The Starjumper Chronicle – Ch 7 (OC, Star Wars, Starcraft, Ghost, Nova, Creampie, Mindbreak, Master/Slave)

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**Alright, onto the chapter :)**

[(Previous Chapter)]( Last Chapter is here, it didn’t really have sex parts so I only posted it on my subreddit. But you can still check it out.

**Chapter Start**

In the void of travel between stars the interior of the Qonavis seemed eerily quiet. Kiiran was trying to enjoy the calm presented to him but peace was ever erratic. Like a pirate ship it constantly evaded every attempt by him to get a target lock. It frustrated him and he turned and twisted in the command chair. It was hard enough sitting in the damn thing with a big hole in the back but now it seemed as if his memories and the trauma of their last escape wanted him to enjoy a restless evening.

Kiiran looked out into the void of space around them. Oddly enough on longer jumps; even the ones through universes, it appeared through the cockpit window that they were just in hyperspace. ‘Or maybe this is just a dream, a dream telling me this is all just fake. The ship Ashoka, Mara all of it. Maybe I died before I could get off that moon base on Asir.’ Kiiran grumbled mentally as his eyes slowly opened and closed.

Bored of his own thoughts he sought out distraction. From the main console he accessed the surveillance systems. It didn’t take him long to find something to occupy his mind. He found Nova; or so the prisoner called herself, secure in the room that Mara and IP had taken her to. While Kiiran was seeing to Ahsoka’s wounds the droid had taken it upon himself to inject Nova with the same drug it had given Mara. At first Kiiran had been angry at the droid for doing so but IP reminded him that the grey jump-suited girl had made her introduction by firing a heavy rifle bolt into the back of the chair Kiiran had been sitting in.

The droid told him not to worry and informed Kiiran that he had calculated that if she were not made to at least be ‘friendly’ that she would prove a grave security threat. Given their current circumstances the droid had said that the more allies they had the better their odds of surviving the next attack would be. Finding the camera still centered on the sleeping blonde Kiiran had to agree that the droid was right. She was dangerous, obviously trained and more than ready to use her skills. He’d need to use those skills against the Hunters, every time they were getting closer to boarding with their dropships. He no longer thought of the situation as a possibility, now it was a full-fledged inevitability.

The Starjumper changed the screen and found Mara with Ahsoka in the medbay. The former Imperial agent was on top of the orange skinned Togruta as Ahsoka lay on one of the larger medical beds. A sheet only just covered Mara’s butt as she slowly leaned in and kissed Ahsoka’s lips while the human moved a hand over the Togruta’s lovely breasts. Ahsoka’s lips opened up as her head rocked back and under the sheet it was easy to see her slim legs moving up and rubbing against Mara’s as the two continued to move together. Mara kissed the Togruta once more before lowering her left hand in between the two girls’ bodies to one particular spot. There was no audio from the feed, but it didn’t take a genius to imagine the sound of Ahsoka’s moans as the former Imperial spy started playing her skilled fingers against Ahsoka’s tight cunt. It seemed the application of some bacta patches had done much to assuage the Togruta’s injuries. For a few moments, the Starjumper just looked on as the two girls pleasured one another. Even if Kiiran had wanted to spend some alone time with Ahsoka in their bed he didn’t want to interrupt, at least he didn’t feel like it at the moment.

Somehow even that soured his mind and he turned off the feed only to notice a blue light blinking on one of the control panels. He moved closer to the unfamiliar button and then pressed it after a moment of hesitation. Suddenly IP appeared, seemingly summoned by the press of the button.

“Hey IP. How goes the repairs.” Kiiran asked lazily as he spun the chair around to face the droid. To his surprise the droid’s body opened up and revealed a red cube inside of the larger sphere that formed the droid’s main chassis.

“It’s actually LOCI here sir.” The red box glowed slightly each time the droid talked. Even without the declaration Kiiran would have picked up on the switch from the more mischievous and plotting tone of LOCI’s speech. “That button allows me to make a genuine appearance before prospective Masters. Generally, it is considered too much of a risk. But I believe that you have waited long enough.”

“Wait. LOCI… You and IP are the same droid?”

“Technically yes and technically no. We each have our own individual central processors, or separate minds if that makes it easier for you. But I was designed and built specifically to integrate with IP’s shell for safety and security as the primary processing unit for the Qonavis.” The droid stated before it floated around Kiiran and then over to the console while the box itself remained exposed to Kiiran. “I have sub systems that are linked throughout the ship to ensure that I am always in constant contact even if IP was off ship or otherwise disabled. I would miss him if the circumstances were thus, but I would still be fully functional and able to assist the Master. Onto the business at hand, I am pleased to announce that based on my algorithms that you have passed inspection. You are now a worthy candidate for Mastery of this vessel. The jump to the Koprulu Sector was actually your final tests and you performed quite well, even above my original projections. However, to register you fully as the complete Master and Commander of this vessel there is one last choice that must be made. Are you ready to make the choice Kiiran?” The droid asked him with a calm almost caring tone in his voice.

Kiiran’s eyes slowly studied the droid, trying to figure out if the smaller droid was joking or serious. “LOCI, I’ve been running from a seemingly innumerable foe while jumping across universes. I’m not just here looking for thrills before I die some horrible death far from home.” Kiiran turned away from the ship and gestured out across the expanse of the bridge. “Getting this ship had been my dream for years. If there is something, I can do to gain an advantage over those trying to take it from me, I’ll do it.” He said with a calm weighty tone as he turned back to the droid.

“Very good Kiiran. Hehe interesting, it’s probably one of the last times that I will address you as such. Now please follow me.” The droid said before it retreated into the interior of IP. The larger droid’s photoreceptors lit up before it started to guide Kiiran out of the bridge. It took the Starjumper through the main corridor of the ship, and then opened up one of the door that Kiiran and his crew had thus far been unable to open. Inside Kiiran found himself in in an octagonal room. Kiiran smelled hints of candle wax and incense from high up and saw small alcove recesses along each section of the wall. The walls were set with a pattern of black vents and dark steel panels interspersed with several technical readouts pushing out from the walls around the center. The central point itself was an octagonal platform of the same dark metallic material as the walls.

“Please come forward.” IP said as it floated near the center. Kiiran nodded and moved to the center of the room. Once there he heard a hiss of hydraulics as some motors engaged. The vents set into the walls started to glow blue and from the ceiling panels pulled back revealing robotic arms of various sizes. “The machines will administer a pain blocker, some of the process can be a bit painful but I will always be on hand in case you want to stop.”

“I’m guessing this isn’t the sort of thing that’s reversible.” Kiiran said as two of the arms gently grabbed his own arms and pulled them to his sides.

“No sir. Shall I stop the procedure?” LOCI’s voice asked from within IP’s body.

“Do it.” Kiiran replied after a moment. With that the process began. Another arm moved in with a syringe full of blue liquid. It injected the liquid into Kiiran’s body and numbed the pain to come. The mechanical arms held his own in place while another arm came down and shaved a patch of hair from the lower back of his head. What came next surprised even Kiiran. He heard another arm moving into place behind him and then he felt the tip of the arm moving closer to his newly shaved patch. What happened next felt strange but didn’t hurt, it felt like something was digging into his skin, but it didn’t stop there. It felt strange and even stranger still as he felt something poking deeper than the initial cuts.

While the process on the back of his head continued various devices were implanted into his hands He watched as the machine punctured the flesh and embedded small devices seemingly right onto the bone. It still didn’t hurt but it felt weird as anything Kiiran had ever experienced. After some time, the arm at the back of his head pulled away and soon the arms handling his hand modifications did as well. One more set of arms came over and sprayed the cut and modded points of flesh with a disinfectant and sealer or so IP informed him. When he was free to move again Kiiran rubbed his right hand over the back of his head.

“What did you put inside of me?” The Starjumper asked as he rubbed the bald spot.

“As the Master of the Qonavis the ship is now directly neural linked to you. You can control nearly all of its functions just through simple thought alone now. The option of control does not start immediately. The device is slowly molding with your brain, learning about it, and finding the best way to facilitate the bridge that will not impair your functions.”

“What you’re saying, that sort of technology is beyond anything I’ve seen.”

“Master the Qonavis was not built by some genius architect. It is the culmination of hundreds of brilliant scientists and engineers. When its engine was discovered, and its powers realized the original masters knew that they had to construct a unique ship around its potential. You are now the product of over 3000 years of evolutionary sciences. Now I must warn you this next part is quite interesting. We’re going to start giving your brain more power, so to speak. It’s going to feel like an adrenaline spike. Please remain calm.” IP said as the arms moved down again and locked Kiiran back into place.

Kiiran just stood there and gave a nod as he waited for the next phase. Suddenly his eyes opened up wider. All throughout this body his blood tingled. His heart started beating fasters and he felt as if he was running and fighting and shooting all while never moving. More feeling coursed through him as he started realizing how hungry he was, and how horny he was. He tried to move forward to get to the door to deal with these issues when he was stopped by the heavy restraints. Suddenly the Starjumper glared at IP. “Let me go…”

“I’m sorry Master but your mind is in a delicate place right now. Any activity has the chance of damaging it. You must be restrained. We’re almost done, only 56 minutes left to go.” IP declared. Kiiran wouldn’t hear it and as his mind was pumped more and more by the mysterious power source at the heart of the Qonavis he could only thing of sating his hungers. He jerked his arms almost violently and found that despite the strength of the arms he could pull them. A test with his legs showed similar results and soon enough as his chest rose up and down with heavy labored breaths Kiiran started to break his restraints.

“Please Master… umm… just relax. Let me upload a soothing melody to help your mind stay at ease please don’t…”

Kiiran didn’t even hear the rest of the droid’s sentence as he broke off the arms restraining him. Bursting forth from the central platform he slapped the droid out of the way and then barreled through the door. As their Master stormed off IP looked out past the bent door. “You know just once I’d like one of our Masters to just listen to instruction during this phase.” IP declared.

Kiiran was on the hunt, prowling the main deck of the ship. His nose had picked up a scent and his mind oddly enough deduced that the new heightened senses had to be a result of the change. Of course, most of his mind was too focused on finding what he wanted to give this proper analysis. And when he opened the door to the storage room all other thoughts were jetted from his mind. Lying on a simple bed the blonde named Nova turned over to face him. Her green eyes registered who he was as Kiiran stepped forward. A small smile played over the Ghost’s lips as she sat up on the bed.

“Master….. I’ve been waiting for you to come.” Nova said, her body still reacting from potency of the drug that had been administered into her system. She watched him carefully as Kiiran came closer and the captured Ghost removed her armored chest pieces and gauntlets. As the gear clattered to the floor the lovely blonde started to shift in her silver-white jumpsuit. Moving back and forth in her suit she started slinking her shoulders free after pulling down on the main zipper. Even before the first shoulder was free the Starjumper was on top of her, and his hands reached out to pull her shoulders free of the body suit. Now exposed from her uniform the Ghost’s nice C-cup breasts jiggled freely as Kiiran quickly went to work stripping her down even further. If Kiiran had been in his regular mental state, he might have been curious about the fact that the Ghost wore no undergarments but as soon as her flesh was more fully exposed, he started grabbing at both of her full tits and aggressively sucked and kissed them before he pushed her back onto the bed.

“Oooohmmm..” Nova moaned out as Kiiran pulled back and then tossed off his own partially singed clothes before he slit his hands underneath Nova’s legs. His fingers grabbed her incredibly shaped ass and he then found the hem of her jumpsuit and neatly dragged the garment clean off. Nova’s form was peerless, seemingly that of a human woman in peak physical shape. But as he looked down at her naked body all he could feel was his raging lust before he dropped down further and started grinding his incredible rigidness against her bare cunt. The blonde moaned out again underneath the Starjumper as he fondled her breasts and slapped his hand down on her ass as he felt the warm moisture of her pussy leaking out against his cock.

“Master… please quit teasing me. I… feel like I never had the patience to be a good girl…” Nova whispered in his ear. In his power charged state Kiiran was in no mood to play it slow either. Grabbing a firm grip of his cock he pulled back with his hips before driving his shaft right inside of the Ghost’s welcoming orifice.

Nova’s body nearly launched off the bed with a burst of physic energy. Her fingers dug right into the flesh of Kiiran’s back, both pulling him in and holding him secure during the discharge. Even inside of her dripping pussy Kiiran felt a jolt of the blonde’s mysterious power. It paused his actions, but only for a moment as he pulled back and then pushed in once again as Nova’s hands crawled over his body. Somehow even as he fucked the wailing Ghost, he felt his body being tighter than it once had. His form seemed faster but still as strong as any other time he had taken Ahsoka or Mara, but this felt different, better even. Given his newfound resilience and the speed of his thrusts it didn’t take long before Nova was seizing up around his cock and pressing her lips hungrily to his as her pussy quivered around his hard cock. But even as tight and hot was her opening became, he didn’t quit then.

After the Ghost was given a chance to recover Kiiran pulled out his cock much to the disapproving mewl of Nova. He didn’t leave her disappointed long however as he grabbed her open legs and dragged her feet till they hung off the bed. Her pussy was left in full presentation of Kiiran as he grabbed a hold of her inner thighs and thrust into her once again. His thrusts were even harder than before, and his breathing grew more and more labored like an engine powering up to greater and greater heights. Nova squealed and twitched underneath him and even when she came again Kiiran was still going. Dragging her nearly limp body off the bed he pressed her hard against a wall and nibbled on her ears and neck as he claimed her from behind.

Again and again he took her and again and again she came till finally Kiiran felt his own release incoming. By now the two had returned to the bed, both covered in sweat and each other’s juices. Nova’s legs were set on either side of her face and her long, blonde hair was flashing up and down each time her new Master pounded away at her sweet pink pussy. When he finally came, he buried his length deep inside of her and let out a nearly inhuman growl as he claimed her body, filling it to the brim with his sperm. Nova eventually started to move and managed to move her legs down as she cuddled up to the Starjumper… if only for a moment. Almost as quickly as he had paused and started to relax Kiiran felt another surge of energy. Rising up and breaking free of Nova’s grip he ran clear out of the room without even bothering with clothes.


As Mara and Ahsoka lay entwined in each other’s arms the two were roused from the sleep by the sound of a door whooshing open. Light poured into their room and the Togruta and redheaded Human saw a familiar body outlined in the brightness. Kiiran stood before them with a mixture of madness, excitement and lust spelled out on his features as he took a step into the room. With the door closing behind him the newly minted Master of the Qonavis found an even more industrious way to work through his excess energy. As the three moaned and cried out through each passing hour little by little the man who had been Kiiran was changing, becoming enhanced and reconstructed by the mysterious powers of the ship that he had coveted for so long.


Thanks for reading. That’s the end of this story for now. If enough people like it, I might do more.

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