Step Sister Corruption Part 102 – Day 69 A Mother’s Offer (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I sat on the couch with my feet kicked up as a form walked around cleaning the house with a toothbrush.

I got fed up with Kel’s ways of destroying everything she touched.  And last night when she got home WELL after we were done with Dr. Braxter was no different.

She got home.  Took off her clothes and threw them wherever gravity took them into the ether otherwise known as her fucking bedroom floor.  She took a shower.  Came out and ate something barely cleaning up after herself.  And coaxed a pounding in my bed before I finished down Summer’s gullet.

In less than 30 minutes Kel destoryed her fucking bedroom…..again.  Then proceeded to undo all my fucking work in the kitchen.

So yeah I was pissed even with the hate that I took out on her which she greedily took on before spraying my damn sheets with her normal amount of pressure and volume as she came pretty much drenching my bed and making us sleep in HER wet spot.

So this morning, I woke up stupid early with Summer as she woke me up correctly before she disappeared for work leaving me home alone with Kel.

Summer saw one look in my face before she left and told me to be kind to her.

I told her fat chance in fucking hell.

So when Kel woke up after all the action she missed out on this morning…..Kel’s a heavy sleeper. She woke up her usual way…..wanting another pounding.  

I smiled at her and said ‘You want a pounding?’ when she nodded I threw the items she was currently wearing now.

I made her put her plug in, the psuedo object that I could control pushing fluid into, a wireless egg with it, her belt, the other falsy shoved down her mouth with the extra belt attached, and finally the same outfit Morgan wore for me on my birthday.

Once she put everything on thinking it was sexy time.  I handed her one of her old toothbrushes and said, “Clean!”

She blinked at me stupidly as I held up my phone connected to her egg and turned on pulsate.  

Naturally her eyes widened as it brought her to her knees and started loudly moaning even with her mouth filled.

I turned it off and repeated my statement, “Clean!”

And that’s what Kel had been doing for the last few hours while I kicked up my feet and gleefully watched TV as I played on my phone.

Kel for her part had been steadily cleaning the house.  I made her start on my bed by removing all the bedding.  I made her finish HER bedding I started yesterday and completely spaced as I was focused on a certain video that I may or may not have watched more than once.

I heard her lightly sucking on her falsy lollipop gobstopper trying to get to the center core as she walked around cleaning.

I looked over my shoulder to see her actually mopping the hardwood floor.

I lightly thought I should be an ass and take away her mop forcing her to use the toothbrush but decided against it.

Kel was actually FUCKING cleaning for once.

Why punish her.

OK I may reward her with a little shot of the elixir hiding in the falsy between her legs.

My phone went off.

I looked at my phone and saw I had received a text.

*Summer: you may need to text Dr. Braxter for me*

I replied.

*Me: why?*

*Summer: because if she really wants me to pull this off she needs to help initiate an introduction so I don’t hit her up randomly and fuck it up*

*Me: gotcha*

I switched over to Dr. Braxter’s contact.

*Me: hey any way you can initiate an intro to your bitchy student for Summer?*

A few minutes later I got a text.

*Dr. Braxter: I think I can handle that.  When would Summer like to meet her?  And how?*

I switched as the middle man for Summer and Dr. Braxter as I lightly wondered why Summer and Dr. Braxter didn’t text between themselves and leave me out of it.

Maybe Summer didn’t trust being alone with Dr. Braxter after what she did to me?

Nah that’s silly.

Or is it?

Still I relayed the question to Summer.

*Summer: tonight or tomorrow afternoon.  Probably coffee or something.  Just let me know when and where.*

I relayed the information to Dr. Braxter.

*Dr. Braxter:  Let me get in contact with Ms. Maliger and let you know*

I sighed and threw the phone to my side as Kel stood before me lightly dancing in front of me.

I looked up at her kind of confused until I recognized the dance…..she was doing the pee pee dance.

I sighed, “Come on.”  And she bolted to the bathroom while I followed her.

After I helped remove the belt she ripped out her obstructions and pushed me out of the bathroom before a torrent of un-female sounds came out of her.

I nearly laughed as I recognized the sounds.  It was the same sounds I made as I tried and lost at my mission to destroy the toilet.  The toilet survived my onslaught….barely.  Though I couldn’t vouch for the paint.

I knocked on the door, “Make sure everything is back on when you’re done.”

I got a weird murmur before another sound reverberated in her bathroom.

I lightly chuckled as I left her room and returned to my spot to the sofa.  I lightly thought that I should break out my gaming chair and maybe do some videos for my channel.  It had been a minute since I uploaded a video to my channels.

Before I could make my decision I heard a knock at the door and my mom gingerly walked in as she spoke, “Knock knock.  You decent?”

She looked around for half a second before she found me sitting on the sofa lounging in my basketball shorts.

I looked over at mom and said, “What’s up mom?”

She walked up and sat down next to me looking at her normal amount of hotness.

Did I just say hotness?


My mom sighed, “I was wondering if you were busy tonight?”

I thought about it and realized I really wasn’t busy and shook my head at her, “Not that I can think of.  Why what’s up?”

My mom blushed, “Well it has been a while since we had a nice dinner and I feel like you had been avoiding me since…..”

I spoke, “You allowed me to put my dick in you?”

She guiltily looked down, “Yeah that.”

She looked up at me, “So how about it.  A mother son dinner?”

I looked at her, “What about dad?”

She nervously rubbed her hands together and softly spoke, “He, huh, extended his stay.”

I looked at her as my eyebrow rose, “Really?”

She nodded.

I spoke, “Why?”

She rubbed her hands, “Um he didn’t tell me.”

That was weird, usually him and mom went EVERYWHERE together.  Whenever he had a business trip he would drag mom along for the ride.

I wonder what changed?

I spoke my obvious question, “Why?  Usually you two are inseparable together.  Where he goes you go?”

She looked at me, “Come on son.  You know as well as I he doesn’t bring me ALL the time for his trips.”

I smiled, “Ok MOST of the time.”

She shrugged, “I don’t know.  Maybe one of his clients is male only.  He does have those.”

I sighed thinking of the times.  Trying to remember his MALE only clients.

I grilled dad the first time he did it and he told me this particular client preferred dealing with men than women.  And he admitted the client usually meets him at a men’s only club where they conduct business.

But I can’t remember the last time he met THAT client.  Was this the same client?

I shrugged at my own line of questioning and returned to mom’s offer of a mother son dinner.

I looked at her, “What about the chitlins?”

She looked at me, “We can have Kelly watch them or Summer.  The girls love Summer.  And you and I go get whatever you want.  We can even hit AC’s like we did for your birthday.”

I looked at her, “Isn’t AC’s always packed?”

She shrugged, “I’m sure I can pull some strings.”

I thought about it and looked at her, “Is this a serious dinner?  Or just a dinner for shits and giggles?”

She rubbed her hands together again nervous, “Can’t it be both?  Maybe air out our awkwardness?”

I sighed.  Shit.  She wanted to revisit THAT topic.  I thought we already cleared the air on my birthday when she told me it was a one time thing.

I sighed, “No we can go to your favorite restaurant.  It’ll be quieter and not as crowded.”

Upon hearing that my mom piped up and was all smiles, “Really?”

I nodded, “Sure if you want a mother son dinner I can be nice enough to let you pick the place so we can air out our awkwardness in relative peace and quiet.”

She jumped up all excited, “I’ll go make the reservations now.  Remember it’s collar shirt, tie, overcoat.”

I waved at her, “Yeah yeah just let me know the time mom.”

She smiled, “Perfect.”

She looked around and frowned, “Where’s your sister?”

I spoke without caring, “Destroying the toilet.”

She blinked and spoke, “Oh!”  Once the initial shock wore off she spoke, “Make sure you tell her she’s watching the kiddos.”

I nodded and mom almost literally skipped out of the house.

Great, now I have dinner plans.

And just in time too as my phone chimed letting me know I had a text.

*Dr. Braxter:  Tell Ms. Prior that she’ll be meeting Ms. Maliger tonight at Flying Bean on 5th and Gateway.  9PM.  Just her.  Don’t be late.*

And it looks like Summer has plans now.

Looks like all our nights will be busy. I lightly wondered who’s night would be the most fun or as I’d like to call it as train wreck night. Only time would tell.



1 comment

  1. Hey quick question will you be making more after part 112 or is that going to be the last one

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