I am so excited to bring you guys part two of my weekend adventures! I’m just gonna start exactly where I left off, which was when I woke up Saturday morning. I apologize for the late past, I was supposed to post this yesterday but I honestly just had a terrible day at work and went straight to bed. Luckily, today was a lot better so I finally got around to it. Enjoy~
The very first thing I noticed, was that I was sore! I felt thoroughly used. Honestly, the feeling turned me on a little bit. I glanced over to make sure that my coworker was still fast asleep, which he was. I was always so horny in the mornings, and last night definitely didn’t help in the matter. I caressed my body, running my fingers from my breasts, down my stomach, and over my thighs. I was doing all of this as quietly and as slowly as I could. When I finally reached my slit, I was only a little surprised to find myself dripping wet. I felt like a total slut, which was weird because I just had sex for the first time ever the previous night. Touching quickly turned into rubbing which then turned into fingering. I could usually only fit one finger inside of me at a time. I am not lying about being tight. I’m also not trying to ‘brag’. I’d much rather be normal than like this, but I digress.
Keeping my breathing steady and quiet was proving to be a struggle. I was starting to mentally picture everything that had happened to me the night before. The thing that turned me on the most, by far, was getting creampied. What a strange yet fitting name for the act of ejaculating inside of a woman. The thought crept into my mind over and over. I swear, I could almost feel the warm, wonderful liquid filling my belly with every motion of my fingers. I’d probably have to get on birth control ASAP, as I didn’t think I could give it up even if I wanted to.
Clearly, my motions had stirred awake my sleeping companion, as he rolled over and grinned. I stopped right in my tracks, hoping he hadn’t put two and two together yet, or just didn’t hear me. He wrapped an arm around me, and I smiled. I stopped what I was doing and scooted over, snuggling into his chest.
We stayed like that for awhile, almost nodding off again, before the urge to pee finally got the best of me. As I stood up to go to the bathroom, he raised his hand and smacked my butt. I let out a cute little yelp, and turned around to give him my best disapproving look, and he laughed. Hearing him laugh made my heart jump. I had finally done something right. Maybe this could be more than just a one night stand after all.
I cleaned myself up a bit while I was in there, then it was his turn while I got dressed in the other room. We were both off on Saturday’s, which was really nice. It’s always good when you and your partner have similar schedules.
I sat on my bed, watching TV while I waited for him to finish. When he did, I asked him if he wanted to come to Walmart with me to pick up that plan b pill, as well as a few other things. He agreed.
Now, I don’t want to make this story all about sex, but I also want to tell the truth. When he popped out of the bathroom, I noticed a pretty big bulge in the front of his shorts. It looked like he was trying to hide it as best as he could, but guys, your boners are a lot more noticeable than you think they are.
He was heading to the door when I laid back down on the bed. He gave me a funny look as I laid on my back, moving my head to the very edge of the bed and letting it fall off of it.
“I noticed you have a little problem there.” I said, and gave him an upside down smile.
His eyes went wide, as he finally understood what was going on. I’d never seen someone take a belt off and unzip their shorts as fast as this man. It reminded me of those cup stacking competitions where you had to smack the timer at the end. And I was most definitely right, he was rock solid. There was no way he was hiding that.
I let my tongue roll out of my mouth as I opened wide, ready to accept him. I’d never actually tried this position before, but I heard it let the guy basically use you as much as he wanted, and if there was anything that turned me on, it was the feeling of being used.
He shambled over, his shorts around his angles, taking his dick and smacking me in the face with it. I would have laughed if not for the fact that a second later, he pressed it against my mouth and plowed on through without hesitation.
I will say, this is probably my new favorite position to give a blow job in. He was able to go deeper than I thought possible. I gripped the sheets, as I felt my throat expand as he pumped into me. His balls were smacking against my forehead, his scent driving me absolutely wild as my eyes rolled into my head. At one point, he wrapped both of his hands around my throat and squeezed, both cutting off my oxygen and making my throat tighter for him. In that moment, he really was using me like a sex toy.
He reached up and grabbed my breasts through my t-shirt, which was good because my world was starting to go black from lack of oxygen. My nipples were nice and perky for him. Drool freely dripped out of my mouth, soaking my carpet below. I heard his breathing intensify, and felt his cock grow larger inside of me. He was getting close, and I didn’t want to waste a single drop.
I tightened my lips around him. By this point, he was no longer fully pulling out of my mouth, but rather only pumping the last inch or so of his member into me. Eventually, he reached his breaking point.
“Gonna.. Cum!” he said, his hands shaking as he let go of my breasts. He made one last lunge, deep into my throat, before I finally got my reward. Warm cum filled my throat, and subsequently, my belly. He was pent up, because it felt like I was chugging a half gallon of milk. Unfortunately, I couldn’t really taste it, as it was bypassing most of my taste buds and going straight into my stomach. Ladies, if you want to swallow for him but hate the taste of semen, take him in as deep as possible. He will love it, and it’ll make it so you don’t actually taste anything. In my case, I like the taste of cum usually, so I was a little disappointed.
He tried to pull out, but I grabbed his butt and pulled him back in. There was no way I was getting cum all over my face after I just cleaned up. I wanted to make sure I got every last drop inside of me. To him, I was being extra sexy. But for me, it was mostly an exercise in cleanliness lol.
When I was sure I had gotten every last bit, I let go of him, and he slowly exited my throat. I felt a great emptiness inside of me, which was in direct contrast to the feeling of fullness in my belly.
He stumbled backwards, barely making it into a chair before settling in. He stared at the ceiling, breathing hard. He started pulling up his shorts.
“Jesus Christ lady..” he said. I frowned. I felt like a total slut, when really, I just wanted to be HIS slut. I wanted to experience all the first times with him. He was perfect. But in that one moment, I was sad.
He quickly fixed that as he smiled, got up, and plopped down next to me on the bed. I had already gotten into a sitting position and was currently fixing my hair. He leaned over, giving me a kiss on the cheek. My face turned red, as I definitely wasn’t expecting that.
“So like.. are you my girlfriend now or..?” he said. I put on my best thoughtful expression as I pretended to give it a lot of consideration.
“That’s up to you.” I finally said, returning his kiss by pecking him on the cheek this time.
He gave me an equally thoughtful expression, but he couldn’t hold it as long as I could before bursting into laughter.
“Yes. You are my girlfriend.” he said, a big goofy smile on his face.
I squealed, and wrapped my arms around his chest. Then, I wrapped my legs around his stomach.
“Full body cuddle.” I said, burying my face into him.
“But hon.. the store..” he said, as he tried to fight me off.
“No! Cuddle!” I said, squeezing him tighter. He tried tickling me, but I quickly reminded him where my hands were and that if he did want to have a tickle fight, I had the advantage. I’d never had this feeling before. A feeling of enjoying someone’s company, of being attracted to someone, but doing something more than trying to have sex with them. I’d never cuddled with someone who I knew would love it with or without a reward at the end. Granted, he had gotten his reward right at the start (not trying to imply I didn’t LOVE it, too), but I knew in my heart that even if we didn’t do that, he would still have cuddled with me, asking nothing in return. And in that moment, I started to cry. I hid it as best as I could, but I do not know subtlety in my tears. I’m a big baby. I was soaking his t-shirt, and it seemed like he was going to say something, but instead, he opted to wrap his hands around me and embrace me fully. In that moment, there was nothing that could change the fact that I was genuinely happy.
A few minutes went by, and I had managed to calm down. He looked down at me, running his fingers through my hair.
“You know, if you stay like this, we can’t go to Walmart for that pill.” he said.
This broke me out of my trance, and I opened my eyes wide but didn’t let go. I settled down a moment later, returning back to how I was.
“MHmmHmH” I mumbled into his shirt.
“What was that?” he said.
“MhmhmMm!” I said again. Holding back my laughter was hard.
“Oh my God Gwen (I’m going to use the alias Gwen from here on), use your words!” he said, with a chuckle.
I pulled away from him for a moment and looked into his eyes.
“I said, I guess you’ll have to carry me then.”
His eyes went wide, before returning back to normal and he smiled.
“Well, if you insist.” he said.
Now, let it be known, he LOOKS like an average guy. I did not actually expect him to pick me up, but pick me up he DID. I felt like I was straddled on him like a backpack stuck to his chest. And it was definitely turning me ON.
“What the..” I started, looking up at him. This guy was full of surprises.
He leaned over the bed, pressing his hands and knees into it, as he swayed back and forth. Gravity was making it hard to stay stuck, but I was trying my hardest.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily!” I said, and giggled. I was starting to lose my grip. What really sent me over the edge was when he stopped swaying for a moment, and used one of his hands to squeeze my butt. It wasn’t necessarily the act of doing it that caused me to let go, but more the surprise. Like if someone handed you a soda and it was filled with tomato juice. I LIKE tomato juice, but boy was I not expecting it to come out of a can.
I let out a little yelp as I bounced on the bed and off of him. When I looked up, he was leaning over top of me with a victorious smile on his face. Well, until he noticed one of my boobs had slipped out of my shirt. I was wearing an older, worn out bra that did NOTHING to help the situation.
My face went red, and we stayed like that for a moment before he took his hand and.. popped it back into my shirt.
“Walmart?” he said, still smiling.
“Wal…wal..mart..” I said, my heart pounding in my chest.
Now, it should not earn you points to not take advantage of someone in that situation. It should be common courtesy to not immediately start grabbing and tugging on things, but boy, was I not used to common courtesy. It didn’t just earn him brownie points, it earned him the whole baking sheet with extra chocolate chips.
We made our way to his car out front, and he drove me to Walmart. During the car ride, I left my hand lingering between us. I didn’t want to seem too clingy or desperate just yet, so I left it up to him. It took a few minutes, but when he noticed, he immediately grabbed it and we held hands for the majority of the trip. I probably had the biggest, dumbest smile on my face the entire time. I was just so happy. A feeling I could DEFINITELY start to get used to..
When we got there, we quickly made our way to the pharmacy department. We stopped a moment to take a look at the ‘As seen on TV!’ section. Then the electronics section to look at games. Then the snack section. Couldn’t leave without some treats. It wasn’t until we were about halfway through a checkout line when I smacked my head in realization and we made the walk (or shuffle, rather) of shame out of the line and BACK towards the Pharmacy section. No more distractions! It doesn’t matter how cute the stuffed animals are or how this one talks when you squeeze its paw.. No! Pharmacy! Pill! No babies!
When we FINALLY made it there, there was a surprising number of options to choose from. I was pretty sure they were all the same, but opted for the more expensive one just in case. I’d rather waste an extra ten dollars now than what a baby would cost in the future. Even if it would be super cute.
While we were there, we took a look at condoms and lube, too. May as well. I didn’t actually know if condoms would work with my condition (any amount of extra thickness was gonna be tough. Even if it was only a little bit.) Plus, I was pretty sure my honeypot would shred them. But he wanted to give it a try and I was open to the idea. Can’t know if you don’t try, right? We also purchased a few other types of lube that I hadn’t tried before, wanting to give them a chance as well.
We were still browsing the (surprisingly) large selection of contraception when Steve pointed to something that caught his attention on the bottom shelf. It was a remote controlled vibrator! Dang, Walmart, you’re NASTY. I laughed, but he had a serious look on his face.
“Oh my god, stop.” I said, as he grabbed it and threw it into the cart.
“Hey, if we like it we like it, if not, it’s only like.. 20 bucks.” he said. I argued back, but finally gave in. Who was I to say what was and was not okay. I just had my throat used like a fleshlight only an hour before.
We made our way to the checkout line. Then, with a sudden change of heart and for no specific reason, decided to go with self checkout instead.
The total with all the snacks, games, sex stuff, and the stuffed bear (Yes I went back for it, sue me) was definitely a pretty penny, but I figured it would be worth it in the long run. I reached into my purse, fully intending to pay for this stuff, when I heard a beep and the familiar sound of a receipt printer. I looked up, and saw Steve gathering up our bags, stuffing the receipt into one of them.
“Ready, hon?” he said. I was still standing there, a green Huntington card in my hand, giving him an inquisitive look.
“Uhh..” I said.
“Don’t worry about it. I mean hey, i’ll probably eat most of the snacks and it’s my fault that you need the pill. Also, there’s no WAY I let you purchase your own stuffed animals. That’s a boyfriends job.”
Even something as simple as paying for groceries had me ready to start bawling. It sounds kind of sad that something like this could have such an effect on me, but it just wasn’t something I was used to yet.
He grabbed my hand, carrying the rest of the stuff with his other, as we made our way back to his car.
“Quick question, why do guys always feel the need to only make one trip with the groceries? Doesn’t it hurt to carry so much?” I said.
“Well, there’s a fairly common rule known only by men that if you have to make more than one trip to bring in the groceries, your penis falls off.”
“Ah, I see how that could be a problem.” I said. The fact that he was able to say that so straight faced actually made me question if he really believed it for a second, before I caught a hint of a smile creeping onto his face. I burst out in laughter a moment later.
“So.. my place?” I said.
If you’d like me to keep going, more spicy stuff has definitely happened since then. Just let me know! Also, feel free to ask questions or comment, I try to reply to as many people as possible :) Thanks for reading!
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mh57se/i_25f_was_born_with_a_disorder_making_it
Yes definitly keep going, great sweet sexy story
God the name “honey pot” for your vag is so sexy.
Can’t believe touch didn’t do a morning fuck
Yes! Definitely need more!
OMG this is so wholesome as well as hot, me and my girlfriend love your story, she says you act like her in some ways (especially the stuffies) cant wait for part 3
Another super-wholesome and sexy chapter to this love affair. Keep it up!
This is such a sweet update to what was already a charming story, I’m so happy for you both!
I’m invested now! Part 3 please!
Absolutely would love to hear more!
This is so sweet I love this for you
Love it…need more!
more more more. more of this please, this is fucking adorable and hot and it makes me miss my bf.. ima go bug him now
Omg love the cheezy bits as well as the sex parts!! I need moar
So wholeome!
Please keep writing these! Your stories are amazing!
You’re too fucking cute. I hope you both continue having a great time. I’d love to read more of your adventures.
Good luck!
Yes, this was great- I love all the wholesome details mixed in! Can’t wait for more in part 3!