Cum Inside: A Family Story- How I succumbed to incest with my sister and mom.

It took me a while to understand that my sister was actually an internet sensation. Way longer than everyone else. Mom didn’t want me to know. They all hid it from me. Maybe Mom didn’t want the Christian town we leaved in to know she had raised a pornstar.

When my single mom got frustrated, she would usually go out drinking with her friends on the town and return home all fucked up and spewing secrets. My sister, Sonya, had moved out months earlier before the coronavirus lockdown over an argument that seemed minor to me. On this night, Mom staggered into the house dressed in high heels and a black dress. I helped her upstairs. Before she could pass out, she told me Sonya has an online adult site.

I was shocked and surprised. My older sister had been very vanilla and nice to me that as an eighteen year old now finished up with high school, I never thought she was remotely sexual at all. I didn’t even remember her dating in school. She was 21 and a few years out of school and didn’t want to go to college. I had naturally thought that was why she was having regular fights with Mom.

One weekend, they got into a catfight in the backyard. My sister pulled Mom’s hair as she tried to restrain her. I don’t remember the exact details of the whole fight but as they swayed together, Mom’s dress flew so high and I got to see a quick peak of her hairy pussy. At some point, they fell down and I walked over to stop the fight. I was familiar with martial arts from school and I could handle physical brawls. The problem here was as I carried my screaming sister away, my hands were touching her bare tits because her blouse was torn. As she kicked her legs out screaming obscenities at my Mom, her bald pussy came into view several times. It became a struggle to keep my cool in that moment.

A few weeks later, Mom had had enough. Sonya was kicked out of the house.

There were a few signs of what my sister was up to. For example, the day she left, I went to her room to get something and found a plastic dildo hanging in the closet. Must have been a good 6 or 7 inches. I went back a few hours later when Mom was back from work and it had disappeared. The weird part came when Sonya returned a day later and, in an expletive ridden back-and-forth with Mom, demanded for her dildo which she “used in her videos.” I thought, at the time, she was probably filming videos for her boyfriend. I decided not to think much of it.

About a month ago, Mom and Sonya reconciled and Mom started making trips to her apartment several times a week to work on their relationship.

As the saying goes, like mother, like daughter. Both my Mom and sister were very much the same character. They were both confrontational and couldn’t back down in an argument. They had the tenacity and drive of independent minded women who didn’t need men in their lives. Women who thrived on their own in a culture that didn’t always favor them.

That’s why I was surprised when Mom said that Sonya was returning home.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Nothing really,” Mom answered.

“I know the adult site pays well so why would she be getting back here?”

“Maybe she doesn’t want to be alone in her apartment. And how do you know how much they get paid on that site?”

“Oohh…it’s like common knowledge. Everyone knows.”

“Did she tell you that?”

“No, you told me she has an adult site. Remember?”

“Oh God, I shouldn’t have, sweetie,” she muttered. “I didn’t want you to get into those details of her life. I wanted at least one of you to be something. You’re my last hope.”

“You don’t need to worry. At least I won’t be turning into a pornstar anytime soon,” I said.

The following week, I came home from the grocery store to find my sister Sonya watching TV as Mom cooked.

She jumped up and quickly gave me a tight hug. I was so happy to see her. We hadn’t talked in a while. She helped me carry the grocery bags to the kitchen.

That night, we chatted over dinner with Mom and shared the usual family banter. Both Sonya and Mom seemed to be on good terms.

Later that night, I was watching a TV movie when Sonya crept up on me. She shouted something and I jumped in the couch startled.

She laughed out loud behind me. “You should have seen your face, Mike. You got freaked the fuck out.”

I breathed slower trying to calm down. “That’s not cool, sis.” [read more](
