I (M30) and My Former Supervisor and Close Friend (F29) Reconnect and Ignite our Repressed Attraction [MF] Pt. 2: Femme Fatale

TL;DR at bottom

To recap [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mib7ev/i_m30_and_my_former_supervisor_and_close_friend/), I had originally known Christina as my beautiful and awesome former supervisor at my first full time job out of college, where I worked for three years. I harbored a longtime, somewhat guilty crush on her that I couldn’t act on as we were both married, though my marriage was miserable and emotionally abusive. I later left that job for a higher paying, but much more miserable job, and lost contact with my beloved former manager. I then got fired and my wife left me, sending me into severe depression. I eventually got a better job and things started looking up, leading to my agency sending me to a leadership conference in the Boston area.

Meanwhile, Christina had a rough go as well. When I her closest friend informed her that I was leaving, she had just suffered a miscarriage and learned that her husband had been having an affair. She then went through a quick but ugly divorce. Oh, and something I didn’t mention the first part, everybody knew how close Christina and I were, and because her divorce and my leaving happened at the same time, the rumor went around that it was Christina who cheated with me. She got hauled into a board meeting and questioned about violating relationship policies, and quite angrily tore them a new one for calling into question both her, and my, morality, based on rumor mill. Needless to say, she was badly depressed and anxious for awhile too. However, we reconnected when I found out that we were going to the same conference.

Due to a screw up by the hotel, she ended up crashing in my room. While talking together, we told each other all that happened since lost contact. She then burst out with the confession that she had strong feelings for me, which I told her were mutual. With nothing to hold us back, we kissed, and then had emotional, passionate, and very satisfying sex. We fell asleep happy, but I had a twinge of worry. I was still getting over a lot of rejection, depression, and anxiety. I wanted to be with Christina; I already was almost sure that I was in love with her…and long before last night. So, this is what happened next.

**Mundane Morning Routine…but a Happy Couple**

I woke up as Christina stirred to turn off the alarm on her phone. It was early, but being June, it was already pretty light out. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 5:45 am. Groaning, Tina crawled out of bed and headed to the shower as I dozed off again. I awoke about 15 minutes later as the Christina opened the bathroom door and turned on the light over the sink, and began to blow dry her hair. She was naked, standing with her back to me as she looked in the mirror. Like a high school boy, that was enough to make me smile. Boy, she had a great body! Also, looking at her reflection in the mirror, this was one of the first times I had seen her without make up…and there wasn’t much difference. She was just naturally beautiful!

Still, I was lazy and I stayed in bed and hit my snooze alarm a few times. I’m a guy, so it doesn’t take long for me to shower and get ready; I’d get up about 35-40 minutes before we needed to go. Christina finished drying her hair, threw on her bra and underwear, and walked over to me.

“Hey, Mr. Lazy,” she whispered as she kissed my cheek, “You probably should get up now.” I groaned and pulled myself out of bed as Tina got dressed. I quickly showered, shaved, and dried off. When I got out of the bathroom, Christina was standing at the mirror doing her makeup and hair. She had on a silk, gold blouse that showed a *little* bit of cleavage, and a thin black skirt that ended just above the knees. She smiled and said nothing as I walked past her, naked.

The casualness of this morning routine was comforting…but also a bit unnerving. Was this because last night meant nothing, or because we already saw ourselves as a couple? Happily, I quickly found out it was the latter.

I pulled on some khakis and a polo shirt with my agency name on the breast. I then put on my belt…and threaded my Safariland 7378 holster on, as well as my spare magazines, my badge, and snapped my Glock 19 into place in the holster. So yeah, for those of you who wonder what line of work we’re in…it’s criminal justice related. I’m not a cop, but I do investigations, carry a badge and gun, and make arrests and stuff so…still law enforcement. As for Christina, it’s a long story about what she, and her agency, does, but anyway…

Christina was struggling to link a small, gold chain necklace with a heart on it, reaching blindly to connect the links behind her neck. Without saying a word, I stepped behind her and helped her put on the necklace. I then kissed her on the neck and said, “You look beautiful. You always do,” and began walking towards the door when she grabbed my arm.

“Hey,” she said as she pulled me to her. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me, “I’m…incredibly happy we found each other again,” she said with a smile, almost looking like she was going to cry with happiness.

“Me too,” I said, “Finally together.”

She nodded and hugged me, “Should have been awhile ago. But I guess we didn’t know that. Better late than never though,” she let go and walked over to get her shoes. “Of course, like I was telling you last night, there were all the rumors about us right when Tom and I were getting divorced, so, you know that *those* are gonna start up again.”

“I thought you said that somebody else confirmed that Tom was the cheat and that shut everything about us down?” I said.

“Don’t expect logic from a rumor mill,” she said, rolling her eyes, “But whatever, fuck ’em. You don’t work there, and they can talk all they want. Fuck ’em!”

Christina and I walked down to the lobby to meet the other three women. Kelly and Diana looked exhausted; they were no doubt at a club or bar until late. Despite the fact that Christina and I came down at the same time, they looked too hung over to put two and two together. Michelle, however, gave us a smile…a *knowing* smile: *You guys hooked up. There’s no question*. Michelle and Christina are pretty close friends, so if Tina hadn’t told Michelle, she had no doubt hinted as to her feelings for me.

We had a good breakfast together; it was the usual fare: Belgian waffles, pancakes, bacon, coffee, etc. The other three women asked me what I had been up to, how I liked my job, sympathized with me over my divorce and shitty former job, etc.

Christina and I sat together at the conference, along with Kelly, Diana, and Michelle, as well as a couple colleagues of mine from my current job who worked out of another office. We were the “armed section” (I happened to know that Christina conceal carried a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9 everywhere. I guess that’s not relevant to the story…I just kind of find that badass about her). The conference was boring, so were the workshops. We all went out for a group lunch at a corner diner which was not much to write home about. As we walked back to the hotel, Christina whispered to me, “You and I should go someplace nice for dinner. Not like tie and jacket, but somewhere decent.”

**Dinner with a Bombshell**

After the conference, we went back to the room to change. It was really warm, so I changed from the khakis into shorts and changed out of my agency polo into “civilian clothes”, and tucked my gun into an inside the waist holster. As predicted the night before, Tina was stuck talking to the admins from her agency. She had also wanted to get changed before we went, so I figured I would need to go down and rescue her.

While our relationship was a non-issue, I didn’t want to cause trouble and get the rumors fired up again, possibly getting Christina wrongfully in trouble, so I was going to approach casually. When I saw them talking, Christina turned to me and smiled. Eric, the CFO, and Judy, the board member, saw me as well and introduced themselves. Tina told them that I used to work there and that we were just about to go out to dinner to catch up. Luckily, Eric said, “Okay, well, good to see you, Christina, we’ll let you go now!”

Christina told me to go ahead and wait here, as she was just going to put on something cooler. About five minutes later, she came down in a low cut, cleavage baring black sundress and black, lace up sandals. She touched up her makeup a bit and added a bit of dark red eye shadow. Almost instantly, I could have cut a diamond with my cock. Tina dresses stylishly, and this dress was not immodest, but it definitely was sexier than her usual wardrobe…of course, I only ever saw her at the office and on Facebook.

“Do I look okay?” She asked.

“You look hot!” I told her.

She smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “Thanks! There’s a good steakhouse about a mile from here. It’s a little pricey, but…”

“You know me well,” I laughed, “And besides, we’re celebrating!”

There was no way we were getting out of that steakhouse without paying $200+, but I had the money and both the food, and the company, was worth it! I had a delicious dry aged 24 oz porterhouse, garlic and truffle mashed potatoes, and a side of thick cut bacon because…it’s thick cut bacon and no reason needs to be given. Tina had a filet mignon and fried potatoes, with some kind of red wine sauce. Neither of us know much of anything about fine wine, so we just took the waiter’s suggestion.

“What?” Christina asked as she noticed me staring at her.

“Nothing,” I said, “You just look really good.”

She smiled, “I remembered a conversation we had back when you were working with me. We started talking about things in the opposite sex that we found attractive. And you said you liked the mysterious femme fatale characters in movies. You said you found that really hot. And I know you told me you liked the whole attractive women with guns thing too.

“So, I realized I packed this dress and,” she gave me a teasing, seductive look, “I thought you might like it.”

The dinner was great, but we *really* had to get back to the hotel. My zipper wasn’t going to stay in tact the entire night with Christina dressed like this.

We talked a bit more about our old times working together and stuff, plans for the future, etc. She told me she was taking a trip down to the Philadelphia area, where she grew up, to see her family, in August, and asked me to come with her. Of course, I agreed.

**Seduced by a Dangerous Woman**

After a nice desert of chocolate lava cake, I paid the hefty bill, and we headed back to the hotel. When we arrived, we walked casually to our room. Christina opened the door, walked over to the bed, and turned to look at me, a seductive smile on her face. As soon as the door was closed, she said, “So, about that whole ‘femme fatale’ thing…” she pulled the dress off her shoulders, revealing her beautiful breasts, and let it fall to the floor. I then saw, during our whole time out, she had had on no panties, and only a garter belt holster for her M&P shield, and her lace up sandals.

“HO-LEE shit, Tina!” I breathed as I speed walked over to her, tearing off my shirt in the process. We met and began to make out passionately. Our mouths were pressed together so hard it almost hurt. I ran my hands all over Christina’s back and reached down to cup her ass as she began undoing my belt.

As soon as she got my belt and button undone, she dropped her knees and yanked down my pants and boxers in one motion. She grabbed my diamond hard dick and engulfed it like it was the last chance she would ever have to do it.

I was in absolute ecstasy as she gave me, what she would later say, was the hottest blowjob she ever gave. Only the combination of wine, antidepressant, and the fact that we had sex the night before, kept me able to hold out. About two minutes in though, I knew we were pushing it with my stamina. Christina seemed to sense that though.

She licked down, and then up my shaft, hoisting herself onto the bed, her legs hanging over the edge, her gun still holstered on her outer thigh. I pulled my shoes off and freed my pants from around my ankles as I fell over Christina, kissing her mouth, then neck, then sucking her nipples, and then working my way down her stomach to her soaking wet pussy. I penetrated her with my finger and began massaging her G-spot, causing her to gulp and gasp as I started to lick her engorged clit. Christina responded by tensing, almost as though she was in pain, but she groaned and squealed with pleasure. With every flick of my tongue, she twitched, and the more I pressure I put on her G-spot, the harder she gasped.

“Keep going! Harder!” she gasped. I obeyed her request and increased my intensity, my tongue and fingers starting to become fatigued. Her breathing became shallow and quick and then, all of a sudden, she clenched and froze, sending a spurt of juice onto my chin. She tensed until she her muscles began to shake. Then, all at once, her muscles released and she let out a scream of immense pleasure, her orgasm overtaking all her other senses. She inhaled again and let out another scream, throwing her hand over her mouth (though it was probably too late for that; everybody in the Boston area knew she was cumming by that point).

Breathing like she had just run a mile, she gasped out, almost sounding angry, “Get inside me right now!” I stood up, pulled her closer to the edge of the bed, and pushed my throbbing member into Christina’s vagina as she sat up to kiss me and wrap her sandals around my waist. There was no need to ease it in; she was already soaked; again, it was like she used industrial grade lube. I began to hump hard, but at a slow-medium pace.

“No! Go hard! I don’t care if you only last a minute, just do it!” she rasped.

“Okay,” I replied and began slamming her pussy hard. The good thing is, when I’m standing, I can hold out a long time, sometimes to the point where I actually have trouble cumming. I humped as hard and fast as I could; Tina threw her head back and squeezed her eyes shut. She then fell back on the bed and began rubbing her tits with one hand and furiously fingering her clit with the other. After about two minutes, her vaginal walls tightened, and I felt a rush of goo squirt over my balls as she came hard again. But I still wasn’t there.

“Stand up and turn around,” I instructed, catching my breath and pulling out. She smiled and slid off the bed, leaving a bit of juice in her wake. Seeing this already beautiful woman wearing her thigh holster and sexy lace sandals was incredible. I had never really thought too much about the “femme fatale” thing; it was just an offhand remark. But damn it if Tina wasn’t right. It really did it for me!

Tina leaned over the bed and I quickly entered her from behind and resumed my aggressive fucking. Again, she began gasping and squealing with each thrust. I could tell she was about to cum again as she again reached between her legs and began fingering her clit. A few seconds later, she tightened and spasmed again. Suddenly, her legs gave out and she fell to her knees. Naturally, I fell out of her and had to quickly shoot my foot back to make sure I didn’t fall on my back.

The sudden shock caused her to gasp and then laugh.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Never better,” she said as she crawled up onto the bed and leaned back on her right forearm. Without a word, I quickly climbed onto the bed, threw her left foot over my right shoulder, and thrust my dick back inside her, resuming the furious pace I had before. Now kneeling on the bed, I wasn’t going to last long at this pace, but we had already gone about 10 minutes already and she had cum three times.

I slammed Tina’s pussy as hard as I could and she started to cum again, reaching down to rub herself as I quickened my pace. At this point, I was past the point of no return. My dick tightened and my whole body shuddered as I shot my load inside Christina. My dick twitched over and over and filled her up, just as she reached her fourth orgasm.

Once our climaxes had passed, I collapsed on top of her, sweaty and spent, barely able to catch my breath.

“Holy shit!” she gasped, “That was…that was, 1 to 10, that was like a 15! That was *the* best I’ve ever had. Holy shit!”

I pulled out and rolled over, still trying to catch my breath as Tina did the same.

After we recovered, she rolled over and draped her arm across my chest and kissed my neck.

“You’re amazing,” I said, “Not just at sex…”

She laughed and I chuckled.

“I just…love everything about you.” I froze, realizing what I just said. The cat was out of the bag. I really, *really* hoped the psycho alarm didn’t go off in her head.

But, as if sensing my worry, Christina kissed my lips and replied, “I love you too. I know we’ve only officially been together two days but…we’ve known for awhile, right?”

I smiled, “Yep.” Then, something occurred to me. “Um, Tina…I’m being kinda Captain Hindsight here but…do we need to go to CVS and get Plan B?”

She grinned and shook her head, “After my miscarriage and my asshole ex telling me he didn’t want kids, I got an IUD. And, even after we got divorced, I kept it in ’cause,” she kissed my lips again, “You never know, right?”

“So, you’re good for unlimited creampies?” I joked.

“You…can fill me with all the cream you want. You can fill me with so much cream, people will mistake me for an eclair!” Christina replied.

“Oh, jeez, Tina!” I laughed, which caused her to laugh, which got us both laughing so hard tears were running down our cheeks.

Tina got up and took off the gun belt and sandals, then headed to the bathroom to clean herself up. I did the same by the sink. We then got our pajamas, grabbed a couple beers from the fridge, and got into bed to watch some mindless TV.

We slept in a bit the next morning, till Tina got a call around 8:30 from Michelle, asking to meet for breakfast again. Apparently they had texted earlier and we slept through it. Michelle reminded her that they were heading home at 10 am.

“You going with me, right?” I said quietly. She nodded.

“We’ll meet your guys at around 9 for breakfast, but you can take off whenever. I’m going back with [GrundleStench].”

“Okay,” I heard Michelle say, a teasing note to her voice, “See you in a bit.”

Tina and I got dressed in casual clothes, t-shirts and shorts, packed the rest of our stuff, and headed to the restaurant.

“Hey, you two,” Diana smirked at us as we sat down, “You guys have a nice dinner last night?”

Christina smiled back, unashamed. “Okay, I know how you three are, and you’re probably gossiping about us, and saying that there’s something going on. Well,” she put her hand on mine and wrapped her fingers in mine, “You heard it from me first: You’re right. We’re officially together.”

I smiled and nodded.

We then got a round of congratulations and an order of mimosas.

An hour later, we headed back home. Tina had dinner and stayed the night at my house. We had sex again that night, this time on my couch. It was passionate, hot, and satisfying once again, but not worth another story, as it was now not the first time, or excessively hot and long like the second time.

Unfortunately, when she headed off to work the next day, that was the last I saw of her. I guess we weren’t REALLY a couple. We’d occasionally like each other’s posts on Facebook, or tell mutual acquaintances to say “hi” if they saw us. Oh well.





Well, that’s how most Gonewild Stories end. But not this one. The spark that started in Boston never faded. Christina’s lease was up in another month and then she moved in with me. We were, and are, completely in love, best friends, and to top it off, the sex was, and is consistently passionate and satisfying. I keep saying “is” because eight months later, I gave Christina a beautiful diamond ring and asked her to be my wife, which she accepted, crying tears of joy. A year later, we were married. We had a great honeymoon in Disney World (we’re kids at heart). That was all five years ago; we now have a three year old son, another one on the way, and we’re happier than ever.

And that, kids, is how I met your mother.

TL;DR: Woke up the next day. Confirmed that the night before was NOT a one night stand and we were now a couple. We had a great dinner, followed by a return to the hotel where Christina revealed that she wore no panties under her dress at dinner, but DID have a gun in a garter belt holster, knowing I have a thing for femme fatale characters. This was followed by VERY hot sex, and a declaration of love that had been unspoken for years. Today, five years later, Tina is my wife and the mother of my children.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mj24j5/i_m30_and_my_former_supervisor_and_close_friend


  1. This Is what I need goddamn it. Love like this

    Edit: Rap artist J cole put it best

    “I want a real love, dark skinned and Aunt Viv love
    That Jada and that Will love
    That leave a toothbrush at your crib love
    And you ain’t gotta wonder whether that’s your kid love”

  2. Thank fucking god. If it didn’t end this way I was going to be **furious**.

  3. When you said she left and i didnt see her again my heart dropped but after seeing the twist my fucking eyes teared up wish you the very best thanks for sharing such an immersive and happy story

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