Blackmail 10 – Price (F, blackmail, fiction)

After a long week of daily work for my day job I was ready to start my weekend night gigs as I got ready for tonight’s festivities my phone went off.

*Unknown: good job putting your student in her place*

How the FUCK did they find out about that?

*Me: how?*

*Unknown: i have my ways*

*Me: ok fine be cryptic. anyways I need to take out my plug and egg and put on actual underwear for tonight’s activities so please don’t shock me*

I had long ago learned not to meddle with my *admirer* with his gift nor make demands….the whole shock therapy was enough to deter even a strong minded girl like myself. Though I dared not admit the truth of what that shock therapy did to me.

Nor did I dare admit that I was disappointed that my *admirer* didn’t continue their torment and teasing in their teachings the entire week as they had remained quiet up until this moment.

Didn’t want to give my *admirer* the idea that I was secretly enjoying everything they were doing to me though through their *gift* they probably had a good idea exactly what they were doing to me. Stupid programmers for coding their app so well when it came to my devices. And damn the company that created such an ingenious device that needed no charging for the piercing….though the other non piercing devices did need their eventual charging.

Though after my *admirer* made me put in ALL my devices meaning the tongue piercing had to go in I was forced to change it back to my normal stud. Whatever that particular hardware was coated in made my tongue itch so much it was no longer *sexy* to me but a hindrance. When my *admirer* inquired about why I removed my tongue stud from the package I told them why and they reluctantly agreed that the tongue portion not be put back in. Something about possible swelling deterring my *admirer* from enjoying themselves.

Whereas my nipples and clit piercings had to remain. Which caused me to wake up multiple times throughout each night since my first day with my *gift* drenched in sweat and unbelievably horny thinking my *admirer* might have turned on my devices to tease me in my sleep. But each time I woke up I unlocked my phone and went into the app to see that no vibes or any commands were sent to my attachments from the *master*. Each night since the first my wake ups became more and more often to the point where I was surviving in maybe five hours of sleep but it wasn’t a FULL five hours more like nice naps when I thought I felt my devices turning on and was forcibly awoken ready to receive my *teasing*.

Stupid phantom vibrations.

My own physique was now fucking with me just as much as my *admirer* was fucking with me.

Was I turning into some depraved victim that was enjoying her *torment*? So much so that I wanted more?

I shook my head as I thought of that thinking that wasn’t true. I was too strong willed for that.

Yet parts of my body with disagree with that statement if you were to look at the logs of the app as it reported every single wake up and sudden urge.

Yes the coding on this app was that impressive. Each time I look around I’m finding more and more about this lovely device and app that I didn’t know and the companies website sure as fuck didn’t tout that on their website for the device. The only thing they tout is *This device will astound and continuously heighten your pleasure*. Guess they weren’t kidding at the obvious vagueness in their claim. It was continuously *astounding* me and it really was *continuously heightening* my *pleasure* on a daily basis.

I shook myself out of my own internal dialogue as I read the next text from my *admirer*.

*Unknown: about that I have figured out you’re **payment** to me for not outing you in front of your student*

I read that a couple of times and remembered that I would agree to *anything* if my *admirer* didn’t out me in front of Amia Woolley at the gym more than they did.

Fat good that did me as Amia and the help of a friend had been secretly trying to get *dirt* on me by having students try to get under skirt photos as they obviously left their phones out on the ground with their cameras facing up. She and her *conspirator* had hidden a camera under my desk.

Granted I was daring enough to play their game and return fire as I made Amia sit at *MY* desk with the camera still on when *SHE* was wearing a skirt that day and I was wearing my business suit outfit that day.

It was a nice little payback I thought.

Granted that was earlier today and it was quickly approaching dark with only a couple of hours before I had to be at work for my *night* job where I would be dancing in minimal clothing for desperate men willing to rain down cash in the vague hopes that more of my clothing randomly disappears and depending on how much they can make it rain I may or may not give them a private show.

I was so desperate after this long week I might…..just might, take a raining customer into the backroom and give him more than a show just so I can scratch an itch. Something that was HIGHLY against the club’s rules but most of the girl’s who break this rule usually give the owner a 20% take of the action and they usually look at the other rule.

A rule I have never broken because of my *OTHER* night gig where I was a high priced accompaniment model for the deep pocketed lonely clientele I have. So the whole *RULE* breaking at the club was a non issue because of my *ahem* modeling.

And not ALL my clientele are your typical overweight stupidly rich idiot. I did have some high profile clients. Some of which swing for the other team.

But that’s besides the point at this moment.

Or was it?

I quickly typed.

*Me: ok what’s my **price**?*

I waited for only a few seconds before I got my *payment* stipulations as I was slack jawed upon the reply.

*Unknown: you will give up your dancing job and your escort business will dwindle down to one client…*

I looked at the text and read it so many times that I lost count…..I was in shock at my *price*. It was too steep.

I typed furiously in my reply.

*Me: That’s too high for whoever you are. You’re asking me to give up on roughly* I tried doing the math on the supplemental money I get from dancing on the weekends and my *modeling*.

I decided instead of going on a normal weekend I thought back to my BEST weekend which was damn near $79,000 but that was only because I had a few rich foreign clients come into the club a little too inebriated and I took advantage of their situation as they gravitated towards me and a couple of other girls as we kept the alcohol flowing in a VIP room as we did karaoke and soft slow dances for over 14 hours straight. The owner was very happy as we slipped him his cut of that night which was almost $15k to himself and as me and the girls split the haul I walked away with $17k myself. Then the rest of the weekend I made another $7k between dances, tips, and private shows bringing my weekend take damn near $25k.

Mind you that is my best weekend. Normally I only bring in maybe $9k a weekend at the most.

Then I thought about my BEST *modeling* gig as one of my client’s introduced me to her freshly turned 18 year old son and had decided to really splurge for his 18th birthday as I did whatever SHE told me to do to her son as part of the *mother approved girlfriend* package that I had mocked up for her which I charged 7 times my normal rate for my normal *girlfriend* night package because one I had to do what *SHE* wanted not what HE wanted and I charged so high because it was for the *WEEKEND* instead of just for the night.

After some price haggling and agreements for everything that she wanted she was able to talk me down to 4 times my price which still cost her $50,000 but I had to fly to them which was on the other side of the country so she sent her personal jet. Then she also agreed to an all expenses shopping spree in Milan.

THAT weekend was SOOOOO much fun. Granted I spent the majority of my weekend on a gorgeous luxury private jet and I didn’t stay in one location for very long.

The end outcome is my client was very happy and her son was more or less drained along with some bruising from her commands.

I lightly started petting myself as I thought of that weekend. God the shoes and clothing not to mention the fun of draining the son.

Yes my client is STUPID rich but what do you expect from someone with HER level of power.

I was getting off topic rather quickly as I thought of both events and remembered WHY I thought of those events…..I needed to remember the money outcome for my *admirer*. So I decided to be greedy as I remembered those events and combined the money outcome from both events and I did the math as it came to $75k.

Granted that was ONE client not ALL my client’s in a weekend that I could pull but that was definitely the highest in a weekend. Not in a month.

Now should I be EXTRA greedy and multiply the number? Or should I be nice and lower the number?

Let’s see where my *admirer* was willing to go with this *offer* as I just give them the flat rate that I earned for both events…….no multiplications no lowering. Just the simple number.

I quickly typed *on a possible nightfall that could earn me $75,000. Unless you plan on paying that WEEKLY. I’m not giving up either gig. I will admit you have been fun but not that fun for me to give up that much money. So if you shall excuse me I have to get ready for work*

I hit send and sat there waiting trying to remain calm as I anxiously shook my leg up and down just waiting for my *admirer* to reply.

I thought in my head as I waited that me throwing out a ridiculously large number would either do two things. My *admirer* would tell me my price was TOO high so we could haggle. OR two they agree to the price and that little bit of information gives me another clue as to who my *admirer* could be. Either way it told me something about my admirer.

What? I was getting tired of being in the dark about my *admirer*.

I mean it has been fun. And I have REALLY enjoyed everything they have done for me but still the nagging question still annoyed me which was *WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?*

[Part 9](

[Master List](


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