I�ve been working for a company for right at a year. Small place, close family friends. Last week, I took the initiative to clean out a spare office so I wouldn�t have to share the communal desk space in the lobby. My new office comes with a door, a full wall window, and most importantly, privacy.
I�m in a closed triad relationship, but we don�t always play together, and it had been about a month since the last time I had a chance to play with either of them. Boyfriend was working out of town last night, so after me and our girlfriend got the kids to bed, she played with me. I usually have difficulty reaching climax with boyfriend, but being with a female is easier. We were done pretty quick, so we finished our show and I got ready to go to town to pick up our boyfriend.
I was wearing grey tights, a black tank top, and a off the shoulder dark t-shirt over it. No bra. Met up with him at a bar, had a couple shots, and shot some pool. We used to be regulars at said place, before Covid.
I got in trouble for poking his butt during a shot, blamed for making him sink the 8 ball too soon, losing the game against his friend. I knew I was in for it. We finished up at the bar, but instead of going home, we went to my office.
Midnight. Deserted. Finally, privacy.
He took the chair behind my desk, I undid his pants. He was rock hard, and pushed my head down on his cock. I can�t take him all down my throat, but I sure did try.
�You don�t know how bad I want to rip your shirt off of you right now�, he said to me. I countered with do it. He ripped my shirt in half, and used it to choke me. It was amazing. Cutting off blood flow, just long enough to make my head spin.
�Why are you still wearing pants?�
The pants came off. He took my ruined shirt and used it to restrain my arms, tied around my wrists. Grabbed my by my hair and slammed me into my desk, face down. Payback for losing the game earlier? He entered me from behind, and between the pressure from the desk, his cock hitting just the right spot, and the extreme novelty of the situation, I came back to back. Intensely.
After it was over, I couldn�t stand up. Weak and shaky, I used my ruined shirt to keep cum from leaking onto my desk chair, and collected myself.
So worth the wait.
TLDR; I messed with his shot at the bar, got ruined in my office.
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/meb0oe/i_got_bent_over_my_desk_and_fuckedfm