[M]y strip poker loss with three [F]’s.

As luck would have it, my senior year of college (1998-99), I along with two other guys, got the opportunity to play strip poker with three girls we had been platonic friends with for the previous 3-4 years. I was really excited because one of the girls, Traci, who I happened to know the least, blossomed the most from when I first met her freshman year. As a freshman, Traci did not have the best complexion, she was heavy in a way that lent her body little definition, and her curly hair was too long and unruly. By her senior year, however, Traci’s complexion had vastly improved, she lost just enough weight to gain that definition accentuating her still ample breast and ass, and she cut her hair so that it was no longer the ‘grunge’ look so popular when we first entered college. She now had a stylish do that complemented her face very well.

The fact that we always got along but never spent that much time together, I felt, made it more likely that we could ‘hook up.’ Basically, I felt I was not so entrenched in any ‘friend zone,’ as I was with the other two girls. Finally, senior year we were both living sans roommates in the same apartment building.

As much as I would have liked to see her bare breasts, ass, and pussy that night (as well as my other two platonic friends’ charms), I decided to play it differently. I thought the best way to lay the seed to not only see Traci’s charms breasts, ass, and pussy, but kiss her breasts, ass, and pussy was to show her my cock through the innocuous means of losing at strip poker. The rules were simple: basic five-card-draw, lowest hand after the draw removes a garment. No betting, no raising, no b.s. It was secretly amusing to me because I had played a lot of normal poker with guy friends over the years, and I had never been dealt such terrific hands before the draw! I don’t remember what pairs they were, but I was dealt a two-pair. I kept one card from each pair, discarded their respective match and kept the fifth card, it being relatively low. Ironically, even making ridiculous discards like this, here and there I’d draw into a better hand than the lowest one on the table. In those instances I had to delay my ultimate unveiling.

Fortuitously, Traci several times came up lowest, and she did get down to her bra. One of the two guys was my best friend in college. Much shyer than I was and a good enough card player to usually pull off a higher hand than the low man-or-woman-on-the-totem-pole, he remained largely clothed. The funny thing was that the other guy, who was more of a tangential friend of mine, was extremely bashful. As hard as I was trying to get naked as soon as possible, when I would luck into a non-losing hand, he would come up with the lowest hand. Through his bad luck (or poor skill) he actually got down to his boxers and then lost that fateful next hand. He was so bashful, however, he refused to take them off and basically skulked out of the apartment tail between his legs. He pretty much knew he had no right to see anyone else naked if he was going to violate the rules and not show himself in the buff.

As uncomfortable as this was to just about everyone else, I have to say, I was ecstatic about this turn of events. Now I would be the first and perhaps only naked dude, and where this wuss slinked away with his tail between his legs, I would be baring all confidently abiding by the rules of the game established at the beginning by mutual consent. After being dealt crap or turning decent hands into the same, I finally got down to my briefs and then to full nudity. I unashamedly stood up from the couch where I was seated, stripped off my briefs, and sat back down bare-assed on the couch. I was not erect, but I always felt I had a decent-sized flaccid penis to make an impression. Of course, there was much laughter – my being the first player to strip naked – but I certainly noticed all three of the girls stealing glances at my cock.

As I recall, there was not much more playing beyond that point. I think the overall goal was to see if anyone would lose that many hands and actually abide by the rule. Turned out two of us lost enough hands and one of us abided by the rules. Once I was naked, maybe one or two more hands were played. No one else ended up naked, but I didn’t care. Stage one of my mission was accomplished; I showed Traci my cock.

Stage two was simpler. A few days later I went up to Traci’s apartment and knocked on the door. She invited me in nicely enough, and we sat on her couch and watched basic cable. I did know Traci had a reputation as a bit of a prude, so I knew there was a chance she wouldn’t go in for the whole making a move on her without at least going on a formal date. However, I also thought that her having to strip down to her bra and my stripping off everything else not one week ago might accelerate the process. I got it into my head that I’d have a better shot just popping in for a neighborly visit than going the ‘would you like to go out to [dinner], [drinks], [a movie]’ route. I guess I thought the ‘foreplay’ had already been gone through that night of strip poker.

The signs were good. We were sitting next to each other on her rather small futon watching cable. She let me in and suggested we watch TV. She didn’t have to do that. She could have said she was studying or some such excuse. And then there was the nudity. She already saw my package and knew that I had a decent cock even in its flaccid state. Wouldn’t she be curious to see how much it grew once I got hard?

Well, my friends, I wish I could provide you with the gonewildstory you deserve, but the truth is I got rejected. I made a move. Traci pulled the classic turn of the cheek. I kissed her on the cheek, and – as quickly as I could – without being impolite, left her apartment. She was cool in that she did not gossip about it to our mutual friends, and we remained platonic friends. In fact, when I visited a college buddy in 2000, who lived in the town where she was from (and returned) after college, she came out to dinner with us. No, I did not make a move. She still looked the same. Her blossomed looks had not diminished, but I followed the ‘once shame on you, twice shame on me,’ approach and abstained from making another move. I don’t want anyone to think I bore a grudge. I just wanted to spare her (and myself) any further awkwardness. Had she been less prude and made the first move, I would have gladly granted her a rain check!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mhp073/my_strip_poker_loss_with_three_fs