The Queen’s Prime: A Naughty Fairy Tale – Part 3 of 3 [MMMMMFFF, incest (m/d,gm/gd)]

This is the last part of this little tale. I expect to pick back up the Clementina storyline very shortly.

As always, I welcome your feedback in the comments section. Though I may not have the time to respond, I read every single one.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy!

The Queen’s Prime: A Naughty Fairy Tale

Part 3 of 3

Princess Clitoria awoke to a knocking on the door. She rolled over in bed and bumped into a warm body – a warm female body. She opened her eyes. She was in the queen’s chamber and was in bed naked with the queen, meaning her mother.

Surprisingly she wasn’t as hung over as she had been the previous morning, but there was still a little bit of a lingering headache. And she definitely could remember wandering about the castle the night before with her mother, drunk, naked, and horny.

The door opened and LXVII entered, a maid trailing carrying two steaming mugs of tea.

“God, give me that tea,” Clitoria said. “It’s going to take a couple cups of that, some food, and a solid fuck before I feel human again.”

“For a girl who wasn’t sure she could have sex with someone she didn’t care for, you seem to be making up for lost time,” LXVII said, handing her the mug of tea.

Next to her in bed, Vaginella stirred, then propped herself up one elbow.

“You, my daughter, are a fast learner,” she said, reaching for the other cup of tea.

“I had a good teacher,” Clitoria responded, looking up at LXVII, who smiled.

“I didn’t know you still cared about who you slept with,” LXVII said.

“I do care, and I care about who I make Prime. The only people I have slept with so far, besides the Priming, are you and my mother. I care deeply for you, as you know, and I love my mother too, despite the fact that she acts like a slutty, catty bitch sometimes.”

“Love you too, sweetheart,” said Vaginella, who kissed her daughter on the lips, then pinched her nipple hard enough to make Clitoria wince.

“What time is it?” Vaginella asked.

“It’s almost noon. The three of us are due to light the bonfire at 4:00 so we wanted to give you a few hours to pull yourselves together, bathe, and so forth.”

“Thank you,” Clitoria said. “How about if we all go naked?”

“I’m down with that,” said Vaginella.

“I am too,” said LXVII. “But tradition requires that we wear the robes we wore to Priming to the lighting of the bonfire. After that, we can wear whatever we want.”

“I think our robes have, um, stains on them,” Clitoria giggled.

“It’s the day after Priming,” LXVII shot back. “Clean robes would be considered a bad omen. Stained robes are a blessing.”

“Okay, so semen-stained robes are a go, and naked after we light the fire. Check,” Vaginella offered. “But we still have time for breakfast and a threesome before we have to clean up.”

“Why would I have a threesome with you two,” LXVII said. “The whole room smells like stale wine, sweat, and fish.”

“You’re a lesbian,” Vaginella said. “That’s how you like it.”

“True,” said LXVII. “You got me there.”

And so it came to pass that shortly before 4:00 the three of them – well fucked, well bathed, and wearing stained garments – mounted a stage set up beside a massive pile of wood that looked like it would burn for a week. In fact, the bonfire would be kept burning until the actual coronation eleven days later.

The queen was handed a torch by the mayor of the village and she passed it to LXVII, who passed it to Clitoria, who tossed it onto the pyre. She didn’t know what they had soaked the wood with, but it went up instantly in a roaring flame that shot almost thirty feet in the air.

The assembled crowd roared their approval.

The queen approached the edge of the dais and spoke to the crowd.

“My citizens, today is the day our soon-to-be-queen, Princess Clitoria, announces who her new Prime will be. For this ceremony, I would like to ask the twelve knights who are not currently Prime to join us on the stage.” She gestured for the knights, who were standing in full armor at attention at the foot of the dais to join them, and they climbed up and stood in a row. Sir Laysalot remained at the foot of the dais, but smiled up at them.

“Thank you, sirs. Now, I believe the Princess has a question she would like to ask each of you.”

Clitoria, who was now sweating profusely from the heat of the bonfire just a few feet behind her, rose. She unbuckled the belt on her robe and tossed it to the floor of the stage, and now stood before the knights and the crowd wearing only an assortment of the jewelry that her mother had worn to her Priming the day before. She approached the knights.

“Sir Knights, I have a question for you, and I will ask each of you to answer in turn. The question is this:

“When I am queen, I shall give my Prime an allotment of 500 gold a month to execute a program of his design and implementation to improve the circumstances of the queendom. If you were to be made Prime what would be your program?

“Now,” she continued. “I know I am dropping this on you all of a sudden, so I will give you five minutes to think about it.”

She returned to her seat and sat down between her mother and grandmother. There was a long and uncomfortable pause as the crowd processed what she had just said, and the knights tried to sort out exactly what was being asked. A couple of them raised their hands with questions which Clitoria answered.

Clitoria stood up at the end of five minutes and stood before the knights.

“Now, good knights, there is one thing I forgot to mention. Before you each answer my question, you must disrobe.”

A stir ran through the knights.

“Your Majesty, begging your pardon,” one night said. “But did you say disrobe? As in get naked?”

“Yes, that’s what I said. You had no problem with getting naked yesterday and shooting your load in my face. Why the hesitation now?”

The knight bowed gracefully and began to pull off his armor. From below in front of the stage, Clitoria could hear the sound of Sir Laysalot laughing.

The knights were still under the influence of too much cockathrice blood and the sight of the naked Princess, as well as her naked mother and grandmother who had also disrobed under the heat of the bonfire, had brought them all to full attention, and a row of thick, hard cocks stood out in front of Clitoria.

She started at the head of the line, where the oldest most grizzled veteran knights stood. She stood next to the first in line, pressing her body against him as her mother had done the day before. She ran her hand down his stomach to his cock and began slowly stroking it.

“So, tell me good knight, what your program would be for the good of the queendom?”

“I would spend all of it on providing our beloved queen with the best cock money can buy!” he said with a snotty sneer.

Clitoria shook her head. “No thanks, you’re dismissed. Get dressed and go join Sir Laysalot at the foot of the dais.

She repeated this performance eleven more times. Of the twelve knights, six gave snide or cocky answers, and they were sent back down to guard duty. One had no answer and was also dismissed. The remaining five all had intriguing responses. Two had ideas for improving the security of the roads against highwaymen, one wanted to provide food for the hungry, one had a plan for reducing the cockathrice population, and the last – the young man who had been first in line at her Priming and had looked so uncomfortable – he said he had become a knight because if he didn’t he wouldn’t be able to provide for his baby sister who had been left alone when his parents perished, so he wanted to improve the care for orphans.

All of these five men seemed sincere, and they all spoke kindly and respectfully. Clitoria knew whichever she choose, she could respect and honor as her Prime. So in the end, among the five, there was only one deciding factor.

Clitoria picked up her robe from her seat and sauntered out in front of the five remaining knights.

“So it is down to five,” she said, looking them over, taking in their bodies, and their cocks that were still pointing upwards in front of them. She tossed her robe down on the dais before her, and knelt atop it on all fours

“You there,” she said, nodding to the most senior of the five knights still on the stage. “Get down here and show me what you can do. Don’t stop until you’ve shot everything you’ve got inside me. Understood?”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” he cried. He knelt down, positioned himself behind her and went to work.

For Clitoria, who had never had a man’s cock inside of her, it was transcendental. The knight clearly had a lot of practice and it was all Clitoria could do to keep from screaming when the knight finally shot his seed inside of her.

Satisfied with his work, the knight stood up, and made as to help Clitoria to her feet, but she waved him off.

“There are four more to go,” she said, trying to exhibit far more confidence than she felt. Her knees were weak, her head was swimming, and her pussy was throbbing. She gestured to the next knight in line.

It was just like the first. Her mother had taught her knights well. Again, Clitoria was brought to a climax that made the dais shake. She stared into the bonfire in front of her, feeling its warmth while at the other end, she felt the warmth of the second knight’s seed pouring into her body.

She gave a little groan as the second knight rose. She gestured to the third, who repeated the performance, and then to the fourth, who also left her shaking.

Finally, the fifth knight, the young man who had looked so nervous at the Priming and who said he had become a knight to take care of his baby sister. Clitoria gestured at him, steeling her nerves for another round of soul-crushing orgasms.

He climbed down and positioned himself behind her, but did not penetrate her.

“Um, Your Majesty?” he whispered.

“Yes?” said Clitoria, looking back over her shoulder at him.

“Um, there is no need to go through with this. I know I can not compete with the other knights. I have only been a knight a couple of weeks. Your Priming was the first time I had any sex at all with your mother. She has far more experienced knights than I who can satisfy her – and you.”

Clitoria turned to the knight and knelt facing him.

“Are you a virgin?” she asked.

“I was until your mother stroked me into your mouth yesterday,” he said. “So as a Prime, I could never satisfy your royal needs the way these other knights can.”

Clitoria smiled, leaned forward, and kissed him on the lips.

“48 hours ago, I, too, was a virgin. You and I can learn together, my Prime.”

She turned back around on all fours.

“Do your best,” she said over her shoulder. “You will get better with time. We will both get better with time.”

She closed her eyes and felt as the young knight clumsily slipped his cock inside of her.

So that day it was announced that the youngest knight was to be the new queen’s Prime, something that was both surprised and celebrated.

Eleven days later, one month after Princess Clitoria’s eighteenth birthday, she became Queen Vaginella LXIX, and that young fair-haired knight her Prime. The former Vaginella, or LXVIII, as she now became commonly known, took her rightful place on the royal council of former queens.

Nine months after the bonfire, the new queen gave birth to the new Princess Clitoria, who would one day be installed as LXX, carrying the legacy forward.


