked, though he thought that it was a side more complicated than it was to pleasing a man, privately. Her sex was sweet on his tongue as it parted her folds for the first time, experiencing every moment with the succulent sweetness that it truly deserved. Such times were for delights like that, after all, when they brought creatures together in passionate joy, the dog whimpering.

“Sir, I thought I’d please you…”

Kael groaned into her sex but did not stop, wanting it all the more. His tongue dug into her honey pot but the true sweetness came in the moment he swept it up against her clit, finding the swollen nub entirely by accident. When she cried out in pleasure, he knew that he had struck home, exploring her with fingers and mouth alike, penetrating her while he suckled on that pleasurable nub as if there was nothing else left for him in the world. He wanted to know and he wanted the experience, hungry for it, drunk on lust, his cock hard and wanton again, throbbing so readily that he would have thought that he had not gotten off that night at all, if he had not known better.

The canine twisted and bucked up against him, slower to reach her high than he had, but he did not have the long, flexible tongue of a dog to help him along. Fingers, however, were a little more dextrous when they were not tipped with claws, whether dogs had them blunted or kept them natural for their duties, driving deep into her with a wet slop of juices as Giselle tightened around him.

He had to clap her muzzle shut as her cry of orgasm rolled forth, too much for her to contain, even though she may have wanted to let it all out. Her tail wagged and twitched, hips rocking and grinding, yet he had her held fast, seemingly half-sprawled over her while he slurped at her clit furiously, keeping her quiet and in place. Well, as much as possible, that was, for her twisting lust was not to be so easily pinned down.

“Well, sir…”

She was quick to recover, even as his wrist, ached, taking the top position, casting him a sultry look that promised Kael the very best kind of trouble. His heart lurched, his mouth dry, yet his cock was hard. Hadn’t he done enough for one night? His mind told him to be cautious and yet it was both his heart and his body that ached to simply throw caution to the wind. How could something that felt so good be wrong?

“Master…” She practically purred, wiggling her hips as she moved over him. “There are other ways I can please you too, serving you… I want this, I want to do this for you. Do you want me too?”

Of course, that was a point that was never at all in question. She pressed her arms in a little, on all fours, around her breasts, forcing them lightly together as they pulled down into a cleavage. Her sensitive nipples showed through Giselle’s fur and something in him could not take his eyes off them as he allowed her over him, her hand deftly closing around his shaft as if she had been doing it all for an awful lot longer than he had.

He knew that was not true, however, something in Kael telling him that there was no way that Giselle would lie to him. There was a bond between them that would not be so easily broken and he allowed her over him, marvelling at the moment, how her full breasts pulled down lightly under their own weight and still remained perky to the eye. He could take them in his hands, even though the prickling heat burning through his neck still spoke to his shyness. As much as Kael wanted to push on through the moment to experience things that he never had before, it was hard to do, a whimper on his lips, something new and different to him.

Giselle made him want more of it, made him want everything. Everything that he had been, truly, too scared to do before seemed possible with her over him, grunting softly as she lowered herself onto his shaft. For their first time, it was not a smooth slide of his length into her pussy but it was sensual, her folds contracting around him even as he spread her open, their bodies fitting together perfectly. At least, that was how it was in his mind, pleasure exploding. If he had not climaxed so recently, he would have filled her again in that instant, balls aching, feeling as if something was tightening inside them, though it was more stringent than it ever had been when it had just been his hand on his shaft in the privacy of his quarters.

“Oh… Oh, Giselle!”

Kael cried out her name, unable to stop himself. That seemed to be the theme and the way of it, every wall and boundary that he had built up crumbling before his eyes as she rode him, her hips rose and fell, kneeling astride him so that she did not have to rise up too far, head falling back with her tongue lolling out. It was such a canine thing to pant and yet her expression was all the rawer with feral passion for it, the pink, lightly fluttering length of her tongue dangling forth as she moaned for him.

“Ohhhh… Oh, sir, that’s so good!”

Her eloquent words were gone from then on, reduced to a whimpering, grunting mess, riding him furiously even as her hand went between her legs. Spreading her folds all the more for him, the shifting of skin tugged at her clit, though she did not know well enough not to throw her head all the way back in a howl of passion that most certainly would have alerted the rest of the household as to what they were up to. No, it would be wrong to go that far, as tempting as it was, Kael managing to plunge his heels into the bed, feet flat on it, grinding up into her over and over, thrusting deep.

It was passion, unlike anything he could have anticipated, toes curling, digging into the bed, though such small ones did not give him the better grip that such an action would have given Giselle. She was so much more dextrous than him, her body fit and capable, rippling with muscle. Even her size was an asset to him and an attraction in itself, acting as if she was dominant, even though her leading was merely something borne from her desire to please. Kael’s heart lifted for her, guiding her hips down on his shaft, grunting thickly in the back of his throat.

Their eyes locked, a desperate need to climax swamping them. They may have cried out together but they were too lost in it to care, Kael’s shyness slipping away. It was hard to be embarrassed at all with his shaft plunged up into a hot, wet pussy, grunting and groaning like an animal in heat. Yet the only animal there was Giselle and she was the most beautiful anthro canine that he could have ever imagined, the roll of her hips resounding through her body up to her breasts, swinging and swaying lightly with the shift of her body. Her abdominals were even visible through the lines of tan and black fur sweeping down her stomach, not a spare ounce of fat on her body as she kept fit for him and her job, working out every single day. There was no better workout for her, however, that Kael could think of than her riding him to completion, not even as he growled and passionately flung her over onto her back, his cock slipping from her, jabbing and thrusting wildly.

The moment had to be had even if it could not be tamed, growling like a big, stud of a dog himself, a burly brute that could take her even harder than he could. He was a human though and not one rounded out with muscle like the other canines at the training facility, someone who was different and yet someone that, somehow, Giselle had come to want too. That was just a deeper need coming out that could too be explored later, if they so chose, yet he just about managed to slip his shaft back into her as she moaned, eyes hazy with desperation.

“Ah… So close, sir!”

With that, he climaxed, his hand wedged between their bodies, clumsily rubbing her clit and catching most of her sex with his hand at the same time. As much as he wanted to see her cry out too, his seed spilling into her body, it was not to happen quite at the same time. His orgasm shuddered forth as he pressed his chin down to his chest, grunting and twisting his neck back and forth, though his range of motion was limited with how his head was pushed down so far. He could only do so much as he spent himself inside her without even a condom, not even thinking that he should have taken something to wrap his shaft. Yet her folds had felt so good around him, slick and wet with her arousal, that the mere notion of holding back would have been beyond Kael if it had even crossed his mind.

“Mmm… Oh, Kael…”

With his shaft softening inside her, his skin over-sensitive and his load spent inside her, trickling out around the length of his cock, his hand worked her over. His lips took a nipple gently between them, revelling in the moment as he lashed it lightly with his tongue, her moans and pants rising as he brought her to her peak too. Giselle must have already been close for him to bring her there so quickly, whimpering and grunting, her lips quivering, that beautiful tan muzzle of hers opening to groan out her pleasure. Her sex closed around him but he could not grow hard again so quickly, slipping from her, her pussy lips lightly spread in the absence of his shaft though, of course, her sex relaxed as his cock eased away, clenching and pulsing around nothing in orgasmic ecstasy.

Collapsed there in the aftermath, a hot, sweaty mess, she held him tight to her chest. Through it all, the tip of Giselle’s tail twitched back and forth, tempting at a wag, too tired in that moment to show her pleasure so openly as much as she wanted to.

“Mmm…” Kael groaned, lifting his head, the candle having burned almost all the way down, the wick threatening to drop. “That was… Wow…”

She grinned.

“I’m glad I was able to serve you in that way, master.”

“You know you don’t have to call me master… I’m not like others.”

“No… No, you’re not. I never had another human look at me with as much hunger in their eyes as you did.”

Kael blushed and yet he would find a way, in days and weeks to come, to soften his shyness. It would not serve him well as he learned and studied and spent more and more time with Giselle, his fingers very lightly tracing the patterns in her fur. Something about the moment, though he was too inexperienced as yet to put his finger on just what that was, felt right and he was comfortable with that, like slipping into a set of clothes that fit just right. She fit him too…just right.


One thing remained to be seen, perhaps a little too serious to be brought up right then.


“We can’t tell anyone about this, you know.”

Her tail wagged lazily.

“Of course, sir.”

Her tone was light and joking as if she thought he didn’t really mean it. Sitting up, Kael shook his head, part of him loathe to move away from the sexy dog, sprawled out across his bed in such an alluring way that another nuance of need throbbed inside him.

“I mean it, Giselle. I don’t know what my parents would say if they found out about this – they might not even let you come study with me. You don’t want that, do you?”

His heart pounded. What if she had done it all so that she could go back to the training facility, find another family to serve? Maybe she had orchestrated her own fate for her fun and self-destruction. He had no way to tell for he had only known her for such a short time, wanting to know her more but that required her staying around him, serving him, being with him.

Giselle took his hand gently, closing his fingers lightly into his palm and pressing his hand over her heart. It was still so close to her breast that his hand shook, feeling the softness of it under the heel of his hand.

“I know, sir, I won’t do anything or say anything to cause trouble, I promise.”

He had to believe her, lying back down with her as he murmured softly, sleep pulling at him. Although he knew that no one could know, regardless of whether relationships between humans and anthros were allowed or not, he didn’t want to lose her, not so soon. There was more there yet to be uncovered as he wrapped his arms around her and lost himself in her muscled embrace, sleep claiming him.

He didn’t even rise to blow out the candles.

The moment was too perfect to break.
