A future where everyone gets vasectomies at 18. (M)

It was the week of your 18th birthday, you’d had a modest party to celebrate coming of age with your friends and family, but now you found yourself at the medical centre, waiting in a small room. You’d been preparing for this day for a while. A few appointments a month or two ago, looking up online others experiences and reading all the literature given to you by the doctors. You were only a little nervous, besides, over 100,000 people turn 18 every week in the US and have one of the procedures done, and there were very few risks and complications. 

“Are you ready?” A voice called from the doorway. It woke you from your daydream. It was the doctor, beckoning you to follow her through. 

“Yes.” You replied as you stood and stepped through into the next room.

It was dim compared to the waiting room before, a medical bed sat centrally in the room with a large display panel in the direction the bed was facing. A small door to the side was ajar to what must have been the control room. Above the bed was a device on rails attached to the ceiling. Well not just a device, ‘The Device’. 

The doctor had you lay on the bed and clip your medical gown up with the included studs. You put your feet up on the rests and it felt like you were at a gynaecologist, not that you’d ever been. With gloved hands, the doctor inspected your male anatomy while confirming my information and medical history, most likely to keep you calm. 

You weren’t scared, aroused more than anything. The sensation of another person, especially a nice looking female doctor touching your intimate areas, as well as knowing what was happening next made you incredibly erect. She said it was normal and actually very good that you were erect. You wondered how many young men she’d had to tell that to. 

Before she went into the other room, she wiped the entire area down there with a few medical wipes. They stung for a bit, then it was a cool sensation as the alcohol evaporated. And it was just you alone in the room. 

The device almost silently descended from the ceiling and lowered itself in front of your genitals. It was a complex mash of machinery and electronics, no doubt very expensive. It had a tube of some sort at bottom just a few centimetres above your member. And before you could think anything else, it sucked the tip and most of the length up into the tube. It was a snug fit that felt amazing. 

During your various appointments beforehand, you had discussed with the doctors about what you wanted displayed on the screen during the procedure. At this point, there was a mix of your favourite porn videos displayed. 

The machine whirred and you felt your penis grow harder in the enclosed space as something in the tube oscillated. It was the best feeling you’d ever felt, getting off from this machine – but to be fair, that was its job. It varied the stroke length, speed and how hard it was grasping your rod. It was unreal, your mouth was agape and you were starting to let out some quiet moans.

Soon you weren’t able to contain yourself for much longer, but you felt the machine press firmly against your groin before you felt a small stinging sensation. 

You ejaculated possibly the biggest and most intense load you’d ever managed. The product of your efforts were vacuumed up into the machine and deposited in a vial that you could see was nearly at capacity. 

There was a hot feeling in your balls, then suddenly you felt like you were peeing or ejaculating again, like there was fluid moving around down there. You knew what was happening, but it had all slipped your mind in all the excitement: The machine had made a small incision into your scrotum and with surgical precision, cut the vas deferens that take the sperm from the testicles to urethra. It was now in the process of rinsing the leftover sperm out from the plumbing with a spermicide, a sensation that was quite interesting but still pleasurable in a weird way. You felt another burn and caught a whiff of cauterized flesh, as the machine sealed off the vas deferens leading to the urethra while leaving the side to the testicles open. 

You perceived the machine close the small incision and put a bandage over the wound before it detached itself from you and remained in place just in front of the bed. 

“You’re all done. How do you feel?” The Doctor asked as she re-entered. 

“Good, I’m good.” You replied, still in a little bit of shock it seemed. 

“That’s excellent. Your sample seems to be a nice big healthy one, and we will be happy to store that one for you as you indicated on your form.”

She helped you down out of the chair and directed you back into the first room, your clothes neatly folded and waiting for you. You felt little to no pain, just tenderness mostly. And you didn’t even need to take any of the pain suppressants that were prescribed as a precaution. Honestly you felt kind of amazing. Very aroused, and kinda excited to test out some of those pleasure robots they have at Club Daydream you heard about one day. Because if that’s how a vasectomy fells, how’s actual sex going to be with a machine build for plesure? 

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mjtu4o/a_future_where_everyone_gets_vasectomies_at_18_m