Cherry on Top, Chapter 12 [Mf] [Incest] [Father/Daughter]

[Chapter 11](


It was only as I was walking to my desk after dropping Cherry off at school that I remembered today was Valentine’s Day. It had totally slipped my mind.

“Fuck,” I said out loud, just as I passed Jasmine’s and Colette’s cubicles. The two women peeked out at me, and I hurried to my office and dropped myself in my chair. My brain was swirling with thoughts of last night and tonight. It was done. Cherry knew the truth, and it had all gone better than expected. I’d have to thank Colette later for talking some sense into me. And the woman herself walked past my door on her way to the pantry. She gave me a wave with a look as if to ask if I was okay. I beckoned for her to come in, and she closed the door behind her before seating herself.

“Y’know, Jazz thinks we’re having an affair with how often I come in here,” she murmured, giggling.

“Does she not know about your new boyfriend?” I wondered.

She turned scarlet and mumbled incoherently for a moment before shaking her head. That was a surprise; I’d have thought Jasmine would be hounding her for details. “Well, he knows *about* him, but not much beyond that.”

“And she thinks you’re the type to cheat on him with your boss?” I asked with a confused chuckle.

“Trust me, I’m not happy about it,” she grumbled, sighing heavily.

“Speaking of your boyfriend, are you two doing anything special tonight? It’s convenient that Valentine’s fell on a Friday, so it leaves the evening open for any plans.”

“Hm? Oh, yeah. We’re going out for some dancing. What about you? That thing… with Lexi didn’t work out, so you’re back to being single, huh?”

“Yeah, I…” I cleared my throat. “I’ll probably just be spending the evening with Cherry.”

With a smirk, she teased, “And how does she feel about her dad ruining her V-Day plans?”

I scratched my head sheepishly. “I actually totally forgot it was Valentine’s. Any advice on how to make it up to her?”

“Well, gifts work always work well. Or you could just let her go out with the guy she’s interested in?” she suggested.

“That’s a good idea,” I said, apparently catching her by surprise.

“Oh. Um, okay. I thought it would take more convincing, since you’re the overprotective dad, right?” She sat back, studying me. “Have you met the boy yet?”

I chuckled to myself at the thought of how I could spin the truth while still obfuscating it. “Bottom line is I’m not letting her out of my sight.”

She nodded, unsurprised. “Well you just relax and think about your plans to quell your daughter’s ire. The acquisition is gonna go smoothly, so you just let us take care of it, alright?”

I tried to protest, but Colette promptly left, allowing me to devote some time toward thinking of a gift for Cherry. The traditional flowers and chocolates seemed a bit lackluster, and I got the feeling Cherry would want something more unique. In her eyes, it was our first Valentine’s together as a couple. I sat back in my chair. A couple, huh? What did that imply? Was it feasible? Could we really be together in the way she wanted? Was it what I wanted?

After our talk last night, I felt I had a better sense of closure with Rose. Cherry and I had affirmed that what we felt for each other had nothing to do with her mother. But then how did we act going forward? Did we date in secret? There were all these daddy-daughter events, but I had a feeling there was still an age limit to those kinds of things.

I threw my head back, exasperated. Could I bring myself to defile my daughter? It’s what she’d want. The throbbing annoyance in my pants reminded me that it was what I wanted too, on a baser level. I reasoned that if it was truly her wish, then I would let her lead. Damn it, but then she would need me to guide her if she was a virgin. She *was* a virgin, right? Of course she was, my darling daughter was no slut.

I clenched my fist. God help whichever teenage boy dared take her innocence before me. I caught my own train of thought and groaned, dropping my head into my hands. Some father I was. I decided to put it out of my mind. Cherry was mature enough to pursue what she wanted. Bill would advise me to just go with the flow.

Bill. I hadn’t spoken to him for a few days by this point. It was probably due time to check in on him. I gave him a call, and his overwhelming timbre blasted through the speaker.

“Damn, thought you were dead, you rich fuck,” he blared. “How’s it going?”

“It’s been good. Busy, y’know, it’s why I haven’t been down to the bar,” I explained.

“No shit? Guess things really kicked off with that young redhead, huh?”

I gulped. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

“Shit,” he drawled. “And you were preaching at me for dating Taylor. Now look at you, banging teenage pussy like a fucking pro.”

“Okay, can you not put it that way?” I sighed, my reservations toward being with Cherry growing with every word out of his mouth.

“Ain’t nothing but the truth,” he said simply. “If you’re ashamed of putting it into words, you probably shouldn’t be doing it. Wouldn’t somebody as straight-laced as you say something like that?”

“I hate when you use my own shit against me,” I muttered.

“Just tryna keep you honest,” he laughed. “So I’m guessing you’re gonna take your girlfriend out tonight? Won’t be seeing you this afternoon either, huh?”

“Afraid not.”

“Hey, I’m not gonna cockblock ya. You go out and get some, ya hear?”

I chuckled. “Sure, Bill. Later.” I hung up, staring at my phone before tapping into ComeDaddy.

**Me:** Happy Valentine’s, baby

**Lexi:** You fishing for nudes, dad? ;3

I found it ridiculous that she was still using the name Lexi on here, but I supposed it gave me some protection in case somebody snooped through my phone.

**Me:** Hehe perhaps

**Lexi:** But daddy, I’m at schoooool~

**Me**: Prove it, princess

**Lexi:** Aw dad, you’re such a tease!

A few minutes later, a photo came through and I grinned. Her willingness to be dirty for me was thrilling. The sense that I was corrupting her… wasn’t very fatherly, but extremely intoxicating. She was in a school restroom when she took the picture. The hem of her sweater was in her teeth to show her modest bra, and the hand not holding her phone was pulling down the waistband of her yoga pants to reveal her matching pure white panties.

**Lexi:** Can’t wait for tonight~

As I indulged in the picture, my mind wandered. Taboo was a highly exclusive club, apparently. So exclusive, in fact, that I couldn’t find anything on the Internet about it. I’d tried doing my research, but I couldn’t so much as dig up an address. It was completely off the grid, which was just plain spooky in this day and age. It had to be an underground affair, at least in the metaphorical sense, popularized via word of mouth. Lexi had gotten hold of the information and somehow gotten us an invitation to the club.

I supposed I’d just have to see what Taboo was about myself.

Cherry froze as soon as she came home.

“What’s all this, dad?” she squeaked.

I smiled, taking her hands and leading her into the house. “It’s a romantic candle-lit dinner for two,” I replied, twirling her around before stopping to face her toward the dining table.

“Dad, you shouldn’t have,” she mumbled, blushing in the dim lighting.

“A bit late to be saying that at this juncture, princess,” I chuckled, releasing her long enough to grab a bouquet of flowers for her, a dozen long stem red roses. “I, uh, didn’t know your favorite flower, so I just went with the classic.”

“Red roses are nice,” she said, smiling sweetly before giving them a sniff. “Sunflowers are better.”

“Duly noted,” I said with a grin, and she looked overjoyed.

“Dad, did you really arrange a romantic dinner for… us?”

I looked around playfully. “Well, I don’t see any other couples around here, so…” It earned me a playful slap on the arm.

“You’re such a dork, dad,” she giggled, and I grinned.

“Go get changed,” I coaxed, and she obediently went into her room to get ready. I checked on the food and made sure the candles weren’t dripping everywhere. When I turned back, Cherry was standing there in a backless off-shoulder crimson dress. My jaw dropped. Her coppery hair was dazzling as it flowed freely in waves, and she took a tantalizing step toward me. “I– How–”

“Brie took me shopping,” she said, her voice low and husky. It didn’t fit her very well, but it was alluring all the same, and the amount of effort she was putting into it was adorable. “Turns out Lexi had it tailored for me. Do you like it?”

“No. In fact, I hate it.” The words seemed to deflate her, but before she could lose all her bravado I elaborated, sweeping her up in my arms. “This pesky piece of silk is all that’s separating me from your gorgeous nubile body,” I growled hungrily, and her entire charade collapsed as she squealed with joy. “Happy V-Day, Cherry.”

“Happy *We* Day, dad,” she replied. “Get it? ‘Cause we’re the Valentines?”

“Your puns have gone too far, missy,” I crooned. “That’s a spanking.”

She was giggling uncontrollably, and I could hardly blame her. I was so caught up in her that I probably looked like a grinning idiot myself. My fingers were stroking the soft skin of her back, tracing all the way down to where the dress erotically hugged her hips.

“You don’t know how dangerously close I am to tearing this off you, beautiful,” I breathed.

“Ngh, dinner, daddy,” she protested, and after a long moment of calming my lust, I released her to serve up our food. Our conversation was light and fun, dotted generously with flirts and teases.

“Dad, do you think we could ever be a real couple?” she asked after we were done eating.

“As in…?” I watched her cautiously. I had no idea where she was going with this, and how fantastic her idea of being together was.

“I mean, obviously we couldn’t tell anyone. But do you think we could just be lovers? Sweet on each other in private? And maybe in the future…”

“Lovers…” I rolled the word around on my tongue. For who we were, it was a big word to refer to ourselves with. With enough precautions, perhaps we could entertain the notion. “In the future what?”

“Nothing,” she said quickly, but she clutched her abdomen gingerly. My mind instantly pictured my seed spurting out inside her, swirling deep into the most sacred recesses of her body. It pictured her petite form painted with a thick coat of cum, my sweet daughter tasting it off her fingers and saying, “Dad, we gotta go! We’re gonna be late meeting up with Lexi!”

I snapped out of my daydream, pulled to my feet as Cherry dragged me toward the front door. Wait, she was going out in this scandalously scant dress?!

My cock approved.

“There’s Lexi,” Cherry said, pointing to the blonde waving at us from the curb. She was standing in line in front of a squat building prominently labeled Taboo in neon purple and magenta. Not as clandestine as I’d pictured. “Let’s find a place to park nearby.” We found an open parking lot on the same block and walked our way back over to the club.

“Glad you could make it,” Lexi said with a grin. “Any trouble finding the place?”

“Well, it didn’t help that it’s not listed on any websites,” I commented. “Any explanation for that?”

With a shrug, she replied, “Maybe some people prefer to keep their dirty secret hidden. And speaking of…”

“Leon?” somebody behind me whimpered.

I turned to see Colette in a party dress with her son Drew’s arm around her shoulder.

“Colette…?” I trailed off, failing to comprehend the situation. What was she doing here? Was she going to Taboo? And with Drew? But that would mean…

“It’s not what it looks like,” she said hurriedly. A teenage couple stopped next to her, watching our exchange. They were similar-looking enough to appear brother and sister, yet were unmistakably romantically involved based on their body language.

“And what does it look like, Coco?” Lexi prompted from behind me. “And if it’s not that, then what is it?”

Colette struggled to find words, jaw moving wordlessly before her eyes settled on Cherry with me. “Oh,” she said quietly. “Oh my.”

“I suppose a lot of things are starting to make sense,” I finally said. “For both of us.”


I thought back to all the exchanges I’d had with her regarding Drew, starting from around last Christmas. Everything clicked, everything made sense, even such small comments as Lexi saying Colette was into younger men. Her new boyfriend, her reactions sometimes when talking about her son, it all fit. Except I would never have guessed she was actually involved with him.

Lexi walked up so she could spectate all three couples. Evidently, Cherry knew the teen couple as well. “And now that you’re all caught up, time to get in line everybody!” She maneuvered us into the astonishingly short line into the building. It was too small to house an entire night club, so the complex must have been in the basement.

“So, you’re here…” I said to Colette.

“For much the same reason you’re here, I imagine,” she said meekly. “So is this a new development?” She cut me off before I could answer, her eyes widening in realization. “Dinner at my place. Lexi set you up.”

“You mean you didn’t have a hand in that?”

“I knew she was up to something, but I had no idea…” She shook her head. “Perhaps I should have. Lexi has shown great interest for matters of this nature.”

“That’s basically what I said to Cherry,” Drew said with a wry smile.

“Alright, folks! IDs out! Your real ones, please,” Lexi called from the back of our little caravan, not unlike a tour guide. “Don’t worry about drinking age or anything like that. Just present them like normal, and we can head right in.”

Cherry’s friends were ready first, and as I pulled my own identification out, I stole a glance at theirs. Stefan and Sabrina Thomas. They were siblings after all. The bouncers took one look at their identification and let them through. Apparently, as Lexi had said, age was not the determining factor for entry at Taboo.

Colette and Drew went next, and they too were allowed in. The four of them waited in what turned out to be the lobby of the club, watching as Cherry and I handed the bouncers our IDs. When they verified whatever they were looking for, they let us pass. Given what I knew, I think I could guess the criteria.

“Wait, what?” The six of us turned to see Lexi’s path blocked by the bouncers. “What are you talking about?!”

“You’re not allowed in, miss. Those are the rules,” replied one of the well-built men.

“Well whoever made those rules is stupid! I’m with them!” Lexi pointed at our group, but the bouncers were undeterred.

“Miss, please step away from the premises.”

Lexi screamed in frustration and backed up, waving at us. “You guys go on in! I guess I’ll be out here chilling with these two knuckleheads or something.”

She continued to bicker with the two men, and I turned to Cherry. “Then I suppose… it’s just us, princess?”

She smirked with a chuckle. “C’mon, dad. You’ve figured out by now that I didn’t come here to party with Lexi.” I nodded, unable to hide my smile. “Lexi will figure out a way to get in. Let’s head down first.”

The other two couples had begun making their way down the stairs into the basement, where a large pair of soundproof doors was all that separated us from what lay within. Stefan and Sabrina turned to the rest of us, hands on the doors.

“Well, everybody,” Stefan announced. “For those who’ve come here for the first time, welcome to Taboo.”



  1. And the gang’s all here! I know there’s been a lot of anticipation for a return to Taboo, but you’ll just have to wait one more week ;D Better get ready for the finale of the story, as well as the end to the Family Morsel trilogy!

  2. Damnn…! What about Lexi? Don’t she have a separate story in this?!

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