How I [F] got into Cuckolding

I’m going to tell you a bit about my story, so you can see how I figured out that cuckolding was a good fit for my relationship and maybe yours.

I have been in a cuckold relationship with my partner for over 5 years, which is also the length of time we’ve been together. I have a very high libido and suffer from nymphomaniac behavior. I love being sexually active with all kinds of people, all the time. When my partner and I started going out back when we were young, I would still meet other people behind his back. I would have sex with others and do all kinds of things that I wasn’t supposed to do. I know that’s awful but it’s what it’s.

My partner is an amazing man; super intelligent and one of the hardest working individuals I’ve ever met in my life and I love him dearly… but I just can’t help myself. I can’t be with one person all my life even though it is something I want. We both loved each other and we knew we were meant for each other, but somewhere deep inside me, I felt that others also belonged to me as I belonged to them. I’m a free spirit and I constantly seek things that keep me liberated and empowered. I know it is selfish of me and my partner didn’t deserve to be part of any of this, but I just want him. I can’t dump someone so nice and loving. Yeah, that’s harsh but it’s the reality that I was faced with. I would cheat on him on daily basis and it made me feel better. The ecstasy of being in a relationship with someone you love and be unfaithful to them felt surreal. And I was addicted to it like a Nymphomaniac.

Now what? Some women can’t continue living a complex dual life like every day. They would have chucked the relationship. But for me, I felt it would be wrong to throw the baby out with the bathwater. It seemed downright stupid to chuck a relationship just because I couldn’t be loyal and truthful to my partner. So yes I could have walked away instead of hurting him and being unfaithful, and there have been many times I wish I had but it would have felt like I was giving up on him like everyone else had, besides I can be pretty stubborn with my DEPRAVED personality.

So I have a perfectly good relationship with a crappy behavior on my part, now what do I do? Well, I’m a domme so I pulled that out of my hat and got a little response. Ah-ha! I was on to something.

Eventually through trial and error, mostly error, I was able to determine his level of submissiveness. And it’s pretty deep. He can be a sissy, hates and loves verbal humiliation, and loathes and enjoys pain. For a Domme that leaves a lot to work with. (By the way, this relationship was one of the reasons I got into sex/fetish psychology).

When I started peeling back the layers I found out he was turned on by the idea of me giving another guy a blow job. BINGO! I could talk to him about my affairs and Cuckolding him could be a reality.

Having a dominant personality I tend to be a control freak so there was no way in hell I was swinging. God bless you guys who do it but I am too selfish. There was no way this was going to be a two-way street. Would he have liked to go down the swing road? Of course, he’s a guy but he knew it would never happen and to be honest I would never let him do things the way he wanted. After all the stories I told him about my affairs, he was interested in seeing me pleased even though he was visibly angry and disappointed. That’s what turned him on. The AMBIGUITY. He had mixed feelings, it was the curiosity out of love for me and the hate for events, that stimulated his latent urges. Thus our cuckold relationship was born and it’s worked for us ever since. My partner has seen me make love to other people hundreds of times and sometimes he only gets to hear the stories when not allowed to be around. I Cuck him real bad and he enjoys the pleasure that derives out of the pain he receives.

Now I’m sure some of you guys out there are thinking, “HELL NO!” You would never in a million years accept an unfaithful spouse/partner, let alone let them fuck some other person in front of you. That simply tells you that you aren’t a good candidate for this type of relationship.

It takes a very strong man to be a cuckold. Now that may seem contradictory when we’re talking about submissive men but you have to be extremely secure in yourself and your partner. You have to know that nothing will come between the two of you. Not a lot of people can claim to trust their partner to that degree.

In an age where couples are cheating left and right cuckolding is refreshing. There is no lying, no going behind anyone’s back anymore. Everything is above board and communication is wide open. Many couples I know have said that they have never felt this close to each other. Men involved in cuckold relationships feel relieved of the pressure of having to be these amazing lovers that they just aren’t for various reasons including erectile dysfunction, low libido, and penis size.

Although cuckolding is becoming increasingly popular in India, it isn’t being discussed openly too much yet. It’s all over the internet but not something you’ll hear being talked about over a latte at your favorite coffee shop. (But I’ll guarantee you that there’s at least one couple on your colony that are in a cuckold relationship) And there’s still a lot of stigmas attached to cuckolding due to various reasons but that is slowly changing. I would love to know your views on this journey of mine. ✌??️‍?


1 comment

  1. Takes a strong relationship to be able to allow each other to grow and submit to their own pleasure

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