It’s the Little Things [FF] [Cheating]/[Open Relationship]

It’s easy to remember the big moments in a wife-sharing/cuckolding relationship, and after several years of our relationship, Chloe and I have had a lot of big moments: three day trips to visit old crushes and fuck them nonstop, threesomes and foursomes, and dozens of other experiences. Sometimes even *more* memorable, though, are the smaller experiences, especially those that happen in college when everyone is trying to have sex all the time. This is one of the smaller experiences we’ve had that I’ll never forget.

I remember picking up Chloe from a frat party once, around 11pm which was fairly early for her to be calling it a night. I think word had gotten out that the police were raiding parties in the area, so her and her friends decided to call it a night early. I wasn’t surprised to see two of her other sorority sisters, Makayla and Amber, headed towards my car as well when I arrived. It wasn’t uncommon at all for Chloe’s friends to get rides home from me. Chloe and Amber sat in the back together, and Makayla got up front with me. They barely acknowledged me, but were carrying on a conversation about the party they had just left.

“Do you even *remember* how many guys you made out with?” Makayla asked Chloe.

“I remember!” Chloe responded, pretending to be offended. “It was three, thank you very much! Well, four if you count Amber.”

“Which one was the best?” Makayla continued.

“Definitely the second guy, he knew what he was doing.” Chloe answered. Makayla laughed, but Amber huffed, and through the rear-view mirror I could tell from her face that she was offended.

“Hey, I take offense to that!” she said. “Come here, we can beat it.”

With that, Amber leaned across the backseat and began kissing Chloe passionately, clearly trying to 1-up this mystery guy from the party. Chloe didn’t mind and kissed back, and the sound of their lips meeting and separating over and over was audible above the sound of the radio.

Makayla was watching even more intently than I was, but Chloe and Amber didn’t mind at all.

“I don’t know how you do it,” Makayla said to me as Amber’s hand made its way between Chloe’s legs. “Does it really not bother you?”

“It doesn’t, no. I don’t know why, I guess I just see it as all in good fun.” I answered, hiding the fact that I was actually immensely turned on by Chloe’s blatant disloyalty.

“Well, Chloe’s lucky to have a boyfriend that’s as cool as you.” Makayla finished.

Chloe and Amber’s lips remained locked until we arrived at Amber’s apartment, at which point they finally broke the kiss.

“Now who’s the best kiss you’ve had tonight?” Amber asked as she opened the car door.

“Definitely that one.” Chloe smiled back, tracing her lips with her fingertips.

“That’s more like it!” Amber concluded as she got out of the car.

We dropped off Makayla next, and then went back to our own apartment. The night was still young by our standards then, so we spent the next hour or so lying in bed together. I kissed Chloe’s feet as she told me about all the guys she had kissed that night and how much better kissing Amber was than kissing me.

*Author’s note: Thanks for reading one of my shorter stories. You can find my other works here:* [(1)]( [(2)]( [(3)](

*My next story will most likely be about Chloe’s co-worker Chris, our first proper “bull”. Stay tuned for that one.*



  1. Interesting story line. At first I didn’t realize you were a guy. I thought you were Chloe’s female sidekick. It wasn’t until Makayla’s comment that I realized your maleness at which point I started wondering if you were Chloe’s young cuckhold.

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