Chinese cookies : Touchless hatefuck in the mall [MF]

>Hello everyone! And many thanks to everyone who sent me all kinds of messages! This is a story of one of my favourite times with Ling, parts of it were redacted for storytelling purposes, but the essence is here anyway. Hope you will enjoy!

This story takes place a little while after my previous one ended. Ling and I have been seeing each other now and then. We were both very busy, but her work was much more stressful than mine and she would would often need a lot of time by herself to rest. Ling worked in finance, for a big local bank. It was close to be her dream job, except the position she landed wasn’t as high up in the hierarchy as she would have wanted. That, and the fact that one of her colleague was a massive bitch. She probably had a common, if not pretty, Chinese name but always introduced herself as Jennifer, which is neither rare nor pretty. Born and raised in one of Shanghai’s most recent district, she left to study finance in the United-States before going back home. She joined the company a week before Ling and got the post she wanted thanks to her american experience. One time, when she got drunk, Ling said Jennifer only got there because she was good at stealing corporate secrets and sucking dick. When I asked her if there was any truth in that, she gave me her worst shit-eating grin before replying that only half was true, but that I wouldn’t get to know which half it was.

This sums up what their relationship was like, and, to be honest, Ling has had all the reasons to be spiteful, as Jennifer decided, apparently from day one, to ride her hard. She was passive agressive at first, throwing casual comments about Ling’s rural upbringing, like if she knows what a stappler is because « they probably don’t see that often in the countryside ». Now, bear in mind that the usual stereotype associated with Shanghainese is that they basically consider everyone else as country bumpkins, so Ling thought it was easier to Jennifer to fit in by lazily playing on her stereotypes, thus she just tried her best to ignore her. Only after two months of increasingly toxic behaviour, obnoxious remarks and straight up bullying did she come to the conclusion that Jennifer was a massive cunt that had simply decided to turn sweet Ling into some kind of pressure valve.

And that is where our story picks up. Ling wanted to spend some time out of the financial district and she had the idea to try this new curry place in one of the city’s most popular commercial hub. If Japanese curry is involved, I’m always ready to go, except that one place was situated inside one of Shanghai’s top five biggest mall, and I hate malls with a burning passion, they literally drive me insane ; but Ling was really feeling down and I wanted her to feel better. Food was good and we were having fun. Once dinner was over, we quickly stepped out of the restaurant and took a stroll in the mall. That is only after an hour or so that she grabs me by the wrist and start walking very quickly, pulling me hard. I barely let out a sound of surprise before she snapped at me : “don’t talk”.

Her two words cracked like a whip and my confused brain was quick enough to keep my jaws tightened. I followed her in silence, glancing sorry looks to the people that weren’t moving fast enough to avoid bumping against the tiny comet in front of me. We took a sharp turn and she let go of my wrist just before she entering the ladie’s room. Well, she could have said something, even if she did need to hurry. But her tiny frame slipped back half out of the door and she gestured me to come in. The room was large, very tidy – it’s not uncommon for fancy malls like that one to have someone come in every hour or so to mop, clean and perfume everything – and, most importantly, very empty. That is when my dick acted like Alexander’s sword and slashed in half the knot that formed in my brain before. All of this for a quicky in the potty. Ling grabbed my hand and rushed in the next stall, slamming the door so hard the person next to us let out surprised sound. Something wasn’t right. Ling awkwardly turned to face me in our tiny booth and pressed one hand against the wall that divided the space between us and our surprised neighbour. Her lips formed one word in silence. Jennifer.

She bit her lips and when she raised her eyes at me I felt an accute sting of tingly warmth jolt my body. Fragments of past conversations suddenly flashed in my mind. I came to the realization that Jennifer was a massive cunt, but also a gorgeous woman and that Ling, despite – or because – what she put her through, seemed to have developped an insane lust for her. She’d call her a bitch and complain but there would always be that trembling note of fascination that would slip past the high walls of her ego. She said her smell was intoxicating. She would talk about her pale skin, her roundish eyes and her seemingly endless legs. She wanted her as much as she hated her.

A flushing sound, quickly followed with the ruffling of clothes interrupted my train of thought. I acted on a whim and closed the gap between my lips and Ling’s. She let out a growl and dug her nails in my skin. I pressed my body against her and our combined weights forced a creaking sound out of the stall. The ruffling stopped. Ling unbuckled my belt, unzipped my pants, breaking our kiss only to draw loud breaths, She took off my clothes, raised her top and bra over her beautiful breasts, making as much noise as she possibly could in the process. My hands lunged at her naked skin and it wasn’t long before I felt her getting warmer, tenser. I drank her warmth, I drank her smell, every twitch of her body, the slightest tension of her muscles, it was as if the world had shrunk to this tiny cabin and it was hard and cold and her body was so soft and warm. My rough hands pinned her against the wall before pulling down her shorts and stockings. As I lowered myself to enter inside her, maybe she pictured herself sliding her fingers inside her worst nightmare’s dripping cunt. She gasped and told me to fuck her in a soft, almost quivering voice. I pressed my ear against the wall. Nothing, Jennifer was still inside. I imagined her covering her mouth with one hand, trying to control her breath as she could feel the familiar tingle of excitement ripple through her body. Light touches of red colouring her pale skin. She would stroke her lips with the tip of one of her fingers and squrim, pressing her knees together and trying to resist the urge of sliding on hand between her tighs.

The thoughts brought me to some kind of animalistic state of mind. Our world had shrunk again. There was only this longing, this pulsating need for Ling’s body, and I kept going and she was slamming her fists against the stall, moaning and gasping for air. Her hips started to match my rythm and each trust would slam her tiny frame back against the creaking stall. We were hard, but slow, as if we only wanted to feel the violence of the act, the sheer pleasure of doing something bestial in a filthy place. The batroom door creaked open a couple of time, only to creak back shut a few seconds later. Our bodies were so loud, there was no pretending nothing was going on. I became convinced security would come in any second now and throw us out, and I didn’t care, because evertyhing felt so good

She asked me not to stop, not to stop, again, again and suddenly her voice collapsed, she tilt back her head, arched her back and her knees got weak. Then there was a long wheezing sound as her throat let in some air, followed by the raspiest scream when she exhaled. She had the most beautiful orgasms. I felt a pressue, a familiar swelling inside and I didn’t fight it back. I came loudly, in a similar fashion. She pressed a hand against my arse cheek and pulled me deeper inside of her as she crossed her knees and it almost felt like I was coming again. We stood there, a breathless, motionless bundle of arms and legs and body parts stuck together by sweat and other juices. I rested my forehead against the back of her head and felt a warm hand grazing my cheek. I could have fell asleep right here and there. Actually maybe I did, for a couple of seconds, because the next thing was a loud slamming sound coming, followed by footsteps and an equally loud creaking. Ling’s clear little laugh achived to pull me back on earth.



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