I once ate a banana out of another woman’s pussy in front of a live audience. [FF]

I (f24) once went on holiday to Amsterdam with a friend. One of the main things we wanted to do while there, was attend one of the live sex shows which we had read about. Basically a load of performers having actual sex with each other live on stage.

The show itself was interesting for the novelty factor but not much a of a turn on, as most of the performers seemed like there were just going through the motions and not really enjoying themselves.

Then, towards the end, they said they wanted some audience participation and were looking for some people to come up on stage for ‘a final dance.’ I’ve always been a bit of an exhibitionist, someone who loves being in the limelight, so the idea of going up on stage appealed to me. I was also naive enough to believe they genuinely just wanted us to do some dancing!

My friend was a bit more cautious, saying she didn’t think she wanted to go up, but I persuaded her, telling her we were on holiday and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. So, when they asked for volunteers I shot my hand up and dragged my reluctant companion with me.

At first they did genuinely get us to dance, and we strutted around, swaying our hips in time to the music. But before long they announced it was time for the grand finale and one of the female performers from the show walked back out on to stage completely naked. She sat down and spread her legs wide, so that her full pussy was on display. Then, an assistant handed her a banana that she proceeded to insert inside herself, until half of it was submerged in her pussy. The other half which was still sticking out, she then peeled.

“And now ladies, you must eat the banana!” We were told.

My friend threw me a “what the fuck have you got me in to” look. I think this was more than either of us had bargained for, but being on stage, with dozens of eyes on us from the audience, we didn’t really feel like we could back out.

After a bit more encouragement, in the form of prompting from the host and cheers from the audience, I decided just to go for it. I got down on my hands and knees between the womans legs and took a bite from the end of the protruding banana.

Next up, it was my friend, she bent down and took a tentative nibble before pulling back. We gave each other a relieved smile, thinking we had completed the task. However, they weren’t done with us yet! We were told to keep going, that we hadn’t finished the banana yet.

And so, it carried on, her and I taking alternative bites of this banana inside a a strangers pussy, all in front of a live audience. As we ate more of it, we got closer and closer to her. So that by the time I had my last bite, my nose was brushing against her clit and the smell of her recently fucked pussy was filling my nostrils.

Once we’d eaten the banana right down, we were let off the hook, and after taking a bow we returned to our seats to rapturous applause.

It was a great holiday over all and this had before a great story to tell! If anyone else goes on holiday to Amsterdam you should give it a go!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mehtpn/i_once_ate_a_banana_out_of_another_womans_pussy


  1. I’d love to know if you enjoyed the experience? Would you do it again? Share your thoughts!

  2. Your friend, what happened afterwards?

    Was she pissed? Did she yell at you? Punch you? Are you still friends?

    Fucking hilarious btw. Lord.

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