That time I [F] hooked up with the best man at my best friend’s wedding [MF]

When one of my best friend’s asked me to be her bridesmaid I was pretty much over the moon. But, a few weeks before the wedding, I had to deal with a massive breakup and lets face it breakups can be hard to deal with. With all this, me being at a wedding celebrating love on the most important day of my friend’s life was the last thing I wanted to do. However seeing as this is her big day I forced a smile on my face and told myself **“I can do this”**.

With all the pent up sadness, frustration, heartbreak and forcing myself to be happy I guess I needed some kind of release from all that pressure and with the wedding ceremony rambling on I just felt like everyone was looking at me, like all eyes were staring at me. With the ending of the vows and the kissing of the bride I looked up to find the best man who was supposed to escort me back down the aisle.

His name was Hughie (obviously a fake name), well built, broad shoulders and really nice facial hair (what can I say I like a guy with a strong beard game). We’d never met before this whole wedding scenario and coming off a breakup I didn’t really want to go all flirty on him but all that unreleased pressure started to fire up inside me as he linked arms with me, marching us out of the church. The only think I knew about him was that he was single (my friend gave me a whole rundown of all available men in her wedding) but the question I was asking myself was whether he would be interested in me?

As we moved from church to venue, from dinner to dancefloor, Hughie and I kept bumping into each other (not intentionally), had a few small conversations and each time our intensity kept growing more and more. Back to the dancefloor for a couples dance, Hughie slowly whispered into my ear, “**You know who the luckiest guy here is ?”**, to which I replied **”Yeah, the groom who else ?”**. He smiled at me and again whispered into my ear **”No, its me because I get to dance with the prettiest girl in here”**. Yeah real cheesy, I know. I started smiling and he had his eyes locked on me and the intensity between us was growing, I could just feel it and I am pretty sure he did too.

With the wedding nearly done and the bride and groom having left to their sweet adventure together, I went to get some champagne, and while I downed it with the bubble sending a rush through me, Hughie grabbed my arm and guided me away from the crowd and kept looking at my eyes. He knew, I knew, we both knew what we wanted. **”I want you”**, he whispered ever so gently as we escaped into the night darkness and I pushed my lips onto his.

Taking me to a more secluded area away from the venue, he shoved me against a stone wall, he lifted my dress up, letting out a huge smile of appreciation at the discovery of my black thong. His fingers glided across the thin lace, making me pulse against him. Teasing me, he slipped one, two, then three fingers deep inside. He stroked me from the inside out faster and faster, not caring that the rough wall was tearing beads from my bridesmaid dress, until I came hard and started suppressing my moan in the shoulder of his suit. Falling against his chest I looked up and he goes **”Want to go back to the hotel and continue this ?”**.

We made it up to my hotel room, ditched our wedding outfits in a haste, he shoved my thong to a side and thrust inside me with all the force I needed. I wrapped my legs around him and the spikes of my heels dug into Hughie’s butt, making him fuck me harder and harder and we went at it through the night. Each thrust, finger and kiss from Hughie made my breakup a more distant memory.

We dated for a few months after that but sadly all good things had to come to end (the whole long distance relationship thing didn’t quite work out for us) but still I will always have the memory of being part of a great wedding fantasy among other great things we had when we were together.



  1. Having looked at the couple of pics you posted, I thin Hughie may have been right about you being the prettiest girl there ???

  2. Damn I wish you had more pics up in your profile! Definitely a good tease with what you have so far haha

    Great story btw

  3. Great story and great pictures! I totally believe him when he said you were the prettiest girl there and that it wasn’t solely a pickup line. Did he enter you so quickly that no condom was used?

  4. So we all know there are pics of you in the bridesmaid dress. Any chance you can post em?

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