Sleeping with a Gold Medalist [MF]

Redditors seems to be enjoying the recollections of my past, so I thought I’d offer another one – and I will try to be very careful to not give away who I’m talking about. If you do reach out to me privately, it’s unlikely I will confirm the identity of my friend.

This happened in the middle 90’s. I was on a flight from San Francisco to Palm Springs. I had been invited to play golf at the PGA West TPC Stadium Course with Jack Nicklaus. I was seated in First Class on the Boeing 727 in an aisle seat on the left side of the aircraft. Back in the day, I used to read Sports Illustrated cover-to-cover. I had settled into my seat, not paying attention to the person next to whom I was seated. I opened up my SI – which on the cover had Dennis Rodman in a wedding dress – and started to read.

I heard a snicker to my left, closed the magazine, and turned to find someone that was iconic in her sport, an Olympian, and was stunningly beautiful. I remember saying something, as I gave a nod to the cover, like, “Sports sure has changed a lot since you were in the Olympics”. She laughed and introduced herself, which I thought was charming since she was, as I mentioned, iconic. I shook her hand and offered my greetings as well. For purposes of this story, I’ll refer to her as L.

I put down the magazine and we had a truly wonderful conversation about life, sports, family and why we were going to Palm Springs. L was doing an exhibition there and was working on a business deal. That deal had been in the news, and given she knew a bit of my business background, we discussed a bit of how the financing structure was going to work. As we spoke about our kids, L offered an autograph for my daughter, which I graciously accepted. As she was offering a sincere dedication, she asked me how long I had been a fan of [her sport]. My response was, “Well, like every other 18 year old in the country at the time, I’ve been a fan ever since you won the gold medal.” She actually blushed and gave a grin that she was so very famous for – to which I reacted to again by absolutely melting with gratitude.

By the time we landed, we were chatting like we had known each other for years. I wished her well on her project and I stepped aside to let her into the aisle as I gathered my things from the overhead. The airport in Palm Springs doesn’t (or at least, didn’t) have jetways, and they pulled up air stairs to the door. L was out the door by the time I headed that direction and, as I descended the stairs, she was standing there at the bottom waiting for me. I was floored that she waited and I was delighted to chat more with her as we walked to baggage claim to get my clubs and her bag. She signed a couple more autographs while we waited and I complimented her on how gracious she was with fans.

I was staying in a condo near the course, and inquired as to where she was going to be. Turns out she was staying at the La Quinta Resort, one of the great hotels out there – now a Waldorf Astoria. Since her resort was on the way to my condo, I offered to share a cab with her and drop her off on the way. She quickly agreed. We continued to chat in the cab and my concentration was distracted by her beautiful figure. She was still in great shape, still was active in her sport, and had maintained excellent physical condition. We talked more about her deal and that she was going to be pouring over her numbers to be ready for a presentation tomorrow afternoon. I asked if she could break away for a bit for dinner. L’s eyes twinkled as they do, readily accepted and said, “How about 7:00?”.

I dropped her at La Quinta, and she gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek. We expressed our excitement about meeting again in a few hours. I whisked away to my condo, calling my assistant to find out what I could about L beforehand. In reflection, I sure wish Wikipedia had been invented then!

I got cleaned up, rubbed one out in the shower, and got dressed in a sport coat and slacks. I arrived back at La Quinta early, and L was already in the lobby. She had a couple of little girls lined up for pictures with her. As I walked over to her, she looked at me and smiled with that “aw shucks” look, and I melted again.

We had a lovely dinner overlooking some of the lush landscaping at La Quinta. We talked about her life with her ex-husbands, famous ex-father-in-law and her daughter. We were both divorced, and shared a lot of perspective about that as well. We killed a very good bottle of wine over dinner and she expressed concern that she was not going to be able to concentrate on her numbers. I offered my assistance, however well intended at the time, that we could walk through them together, and that I would waive my normal consulting fee as a professional courtesy. We paid the bill and headed to her suite.

Now, to tell the truth, did I fantasize about her when I was 18? Absolutely! Did I lose a lot of bodily fluids thinking about her in my youth? Of course. Did I really think I was going to bed with a gold medalist? Not really.

We got in the door and she turned to me and we kissed – deeply and passionately. I was completely enraptured by her beauty and presence. We made love twice that night. It wasn’t the act of love making that was as memorable to me as being in the presence of someone as genuine and exceptional as L. We spent the whole night together and awoke with us spooning me to another erection and having a morning fling before we showered together. Over breakfast, we worked on her deal and got her prepared for her presentation.

She did get her deal done, but market conditions didn’t treat it very well a few years later. We worked through that together too. We remained very close and a confidantes for about 10 years before she met someone and married him a dozen years ago.



  1. What a fantastic story. Had a very Mad Men’ish melancholic vibe to it. I didn’t even feel shortchanged that the sex part of it (which is really what people come here to read) was barely a paragraph.

    Do keep writing.

  2. Well written…

    I’m hoping for your sake this wasn’t Kaitlyn Jennner…

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