50 shades of femdom [Power exchange] [CFNM] [Inspection] [Heel worship]

I saw my reflection in the window of the great big glass building. My nicely Ironed shirt my creaseless black trousers. Rolled up sleeve to try and and make my arms look bigger. I needed this interview to go well. I wanted to look cool but business focused. I undone a second button on my shirt. Anymore would make me look like a stripper. I could smell my deodorant the type you would wear to a wedding but I really needed this job. I really really needed it.

Flexing my arms I made sure I was looking good. I could not let this go wrong. I fixed my hair and then that was it I had to go in. I had a satchel over my shoulder with a second copy of the very lack lustre resumé I send to the woman, Kimberly Brooke, who was looking for a secretary. Do you think not wearing a blazer hurt me? Not even a tie? Come on man you look stupid. I checked my cheap watch. 5mins.

I shook myself. “You can do this man come on. You are more than the guy that goes from the gym to your house to a shitty dangerous security job” I looked at my reflection. I walked around to the front of the building. The doors were glass and open awaiting new arrivals to the company. This building was massive and was in the heart of town. This company was rich and I was trying for a secretary job for the CEO. Fuck me.

I walked down the black carpet in the centre of the waiting room. The main desk was wooden with 3 well dressed women sitting there on computers. The desk was short but wide like a hotel desk. “Ummm Hi I am here for the secretary interview for Mrs Brooke. Could you tell me like what I am meant to do.” One of the women dramatically turned and looked me up and down. “Miss Brooke.” She said with a condescendence. “Wait here I will tell her your waiting.” I forced a smile and went and sat down in one of the long shinny black couches.

This woman must be loaded even airports can’t afford couches in the waiting areas. I watched as one of the women at the desk got on a phone and pressed a button. I could not here what she was saying but I knew I was to leave shortly. The desk lady put her phone down. She came out from behind the desk. “Miss Brooke will see you now please come with me.” She gave me a fake smile and then lead me to an elevator. She got in first I hurried to the corner. Did I really want to work with her?

“Floor 14. Lift rising.” The automated voice said with a distinctly British accent. It sounded like my old head teacher. I laughed under my breath. The woman turned with a glare. Straitening my back I tried to act professional. “Door opening” The lift voice said. We walked out me trailing a few feet behind her. The floors were shinny marble looking stone. The walls were wooden carvings. She lead me around past the board room and smaller office to a door that was the only door on this side of the building.

“Miss Brooke will be waiting for you. Good luck” I could hear the sarcasm spewing out of her mouth. God I hated her. I walked though the door. Inside was a small office with one or 2 filling cabinets lining the right wall. The left side had a large door though to Miss Brooke’s office. Further back was a decently sized desk with a computer and a phone. A single chair was behind the desk. The outside wall was a single bit of glass. This would be my office. I could have this I thought. All that matters is what happens though that door.

I spend a second or 2 bracing myself. Before I knocked on the door 3 solid times. “Come in.” I heard a commanding female voice yell. I opened the heavy oak door. The office was long with a large desk at the end. The outside wall was a solid glass pain and the inside wall was wooden panels as well as the wall behind Miss Brooke’s desk. There was a small sitting area with a large black leather couch and a glass coffee table. The sound of classical music flew in the air making every the room have a added since of grandeur. I am in way over my head here.

I slowly walked over to the desk feeling more and more intimidating with each step. The desk was tall and Miss Brooke sat behind it looking down on me. I put the satchel on the other chair. The chairs in front of the desks were like settees I sat down and was almost swallowed. Miss Brooke was beautiful she was wearing fancy glasses her brown hair put behind her head in a pony tail. Her face was soft around the edges but her eyes were large and commanding to a such that you could get lost in their green mastery. Her eyes were made larger by her large black glasses that fit so perfectly over her face. From her ears hung large crystal earrings shaped like half 2 crescent moons that if you reflected light around making them look sparkling. She had lots of eye shadow as well as a small amount of pink lipstick. She was wearing a blue blazer and a white shirt that both were custom made to expose her large breasts. As the shirt and blazer flowed very nicely over them like a dress. There were entrancing. Big and round and perfectly symmetrical. The hung off her perfectly they looked mostly natural with little touch ups done to make them perfect. She was curvy but she looked athletic with narrow hips that looked like they went to a wide waist however my view was interrupted by the desk.

The desk was simple with a badge for her name “CEO Miss Kimberly Brooke” as well as a single computer with 2 motors set up so that she could look out of the window as she worked. Her chair had a her high back and looked almost like her throne. “Your front desk person really doesn’t like me” I said to try and break the silent tension of her slowly going though my resumé on her computer. She ignored me. I just had to sit until she was ready to talk to me.

A few more seconds passed enough to make me uneasy. “Unqualified my dear that is how to say it politely. Even for the job as a secretary I am mightily unimpressed.” Every word she said was pronounced to perfection with a powerful flick of the tongue. Hearing her speak in such a commanding way made blood rush to the south pole. “What does, worked as a leader in public safety and security for a venue responsible for public entertainment and providing alcohol to the public, Is that a fancy way of saying head bouncer?” I paused for a second and then nodded. “Lucky for you I decide on weather or not to hire someone based off asking questions to see how well you will fit into my system.” She paused and looked me up and down. “Do you think that within a week you could easily get the hang of being a secretary?” I nodded how hard could this be just has a calendar. “Miss Brooke you will never miss a meeting or social event same way I know exactly what I am doing for my workout from now until next year, every set every rep mapped out.” She gave a small somewhat impressed smile.

“I will take your word. Now tell me. What is your living situation? Alone, roommates, live with parents, Homeless even. Do tell.” I paused for a second. “Truth is I live in a small shitty apartment in a bad area with no running water so I wash in the gym…………… Miss Brooke.” She leaned forward onto the desk leaning her face her left hand tilting her head at me. “Interesting. Interesting. How much are you willing to do to work for me?” I though about it for a second feeling the chair make me uncomfortable. “Well whatever you ask me to………… Miss Brooke sorry.” She looked me at me very carefully. She looked down at my crotch and then slowly looked up my torso back to my eyes. “What kind of porn do you watch dear?” She said it like any other question. I went red in the face. “What kind of question is that?” I said giving a small nervous laugh. “A very very relevant question dear. One I suggest you answer.” I took a few seconds. “Femdom” I said it so quietly and quickly I even I could say it again. “Pardon I did not quite here that.” She said probably knowing full well what I said. “Femdom” I said slightly slower and louder. “Say. It. Again. Louder so I can here.” My heart was rushing and my blood was flowing. “Femdom” It was my speaking voice. My face was bright red and warm to the touch. “Better” She leaned back in her throne like chair bringing some of her hair to the side of her body carefully flowing it though her fingers of her right hand. With her left she fixed her simple black glasses.

I sat there still blushing wondering what she was going to do next. I watched as her breasts slowly rose and then then fell in time with her breathing. She leaned forward. My mind focused on her lips. “Strip” The word echoed though my body. I felt my hands shake. I gulped. “Sorry Miss Brooke.” She raised one eyebrow. “Take. Off. Your. Clothes.” My brain was out I did not know what to do just sitting there. “Now!” She raised her voice. Getting up out of my chair I started to slowly undo each of the buttons in my shirt. Miss Brooke sat back in her throne of a chair crossing her legs. I saw that she was wearing a dark blue skirt to contrast with her light blue blazer. Her milky smooth legs were fully visible to me now. Her thighs were soft and you could see the muscle inside and her calf’s were small. How could a woman with breasts that good be so fit. She barely had a belly and her arms were perfectly in proportion. Her feet in a lovely pair of simple black high heels. She looked like a goddess from a painting or a piece of smut I would see online.

I took off my shirt before then undoing my belt. “I love muscly boys who know how to do what their told. Put your clothes in a neat pile for me dear.” Her voice was powerful and felt like silk to listen to. I took off my shoes and then my trousers. I made sure to have everything in nice folds like she told me. I took off my socks and then my underwear. My cock was hard and throbbing. She stood up. “Spread your legs and arms I need to inspect you boy.” I heard her walking around the desk her heels making loud clicks echoing though the room being almost in harmony with the classical music. “Stay still and don’t talk.” She walked around being me ever click from her heels made me throb.

I felt her hands giving my calf a squeeze and then slap it. A single finger went up the back of my legs. She griped my ass tightly and gave a small laugh. She gave me a slap. My cock throbbed precum leaking from the tip. Her hands glided up my lats and then along to the top of my back to my traps. With a single motion she brought all of her nails down carving into my back. I grunted. Stepping to my side the opposite one that she felt along my arm giving my bicep and triceps a squeeze. Grabbing my wrist she brought my arm behind my back like a half handcuff. She side stepped and done the same to the other side completing having my hands being my back. Squeeze her hands were on my shoulders rubbing them and inspecting me like meat at a market. A single drop of precum from my throbbing cock fell on to the floor. “Keep your hands like this boy.” Her order was simple. I felt every little bit of blood going to my cock with each of her words.

She walked around to the front side of me. In heels she was about my 6’1 height and she looked at me in the eyes. She put her hands around my neck and then dragged them down onto my pecs working her way inside from my armpit along my pec ridge meeting in the middle. I felt her rub her hands up and down my abs giving a dirty smile. “Very good. You will need to keep this body.” I smiled. Stepping to my left slightly she brought a single finger along to top of my cock. “You are desperate. Sooo sooo desperate. This is good it means you will serve better.” She took her finger off. “When I take my next step you fall to your knees and follow me back to my desk on all fours. When we get there I want you to kiss my heels like your life depends on it.” She put her hand to my neck and gave a squeeze. “Understand?” I gulped my breathing was impaired. “Yes I do.” She squeezed tighter. “Yes I do who?” I felt my air getting less and less. “Miss Brooke.” She leaned into me and smiled. “Better but not perfect you will learn in time dear.”

She took a step and turned around. Falling to my knees and all fours I followed her going behind her desk. She took a seat with and crossed her legs. I started to kiss and lick her high heels while she played with my hair. My cock was throbbing hard. Click clack click click clack click. She was doing something on the computer. She rolled her chair back brought my face to meet hers with a single finger. “Dear I have just sent the contracts to your offices printer. I expect you to take your clothes and get dressed in your office and come in at the start of work hours tomorrow with everything signed that you feel comfortable signing. In the sheets will be your secretary contract a submissive contract so I know your limits and what I can and can’t do to you. As well as options for you to occupied a room in my penthouse when I am in the city as well as a room in my town house.” She patted my head. “On you go. ” I looked up confused.

Seeing that she was serious I got up and picked up my clothes before walking back though into the secretary’s office. My office. When I got in I did not know what to do. Getting dressed I went and checked for a printer. It was built in behind my desk and it was spewing out paper. When it finished I placed it in my satchel and left the building not able to really know what just happened.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mjfcmy/50_shades_of_femdom_power_exchange_cfnm