Saw my wife cheating in glorious HD Part 3, Confrontation [MF]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

Well it happened…I did it

After Laura left, my wife came back a little bit later. Her hair was a mess, she had attempted to tie it down but failed, but I pretended not to notice it. Anyway, we have dinner like a normal couple and then when we go the living room to watch a movie, she starts texting on her phone. She starts giggling, I look up and she immediately turns off her phone and tries to kill her giggles.

Me: That’s it (wife’s name)

Her: What?

Me: Just stop it (wife’s name) I’ve seen you with (her lover)

Not even lying with this statement, but her face turns pale, I mean PALE.

She starts shaking a little and says: Yeah he came over to help me with some work

Me: Work huh? Him putting his cock in you is work? You blowing him is work? You drinking my favorite bottle with him naked work?

She then bursts into tears and soon it gets to ugly crying.

Her: babe, I know I did it but I missed having sex…cries more…I should’ve came to you but he convinced me to mess around…cries more…

Me: Just stop it

Her: Babe please let’s move on please

Her again: I promise this will never happen again, ever

Me: Then why’d you go to his house again?

Her: Babe I went to my (friend’s name)’s place

Me: Your hair is a mess, your giggling like crazy, you turn your phone off to hide it from me

Her: says something I couldn’t understand and continues crying

I then get up and pull out the divorce papers. I then set them in the table in front of us and tell her to sign it. She starts bawling even more now, her eyeliner all over her face, and drops on the couch. I start to feel bad but then reminisce their conversation. I sit there firmly and tell her again calmly to sign it

She then cries a little more, gets up and rushes off to bedroom and shuts the door.

Fast forward today morning and we talk. She says to give her 3 days to think about it and left the house. She probably went to her lover’s house but realistically I don’t care at this point. I decided to take the day off and go to Lauren’s for the day. And so I did.

Unfortunately for me, she had work so we had a little quickie. I ate her out while she did her makeup, railed her for a little and she had to go. Don’t worry we’re meeting again tonight.

Anyway that’s the end of this story. Sorry about it being this short, but I was getting dms for an update and so I did it. I can write about Lauren and myself and about my wife if you guys want!

– Thanks



  1. Also glad for the update. All the best with the next few days..

  2. Good for you man. Don’t feel too bad about her crying. That bitch had it coming. Shes just trying to get sympathy points

  3. ask your lawyer if you’re allowed to record interactions with your STBX.

    once she finds out her AP doesn’t want anything serious, she’ll try to “work things out” with you even more.

    and when she sees that won’t happen…look out

  4. Is the house in both your names? If it is you can’t legally kick her out but at least pack her shit from the master bedroom and kick her out of there. Since she’s unemployed you should get the house since she can’t afford it, but still ask your lawyer about her leaving to see how long she has to be gone to further your claim that she abandoned the household.

  5. I’m assuming you live in one of those rare states that are NOT no-fault divorce states.

    FL, for example, doesn’t care if your wife has been getting failed by 8 dudes every day while you’re at work. The marriage is considered “irretrievably broken” or some shit like that, and she still gets half of everything, and is the preferred parent when it comes to custody shit.

  6. Good for you, sorry about the situation, but glad it is working out okay so far.

  7. Went through something similar with a security cam when I was away for a conference. I’m about a year and a half out and have a final divorce date after trying counselling. My unsolicited advice would be to always take the high road, there will be shitty times but it gets better (and easier) as time goes on, and give yourself some time off from dating, I kept seeing that advice in r/Divorce_Men and it was well worth it and learned a lot about what I wanted going forward. Good for you, stay strong!

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