Got so horny I [F] stuck my crush’s necklace charm up my butt

I know I get dumb sometimes, and being horny doesn’t help so here’s that story

I was 18 or 19. I was a horny mess all the time and that day was no exception. I had a huge, enormous crush on Nicolas
Tall, great smile, awesome arms and charming overall
But I was invisible to him maybe because I was so shy when he was around

I had a group of friends, Nick included and the guys used to play soccer on the weekends. We all got together to watch them play and afterwards we drank and hang, it was always fun but this day I just felt depressed and didn’t want to go out

So my best friend Clara, knew I was feeling down I tried to get me out of the house
Nothing worked until she mentioned Nick
She convinced me we would get drunk and I will fuck him that day
So I got horny, dressed and went with them
I was determined to fuck him that day. Whatever it takes
I was a wet mess since i got ready. I felt my thighs get wet and that made me even more horny so it was a cycle

I got to the field and said hi to everyone specially Nick
He said hi with his charming smile while he got his shoes on
I saw him taking off his watch, his neckless, phone and wallet and looked where to put them
I instantly offered to take care of his stuff while he played

Game started and I couldn’t keep my eyes off him
He ran and jumped and kicked and I saw him sweat. By the end of the first half I couldn’t take it anymore
I felt drunk
I got close to him and said “great game” without knowing the score
He just looked at me and said “stop
Mocking us” while he laugh
That was it
I got closer to him and said
If you score I’ll be your trophy
He smiled even more and said “watch me”

2nd half started and I was so wet I had to go to the bathroom
I wanted to feel him really bad so I got an idea. I’ll rub myself with his stuff

I got to the bathroom and got his stuff out of my purse and used his leather wallet to rub my pussy. I know I sound so dumb but I was desperate
Then I saw the charm on his necklace
It was like a fat bullet made of a blue gem
A little bit shy of an inch
I got it wet with my juices and stuck it in my butt
I had an orgasm right there
I felt dumb and desperate and that triggered something in me that made me cum but I was still horny

I got his phone. Took a couple of pictures of me rubbing my self and his necklace inside my butt

I got out of the bathroom and after 10 minutes or so I saw him score
He looked at our group and pointed. Then at me a made a thumbs up

Game ended. We started drinking. Got to a friends house and drank some more. He finally got close to me and asked for his trophy
I said “look in your camera roll and find me at our friends room”
I left and 2 minutes later he found me. Locked the door and said
“I never knew you were this naughty” and we fucked till I mini squirted all over the bed.

Ps i had his necklace inside me till we got to our friends house

I was so happy for months after that
